After school,

Yukima Fuchi and Kasumigaoka Utaha took the train to Akihabara

“Come to think of it, Senior Sister actually came to school today. Why didn’t she just go to the book signing event and wait?”

Xue Jianyuan complained.

“I am an excellent student with excellent academic performance and good conduct, unlike my ex-boyfriend, who is a problem student who skips classes all the time.

“Even though you are an excellent student, you often sleep in class?”

“I understand everything the teacher said, so is there any problem with sleeping?”

“Makes sense”

“What I said certainly makes sense. So, my ex-boyfriend, have you finished reading my novel?”

Kasumigaoka asked this question and stared at Yukima Fuchi.

The inspiration for the fourth volume came entirely from the man in front of him.

The lifeless heroine in the first two volumes.

In this volume, she regained her soul.

And how will he view this soul?

Is he still as dumb as before?

“I have read it, how should I say it, I don’t know how to evaluate the novel of my senior sister.”

Xuejianyuan was in deep thought.

Hearing Xuejianyuan’s words,

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s brows unconsciously frowned.

But Xuejianyuan did not pause, but continued to speak coherently.

“But I can still describe the feeling.”

Xuejianyuan looked straight at Kasumigaoka Utaha.

Looking into her wine-red eyes,

Xuejianyuan pointed to his chest.

“When I read my senior’s novel, my heartbeat would unconsciously speed up, and the scenes described in the book would appear in my mind.”

“The image of the heroine Sayuka seems to be right in front of me. She is beautiful, proud, and full of perfectionism.”

“Sayuka’s love is passionate and reserved. Although it is always unspoken, it is more touching than thousands of words.”

“Reading it once probably only counts as finishing the story, and reading it a second time will help you understand the motivations of the heroine Sayuka’s actions.”

“Only when I read it for the third time, I can probably understand a little bit of the perfection of you, a genius writer.”

Listening to Yukima Fuyu’s words,

Kasumigaoka Utaha’s brows relaxed slightly.

Kasumigaoka Utaha’s mouth opened slightly.

Kasumigaoka Utaha’s eyes began to tremble slightly.

All right.

What Yukima Fuyu said was exactly what she expected in her heart. It even exceeded her expectations.

Kasumigaoka Utaha originally only hoped that Yukima Fuyu would find the heroine in the work attractive.

Maybe she also hoped that Yukima Fuyu would understand the heroine’s motives.

Because, the first protagonist in her work, Sayuka, is her extension.

And Yukima Fuyu not only understood everything. He even cast his eyes on her through the story.

Looking at Yukima Fuyu’s eyes, Kasumigaoka Utaha felt that she was about to cry.

“This is also…Do you like Sayuka? Although she is a little weird and has some shortcomings.

Before Kasumigaoka Utaha finished speaking, she was interrupted by Yukima Fuyuki.

“Senior, what are you talking about?”

Xue Jianyuan blinked.

“From the day I saw the first draft of Love Metronome, I have always loved the heroine Sayuka.”

“Whether it was the brilliant first volume, the setbacks in the second volume, or the mediocre third volume,”

“Or is she still as dazzling as she is now? I have loved her from the beginning to the end, and it has never changed for a single day.”

Kasumigaoka Utaha’s words choked in her throat.

When getting off the car,

Kasumigaoka Utaha kicked Yukinoma Furuya on the calf.

Then she ran to the bathroom of the promotional store to touch up her makeup.

Yukinoma Furuya smiled, and then looked at the long queue in front of the store.

The promotion of Fuzugawa Bookstore is obviously very good.

The book signing event hasn’t started yet, and the queue has stretched to the next street.

It is definitely unrealistic to start from the beginning.

Yukinoma Furuya can only try to sneak into the promotional store.

Fortunately, Kasumigaoka Utaha seemed to have greeted the staff long ago.

No one stopped Yukinoma Furuya.

The editor sitting behind the book signing table, Ms. Machida Sonoko, stared at the sneaky Yukinoma Furuya.

Is that the guy?

The male protagonist in Kasumigaoka teacher’s mind.

Hmm…In terms of appearance, he is a good match for Kasumi Shiko.

Thinking of this, Machida Sonoko shook her head violently.

No, no!

What am I thinking about? This guy is the suspected scumbag who caused Kasumi Shiko to fall into a two-volume trough!

I have to be more serious and examine him more carefully. After all, I am an editor and I have to be responsible for the author!

Machida Sonoko thought.

But…Which editor will be responsible for the author’s lifelong affairs?

This can also be seen.

In fact, Machida Sonoko and Kasumigaoka Utaha are editor and author in name.

But they are more like good friends in private.

After Yukima Fuchi got into the store, he asked the staff for a security vest. At least he could pretend.

Otherwise, this guy with good looks would be standing next to the book signing event, which would be a bit conspicuous.

After putting on the vest,

Yukima Fuchi saw Kasumigaoka Utaha walking out of the store.

The two looked at each other.

Kasumigaoka Utaha rolled her eyes at Yukima Fuchi.

Her eyes are still slightly red now.

It’s all because of this guy.

After sitting at the book signing table

“Shi-chan, you are finally here, shall we start now? Wait, what happened to your eyes?

Machida Yuanzi noticed something was wrong.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu waved her hand.

“I’m fine, let’s start the book signing.”

Machida Sonoko suddenly turned around and glared at Yukinoma Fuchi.

Yukinoma Fuchi:?

Being stared at for no apparent reason, Yukinoma Fuchi scratched his head in confusion.

The book signing began.

The atmosphere was quite harmonious.

After all, the novel is already in its fourth volume. Most of those who came to the book signing were true fans of Kasumigaoka Utaha.

Although Love Metronome has been through a low period, the writing is indeed impeccable.

Kasumigaoka Utaha is worthy of the title of genius light novel writer. There are very few readers who would send razor blades.

What’s more, Kasumigaoka is a beautiful girl.

Naturally, everyone is happy. Angrily.

Yukima Fuchi watched from the side, feeling quite a sense of accomplishment.

At first, when Kasumigaoka Utaha hadn’t become a light novel writer.

She didn’t have much confidence in herself.

It was just because of perfectionism that she was very strict with her works.

And it seemed like just a blink of an eye.

The girl who hadn’t debuted yet can now handle such a large-scale autograph session with ease.

This is the kid he watched grow up with his own eyes!

Just as Yukima Fuchi was sighing.

A faint disgusting smell came.

Yukima Fuchi immediately gathered his thoughts, He frowned and looked in the direction where the smell came from.

Soon, Xuejianyuan saw that in the crowd, there was a guy with his head down, holding a book, his eyes wandering around.

It was the beginning of summer, and this guy was still wearing a thick, oversized cotton mask.

If it wasn’t for allergies or other special reasons, wearing that kind of mask in this short-sleeved weather is definitely stupid or bad.

Moreover, this guy hung his backpack on his chest.

Although some people in the team chose to carry their backpacks like this in order not to squeeze into the people behind them, this guy was different.

His The bag was opened a little, and a hand was put into it.

Yukima remained calm and quietly walked aside.

He called two staff members and quietly told them to be ready to maintain order.

Then, Yukima slowly came to the side of the signing table.

The security vest on his body was thrown aside at some point.

Kasumigaoka naturally noticed Yukima approaching.

She gave him a puzzled look.

Yukima just motioned for her to continue. Kasumigaoka handed the signed novel to the fan.

After the fan thanked him and left.

Finally, it was the turn of the suspicious guy.

“”Teacher Kasumi Shiko, I like your book very much.”

The guy said this stutteringly while handing the book over.

Strangely, he handed the book over by grabbing the middle of the book.

Kasumigaoka was about to take the book.

But at this moment, Yukima Yuan came directly to the table.

Clap, clap!

The loud applause made the book signing shop quiet.

Yukima Yuan said while clapping:

“Congratulations! You are the 100th reader of this book signing event, and also the lucky reader of this book signing event!”(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Xue Jianyuan’s words made the crowd behind him a little agitated.

Some people envied the good luck of the guy in front.

Some people wondered why the number had reached such a low point of 100.

The person involved, who had encountered an unexpected change, did not look surprised at all, but was a little panicked.

Xue Jianyuan stretched out his hand and grabbed the book handed by the other party.

The moment he touched it, Xue Jianyuan felt that the weight of the book was not right.

“Next, just answer a very simple question and you can get a special collector’s edition of the new book.”

“So, what is the name of the first chapter of Volume 1 of Kasumi Shiko’s Love Metronome?”

Yuki Jianyuan asked with a smile.

He touched the middle of the book with his fingers.

The feel there was indeed wrong.

There was a hollow somewhere.

He could feel an irregular shape inside the book.

The book should have been hollowed out and something was put in it.

The panic in the eyes of the person being asked could no longer be concealed, and he stared at the book in Yuki Jianyuan’s hand.

“I don’t know! Give me back the book, I’m leaving!”

It was a simple question, and not answering it would not affect the signing.

But this person yelled like this.

Xue Jianyuan sneered, then grabbed the book in his hand and threw it hard at the empty wall on the side.[]

The book hit the wall, but then there was a sound of glass breaking.

When it fell to the ground, the pages opened and a white sticky liquid overflowed from the pages.

The people in the queue exclaimed.

Seeing that the matter was exposed.

The criminal turned around and ran away.

Xue Jianyuan was one step ahead, supporting himself with one hand, and quickly flipped over the signing table.

Seven points of physical strength bring not only extraordinary strength and endurance, but also agility.

In order to avoid the crowd from seeing the tragic scene.

Xue Jianyuan did not take more radical means of attack, but just kicked the criminal in the leg. The criminal who had just run two steps fell directly to his knees.

Xue Jianyuan stepped forward, ready to handcuff the man’s hands and subdue him to the ground.

Perhaps he was determined to fight to the death.

The criminal with his back to Xue Jianyuan suddenly threw something at him.

Xue Jianyuan only had time to turn his head slightly.

The heavy thing rubbed his forehead.

His head tilted back slightly uncontrollably.

Xue Jianyuan continued to act quickly.

He kicked the man to the ground and tied his hands behind his back, causing him to feel severe pain if he moved a little.

At the same time, he pressed his knee on his neck.

Of course, Yukima Yuan did not use much force, otherwise someone might have died.

All this happened in a split second.

The crowd behind the criminal only had time to step back a few steps.

The staff who had been warned and prepared came up to help quickly.

They maintained order among the readers.

They tied up the criminal, who had been completely controlled by Yukima Yuan, with nylon ropes.


Kasumigaoka Utaha exclaimed and rushed over quickly.

Yukima Yuan turned around at this time and took a look at what had just hit him. It was almost the same as expected, a handheld camera.

The vision suddenly blurred and turned red.

In Kasumigaoka Utaha’s anxious expression, Yukima Yuan realized that he was injured.

He touched his forehead.

A sticky touch came.

Although he turned his head to avoid it, he didn’t avoid it in the end. The thrown camera scratched his forehead.

But the problem is not big, it’s just a skin break.

There is no dizziness or discomfort.

After all, the camera didn’t hit him hard, it just grazed him.

Reaching out and pressing the shoulder of Kasumigaoka who was about to pounce on him.

Yukima Yuan said in a low voice:

“It’s okay with me. Let’s continue the book signing event and talk about it after it’s over.”

Kasumigaoka Utaha immediately shook her head and wanted to refuse.

He was injured.

How could she continue the book signing event as if nothing had happened?

“If the book signing event is interrupted, wouldn’t everything I have done be meaningless?”

“Senior, I like you and Sayuka, you can’t have any accidents.”

When Kasumigaoka Shiyu heard what Yukima Yuan said, she pursed her lips tightly, tears flashing in her eyes.

She herself didn’t know how she could bear it.

Biting her tongue, she suppressed her emotions and sat behind the book signing table.

Yukima Yuan took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket and wiped the blood on his forehead casually.

Then he pressed a piece of paper on the wound.

After handling it, he came back to face the panicked readers.

“Please don’t panic, we are very sorry, there was a small accident on the scene”

“But the staff will deal with it soon, and the book signing can continue. I hope I didn’t disturb your interest.”

“However, for the following book signing process, please turn the book to the signature page and put it on the table. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.”

Yukima’s appearance worked again.

Seeing the injured handsome boy.

The crowd did not retreat, but applauded the boy’s neat action.

Then, according to the instructions of the staff, they lined up again and continued the book signing.

Yukima walked to the back to treat the wound.

Kasumigaoka Utaha’s eyes followed Yukima’s movement and deviated.

“I’ll go and help you check it out.”

After Machida Yuanzi finished speaking, she patted Kasumigaoka’s shoulder and ran quickly to the back.

Kasumigaoka Utaha tried her best to turn her sight back to the book in front of her.

Although business is a bit difficult.

But the readers can understand the accident that just happened.

When they came up, they did not blame Kasumigaoka’s attitude, but offered comfort.

But those comforts were heard in her ears.

Kasumigaoka Utaha only felt her heart hurt more.

The scattered books on the side were put away.

The camera that fell on the side was taken away.

If Kasumigaoka Utaha still didn’t understand what happened after seeing those things, she would not be a genius, but a fool.

If she had just opened the book normally.

The liquid inside sprayed out and fell on her.

That guy took out the camera again.

As a beautiful girl genius light She is a novelist. She will definitely be completely covered and buried by the dirty words on the Internet. Her career as a light novelist should be over.

Her life will probably be dark from now on.

The Internet world is like this.

If there is no picture, you have to make it up. When there is a picture, all kinds of disgusting stories will come into being.

Yukima Fuchi saved her in this way.

Even if he was injured, his priority was still her book signing event, not his own injuries.

Kasumigaoka Utaha wanted to run to him right now. She was concerned about his injuries and hugged him tightly.

But he had already asked her to do so.

Kasumigaoka Utaha could only be nailed to the spot and finish the work of the book signing event first.

No matter how painful it was in her heart, she could only endure it now.

Kasumigaoka Utaha was experiencing the longest book signing event in her life..

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