Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 299 Ranking Fifth Knight Order

Undead creatures have souls, but in fact they are two things, one is spirit, the other is soul, the spirit is consciousness, and the soul is a container. What An Ge meant is that this straw owl has a consciousness.

This is not a rare thing, some Horcruxes are also conscious, such as the Earth Hammer, the Book of Brass...

The spirit on the straw owl is essentially the same existence as Negris, but when Ange touched it, he immediately felt the difference. This consciousness muttered to himself:

"Kid, take care."

"The magic rice is still close to succeeding, I am not reconciled."

"I am the strongest Druid."

"Dragon poo really stinks..."

All of them are the content that Ange received from the remnants of Spring Breeze Bones, and there is nothing new.

Ange tilted his head, pointed at the little guy and said, "This consciousness was created by him."

Only a created consciousness can be so rigid and monotonous, but this is already a very miraculous thing, the little guy has created a consciousness.

It is not yet known what level of consciousness this is, and whether it has wisdom, but a child who has never learned anything, but can forcibly create a consciousness based on the residual consciousness of a corpse, is definitely not a simple matter.

Negris was stunned. Whether it was made of mud into straw or artificial consciousness, it was not a normal power system. Only divine magic could have such a miraculous effect.

But how old is a child who defines magic? Just kidding?

"Xiao Bu, wait a minute, why did you call him Xiao Bu?" Negris thought of a question, turned to Katie and asked.

"Did you name him?" Katie asked.

Negris frowned and thought for a while, but he couldn't remember whether he had been named, let alone whether Chunfeng Dade had given him a name.

"So I'll call him Xiaobu for the time being, will Master Naiger want to name him?" Katie asked.

Negris shook his head: "Forget it, let's call him Xiaobu, it sounds nice."

After a pause, Negris continued to ask: "What did you mean when you said that he used mud to pinch this straw owl? How did mud be pinched into straw?"

Katie spread her hands, with a blank expression on her face: "I don't know, I just saw him squeeze and squeeze, and it turned into a pile of straw."

As she spoke, Katie turned to Xiao Bu, and said softly, "Xiao Bu, how did you do it? Can you show Master Naig?"

"Aww!" Xiao Bu shook his head, hugging the straw owl tightly.

Negris was stunned, why can anyone speak? What did the little angel teach?

It can understand the Aoao language, but what Xiao Bu said is: "Change one, you can't change it."

It probably means that he has already created one, but cannot change the second one.

Negris approached Xiao Bu and asked kindly, "Xiao Bu, why do you want to become an owl?"

Xiao Bu pointed to the straw owl and said in standard common language: "Grandpa Feng."

The little guy can't even speak clearly, but he speaks these words so standard, someone must have taught him patiently.

Negris flew up, and said to Katie with regret: "Oh, this little guy, he has never forgotten Chunfeng Dade, maybe Chunfeng often turns into an owl, so he thought the owl was his Grandpa Feng, alas, how pitiful Yes, he remembers everything from the past."

Katie nodded: "Yes, poor little guy, he still often wakes up from dreams, and then hugs me and cries, saying that poop really stinks, what kind of poop is it that can make him remember until now."

Negris scratched his nose in embarrassment, and was about to change the subject, when he suddenly heard an wailing sound behind him.

Turning around, I saw that the little angel had slipped little Buti into the mud next to him, together with the little Zombie Ange, they were kneeling with their knees hugged, forming a circle, and Ange was watering the circle.

After pouring the water, the little angel gave him an 'ow'.







After some friendly and enthusiastic communication, Xiao Bu, with two dark circles under his eyes, reluctantly mixed the mud. Just now, he said that it would not change. Now, a new mud owl is slowly taking shape in his hands.

Negris didn't know what to say. These guys who can only scream, their communication methods are more rude and direct.

Katie was heartbroken like something, but she didn't dare to say anything, so she could only hang her clothes by herself.

The mud made an owl shape, Xiaobu carved the details there carefully, the eye feathers were lifelike, after all the carvings were done, Xiaobu stretched out his hand to pick it up.

Of course the mud couldn't be picked up, but Xiao Bu tried very hard, and when he picked it up abruptly, the mud owl fell apart into a pile of straw.

"Hey, it really changed, from soil to straw, how could it be like this? It can't be an illusion, right? Doesn't this mean that the elements have changed?" Negris gasped and murmured in disbelief .

This change from one substance to another has gone beyond its comprehension, and it is impossible to understand how this is done, is it divine?

Only divine arts can have such unreasonable changes, or in other words, it follows another set of laws, the laws of gods.

Thinking of this, Negris quickly flew over to ask Ang: "Is he your believer? Don't squat down, can you? You are such a big man, but you are still a god. A bunch of people are looking at you, don't act like a child." .”

Only Ange could do it, the majestic Trinity God squatted on the ground to watch the children play in the mud.

Angus nodded.

"Which god?"

"The God of Planting."

"I guessed it." Negris had such an expression on his face: "Then does he define a magic spell now? Will you use this magic spell?"

Ange nodded, pinched a bone with mud, and picked it up.

A bone made of mud turned into a bone made of straw in an instant.

"...Can it only be turned into straw? Can't it be turned into other things? What's the use of turning mud into straw..." Negri sighed: "I knew I shouldn't have expectations."

Originally, it thought that Ange could improve this magical technique. After all, Xiaobu is just a child under five years old. He can turn into straw. Ange can improve it, can't he change something else? Such as turning into gold and silver.

This is the conversion of elements, which is equivalent to turning the earth element into a 'wood' element. It is simply a magical skill of creation. Of course, there is no such element as 'wood'.

Ange tilted his head and thought for a while, then picked up the straw bone and threw it at Lightning: "Eat."

Lightning put it in his mouth, and asked while chewing: "Why do you let me eat it? It's so unpalatable, I want to eat the young shoots of the world tree."

Although it was unpalatable, Lightning still chewed and swallowed it. It thought that what Ange threw over was a special straw.

How long has it been since Uncle Lightning has chewed straw? I haven't gnawed it since I followed Ange, and at least it's a beet leaf again.

"Bah, it's really unpalatable." Lightning spit out some mouth-piercing bits and pieces.

Only then did Ange say, "You can eat it."

Negris understood what he meant, and said angrily: "Yes, yes, it can be eaten, and it can be fed to the horses. The mud can be turned into straw and fed to the horses."

This is simply impossible, don't look at mud turning into straw, they are all worthless things, but they must require divine power, consume a lot of divine power just to turn into straw to eat? Crazy.

For the time being, that's the only way to go. The root cause of Ange's carrying the burden is that he can only make straws.

"Then what about this spirit?" Negris pointed to the consciousness in the straw owl.

Straw is straw after all, it cannot be used as a carrier of consciousness, and it will fall apart in a short time, so we have to find a way to transfer it to other places.

Anger took out a scarecrow hat. He had collected a lot of scarecrow hats on the farm back then, but most of them were broken. It wasn't until Negris got some gold rods that he repaired them.

But at that time it was meaningless, there were a lot of scarecrow hats in Duroken's palace.

Transferred consciousness into the hat and re-buttoned it to the straw owl.

"Yeah, that's fine, the scarecrow's hat is the real body, as long as the hat is not broken, it's fine, and the straw can be tied again." Negris nodded and said.

Consciousness and the hat slowly merged together, and suddenly, with a jerk, the straw owl transformed into a crude owl, the living one.

However, anyone can see that it is false, the intensity of this consciousness is too low, and everyone present can see through this illusion.

Only Xiao Bu didn't care, hugged the straw owl very excitedly, and shouted excitedly: "Grandpa Feng."

Under the transformation of the hat, the owl said: "Dragon poop really stinks... I am the strongest Druid... Take care, child..."

With a black line on his forehead, Negris turned around and warned, "Don't let Niali see it."

Katie nodded in confusion.

There is one more consciousness, but it is not complete, it is more similar to ghosts, phantoms and other incomplete spirits, but its significance is particularly important, because it was created by Xiaobu.

This is not the consciousness of the Spring Breeze Druids, but Xiao Bu endowed this consciousness with some similar behavioral characteristics based on his own memory. If something beyond Xiao Bu's memory, it will not exist.

For example, in his cognition, Grandpa Feng is an owl, and he may not remember what the Spring Wind Great Druid looked like when he was in human form.

"Train him well in the future, he is so powerful at such a young age, he doesn't know what great things he can do in the future." Negris sighed.

"Okay, then should I send him to the Academy of Stars? According to Xiludi, there is an enlightenment class there, and three-year-old children can be sent there to receive magical enlightenment. She said that the sooner you learn magical language, the better. The language of children Talent is the best, but it degrades when I grow up, I wanted to learn Aowao, but I couldn't learn a word, he learned it easily." Katie said in a rambling manner.

"And Qi..." Just as he was about to say something, a deep voice suddenly sounded: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool! I Found Enemy — Meet The Enemy!"

The deep voice can be transmitted very far away, and the entire Beauty God City boils instantly.

Ange immediately stepped into the air and looked towards the direction of Chulong Lake in the west.

Falling Dragon Lake and the Great Rift Valley are in a straight line, looking like an exclamation point from the sky. The Beauty God City is built on the plain between the Great Rift Valley and the East River, and more than two hundred kilometers to the south is the Hope Oasis.

If the enemy is coming from the south, they must first pass through oases and deserts.

Now that the economy of the oasis is very active and the traffic is heavy, it is impossible for a large group of enemies to cross the desert and the oasis silently and attack Beauty God City from the south.

It is impossible to attack along the river. The defense of the East River is the top priority. Some sections of the river still need to be pulled by manpower. The large number of enemies attacking along the river is completely a dream.

The only direction that can attack silently is the Falling Dragon Lake in the west. The width of the Falling Dragon Lake is hundreds of kilometers, like a vast ocean, and it is too easy to find a direction to drill in.

Of course, Ange wouldn't analyze so much. He looked this way, mainly because the tree man Goer was also on guard here.

At this moment, An Ge sensed Anthony's urgent call in his soul: "My lord, according to the information I received, the forage consumption of the Flying Dragon Knights has been greatly reduced recently. I suspect that they have been dispatched. I don't know if the target is me or You guys, tell Lord Naig to be more vigilant."

An Ge responded: "It's me, I saw the flying dragon."

On the surface of the Falling Dragon Lake, a mass of black flying dragons almost pressed against the water surface, pressing towards the direction of the Beauty God City.

The Flying Dragon Knights, the fifth-ranked Air Knights in the plane, has a total of only one thousand. The mount is a very common flying dragon, a low-level dragon beast.

However, even though it is a low-level dragon beast, the flying dragon has a body length of six meters and a wingspan of eight meters. It can easily carry a fully armed knight and run long distances.

Unlike ordinary horses, horses have to stop and rest after running tens of kilometers. Flying dragons don’t need it. They can fly thousands of kilometers in one breath, breathe fireballs, and bite enemies. Even if they fall to the ground, they are still the same size A behemoth of six or seven meters.

When the number of these behemoths reached one thousand, they flew like clouds, densely packed with darkness.

Compared with such flying dragon knights, the winged knights they encountered back then were simply childish. Although the number was similar, their combat power was completely different.

Although the Flying Dragon Knights are powerful, they can only rank fifth in the ranking of the Air Knights because the first four are stronger.

For example, the dragon army ranks first, the star magician ranks second, the two-headed chimera knight ranks third, and the dwarf griffin knight ranks fourth.

The Flying Dragon Knights belonged to the Church of Light and were under the command of Guliani himself. Obviously, after being rejected at the plane security meeting, Guliani decided to implement the motion to expel the abyss wanderers himself.

The Plane Security Conference is a regular meeting to coordinate the major forces in the plane, but if one of them does not abide by the agreement, they have to force it...

Then, unless the rest of the parties directly send troops to intervene by force, otherwise, they can only be scolded at the next meeting.

In the security meeting, Ange had four allies, and there would be four people who would help him scold others, but now he needs to get rid of these flying dragon knights first.

Thank you Shiwo Steamroller, Tirank, Yuan Xianglizhen, twinkel Tingyu for the rewards.

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