Chapter 258: Biqigu’s Anger!!

Those guys…

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s eyes moved, and she probably understood what Hikiya meant.

First of all, these three people have a considerable background.

Secondly, for a school with a fairly good reputation, I don’t want to have such negative news.

Of course.

Most importantly, this evidence can be big or small, and small can be equally small.

It all depends on what the school thinks.


“This guy didn’t plan to rely on school in the first place? Or even act on it as an enemy!? ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Hiqigu with strange eyes, and couldn’t help but feel in her heart: “What a terrible guy.” ”

Grieve for those three guys at the same time.

The other side is acting on this, then all this can be explained now.

The two now have not enough evidence in their hands, so they will continue to trap them.

So that they can fall into a deeper trap.

After all………

“With the character of these guys, they will definitely not give up in the face of such a threat.”

And in fact, it is as Kasumigaoka Shiyu thought.

The current situation has also changed in just a few seconds and so on.

It was accompanied by a slightly chaotic sound.

A slightly surprised voice sounded.

“Huh, stupid?”

“If you don’t say it, then we may really be unlucky.”

“It is obviously the inferior side, and it actually shows its only hole card.”

“I don’t quite understand what gives you such courage!”

“Your so-called cleverness, I don’t think it’s any different from us.”

On the side, Hikigu and Kasumigaoka Shiyu did not see the scene.

But through the previous sounds and various movements, the two can almost imagine the current picture.

Because of the dispute a few seconds ago, Futaba Rio is now sitting on the ground in a slightly indecent position.

The other three raised their toes and looked at the girl in a condescending position.

With an extremely smug look on his face.

In fact, he was almost the same as the two had imagined.

Listen to the words that ring in your ears.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn’t help but give Hikiya a look.

It’s like saying, “Aren’t you going to do it yet?” Hikiya shook his head.

Let’s go?

That thing had been since the first few people stopped Futaba Rio.

Now it’s just adding more evidence.

Of course.

For the situation of Futaba Riyo, Hiqigu is also paying close attention.

Once something is wrong, Hiqigu will appear as soon as possible to stop it.

As for how to know that the situation is not right, the two made an agreement in advance and have a special code.

And at the moment, Futaba Riyang did not say the agreed code, and even if Bikigu was a little anxious in his heart, he could only press it temporarily.

Of course.

Because of the unequal conditions, this action fell in the eyes of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, but it became a simple meaning of “no hurry to act”.

The other side.

Facing a few people who have become triumphant again.

Futaba Rio couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

“It’s really a bunch of idiots.”

“They can all consider this kind of thing, how can I and Hiqigu not know!?”

The mobile phone that the other party grabbed was just a “bait” deliberately used to lure the other party to the bait.

At the moment, Futaba Rio also has another mobile phone on his body, and the recording state is turned on the whole time.

If the other party is a little smarter, he will probably choose to search his body directly.

The new phone that was found in that way can give a second stimulus to this group of guys, of course.

It doesn’t matter if the other party doesn’t even have such an IQ.

After all, the words just now are enough to provoke the other party and make the other party act irrationally.

It’s a long story, but it’s actually a moment.

Futaba Rio showed a frightened expression at the right time.

His lips moved, but he didn’t say anything.

See this scene.

Horikita Makoto’s heart moved.

Then instructed, “Kanako, Yuka.” ”

“Let’s see if there’s anything else hidden in this guy.”

“Don’t this guy dare?”

Kanako Asakami hesitated.

Tomoka Fujita agrees.

“If you can yin us once, maybe there will be a second time.”

See the reaction of the two.

Makazu Horikita is more determined in his thoughts! Looked at.

The two looked at each other and shrugged.

There was a bit of helplessness on his face.

“What are you going to do!?”

Futaba Rio remembered with a slightly panicked voice.

“So scared……… This guy can’t really hide anything in his body, right!? ”

“It’s possible!”

See Futaba Rio’s reflection. The two were also suspicious.


“Found it!”

Kanako Asakami’s slightly shocked voice sounded.


A crisp voice sounded.

Tomoka Fujita glared at Futaba Rio viciously: “Slut!” ”

“There are actually tricks and feet!!”

The right half of Futaba Riyo’s face turned crimson at this time under the other party’s slap.

It’s just after beating each other this time.

Futaba Rio was not angry at all, and instead showed an incomparably bright smile on his face.

Facing the girl’s brilliant smile, for some reason Horikita Shinkazu felt inexplicably flustered.

Tomoka Fujita didn’t think much of it.

Taking two steps forward, with a sinister smile on his face, he reached out and grabbed Futaba Rio’s hair.

“Damn guy, it’s all this time, I don’t know why you still laugh!”

“It’s really tempting to cut through your annoying face with a knife!”

“Whose face do you want to cut with a knife! Valley? ”

Biqigu gloomy face and walked out of the laneway.

Then don’t wait for the other person to react.

Directly stepped forward and grabbed the other party’s right hand pulling Futaba Rio.

Ignoring the other party’s cries of pain, at the moment when the other party let go, he directly kicked the other party a few meters away.

Until this time.

Hikigu turned his head to look at Futaba Rio beside him.

Angry question: “Why not act according to the plan!?” ”

PS: Originally said three chapters today, I didn’t expect to be so busy. Yesterday I got home at 3 a.m., and I’ve been busy since I woke up at 10.

Grandpa may be in danger at any time in the past two days, and it is not clear what the situation will be at that time, and I will make up for the two chapters I owe when I am free! I’m very sorry.

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