Kato Megumi leaned over to Yukima Fuchi and asked quietly:

“Did something happen just now?

Xue Jianyuan nodded silently.

“It’s not clear what happened.”

“So that’s why Yuan added the contact information?”

“benefit…Has anyone ever told you that you are suited to be a detective?”

“No, but many people say that I am suitable to be an assassin.”

“Did you get rid of them?”

“Of course not, what is Mr. Yuan talking about.”

Kato Megumi reached out and poked Yukima Yuan’s waist.

She still remembered that Yukima Yuan said not to indulge him too much.

If you think it’s too much, you can pinch his waist.

So, after being teased, she poked him in revenge.

It was getting dark.

The three of them finished shopping today and parted at the station.

Back to the apartment.

As soon as he opened the door, Shiratamamaru rushed out.

Yukima Yuan grabbed it in his hands and hugged it.

It has been a few days since I adopted Shiratamamaru.

The white ball was originally the size of a palm.

Recently, it seems to be a lot rounder.

It should be that the wandering life has affected its development.

Now that it eats well, it swells up like an inflatable.

Judging from this, Shiratamamaru’s future size will probably not be small.

Just… Holding the cat, he sat on the sofa and hadn’t taken two puffs of coffee when his cell phone rang.

Yukima Fuchi took it out and saw that it was the amber-eyed girl he had just added.

She must have just arrived home and sent a message immediately.

Miko [Hello, my name is Yotsuya Miko, sorry to bother you.]

Miko [Excuse me, can you accept me as your apprentice?]

Yukima Fuchi was stunned when he saw the message.

He felt that the other party had misunderstood something.

Yotsuya Miko obviously misunderstood.

She had already regarded Yukima Fuchi as a reclusive demon-slayer.

Every day, she watched strange ghosts wandering around her.

She had to pretend that she couldn’t see them.

Yotsuya Miko couldn’t go on like this.

[My name is Yukima Fuchi, as for accepting an apprentice…]…It’s not impossible. 】

Yuan【But this kind of thing requires qualifications. 】

Yotani Miko saw the message from Yukima Yuu.

She was immediately in awe.

He is indeed a hidden master. He must have picked one out of a million to accept a disciple.

But, she is one of the few people who can see that kind of thing. She should be able to pass the test in that aspect.

Swallowing her saliva,

Yotani Miko replied.

Miko【I understand! How can I test whether I am qualified? 】

Yuan【Anyway, you should crack this endgame first. 】

Yuan【Shogi endgame record.jpg. 】

Yotani Miko looked at the extremely difficult shogi endgame and fell into deep thought.


Why is the test of qualifications to crack shogi endgames?

Is this some kind of comprehension or spiritual root consideration?

Looking at the endgame.

Yotani Miko tried for a long time.

In the end, she chose to give up.

Miko【That…I can’t crack it, does this have anything to do with talent? 】

Yuan【Of course it does, if you can’t crack such a basic endgame, you must have no talent. 】

Jianzi【Ah? But this is super difficult. 】

Yuan【Really? But my elementary school students can crack it in three seconds. 】


Yotsuya Miko fell into self-doubt.

Are there really such elementary school students in the world?

Hinazuru Ai: Yes, there are!

Just when Yotsuya Miko was confused.

The phone rang again.

Yuan [Speaking of which, why did you suddenly want to become my disciple? 】

Miko [To be honest, because I can’t stand it anymore. 】Yuan

[What does that have to do with becoming my disciple? 】

Miko [I want to learn that method from you. 】

Yuan [But I’m a professional shogi player. 】

Miko【?】 deep【?】

A big question mark appeared on Yotsuya Miko’s head.

Not my friend Oo? Are you speaking the language of Sakura?

Why can’t I understand?

Until now, you said you are a professional shogi player.

Then how can you, a professional shogi player, blast the evil spirit to pieces with just three words! ?

Miko [But…How did you do that? 】

Yuan【To be honest, I still don’t know what you are talking about. 】

Jianzi【I…I can’t say. 】

Yotsuya Miko’s family is not at peace either.

She is afraid that if she types on her phone, she will be seen by the ghosts hiding somewhere.

Then she will expose the fact that she can actually see.

Yuan [Okay, then I will tell you my understanding. 】

Yuan [When I met you, I smelled a rotten smell from behind you. 】

Yuan [That should not be the smell of the five senses, but the smell of the sixth sense. It should be similar to what you said. 】

Yuan [And if you ask me why I can do it, it is probably because I have done a lot of hard work in something. 】

Yuan [Isn’t there a legend that as long as you have done a lot of hard work in a certain way, reached an inhuman realm, and created heroic feats, you can become a heroic spirit? 】

Yuan [I think I have met similar conditions, and I am currently trying to create feats. 】

Looking at the explanation sent by Yukino Fubuki. Yotsuya

Miko was numb.

It’s as if Yotsuya Miko’s problem is that she is afraid of encountering robbers when walking at night.

And the answer given by Yukino Fubuki is that you just need to become a billionaire.

In this way, when walking at night, you can hire a hundred or eighty bodyguards to protect yourself.

Or just drive a car, a bulletproof car, or a plane or tank.

This way you don’t have to worry about encountering robbers.

The problem is indeed solved.

It’s just that the solution seems a little difficult.

It’s so difficult that Yotsuya Miko is about to cry.

Holding on to the last glimmer of hope.

Yotsuya Miko sent a 1ine.

Miko [Excuse me, if I encounter difficulties that I can’t solve, can I ask for your help. ]

Miko [I am willing to pay money…Although I don’t have much money now, I can go out to work.

After sending the message.

Yotsuya Miko prayed silently in her heart.

But in fact, she didn’t have any expectations.

There was no reason for the other party to get involved in her troubles.

No one wants to get involved in the troubles she is seeing now.

Even if they have the ability to solve them, they will most likely feel troubled and stay away from them.

Just when Yotsuya Miko was about to lament.

Yuan [Well, it’s okay, and forget about the money.]

Yuan [On the other hand, I am very curious about your abilities, and there may be things that need your help. I hope you won’t refuse when the time comes.]

Yukima Yuan’s neat agreement made Yotsuya Miko stunned.

Then she was filled with joy as if she had survived a disaster.

In the past, she was like a drowning person with no one to rely on. She could only hold her breath and watch herself sink into the water little by little.

But now, she has a reed in her hand.

Maybe it’s not the omnipotent wishing lamp, and there is no way to save her from the water.

Maybe it won’t come in handy in an emergency.

But the appearance of Yukimae is the only lifeline for Yotsuya Miko.

Even if Yotsuya Miko doesn’t ask Yukimae for anything in the future, as long as Yukimae exists, it will be a great psychological comfort for Yotsuya Miko.

At least, she will not be alone in her vision in the future.

As for the conditions that Yukimae agreed to

, for Yotsuya Miko, it is the same as nothing.

She can’t close her eyes.

If Yukimae needs her, then use her.

On the other side,

Yukimae put down his phone and tickled Bai Yumaru’s chin with his fingers.

Bai Yumaru made a series of snoring sounds.

Obviously, he was very pleased with his master’s method.

About Yotsuya Miko.

After some communication, Yukimae also recalled the things about this girl.

This is a real psychic.

Or you can call it Yin-Yang eyes. Its psychic level should be the strongest in the whole human race. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It can see all spirits regardless of strength, good or bad, and any nature.

Of course, she is also deeply troubled by it.

In the original world line.

This girl should have run to an abandoned shrine when she was desperate. She made a covenant with a fox-shaped spirit similar to a mountain god in the shrine.

The mountain god helped her three times.

And after her death, she will become a shikigami driven by the mountain god, or a servant. She helped Yotsuya Miko three times.

As for whether she became a servant of the mountain god later.

Yukima Fuchi is unknown.

Maybe there will be a turning point in her subsequent life.

Yukima Fuchi only knows this much.

The appearance of Yotsuya Miko.

Gave Yukima Fuchi a little shock to his worldview.

But it doesn’t seem to be a big problem at the moment.

When Yukima Fuchi discovered that the shogi skills had special changes after reaching the highest level.

He wondered whether there were extraordinary things in this world.

Now it can be confirmed.


But it shouldn’t be like the Holy Grail War.[]

Do you understand? There was a gas explosion in a certain city.

So there is no need to panic.

It’s just that the matter of brushing up the proficiency of shogi skills should be put on the agenda.

The saying that Yukimae is a heroic spirit is not made up casually.

After all, he is now steadily moving towards the Eternal Dragon King.

It is indeed a great achievement.

By then, the level of shogi skills will most likely be maxed out.

The eighth-level chess situation is already so terrifying. What if you wait until you transcend the realm of perfection and step into the pinnacle?

By then, how powerful will the chess situation that Yukimae can control be?

It’s not an exaggeration to say that he is half a heroic spirit.

While petting the cat and thinking.

There was a sound of a door opening at the entrance.

“I’m back.”

The voice of Kasumigaoka came over.

“Welcome home.”

Yukima stood up and came to the entrance to greet him.

Shiratama also jumped out of Yukima’s arms.

He ran to Kasumigaoka Utaha’s black silk calf and gently rubbed it.

Kasumigaoka Utaha changed into slippers and handed a beautifully packaged light novel to Yukima.

Yukima took it and looked at it. It was the fourth volume of Love Metronome, which had been printed and packaged, but not yet on sale.

“Wow, it’s a new work by a senior. I’m really looking forward to it.”

“”By the way, do you have a signature? I want a signed version!”

Xuejian Yuan said with a smile while holding the book.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu gave Xuejian Yuan a blank look.

“No, you should be grateful if I send you the book in advance!”

“If you want an autograph, come to the autograph session tomorrow after school to line up.”

Xue Jianyuan could hear the hidden meaning in this.

He nodded immediately.

“I promise!”

Kasumigaoka waved her hands in satisfaction and drove Yukima Fuchi away.

The autograph session was basically done.

All that was left was to attend on time tomorrow.

Next, she would be busy with Yukima Fuchi’s work.

Write the script for the game quickly.

You can’t let a golden retriever surpass you in work efficiency.

Nothing happened that night.

The next day.

Feng Zhiqi

“I saw you running away from Shimokitazawa yesterday with your instrument bag on your back.”

“Tell me the truth quickly! Kita-chan, what’s going on with you lately?”

Eriri blocked Kita Ikuyo against the wall and asked angrily.

Yukima looked at the strong Eriri and nodded with satisfaction. Eriri is much better now than when she was in junior high school.

She has to be strong when she needs to be strong.

Otherwise, maybe one day her tsundere personality will ruin things. Kita

Ikuyo, who was blocked against the wall and made excuses many times to no avail, could only lower her head and tell the whole story.

When she was shopping with her friends in Shimokitazawa, she listened to a music performance in an exhibition hall.

One of the bassist girls made Kita admire her very much.

And it happened that the band of the bassist girl was currently lacking a guitarist and a lead singer. Kita

Ikuyo, who was quite confident in singing, signed up rashly.

After successfully joining the band.

She was very interested in the band’s The two seniors lied that they could play the guitar.

But in fact, Kita Ikuyo couldn’t.

Later, she ran to the music store, advanced two months’ pocket money, and bought a guitar.

Unfortunately, no matter how she practiced,

Kita Ikuyo couldn’t play a proper guitar performance.

Every time she plucked the strings, a low, crashing sound came out.

Later, during several band practices, Kita Ikuyo found excuses to get by. She only attended as the lead singer.

Later, the more she practiced, the more powerless she became, and the band was urging her to play together.

Under pressure from both sides,

Kita Ikuyo was worried all day long.

Yesterday, Yukino and the other two saw Kita Ikuyo running away with her instrument bag.

In fact, she couldn’t stand the pressure and ran away from the band.

After listening to Kita Ikuyo’s description,

Eriri hurried to comfort her.

However, Yukino Fuchi, who was listening in, discovered the blind spot at this time.

“Kita-san, the sound of the bang bang, isn’t that the sound of the bass?”

Kita Ikuyo was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand

“Xuejian, please stop comforting me. I can still tell the difference between a bass and a guitar.

As she spoke, she found the pictures she had taken on her phone.

Look, a bass guitar only has four strings, but mine has six, so it must be a guitar.

“Kita-san, do you know that there is a thing called a multi-string bass in this world?

Kita Ikuyo heard this and her smile froze on her face.

Yukima Yuan clicked on the photo.

“This is a six-string bass, also known as a multi-string bass.”

“When Kita bought the musical instrument, he chose it by himself, and didn’t ask the staff of the musical instrument store for their opinions.”

Kita Ikuyo nodded blankly.

A little girl was quietly broken at this moment.

She bought it with two months’ pocket money from her parents in advance, and the New Year’s red envelopes she had saved!

“Kita-chan! Kita-chan! Cheer up! Your soul is floating out of your body!”

Eri shook her friend who had lost her dream.

“Sell me your bass, and then borrow some from Eriri. I should be able to buy a new guitar, and then I can pay you back slowly.”

“I also know a friend who plays guitar very well. I can introduce her to you, Kita. You can learn from her.”

Yukima Fuchi patted Kita Ikuyo on the head.

Kita Ikuyo came back to her senses.

Listening to Yukima Fuchi’s words, she was so moved that tears almost came out.

“But this is not good, Xuejian, can you play the bass? It’s useless to buy it.”

“Besides, introducing friends to each other is very consuming, and I feel like I owe Xuejian too much!”

Kita Ikuyo is not someone who can easily take advantage of others.

Even if they are friends, she adheres to the principle of not taking advantage of others.

Xuejian Yuan waved his hand.

“I did this for Eriri’s sake, so if you want to thank someone, thank Eriri.”

Eriri, who was a little jealous at the side, felt her heart hit when she heard this. At this moment, the two looked over. It was visible to the naked eye that Eriri’s fair cheeks turned pink little by little.

Looking at Eriri with blushing cheeks,

Yukima Yuan chuckled.

He did have his own ideas.

Little Gudu should indeed make more friends and improve his character. Kita, the kind-hearted Yangjiao, is a good choice.

As for the bass, it should be used in the future. Now it is not a loss to buy an almost new one at a second-hand price.

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