“Hikigu-san. Really think so!? ”


“That… Why? ”

Although the girl’s words were not made clear.

But Hikiya immediately understood what the girl meant.

I couldn’t help but sigh.

“Will maintain a copy of the same person, not because of such a superficial thing as appearance, right?”

There is no denying it.

Most people in this world can’t help ~ with prejudice because of their appearance.

It’s like a beautiful girl compared to ordinary people.

It’s easier in all kinds of things – get all kinds of benefits.

No matter who it is, they will subconsciously appreciate beautiful things.

But not everyone in the world is like that.

Everything about a person is defined by appearances.

Crazy infatuation, falling in love with each other.


“If Futaba-san is good-looking, he will pester you desperately.”

“Is that a monkey from?”


Even if there are still tears in his eyes.

Futaba Rio couldn’t help but laugh in the face of Hiqigu’s description.

At the same time, I couldn’t help but sigh: “Biqigu-san is really strange!” ”

Oh, yes.

Isn’t this kind of thing known as early as the first time you see each other?

If it is because of the deliberate proximity of appearance.

Or some other reason.

How could I do such a thing abnormally!?

Precisely because the other party has no purpose.

That’s why I admire him so much for making such a pure move!

It would be uncharacteristically to do such a thing.

Obviously know that it is not easy to approach.

Also pluck up courage…

All to this extent.

Why such a simple deflatation!?

“Rio Futaba… You are such a fool! ”

Scolding yourself in your heart like this.

Futaba Rio completely sobered up.

“That’s why I hate dealing with people.”

Obviously endured shame and said nice things.

It’s actually said strange or something…

Hiqigu couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Seeing that the girl’s eyes still had tears.

Scratch your cheeks and think about it.

He said, “Since Futaba-san feels that the kindness of the previous bento is not enough to express his gratitude. ”

“How about doing one more thing for me?”

“What’s the matter?”

Futaba Riyo’s eyes lit up.

“If you are willing to agree, then we will be clear from now on, how?”

“That depends on what it is!”

Futaba replied.

And in the bottom of my heart, I did not hesitate to give the answer.

“This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!”

The experience just now.

Let the girl’s mind change.

If it was before that, Hikiya said this.

Futaba Riyo may be discouraged by this.

Continue to have low self-esteem.

But now the words.

But this is definitely not the case!

Thought about it.

Hikiya spoke, “Do you know Mai Sakurajima-senpai?” ”

“Of course.”

Futaba Rio replied without hesitation.

Even if it’s just a freshman.

And not very sociable.

I have also heard of the ‘Kaoling Flower’ of this school!

Mai Sakurajima is one of the most famous and admirers!

Not to mention that the other party used to often appear on the screen or in front of various magazines.

Futaba Riyang naturally has no reason not to know.

“How about helping me go to Sakurajima-senpai’s class to gather some information about Sakurajima-senpai?”

“Is Hikiya-san an an admirer of Sakurajima-senpai?”

“To do such a thing…”

Yasuyoba Riyo stared at Hikigu with a piercing gaze.

That’s right!

That’s the sight!

After knowing that I am such a ‘pervert’, stay away from me!!

Sorry, Komachi.

Obviously made an agreement and lost his word.

But forgive me this time!

This kind of “self-detonation” thing.

Even if I haven’t done it for a long time.

Practice still makes perfect!

Hiqigu certainly didn’t really want the other party to do this.

Just use that as a reason.

Let Futaba Rio stay away from himself from now on.

Face the girl’s questions.

Biqigu replied without hesitation: “That’s right! ”

Perhaps I don’t think this answer is convincing.

Hikiya endured his shame and said something similar to that of a fanatical star chaser: “People live for Mai Sakurajima!” ”

“I didn’t expect that Hikiya-san was actually a fan of Sakurajima-senpai.”

Futaba Rio’s eyes became strange.

“Although Bikigu-san is a good person.”

“But only the acting skills are really spicy!”

The girl thought so in her heart.

Then I couldn’t help but sigh.


To keep yourself away.

Biqigu did not hesitate to do this level.

I don’t know if I should be happy or sad…

Do you want to find out about Sakurajima-senpai?

I don’t know what Hikigu-san is doing this kind of thing for.

It shouldn’t be just trying to persuade yourself to quit!?

Futaba Rio thought so.

Then a cheerful expression appeared on his face: “Okay.” ”

“Then I’ll do it.”

“But such a simple thing is not enough to repay the kindness of Biqigu-san.”

“So next time if there’s anything else, just tell me!”

After agreeing to come down like this.

Futaba Rio did not wait for Bikigu’s answer.

Flee with cheerful footsteps.

Even if this kind of thing girls are not good at.

But there is no reason to refuse at this time!


Wait until Futaba Rio disappears from sight.

Only then did Hichigu come to his senses.

I pressed my somewhat aching temples.

Why don’t these guys play their cards according to the routine at all!

At times like this.

Normal people shouldn’t slap him.

With disgust, glaring at him.

By the way, scold the last sentence ‘pervert, I really misread you’ and so on!?

What is the operation of agreeing to come down without hesitation!

Hikiya sighed.

Never mind.

Find a chance to put it next time.

But can that guy really do it?

Obviously, when I bought bread, I was so scared that I only dared to look at it from a distance…

Never mind.

Trust that guy a little.

Anyway, there is still a little time.

Even if it fails.

Tomorrow will be in time.

With such thoughts.

Hikigu also slowly walked back to the classroom ten.

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