Chapter 203 Can you accompany me a little?!!

It seems that even if it is a demon like Miss Yang Nai.

There is also the most basic justice in my heart.


“What a terrible threat!”

Hikiya couldn’t help but sigh.

To Miss Yang Nai’s mention of “doing something”.

Biqigu will not simply ignore it.

“If you really let her do it, maybe the treatment of those guys will go up a few levels!?”

For this.

Hiqigu has no doubts.

Even across the screen.

Hikiya could feel Miss Yono’s anger.

If you want to say why…

“Shouldn’t you see the shadow under the snow from Honda!?”

Although just speculation.

But Hiqigu felt that he had probably found the truth.

After all…

“With that guy’s “love” for under the snow, that kind of thing happened in time but didn’t notice it in time…”

“Even now, I should still feel guilty about it at some point!?”

Come to think of it.

Hiqigu couldn’t help but sigh.


Is this accidentally getting yourself into big trouble?

Think of it this way.

Hikiya also conveniently replied to Miss Yang Nai.

[Is that so, since Miss Yang Nai is going to make a move, then leave it to you? ] 】

[Even if it were me, I wouldn’t feel sorry for what happened to these scumbags.] 】

Watch send past messages.

Biqigu nodded with satisfaction.

Just like it said.

Even if it were him, he would not give these scum the slightest sympathy!


If you give compassion to these guys, wouldn’t that make more people suffer!?


The phone vibrates.

I saw the letter that said “Miss Yang Nai”.

Biqigu opened the message without hesitation.

[It’s really excessive, it’s obviously a matter of Biqigu-kun, and he actually wants to push it on his sister’s head without doing anything, is this really appropriate? ] 】

Hikiya rolled his eyes.

[No, I just think that with Miss Yang Nai’s means, I can definitely make those guys realize their mistakes.] 】

[There is no need for me to continue to meddle, wasting time in vain.] 】

Yono: [Although Bikigu-kun is very reasonable, if you don’t make a move, then I don’t plan to be nosy.] 】

This guy!

Hikiya showed a headache expression.

Sighed silently.

Put your phone away.

Miss Yang Nai’s answer did not surprise Hikigu.

As for the other party’s reasons.

Biqigu probably also has a number in his heart.


“Well, I just wanted to be nosy.”

“There’s no room for complaints.”

Think like this.

Hikiya is also a train to get back.


Come downstairs to the five Nakano sisters.



Hikiya looked at the girl sitting in front of the gate not far away holding her legs.

Reveal a confused expression.


The girl looked up in confusion.

After seeing that the person who came was Biqigu, he couldn’t help waving and greeting him: “Yo, Biqigu-san.” ”

“You are!?”

“A little sleepy.”

Sanjiu replied listlessly.

“No, I mean why would you be alone at the door?”

“Ah… I’m asking about it. ”

Sanjiu sighed, and then imitated the tone of “Ernai” and said, “Help me tell that guy: I have something to do with my classmates today, so I won’t go to class.” ”

“You always have to give people a vacation, right!?”

It really fits that guy’s style…

Hiqigu sighed: “I should be asking why you are here now, right?” ”

“Instead of asking Erno what is he going to do?”

“Well, be calmer than Qigu-san.”

Sanjiu opened his mouth expressionlessly.

Then he imitated the tone of “Yihua”: “Because there is an urgent matter at the office that I have to attend, so help me take a leave of absence!” ”

“I’m so sorry!!”

Finish talking.

Sanjiu closed his left eye and put his hands together to his mouth.

If you don’t think about the girl’s dress, it’s really exactly the same as Ichihana’s guy!

Then not equal to the opening of the valley.

The girl’s face showed a smile like “Yotsuba”: “Ahaha, I happened to be asked by a good friend to go shopping with me today!” ”

“So please Sanjiu!!”

Biqigu probably had a reason for Sanjiu to stay at the door at this time, and couldn’t help sighing: “Then what is the situation of that guy in May?” ”

“Because I want to buy learning materials.”

Sanjiu opened his mouth expressionlessly.

Only don’t you plan to imitate the guy in May…

It’s really strange.

Think like this.

Biqigu nodded: “So the reason why Sanjiu stayed here is because he didn’t bring a key?” ”

“That’s right.”

Maybe you don’t think it’s convincing.

The girl thought for a moment and added, “I forgot to bring my key because I woke up a little late.” ”

“I thought that instead of letting Hiqigu-san run for nothing, it would be better to wait in this place.”

“And then fell asleep in a daze.”

Is this guy’s nerves also so big!?

Biqigu sighed helplessly: “Since you are not here, you will inform me in advance, and I will not come directly.” ”

“Well, I don’t have the contact information of Qiya-san.”

Sanjiu opened his mouth full of resentment.

It seemed to be silently saying, “Whose problem is this?”

Consider that there is indeed a part of the responsibility in this.

Biqigu did not entangle, and said decisively: “Well, since only Sanjiu is here, then forget it today.” ”


Sanjiu stopped Hiqigu, who wanted to leave.

“Is there anything else?”

Sanjiu showed a twisted expression, hesitated for a moment and said, “That… Can you accompany me a little? ”


This way. Is there something important you’d like to tell me alone?

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