Chapter 259: Kazuko Honda is my friend!!


Hikiya was really angry.

Just like it says.

According to the original plan, naturally there is no such link.

Rather, from the beginning, Hikiya repeatedly asked Futaba Riyo.

Let the girl carry out the task while putting her own safety first! Just as Futaba Rio thought before.

At the beginning, the mobile phone was just a “bait” for a few people to make mistakes.

But such an operation as hiding a mobile phone on his body is completely unexpected by Biqigu!

After all, the props that really record all this are all in the hands of Hiqigu.

No matter if it’s the gadget that was thrown out before.

Or other props arranged by Biqigu after arrival.

This series of props that can be used as evidence is all in the hands of Hiqigu alone.

After all…

Telling the other party that you have evidence in your hand will inevitably cause the other party to be vigilant in this situation, if you still carry other electronic tools.

Then in case of detection.

You don’t have to think about it to know what the consequences will be next.

Because he knew this, Hikiya told Futaba Rio very seriously not to make unnecessary moves.

Even if this would yield more favourable evidence.

But the price to be paid is not what Biqigu is willing to see.

Through words, and later their own appearances, lure the other party to commit more wrongs.

This is the result of the discussion between the two at the beginning.

And not as it is now.


The current Hikiya is very angry.

Angry at his own negligence, angry at Futaba’s self-assertion.

Facing Hikida with a cold face. Futaba Rio felt a little scared.

For a time, it was difficult to speak.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who was following behind Hikida, saw the red mark on Futaba Rio’s cheek.

His eyes moved, and there was a little thoughtfulness in his eyes.

“Are you blaming the other party for acting without permission and causing yourself to be injured?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu retracted her thoughts and reminded, “Junior Brother-kun, you are scaring her now.” ”

Hear Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s reminder.

Biqigu was stunned, and then came to his senses.

The originally cold expression on his face also decreased slightly.

The brain calms down at this moment.

Looking at Futaba Rio who was looking at him with a bit of fear.

I couldn’t help but bow my head slightly and apologize to him: “Apologize.” ”

“The tone just now was a little rough.”

Looked at.

Futaba Rio was visibly relieved and gave Tominogaoka a grateful look.

Only then did he wave his hand and hurriedly said, “No……… Never mind. ”

“Besides, Hikigu-san is so angry because I was beaten!”

“So it’s okay!”

“And I do have good ideas.”

So it says.

Futaba Rio couldn’t help but have a bitter smile on his face, and then explained: “I also want to make things simpler and get more favorable evidence by the way.” ”

“Beaten or something, I was already ready to realize it from the beginning!”

“So Hikigu doesn’t have to be upset about it!”

Hearing Futaba Riyo’s words, Hikiya couldn’t help but fall into silence.

Looking at such a biqi valley.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn’t help but sigh in her heart.

“It’s really…”

“Even a guy like me, who hasn’t met a few times, can see it.”

“With this guy’s personality, it’s not like a nobody.”

“Probably… Will only blame yourself? Think that all this is their own problem!? ”

“And feel annoyed about bothering others!?”

The truth is just as Kasumigaoka Shiyu thought.

At the moment, Hiqigu is asking himself why this kind of thing requires the help of people who don’t want to do it.

So that the other party suffers harm that should not have been.


“This is not the time to think about these things.”

After all, it is Biqigu.

No matter what time you know, you know exactly what to do and what not to do.

Biqigu’s gaze froze and looked at the three people in front of him.

Two of them, Makazu Horikita and Kanako Asakami, were still standing in place.

As for Tomoka Fujita, who had just faced Hikiya with an angry kick, she still fell to the ground.

From time to time, there were a few cries of pain.

Just for Tomoka Fujita who fell to the ground.

Neither Hikiya nor Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt any sympathy.


For their own “partners”.

Shinwa Horikita and Kanako Asakami didn’t look at it much.

Just looked at Biqigu with a gloomy look.

The appearance of Hikiya and Kasumigaoka Shiha.

Let the two instantly realize that this is a premeditated conspiracy! Wrong…… It should be said that it is “Yang Plot”!

The other party came at them from the beginning! Come to think of it.

Makazu Horikita forced himself to calm down.

Looking at Hiqigu, he said, “I know you, the guy who disguised his senior near the toilet before!” ”


He was not surprised that the other party could remember that he was more than Qigu. If you want to say why, the excuse made at that time is already lame. The other party was also in a hurry, plus the courage displayed at that time.

I didn’t find it.

In hindsight, just a little thought shows you can think of the problem.

And because it happened.

The other party is impressed by himself and can recognize himself at the first time.

And it seems to be right.

Faced with Biqigu’s salty and faint answer, Horikita Makoto was slightly angry.

But considering the current situation.

The other party took a deep breath and did not directly show the bed.

Looking at Biqigu with cold eyes, he said, “There shouldn’t be any conflict between us, right?” ”

“So what’s the reason for doing all this!?”

For the calmness of the other party, it is more unexpected than the enterprise sales.

But that’s about it.

And for the answer that the other person wants.

Hiqigu did not deliberately go around in circles.

Instead, he said lightly, “Kazuko Honda is my friend.” ”

“I don’t know if this reason is enough!?”

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