Chapter 200 For some reason, Hikiya took action!!

When Hikiya returned to the classroom.

The class bell also rings at the same time.


One lesson passed.

The teacher on the stage who was talking vigorously showed an expression of unfinished thought.

But even so.

There is no intention of dragging the hall.

Said “out of class”.

Then I put my teaching materials in order on the podium.

Leave without any nostalgia.

“Obviously, the class bell rang not long ago, and after a while, the class bell rang again.”

Biqigu couldn’t help but sigh.

“Is Hikigu-san serious?”

Kato was stunned, and there was a little more incredulity in his words without the slightest emotion.

“Isn’t it?”

“Of course not, Mitsui-sensei’s Chinese class is notoriously difficult!”

“Especially in the afternoon two consecutive shots, but what other students call a “nightmare” existence.”

“Is that exaggerated? Haven’t heard of it at all. ”

Kato said helplessly, “That’s just because Hikigu-san doesn’t care about the class at all.” ”

“Well, that kind of thing doesn’t matter at all.”

Biqigu waved his hand carelessly: “I went to the toilet.” ”

“Going again?”

Kato blinked and said, “Is there anything fun about the toilet?” ”

Hikiya was silent for a while, and then sighed helplessly: “I’m really curious about what is going on in Kato’s head.” ”

“Of course, it’s something that should be in the head.”

Kato opened his mouth seriously, and then took over the topic: “After all, Hikiya-san only went out to the toilet in a class, and he didn’t rush back until before class”

“Even if you find an excuse to go out, it’s better to change it a little, okay?”

Biqigu sighed helplessly: “Is there a better place than a classroom after class?” ”

“It’s just that I drank too much water in the last class, Kato better not be cranky, okay?”

“Well, so be it.”

Kato waved his hand nonchalantly.

Seeing this, Hiqigu didn’t say anything more.

Decisively turned away.

Until Hikiya disappeared from sight.

Kato couldn’t help sighing, and a little helplessness appeared on his calm face: “This guy, is it really me a fool?” ”

“Obviously when I came back, I looked very concerned, is it really when I can’t see it?”

“Call me a strange physique, isn’t it the same as Bikigu-san?”

“I always provoke a bunch of inexplicable trouble boxes this time, and I don’t know what I met again.”

Despite complaining like this.

The girl’s face was helpless at first, but now she couldn’t help but show a little smile.

The roof of the school building.

“Oh, Hiki Gu-kun actually took the initiative to invite the teacher to such a place in his spare time, is it because he wants to do something ulterior!?”

Seeing Hikiya push open the door, Yang Nai, who had been waiting here for a long time, couldn’t help but ridicule with a playful smile on his face.

“Can Miss Yang Nai not make such a joke casually?”

Biqigu looked at each other helplessly: “Being heard by others in this kind of place, what if you let others take it seriously?” ”

“Well, that kind of thing doesn’t matter.”

“Even if it does turn out to be true, I don’t care about my sister at all?”

Yang Nai’s face showed a demonic seductive smile.

“I wish you cared a little bit.”

Hikiya sighed.

Yang Nai waved his hand carelessly and said, “Then what is the purpose of handing me here at this time?” ”

“Sister, I’m also very busy, and I still haven’t had a class later.”

This guy…

I’m completely serious about being a teacher!

At first, Bi Qigu thought that the other party was just playing casually.

Maybe I will leave my job in a few days.

I didn’t expect that almost a month had passed, and I hadn’t lost my interest yet.

It’s incredible!

Biqigu sighed in his heart.

On the other side, Yang Nai also spoke again: “Is it because I am dissatisfied that I did not go to the appointment on the weekend?” ”

“Have I explained this matter sister well?”

“Suddenly encountered an accident or something, even I can’t think about it so thoughtfully!”

“That kind of thing is gone, it doesn’t matter at all, right?”


Accident or something, are you sure you are serious?

Hikiya wouldn’t believe this guy full of lies…

If Yukino knows this sentence.

Probably throw the two of them a roll of their eyes, and then send them a “each other”, right?

Yang Nai could naturally see that Biqigu’s words were insincere.

However, it is limited to the “accident”.

“So if it’s not for this matter, what is it for?”

“Could it be that you already have an idea about Fujimiya-san’s symptoms?”

This is indeed Yang Nai’s question.

She couldn’t remember anything other than this incident that made this guy Biqigu take the initiative to find him.

“I’m not an immortal, it’s only the first day, and I haven’t even mastered the most basic information now, how can I have a clue.”

Seeing that the other party took the initiative to mention this matter, Biqigu couldn’t help but complain: “Obviously let me do things, I have to let me investigate myself, won’t this be too much?” ”

“Well, isn’t that because I fully believe in Hikigu-kun’s abilities?”

Yang Nai did not take Hikigu’s complaints to heart at all, but returned with a bright smile.

Although it is clear that even complaining will not have any answers.

But hearing Yang Nai’s words, Hikiya couldn’t help but sigh back.

“Obviously I have enough information to solve the problem faster, why waste unnecessary time?”

“Well, time is such a thing… Does Hiki Gu-kun think I will care? ”

Yang Nai returned with a meaningful smile.


This guy always cares about whether he can please her.

As for the time or something… Wouldn’t care at all.

What a guy with a bad personality!

Thinking like this, Hiqigu couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.


Miss Yang Nai also spoke again: “Then, since it is not for this matter, why is Biqigu-kun deliberately looking for me?” ”

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