Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 298 Inside, there is a spirit (this book has a million words)

It is possible to transform into a dragon, but not to transform into a Locke, but in essence, both are ultimate transformation techniques. What is the reason for this difference?

Negris was puzzled, it couldn't feel the fluctuations on the pebbles, and couldn't understand what Ange described.

When he left the Palace of Rest and re-projected to his own body, Negris found that Brusque was poking his head, his mind was highly concentrated, and he was very vigilant.

"What's wrong with you?" Negris asked.

Bruce said hesitantly, "I feel something, but I don't know what it is."

This is a very serious problem. The patriarch of the Dragon Clan, the God of Truth, can feel something but don't know what it is. It is a terrible thing that something can be hidden from his perception. Who has this ability?

"When?" Negris became vigilant.

"Just now, it's gone now," Brusque said.

Just now? After calculating the time, Negris hesitated: Could it be because of the stone eggs? Anger said that there was a wave of volatility, could it be caused by this wave of volatility?

Can the outside world also sense the fluctuations in the Palace of Rest? If this kind of fluctuation is at the blood vessel level, it is normal to sense it.

Thinking of this, Negris said: "Is it only you who feel it? Why don't you ask other people if they feel it."


Bruce reacted, but before it could send out the bloodline call, the bloodline calls of other dragons came over. Brusque listened for a while, and said, "It seems that all the dragons and dragonborn feel it, what's going on?"

After being puzzled for a while, Brusque suddenly thought of something, and suddenly turned his head to look at Negris on his back.

Seeing Negris smiling calmly, Brusk asked in shock, "Is that really an egg? Has it hatched?"

Negris smiled and said, "What egg? I didn't see it. I just took a stone."

Negris denied it flatly, and Brusk suddenly realized that this topic was over. Anyway, no matter who they are in the future, they will all agree with each other, and what they took away was a stone.

After landing on Crow Island, Bruce held Negris and whispered for a while, and the two seemed to have reached some kind of agreement.


Black Crow Island is an island that is thick at both ends and thin in the middle. The island has an area of ​​several hundred square kilometers, densely forested and rugged.

The thin bay in the middle is surrounded by islands on both sides. It is safe, windproof, highly concealed, and has a flat terrain. It was reclaimed here and became the nest of the night crow. Thousands of people settled here.

But today's settlements and farmlands have been burned, and some ragged and disheveled people are picking up valuable things from the ruins.

In the waterway of the bay, a few snake men with a human body and a snake tail swam up to the beach holding a harpoon or something, threw the fish on the ground, and shouted loudly: "Let's eat, let's eat, today is a big harvest, the fork is here!" A piece of tuna, come and eat while it's fresh."

The human beings in the ruins piled up their smiles, hula-la rushing over, bloodletting bloodletting, fish-cutting fish-cutting, and fire-setting. Some young and weak people are not suitable for eating raw, and it would be better to roast them.

The leader of the snake man squeezed a few times on the beach and squeezed out a hole. Water soon emerged from the hole. The snake man coiled into the puddle to prevent it from drying out, and then asked: "How is the situation? Captain Are you back yet?"

"No." A middle-aged human said worriedly: "I don't know if it will be smooth or not, and whether we can buy food. If we don't buy food and come back, people on the island will starve to death."

The snake man looked ashamed: "It's a pity that we are too few snake people to catch enough fish, otherwise everyone wouldn't starve to death."

The middle-aged man quickly shook his head: "It's none of your business, don't think that way, you've worked hard recently, we humans can't just eat fish, you've helped us a lot, without the fish you caught, We've starved to death."

"It should be." The snake man took it for granted: "If Captain Black Yaya hadn't saved us and allowed us to settle here, we would have been caught and exhibited on land long ago. The children treated us very well. We It's just family."

"Yes, family, it's too far-fetched to say anything else, it's really irreparable, you have to take care of yourself first, after all, you can live well in these seas. If we starve to death in the end, it's also the will of the Dragon God." The middle-aged man smiled frankly.

As soon as the words fell, a roar came from the sky: "Fart, it's none of the Dragon God's business, the Dragon God doesn't bother to care about your life and death!"

The middle-aged man looked up, his legs gave way in fright, and he sat down on the ground. In the sky, a huge golden monster fell at a high speed, with angry eyes wide open. It was the one that made the roar just now.

It's over, it's over, it's over, the dragon heard bad things about the dragon god behind his back, and he's dead.

When it was about to fall to the ground, the golden dragon flapped its wings fiercely, and a strong wind blew up on the ground, blowing all the people and snake people nearby to the ground.

The middle-aged man shouted tremblingly: "Yes...I'm sorry, Lord Dragon God, it''s my fault, I shouldn't speak ill of you, please punish me, it has nothing to do with other people."

The golden dragon said cursingly: "The reputation of our dragon clan has been ruined by these people. The will of the dragon god and the will of the dragon god are none of our business. How can the dragon god be so idle."

"It's not because you don't do good deeds. The ocean is so vast, and it's our sphere of influence. No one cares about the life and death of people here. If you don't scold you, you should do more. It’s a good thing, sending medicines and doctors, everyone thinks about the dragon, maybe we can unify the beliefs, and then ignite the dragon god’s faith.”

Another voice sounded, and a brass baby dragon flew down from the golden dragon's back.

Then, several humans, a horse wearing a hat, slid down from the dragon's back one after another. Seeing one of the humans, the middle-aged man's eyes almost popped out: "Captain? Captain Night Crow? Why do you..."

The Night Crow waved his hand, motioning him to stop talking, and then ordered: "Pearls, our pearls at the bottom of the box, quickly take them out, I bought food, and they will deliver it to your door."

"Oh." The middle-aged man was full of doubts, but held back for the time being, and quickly went to find a bag, which contained seven or eight black pearls the size of an egg.

Negris received it and looked at it with disgust: "Although it can be sold for a lot of money, it is of no use to us. Forget it, let it be like this."

Black pearls of this size are very precious, they are priceless, but they are of no use to them, but they can be exchanged at equal value, so they can’t be given away for free. The night crow has to come up with something, this is the only thing she can get now. What came out had to be reluctantly collected.

The transfer of two hundred tons of grain caused everyone to burst into joy.

Ange and others who had completed the task gathered together, and Negris said: "Okay, let's go, remember to thank the immortal god."

Ange took out the scepter of heaven, opened the portal, and teleported to the holy heaven one by one. They disappeared like a miracle, which triggered everyone's Mobike. In the end, only Brusk was left in a daze on the bay.

The Night Crow accompanied him cautiously, not understanding why Brusk was in a daze, the owner had already left, why didn't the driver leave?

Brusque was in a daze because what Negris said was right. Originally, it was very disdainful in its heart. What's the use of sending medicine and food to the doctor?

There may not be half a million people scattered all over the ocean. Even if all these people think about the dragon, what's the use?

The big sect of the Guangming Church with hundreds of millions of believers still doesn't obediently abide by the rules of the Dragon Clan when it reaches the ocean.

Of course, on land, Brusque behaved like a little lizard.

Because the number is too small, the dragons don't care much about the intelligent creatures in the sea, and they are scattered on various islands, so it is very troublesome to rescue.

But as Negris said, the sea is the sphere of influence of the Dragon Clan. Others will not dare to go deep into the ocean, but the Dragon Clan doesn't care, so no one cares about it. They starve to death, sickness and death at every turn. Who doesn't scold the Dragon God?

If there were no dragons, would a guy like Anthony think of a way to extend his tentacles into the sea?

Another point is, are hundreds of thousands of believers really unimportant? Master Ange seems to have only a few hundred thousand believers, right? But they can play well, so should we collect them and build a belief in Dragon God?

In case it works well, it ignites a dragon god's letter...

Thinking of this, Brusque stood up, let his huge figure cover the Night Crow, and asked with a smile: "Night Crow, do you want to be surrounded by our giant dragons and run amok in this sea area?"

There is such a good thing? The night crow's head is like a chicken pecking at rice.

"However, our Dragon Clan only protects believers who believe in the Dragon God." Bruce said.

The Night Crow nodded desperately, then pointed at Bruce, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, come here, Dragon God, protect us, thank you Dragon God!"

Above the sea, the giant dragon is supreme. There are countless legends about the giant dragon like stars. Many old sailors have even witnessed the heroic appearance of the giant dragon passing at high speed on the sea.

Now such a behemoth wants to protect them on its own initiative, and the only thing it needs is their faith?

When the giant dragon doesn't protect them, the people on the sea also believe in the dragon god. Even those who don't believe in the night crow will get used to using the name of the dragon god when they make an oath, which means that they don't have to pay anything.

God, is there such a good thing? It must be the blessing of the Immortal God, thank the Immortal God!

The Night Crow is not an idiot, so he naturally understands why Brusk offered to protect her, and why did he suddenly protect her from the dragon who never paid attention to humans?

It's not because of Ange and the others, she is blamed for the golden dragon bird without Ange taking her to Long Island and without the brass dragon saying that.

The others didn't understand, anyway, they believed in the Dragon God, and now when they heard the crow's cry, they all went crazy with joy, and quickly surrounded them, saluted and worshiped, even those snake men were no exception.

Brusk noticed these snake men, sniffed and asked: "You are the slaves, whose slaves?"

The snake man said a name.

"Oh, it turned out to be it. It has returned to the Dragon Tomb and slept forever. Otherwise, I will hold it accountable for letting the dragon's minions ignore it." Bruce said majesticly.

A few snake people were frightened, the name they said was equivalent to their god in their inheritance, but now hearing Jinlong's tone, if they don't die, they will be held accountable by their god?

This golden dragon has such a big tone, what's the origin?

Brusque blew on a few snakemen.

The breath of a giant dragon can burn down a city, but most people have never seen another breath of a giant dragon, the breath of a dragon that can transform a dragon-born minion.

The snake people only felt the spring breeze blowing on their faces, and felt comfortable all over their bodies. It didn't take long before they felt itchy all over their bodies. They ran to rub against the rocks, and they shed their skin that night.

The shedding snake man seems to have been completely reborn. The originally smooth human-shaped upper body now has hard and thin scales on the outside of the arms, waist and back. Only the chest and abdomen are still smooth. greatly increased.

Two small horns grew on his forehead, and the snake man was shocked to find that he could sense the water element. With a little practice, his flexibility in moving in the water would be greatly increased.

In addition, the body size has also increased. After each molt, the size of the snake people can continue to grow, but the snake people only shed their skin twice in their life. Unexpectedly, Brusk spit at them, prompting them to molt for the third time , This is not God, what is God?

Maintaining the form of a giant dragon and finishing all those oppressive things, Brusque turned into a human form and was sent to the doctor according to Negris' words.

This is also the easiest move to win people's hearts. Seeing the suffering companions miraculously healed under the magic of Brusque, the beliefs in everyone's hearts become extremely firm and pious.

"Hey? So much food? Didn't we rob you of all your food? Where did you get the food?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Looking around, I saw a large number of pirates wearing waterproof suits emerging from the water of the bay, and they were sneaking over. They had already surrounded the camp in the bay.

The Black Night Crow slapped his thigh, and said excitedly, "It's the Mosasaurus Pirates. Oh, my luck is so good."

"Where is the Night Crow? Come out! Who are those people who killed my deputy head!? Come out! What sorcery did you use to summon the golden dragon? Hand over the summoned magic weapon, or I will kill you all!" People!" The pirate who yelled at the head should be the leader of the Mosasaur pirate group.

The Night Crow came to a sudden: "So he thought, Mr. Bruce, you were summoned by me?"

The human-shaped Brusque rolled his eyes and became narrow-minded: "That's what he wants, you find something, rush to the front and show it to him, and then call my name."

The Black Night Crow nodded excitedly, picked up a random stone on the ground, rushed out and shouted loudly: "Captain Mosasaurus? Since you know that I can summon golden dragons, why do you dare to come to me? Are you not afraid of death? Look what this is! This is the Dragon God Stone!"

The leader of Mosang Dragon stared blankly at the black, inconspicuous, and undulating stone in Hei Yeya's hand. He was stunned for a while, and then laughed loudly: "You want to lie to me by picking up a broken stone? Hurry up!" Hand over your magic weapon for summoning the golden dragon, or I will kill all of you."

"This is it." The night crow shook the stone in his hand: "Lord Bruce! I call your name in the name of the Dragon God. Come out, Golden Dragon Bruce!"

The head of the mosasaurus just wanted to laugh, but suddenly heard a dragon chant that pierced the darkness, and a huge golden figure that was particularly conspicuous in the dark night rushed towards him.

Before being swallowed by the dragon's breath, the leader of the mosasaurus had only one thought in his heart: that broken stone can really summon the golden dragon——

In the early morning of the next day, the Mosasaur pirate group, which had turned from darkness to light, put on the flag of the Night Raven and slowly sailed towards Drake Island.

The Night Crow stood on the bridge of the flagship, his face bursting into laughter: Why is my luck so good? Blessed by the immortal god, I will trust you from now on.

Behind her, those original Mosasaurus pirates who surrendered looked at the broken stone in her hand with awe.

With the activities of the pirate group, the legend of a dragon stone that can summon a golden dragon began to spread in the ocean.

Negris never expected that people like himself would change the power of the entire ocean by walking around the sea, but even if they knew, it would have no time to deal with it, because as soon as they returned to the City of Beauty, Katie came to the city with a little guy in her arms. to them.

"Isn't this the dragon boy adopted by the Great Druid of Spring Breeze? What happened to him? Did he get into trouble? What is he holding? Straw? An owl made of straw?" Negris asked suspiciously.

Katie smiled wryly and said, "I don't know what he did, but he made it out of mud, Xiaobu, tell everyone, how did you do it?"

"Mud made? Xiaobu? Straw made from mud? What do you mean?" Negris was surprised.

Ange had been looking at it with his head tilted, and suddenly pointed to the straw owl and said, "There is a spirit inside."

PS: It’s the last day. I use the monthly tickets you voted for to draw a lottery. It seems that I won something. I don’t know if it’s true. I’ll tell you when I send it.

Thank you Huang Yinfeng, book friend 20171012182611229, for your tip.

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