Chapter 212 Kazuko Honda, you are very harmful!!

“That… How should my words be disguised as a foreigner!? ”

Biqigu hesitated, but still couldn’t help but say.


Jia Baili was stunned.

Then a smile appeared on his face: “This kind of thing, seniors don’t worry about it at all!” ”

“Just say that my father is a local and my mother is a foreigner!”

“I’m the genetic mother’s side, and my brother is the genetic father, so there is no problem at all!”

Have you even thought of an excuse!?

And this sound brother…

I always feel that this guy is unexpectedly smooth!

Biqigu’s eyes couldn’t help but take on a little strange for a while.

And then the girl who finally realized something.

The face involuntarily became a little more rosy.

“That… If you want to help me with this matter, will the seniors help me!? ”

Jia Baili hesitated, and weakly spoke: “Except for seniors, there are no other people I know around me.” ”


Having said that, is there room for refusal?

No, what awaits ahead may be another hellish route!

Think like this.

Biqigu sighed and made a final attempt: “What about Miss Xiaolin? ”

“Miss Xiaolin…”

“She’s not back yet.”

A bitter smile appeared on Jia Baili’s face.


Because of the nature of the work.

That guy’s time is very erratic!

Working overtime until 10 o’clock to go home is completely the norm!

“And because of such a small thing to trouble Miss Xiaolin, I always feel that I can’t get over it, because I have a closer relationship with my seniors, so I slightly feel that this kind of thing can be said!”

Jia Baili thought like this in his heart.

An incomparably sweet smile involuntarily appeared on his face.

Please, I’m completely okay!?

Hiqigu couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Nodding and said, “Okay, when is the specific time?” ”

“My words are after school next Wednesday!”

“Because there are other people at that time, there is no problem for the seniors to arrive a little later!”

“Wednesday? I know. ”

Biqigu nodded and said, “I will be at your school on time then”

“It’s really troublesome senior!”

Jia Baili put her hands in front of her knees and bowed to Biqigu.

The two chatted briefly.

Jia Baili turned around and took his leave.

Close the door.

Hikiya couldn’t help but sigh, “There is another trouble!” ”

Kazuko Honda, you are very harmful!!

Tuesday, school.

“Good morning, Hikigu-san.”

Hikiya nodded to Kato, who greeted him like himself.

Then he sighed, “Kato comes early every day. ”

“Did I come early?”

Kato tilted his head and said inexplicably: “Shouldn’t it be said that it is later than Kigu-san, who usually arrives!?” ”

“Of course not!”

Biqigu did not hesitate to speak: “Even if I occasionally come one or two times earlier.” ”

“Generally, Kato is also in the position!”

“Is that so?”

Kato blinked in confusion, and then said thoughtfully: “Probably because I am not as busy as Bikigu-san, I came earlier.” ”

This guy…

Do you want to praise yourself or hurt me!

Biqigu rolled his eyes back.


Morning classes begin.

The morning passed in a blink of an eye.

Looking at Hikigu, who had packed up his things and was ready to leave.

Kato sighed, “Today, Hikitani-san is going out to eat again.” ”

“Don’t use this kind of “husband is going out to fool around soon” tone to complain in a serious way!”

Bi Qigu’s opening is not good.

Even if it’s Kato.

In the face of these lethal words, I couldn’t help but feel blushing.

Whispered: “The husband has no such thing at all!” ”

“Don’t talk nonsense!!”


Hikiya simply apologized to the girl, and then left the classroom with a bento.

And after Hiqigu left.

Kato didn’t take out a bento and sit in his seat for lunch, as he usually does.

It’s a loss of thought.

It didn’t take a while for me to finally come to my senses.

The face still has the shyness characteristic of a girl.


After leaving the classroom.

Hikiya soon arrived at the classroom where Futaba was.

See Hiki Valley.

A happy smile appeared on Futaba’s face: “Good afternoon, Hikigu-san.” ”

“Good noon.”

Hikiya nodded at the girl.

“Yesterday… Why didn’t you come here to eat? ”

The girl hesitated, but still couldn’t help but ask the doubts in her heart.

“A little bit.”

Hiqigu did not intend to elaborate on this matter.

“Besides, I don’t usually come here every day, do I?”


Futaba was slightly silent, and then a smile appeared on his face: “That’s right!” ”

“I’m already very happy to be able to come here once or twice a week!”

Looked at.

Biqigu sighed and said helplessly: “You guy, don’t put your attitude so low!” ”

“There will always be times when you suffer losses in the future!”

“That’s not going to happen.”

Futaba smiled and shook his head.

“Forget it.”

Hikiya gave up his preachy thoughts, thought for a moment, and asked like a girl: “I remember that Kazuko Honda should be in your class, right?” ”

After all, the two have dealt with each other many times.

It is normal to know which class Futaba belongs to.

Just in the face of Hiqigu’s inquiry.

Futaba showed obvious confusion: “Kazuko Honda? ”

Hikigu can see it.

Such confusion on the other side is not a disguise.

But I really don’t know!

“Sorry, Hikigu-san.”

Futaba quickly reacted and explained, “I don’t know who is in the class. ”

“Don’t you guy care about who’s in the class at all?”

Biqigu couldn’t help but complain about the tent.

Even if it is him, even if he does not pay attention to this aspect.

I still know the names of everyone in the class!

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