Chapter 211 Cross-Server Chat!!

Hear Hikida’s question.

Jia Baili showed an embarrassed expression for a moment.

But consider that the stakes are high.

The girl took a deep breath and showed a serious expression on her face: “That… Senior, are you free next week? ”

“Next week?”

Hikiya showed a strange expression.

Looking at this guy’s expression, is there some trouble?

Keep that in mind.

Hiqigu hesitated for a moment and said, “Now ask me about next week, I don’t know.” ”


Jia Baili sighed and hesitated, “If senior doesn’t have anything else to do next week, can you do me a little favor!?” ”

“If it’s okay.”

Is there really something in trouble…

Hikigu nodded noncommittally.

In the back of my mind, I had another thought.

Then find an excuse to refuse.


A happy smile appeared on Jia Baili’s face: “It is enough to get the promise of the seniors for the time being.” ”

Looking at the girl’s innocent smiling face, Bi Qigu felt a little guilty in his heart.


“It’s not fair to anyone to think about helping or something because of guilt!”

Think like this.

The little guilt that emerged before also disappeared in an instant.

“That’s right.”

After saying the main thing, Jia Baili seemed to think of something, and a curious look appeared in his eyes.

“Is the girl who just came out of the senior’s room a friend of the senior?”


Was it actually seen!?

Biqigu was surprised, but there was no extra expression on his face: “It’s a friend.” ”

“I haven’t seen her before! Is it a new resident!? ”

“It’s a coincidence that I actually live on the same floor with my seniors!”

Jia Baili suddenly showed a touch of emotion on his face.

It’s just that this sentence reached Hiqigu’s ears, but it became another meaning entirely.

“Obviously someone else just moved in and lives on the same floor, but they are still friends?” How can there be such a coincidence in the world!”

What to say…

Completely powerless to refute it!

Biqigu sighed, and his face showed helplessness: “I didn’t expect that there would be such a coincidental thing in the world.” ”

“It’s normal that Jia Baili won’t believe it.”


Jia Baili showed a surprised expression: “I didn’t say I didn’t trust seniors!” ”

“I can’t believe it.”

Such an explanation is really powerless and full of paleness…

Biqigu sighed in his heart and was speechless.

Seeing Hikidu became depressed for some reason.

There is a big question mark on Jia Baili’s head! I see!

Seniors are afraid of trouble!

And there are few friends yet!

Is it worried that other people will know about such a relationship, and will ask questions and make things trouble!?

I see!

Thinking of this, a sweet smile appeared on Jia Baili’s face: “Don’t worry, senior!” ”

“I won’t tell anyone else about this!”

“If I don’t help next week, I’ll tell the others about it!”

Is that what you mean!

Damn it!!

Jia Baili! I misread you!!

I didn’t expect that you were actually a guy like Miss Yang Nai!!

Saying such terrifying words, he can actually show such a pure smile… Should I say that it is a guy who is even more afraid of cloth than Miss Yangnai!?

“I see.”

Although this matter really has to be said, Biqigu doesn’t care.

But that guy has a favorite guy.

If this kind of rumor reaches the ears of the other party and comes to me for trouble, it will be even more headache.

Think like this.

Biqigu sighed in his heart, and a helpless expression appeared on his face: “Next week, huh?” ”

“What about the exact time!?”


Jia Baili showed a confused expression: “Didn’t senior just say that he wasn’t sure if he had time next week!?” ”

“Right now…?”

Is this guy still reluctant to say it clearly?

Never mind.

Just understand what she means.

Think like this.

Biqigu opened his mouth and said, “Well, it’s already this time, Jia Baili also deliberately found it, it must be a very important thing, right?” ”

“Just because of the “consideration” you just made for me, I can’t live up to your expectations!”

Hikiya deliberately aggravated the tone on the word “consider”.

Signal that the other party understands what she means.

It’s just that…

“Senior is really a good person!”

Obviously I just did a trivial thing, and I am willing to help such a big deal!

Jia Baili’s heart was moved.

He also opened his mouth to say the specific reason: “Well, because the exam is about to be held, the school requires a three-way discussion.” ”

Speaking of which.

Jia Baili also showed a distressed expression.

“Sister, they are all in heaven!”

How can such a strange thing be said!

Because of Biqigu, Jia Baili has not fallen at the moment.

So for the upcoming three-way talk, there is nothing to worry about, the only thing that troubles her is that her family is not around.



Biqigu showed a surprised expression, and then couldn’t hold back the desire to complain: “Why do you have to talk about three aspects of the exam!” ”

“Although we are still a long way from choosing a future path, as a high school student is almost a month away, you should start thinking about it now!” Otherwise, I will regret it in the future!” ”

“That’s what the teacher said at the time.”

Jia Baili also couldn’t help sighing.

A distressed expression appeared on his face.

“That… This kind of thing makes me come to it, right? ”

Hiqigu couldn’t help but want to back down.

The people Honda guys like won’t know this kind of thing so easily, right?

And because of such rumors, Honda will doubt, Honda should also consider whether such a guy can be responsible in the future!

“No problem! Seniors just have to impersonate my brother! ”

Jia Baili replied without hesitation.


Hikiya glanced at the girl, and couldn’t help but hesitate for a moment.

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