Cherry blossoms fall at a speed of five centimeters per second.

This allows a cherry blossom rain to fall for a long time.

However, Yukima Fuchi had no time to appreciate this beautiful cherry blossom rain.

He couldn’t move his feet, and after looking carefully for a long time, he saw the words in the spring breeze, whistling two words:”encounter”.

The girl stood at the top of the detective slope.

The pure white dress swayed slightly, and the pure white beret was held in her hand.

She looked at him from top to bottom, gently pressed the hem of her skirt with her right hand, and held up her hair in front of her forehead with her left hand.

In the spring sunshine, the girl was as beautiful as if she had walked out of a painting.

This is the beginning of a love light novel.

It’s not a description, but a literal meaning.

Yukima Fuchi knew the girl on the slope, both in memory and in reality.

Kato Megumi, a beautiful girl protagonist with no outstanding characteristics.

Although there is no special memory point, as long as you get to know her deeply, you will probably fall in love with her unconsciously.

There is no need for any special cute points, she herself is a most special cute attribute.

A”wow” sound came from the side.

To be honest, it sounded a bit disgusting, like the sound a pervert would make.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Xuejianyuan saw a man with glasses riding a bicycle.

‘”Aki Tomoya” seems to be the name.

Yukima Fuchi flipped through his memory and confirmed the identity of this guy.

At this time, Aki Tomoya stared blankly at the top of the slope, as if petrified, with his facial expressions constantly changing, obviously trapped in some kind of fantasy that he couldn’t extricate himself from.

To be honest, Yukima Fuchi didn’t have a good impression of Aki Tomoya.

The reason for his dislike was also very simple.

Kasumigaoka Utaha and Yukima Fuchi had a relationship.

Although with the appearance of Yukima Fuchi, Aki Tomoya is unlikely to have any intersection with Kasumigaoka Utaha.

But the dislike is the dislike.


Yukima Fuchi walked towards Aki Tomoya and raised his foot to gently push the rear wheel of this guy’s bicycle.

It didn’t take much effort.

Aki Tomoya lost his balance on the spot, and the bicycle started moving again.

Amid a series of shouts.

Aki Tomoya twisted and turned and flew to the other side.

One side of the crossroad in front of the detective slope was downhill, so Aki Tomoya’s figure soon disappeared. Yukima

Fuchi smiled happily.

At this time, Kato Hui also walked down from the detective slope

“”Xuejian-san is so bad.”

A light voice came, no emotion could be heard, like a feather falling from the sky, but the sound was very pleasant.

Xuejian turned around and put the beret in his hand on Kato Megumi’s head. He also adjusted it left and right to help the girl fix it.

After putting it on, Xuejian took two steps back, as if admiring a painting handed down from generation to generation.

“Kato is so cute today. This outfit is perfect for her.”

“Thank you, Xuejian, but I am very ordinary, so there is no benefit in complimenting me like this.”

“No, no, I really think so.”

“Thank you, I am very happy”

“Eh, so the last time you thanked me you were thanking me for returning the hat?”

“What is Xuejian going to do?”

“Go to the supermarket to buy food, the refrigerator at home is empty”

“I see, what a coincidence, I’m also going to the supermarket to buy food.”

The two chatted and walked towards the detective slope.

No one mentioned Aki Tomoya who was kicked away.

Kato Megumi did not blame or reject Yukima Fuchi for his behavior towards strangers.

‘Yukima-san must have his reasons for doing this. ‘

By the way, Yukima and Kato Megumi were classmates in junior high school.

Although only in the last six months.

After transferring from Tokyo to Chiba, and then from Chiba back to Tokyo, he came to Kato Megumi’s junior high school class in the last six months.

Relying on the preconceived memory.

Yukima discovered the unnoticed Kato Megumi.

So the two became friends.

For group assignments and home economics classes, the two of them always formed a group.

Before this, Kato Megumi had always been in a group by herself or was randomly grouped. After some shopping.

Yukima and Kato Megumi pushed the same shopping cart to the checkout.

When it was their turn to check out, Kato was responsible for taking the items out of the shopping cart, and Yukima was responsible for handing them to the cashier.

“Hey, what is this?”

Kato Hui picked up a bag of coffee beans and blinked.

Xuejian Yuan took it and asked casually:

“Is there anything wrong?”

“I remember that Xuejian was a tea party member and hardly drank coffee.”

“I’m glad you noticed that. I was going to buy that to try handmade coffee at home.”

Hearing that, Kato Megumi stared at the bag of coffee beans thoughtfully for a while.

After paying the bill, the two walked out of the supermarket.

Kato Megumi’s home was nearby.

And Yukimae was going to take the tram in another direction.

So at the entrance of the supermarket, the two said goodbye to each other and then separated.

Kato Megumi took a few steps, turned back, stared at the coffee beans in Yukimae’s shopping bag for a few seconds, and tilted his head.

Sitting on the tram, Yukimae stretched.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

He browsed on the shopping website.

Yukimae quickly locked on a handmade coffee machine.

A pen After a considerable expenditure, Yukimae also paid for the expedited shipping.

He has more money on hand now, so it doesn’t hurt to splurge a little.

What’s more, this is a necessary expense.

The Land of Sakura is really not that big.

With the expedited ability of money, the coffee machine was even delivered to the apartment at about the same time as Yukimae.

He signed for the coffee machine.

Holding the express box, Yukimae opened the door of the apartment.

Coincidentally, Kasumigaoka Utaha was on the first floor.

It seemed that she came down to get water.

The two looked at each other.

Kasumigaoka Utaha quickly looked away.

But her eyes fell on the large express box in Yukimae’s hand

‘What did you buy?’

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