Chapter 202 Miss Yang Nai can’t help but be angry!!


I’m such an idiot.

Why take the initiative to do such a thing?

Although it would be a bit impulsive to attend class, why did you have to contact Miss Yono!?

Although with that guy’s ability, he can indeed help a lot in this matter, but maybe there will be unnecessary trouble later.

“It’s still too impulsive.”

Come to think of it.

Biqigu couldn’t help but let out a deep sigh again.


“After all, why don’t you have to be idle about winning the championship!”

“Obviously, that guy has already chosen to drop out of school.”

“Even if you do, you won’t go back to school.”

“Not to mention, it’s just a stranger, what kind of reason is there to think of this.”

Biqigu’s thoughts were shocked.

The face of the girl I had known for less than 1 minute just now involuntarily came to mind.

And the words that the girl said at that time.

“Although I am about to leave this school, in this last time, I rarely meet friends who can talk to me, how can I just give up!”

Oh, yes…

“Because it’s a friend, can’t help but want to do something for that guy!?”

Probably for this reason, I can’t help but take action!?

Come to think of it.

Hikiya couldn’t help but sigh.


“It’s a really troublesome word.”

Even if you don’t want to admit that you have become “friends” with each other in this way.

But even the contact details were given to the guy.

“Even if you want to refuse, there is no way.”

After all, the best rejection time has been missed.

Hiqigu couldn’t help but smile helplessly.

Back in the classroom.

Facing Kato’s strange gaze, Hikitani’s gaze couldn’t help but dodge.

Thinking about how to explain the reason why it has been out for so long this time.

It’s just that it is not waiting for Biqigu to find the reason.

Kato’s voice was already ringing in the teenager’s ears.

“Hikigu-san… Winter,”

Kato showed a worried expression: “It shouldn’t be some strange disease!?” ”

“Strange disease!?”

Biqigu’s face showed great doubt.

“I heard my father say that boys always get strange diseases for various reasons.”

“Like prostatitis, or kidney deficiency or something”

Hikiya had a black line: “I said Kato, even if you have any dissatisfaction with me, don’t curse me like this!?” ”


“Eh! It’s really too much than Qigu-san, people don’t mean to curse you, they are really worried about you! ”

Kato had an exaggerated expression on his face.

“Then I really thank you.”

Bi Qigu said angrily: “I’m a high school student!” ”

“If you have so many problems at such a young age, it will be very hard to think about it in the future.”

“Yes, so in order not to make the future so hard, you should take good care of your body when you are younger than Qiya-san?”

Kato followed Hikiya’s words.

“Even if you don’t say it, I know it!”

“I usually strictly regulate myself according to my normal schedule, and I rarely even stay up late!”

“Hey, isn’t this kind of thing normal!?”

Kato showed a surprised expression.

I almost forgot, with the character of this guy Kato.

Definitely the same as grandma, right?

It couldn’t be more normal!

How can such a thing resonate with her!

Staying up late is the status quo of contemporary young people!

Kato definitely can’t understand this kind of thing!!

“I always feel that Biqigu-san is thinking of something very rude.”

Kato pouted slightly, a little dissatisfaction on his face.

“Nothing, Kato thought too much.”


Kato sighed: “I’m not joking with Hikitan-san.” ”

“Have you eaten something bad lately, so your stomach hurts?”

“Every time I go, it’s so long.”

Seeing that Kato took the initiative to find a reason.

Biqigu nodded quietly: “Yes.” ”

“Probably there was a problem with what I ate over there in Chiba yesterday.”

“It’s better to be a little more careful than Qigu-san.”

Kato showed a concerned expression.

The two chatted briefly.

The class bell also remembers.

Time flies.


After saying goodbye to Kato, Hikiya walked in the direction of the station.

Take out your phone.

It was shaking all the time during class.

You don’t have to think about it to know that guy sent a lot of messages.

Looking at the message sent by Miss Yang Nai.

Hichigu’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle together.

When the teenager walked to the station.

I almost finished reading the information provided by Miss Yang Nai.

How to say it.

Just like Hikiya thought.

“Sure enough, it’s “bullying”!”

Hikiya couldn’t help but sigh.

And such “bullying” is even more excessive than that guy in Isshiki.

After all, what happened to that guy at that time could only be regarded as “pua” small.

A group of people join forces to carry out a prank.

If it really turns into “bullying”, it will probably not happen until the student council president election is lost, right?

Of course.

Even to this extent is already excessive.

It’s just compared to what happened to Kazuko Honda.

Isshiki can already be considered very lucky.

Like a school bag hidden by a classmate, or a graffiti on a desk, or a blackboard…

It hasn’t evolved to a more excessive level, probably a blessing in misfortune!?

Come to think of it.

Hiqigu couldn’t help but smile self-deprecatingly.

“It’s really funny.”

Obviously nothing was done.

But because it was not treated more excessively, it was called lucky.

As for the reasons why these guys do this.

Probably just because I’m “bored”?

“What a bunch of twisted guys.”

Think like this.

Biqigu’s mood also became slightly heavy.

And at the end of these materials.

Also accompanied by a personal sentence from Miss Yang Nai.

[Hikigu-kun, if the way you handle this matter doesn’t satisfy me, then I can’t help but want to do something.] 】

[At that time, please don’t be angry because your sister is too much? ] 】

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