Chapter 201 Reason for Action!!

“Is it really like I said before, I want to talk to me…”

Say so.

A warm smile appeared on Yang Nai’s face.

Winked at Hikigu.

As if hinting at something.

Do adults always like to play such boring tricks?

Think like this.

Hikigu rolled his eyes back, ignoring the other party’s hints.

He said calmly, “I want to ask Miss Yang Nai for advice on a little thing.” ”


Yang Nai’s face showed obvious surprise: “You actually came to me because of your own business…”

“What a surprise to my sister!”

Hiqigu sighed: “Since Miss Yang Nai doesn’t want to answer, then forget it.” ”


Yang Nai waved his finger at Hichigu, and a bright smile appeared on his face: “I didn’t say I didn’t want to answer at all, did I?” ”

“Biqigu-kun don’t talk to himself casually to understand.”

“It’s better to say that she will take the initiative to contact me because of her own affairs, which makes my sister very surprised!”

“Just for this accident, no matter what Biqigu-kun wants to ask, sister, I will tell you~”

After a pause, a charming smile appeared on the girl’s face: “Even if it’s that kind of thing, I can tell Hiqigu-kun as a special reward?” ”

What a thing like that!

If you have the ability, just say it clearly! Don’t use such warm words!!

Is it really good to tease a boy with strong blood!?

Hikiya took a deep breath to calm his restless heart again.

“Does Miss Yono know Kazuko Honda?”

Yang Nai, who was still smiling just now.

After the problem of Biqigu was exported, it turned boring.

“Kazuko Honda? It’s really a common name. ”

Yang Nai sighed and said helplessly: “Obviously the first time I took the initiative to find me, was it actually for the affairs of other women?” ”

“If Xiao Xue Nai knew, it would be very sad?”

I’m almost getting used to it.

This guy’s habit of carrying that guy out under the snow at every turn.

Of course.

Although I have long been used to it.

But Hikiya couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Ignoring the ridicule in Yang Nai’s words, Bi Qigu said seriously: “So, does Miss Yang Nai know this person?” ”


See Biqigu’s expression seriously.

Yang Nai also put away his joking attitude.

Put your finger against your chin and think seriously.

After a while, he finally spoke, “I’ve heard of it a little.” ”

“Remember it seems like you came to the school today to apply for withdrawal?” It also caused a lot of waves among those teachers. ”

“Is that so…”

Hikiya showed a disappointed expression: “In that case, then I won’t bother Miss Yang Nai.” ”


Yang Nai stopped this Qigu who turned around and wanted to leave.

An expression of hesitation appeared on his face.

That kind of “this guy doesn’t know anything, it’s a complete waste of time” expression.

It deeply stung Yonoi’s self-esteem.

Hikiya looked at Miss Yang Nai in confusion, with the meaning of “is there anything else” in his eyes.

Yang Nai ignored Hikigu’s expression.

He said to himself: “After all, it is a student in other classes, no matter how boring, I will not be bored enough to take the initiative to contact various guys.” ”

“Even if you don’t know, isn’t that excusable?”


Face Hikida’s eyes.

Yang Nai sighed: “Well, you want to know the intelligence of that little guy named Kazuko Honda, right?” ”

“I’ll send you the information before school.”

“That’s it, right!?”

“Thank you very much for Miss Yang Nai’s help.”

Hikiya returned with a bright smile.


Yang Nai smacked his tongue in dissatisfaction: “Although I know that you deliberately made such an expression, my sister is still very dissatisfied.” ”

“Do you want to do something to vent your inner dissatisfaction?”

“I don’t think this kind of meaningless thing is necessary!”

Biqigu said solemnly: “Besides, it’s about to start class!” ”

“Miss Yang Nai doesn’t want to delay other children’s studies because of her own reasons, right?”

Seeing that Biqigu’s expression was so nervous.

Yang Nai couldn’t help but show a happy expression again: “Well, I’ll just talk casually.” ”

“There is no need to be so nervous about Biqigu-kun.”

“I don’t take this kind of little thing to heart.”

Say so.

Yang Nai waved his hand at Biqigu: “It’s time for class soon, let’s go back quickly.” ”

“I don’t want to be late for my teaching career because of personal matters.”

“Since Miss Yang Nai has said so, then I will take my leave.”

Hikiya nodded to Yang Nai.

Then he turned around and left without the slightest nostalgia.

Wait until Hikida leaves.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Yang Nai’s face: “Kazuko Honda? Dropped? ”

“Is it because of that kind of thing…”

“No wonder this guy from Biqigu will take the initiative.”

How to say it.

Even if you believe in “conservationism”.

In the face of things that do not concern you, you will not hesitate to ignore.

But what…

When you meet the threshold that is absolutely insurmountable, you will still choose to make a move without hesitation!

Let alone…

“This guy always uses involuntary words to deceive himself and is obviously a good person, and he has to deal with problems in an awkward and misleading way.”

“Well, maybe this is the second disease of the teenager, right?”

Recall the style of Hiqigu in the past.

Yang Nai couldn’t help but smile in his heart.

Then the thought resurfaced in his eyes.

“It seems that this guy’s personality has changed a lot in the three years he has been in the ministry.”

If it had been three years ago, this would have happened around us.

If the other party does not take the initiative to ask for help.

Even if he knew, Yibi Qigu’s personality probably wouldn’t choose to make a move.

Change to now…

“Should it be based on personal will!?”

“This guy has also become a little more frank!”

Think like this.

Yang Nai couldn’t help but show a happy expression on his face.

The other side.

The idea of Yang Nai is naturally unknown than Qi Gu.

At this time, he was complaining in his heart.

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