Seeing the incoming call from ‘Yin Zi’,

Xue Jianyuan immediately picked up the phone.


“Come to Chiba Chess Club to practice on Saturday.”

The girl’s words sounded like there was no room for rebuttal.

“Okay, it starts at nine in the morning, right?”



After a long silence on the other end of the phone, a voice came out:


The voice was very soft and sounded quite gentle. One could imagine the girl’s puzzled expression.

Then, as if to confirm

“Come to Chiba Chess Club to practice on Saturday.”

The person on the other end of the phone repeated what he had said before, but this time his tone was slightly more excited.

“I heard it, I will be there on time, Yin Zi.

Xue Jianyuan was not impatient at all and responded properly.


Then the phone was hung up.

Although there was only one short word, it can be heard that the person on the other end of the phone seemed to be in a good mood.

Ginko, or Sora Ginko. A

14-year-old genius female chess player, an idol in the shogi world known as ‘Naniwa no Shirayukihime’, the holder of the two female crowns, namely the ‘Queen’ and ‘Women’s Jade Throne’ titles.

A second-dan of the reward association, a genius with real strength and fame.

She is the senior sister of Yukino Fuchi.

When Yukino Fuchi was a child and his memory was not fully awakened, he chose shogi from the choices of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

At that time, the Yukino family was still there.

So Yukino Fuchi was able to worship under the professional chess player Kiyotaki Kosuke and became Sora Ginko’s junior.

By the way, because of his high intelligence value,

Yukino Fuchi was once a famous genius in the shogi world.

The youngest professional chess player, professional fifth-dan, a true shogi genius

These were all labels attached to Yukima Fuchi.

However, after the disappearance of the Yukima family, Yukima Fuchi did not continue to climb the shogi world.

The complete awakening of his memory and the misfortune that befell his family caused a significant change in Yukima Fuchi’s goals and code of conduct three years ago.

In the past three years, Yukima Fuchi’s first goal was to”make money”.

First of all, he had to have money.

Then he had to climb up his social status.

Therefore, Yukima Fuchi had to put shogi aside temporarily.

Although shogi is a popular chess game in the Land of Sakura, and the prize money for the competition is not small.


It was very unfortunate.

Three years ago, a certain”celebrity” title holder was killing people in the shogi world!

Xue Jianyuan bumped into this”celebrity” at the time. He was easily crushed.

According to the skill level of the panel, the shogi level of the strongest”celebrity” in history is about level nine.

If you want to win this guy, you can only max out your shogi skills, that is, reach the pinnacle.

Xue Jianyuan, who had not yet awakened the system at that time, gave up shogi without hesitation and chose other ways to make money.

In the past three years, Xue Jianyuan has not played a serious shogi competition.

It was only when Kong Yinzi came occasionally that the two would play privately.

In the past three years, Kong Yinzi has invited Xue Jianyuan to study in the chess club every week.

Xue Jianyuan refused, and Kong Yinzi did not ask why.

Perhaps because of this, Kong Yinzi was stunned with surprise and couldn’t control her voice when she heard Xue Jianyuan agreed to go to the chess club.

As for why Xue Jianyuan suddenly agreed to go to the chess club, the reason is very simple.

He has made a little money so he has more spare energy.

More importantly, the”Celebrity” who was killing people in the shogi world.

Now he has obtained the title of”Eternal” for all titles except”Dragon King”.

According to the rules, he could not participate in the latest”Dragon King” competition. He did not seem to participate in the famous competitions recently. He is probably preparing to settle down for a while and then win the Grand Slam in the”Dragon King” competition next year.

He has achieved the unique achievement of seven eternal crowns and 100 titles.

Without that”Celebrity”.

The rest of the shogi world…

How should I put it


It’s just a chicken and a dog.

Thinking about shogi.

Yukima finished his morning run quickly.

After seeing the words”slightly improved physical strength” in his field of vision, Yukima stopped slowly.

He ran about ten kilometers.

He was far away from Shibuya Station and arrived near Gakushuin Station.

He remembered that the refrigerator at home seemed to be empty.

Yukima identified the direction and prepared to go to the nearby supermarket to buy some food.

In the future, there will be more than just Yukima in the apartment, and there will be Kasumigaoka Utaha.

It is foreseeable that the consumption of food will increase.

Although Kasumigaoka Utaha didn’t say that she wanted to eat for free.

But Yukima must make a reserve.

Although it is College Street, it is spring vacation now, so the street is quite deserted.

Turning a corner.

It happened that a gust of spring breeze blew in, bringing the last coolness of the season and the pink cherry blossoms that rained all over the sky.

Yukima, who had just finished exercising, squinted his eyes and enjoyed the gift of nature.

As the saying goes,”When you are in doubt, you can ask the spring breeze.”

Such a comfortable spring breeze may have the special power to sweep away worries and untie the knots in the heart.

However, the power of the spring breeze seems to be more than that.

A white object floated in the wind in the field of vision.

Xue Jianyuan opened his eyes again and caught the flying object.

Holding it in his hand, the soft touch and the faint fragrance came into his mind.

It was a white beret.

After seeing the true form of the object in his hand, Xue Jianyuan had a special sense of déjà vu.

It was as if that spring breeze and this beret were filled with two words:


Looking up diagonally.

On the other side of the corner, there is a long upward slope.

Xuejianyuan, who used to be active near here, vaguely remembers the name of this slope.

It seems to be called…

‘In the rain of cherry blossoms, Yukima Yuan saw the girl at the top of Detective Hill, against the golden sunlight, raising her hand to tuck the loose hair around her ears.

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