Chapter 210 Oda doesn’t understand pirates!!

“I see!!”

This guy understood something by talking to himself.

Biqigu sighed and said helplessly: “What do you understand again?” ”

Kazuko Honda stared at Hikidani with sympathetic eyes: “Well, you don’t take this kind of thing to heart.” ”

“In order to buy this book, I skipped class to buy it!”

“A good student like you, if you want to buy it after school, you may have sold it out long ago!”

“There are many guys on the Internet who complain that the teacher’s book is too sought-after!”

Mistakenly thought I didn’t buy it?

It’s an excuse.

Hikiya nodded and continued with the girl’s words: “Yes.” ”

“This book is so hard to buy.”

“That’s why I haven’t started until now.”


Hear this.

Kazuko Honda showed a proud expression: “Don’t say thank you to me like Hikigu!” ”

Finish talking.

The girl didn’t even eat the food in her hand.

Get up straight from your position and walk towards the door.

I don’t know why.

Seeing the girl’s actions.

Hikiya felt a wave of uneasiness for no reason.


No way!?

It’s just that this “won’t” eventually turns into reality.

Less than a minute.

Kazuko Honda turned back.

The girl with her hands behind her back had a very smug expression on her face.


“Rejoice, cheer!!”


Accompanied by the exaggerated sound effects that come with Kazuko Honda.

The girl put the things hidden behind her in front of Hikigu’s eyes.

The extremely familiar cover is extremely difficult for Kigu to forget even if he wants to.

“Take it with gratitude!”

Kazuko Honda placed the brand-new package of books in front of Hikitani.


Hikiya still picked up the book: “This… Is it okay to give me really!? ”

“Over there?”

“Well, I don’t have more than this one!”

Kazuko Honda showed a smug expression: “Although I said that I used myself, preaching, and collecting this way at the beginning, I thought it was stupid. ”

“But if it’s a book, it’s not worth it to spend so much money to make one more person like it!”

This should be a double standard, right?

Biqigu complained in his heart, and then couldn’t help but say: “But I originally liked this book, but I haven’t sold it for the time being.” ”

“Or will you leave this one to those who need it?”

“Hey! Although missionary is very important, but even the needs of friends cannot be satisfied, what kind of friends is this!! ”

The opening of Kazuko Honda “Righteous Thin Clouds”.

“Biqigu, don’t be too moved!”

“I was so impressed!”

Hikiya stiffened his cheeks with an extremely hypocritical smile.

It’s just that the girl who was too happy didn’t see it.


After eating.


“I just gave you my baby, and you actually drove me away!” Negative man!! ”

The girl pouted and complained disgruntly.

God’s tm baby!

Biqigu rolled his eyes: “Don’t you still have something to pack over there?” ”

“If you don’t go back, what time do you plan to go to bed!?”


Hearing this, Kazuko Honda showed obvious hesitation on her face.

Then, as if making some major decision, he said, “Sure enough! It’s more important than packing up your things and telling Bikiya how wonderful this book is! ”

“You didn’t buy a book, so you don’t know!”

“There are also some adjustments to the plot of the award in this book, and this part of the adjustment is really great!!”

“As a friend, I have an obligation to let Hiqigu know every good point of this book!”

Is it really a fanatic!?

It’s terrifying, isn’t it!!


Hiding your identity to publish your work is really the right decision!

More solemn than Qi Gu’s heart.

But his face was Furui Wubo: “I said Honda.” ”

“Even if I understand your feelings, do you pay a little attention to how the time is now?”

“It’s already 8 p.m., right?”

“I’m still at the boy’s house at this time… Even if we know it ourselves, if we are seen by anyone, it will be very troublesome if there is any bad scandal, right!? ”

“I remember you said you had someone you like in the afternoon, right?”

“If the person who likes it knows… What do you think he will think of you? ”


The girl let out an unwilling cry of sorrow…

Then a frustrated expression appeared on his face: “That’s what I said.” ”

“Although it is only a pure friendship with Hiqigu, it is really not appropriate to stay at your house at this time.”

“Then I’ll take my leave first!”

“Goodbye, Hikigu!”

Finish talking.

Kazuko Honda turned away without any nostalgia.

Looked at.

Biqigu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

A bitter smile appeared on his face: “What kind of thing is this!” ”

“It was actually read by readers Amway’s own works.”

“Also because I’m worried that I don’t know where to go inside, and are ready to tutor me in reading!?”

Come to think of it.

Hikiya wants to let out a depressed roar!

Do you know who the author is!

What a good thing about this book!!

You guys, don’t be foolish!


At the moment, Hikiya is as if he was being said to his face, “Oda doesn’t understand pirates.”

Except for an awkward but polite smile in return.

There is no other expression to be made.

Regroup your mood.

Hikiya sighed.

Start cleaning up the rest of the table.

And then…

“Jingle Bell.”

The doorbell rang.

Biqigu moved, and then couldn’t help but complain: “Why did that guy run back again.” ”

Complaining like this.

Hikiya still walked to the door, ready to open it.


Look at the short girl in front of you.

The expression on Hiqigu’s face couldn’t help but become very stiff.

“That… Predecessor? ”

Jia Baili tilted his head, and a confused expression appeared on his angelic smile.

Biqigu reacted.

This reacts… It shouldn’t have been seen, right?

Think of it this way.

Biqigu said, “It’s Jia Baili!” ”

“Is there something wrong with coming to me so late!?”

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