Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 300 Are Dragon Beasts Afraid of Longwei?

Aimer, the head of the Flying Dragon Knights, looked solemn and remained silent. This state made his adjutant very puzzled. Shu Yin asked, "You seem to have something on your mind? You lost the card game again yesterday?"

Flying air units are very troublesome when communicating in the air, so there is no way to make subtle changes and coordination like ground knights. The general battle flow is that the little knight follows the little cavalry leader, the little cavalry leader follows the knight leader, and the knight leader Following the big knight, the big knight followed the leader, and then swarmed up.

At the level of knight commander, there is a rigid condition, that is, you must be an advanced swordsman. Advanced swordsmen can already control the battle energy to form out of the body, and can do some things that middle and low-level swordsmen cannot do.

For example, the sound is bundled and transmitted to the target in a directional manner, so as to achieve the purpose of communication during the flight.

This kind of skill is very advanced, and it is not easy for ordinary people to learn it. Advanced swordsman is only the foundation, and it needs long-term practice to master it. Ordinary high-level swordsmen are as poor as ghosts, and they are busy earning money all day, so they will definitely not calm down to practice this kind of skill that is difficult to use.

Only sky knights will practice this skill from childhood, and they will be able to use it immediately after they cross the threshold of advanced swordsmen.

The sound waves of the sound beam directly reached Aimer's ear, as clearly as if speaking directly in his ear.

Aimer shook his head: "I never played cards before going out, nor did I think about things that have nothing to do with combat."

"That is related to the battle, why are you so stern? Is the enemy very powerful?" the adjutant asked curiously.

"Don't you read the battle report?" Aimer asked.

"It's just because I saw it, so I'm surprised. Isn't it just some abyss vagrants? Don't worry too much, right? Our whole army is attacking. Apart from those air cavalry regiments on the leaderboard, who else can stop our attack?" The adjutant said confidently.

Aimer shook his head, and said patiently: "If you don't need to worry too much, will His Majesty let our whole army attack? Do you know how much food and salaries are consumed every day if we all move? How many people are needed to go deep into the desert or take a detour?" Will you cooperate with us? At such a high cost, the enemy to raid will be an enemy that you don't need to care about? You are careless."

The adjutant didn't think so, but the expression on his face became serious: "Yes, the commander is right, I was careless, the battle report is relatively simple, and the enemy that needs our whole army to attack is definitely not simple. Have you come up with any insights from the analysis?"

Aimer shook his head: "These wanderers from the abyss are really strange. What I'm going to say next is not in the battle report."

The adjutant immediately cheered up. He knew that Captain Aimer was the heir of an old big family, and the news was much better than that of a small nobleman who was promoted by strength.

"The leader of this abyss wanderer is called Ange." Aimer said.

The adjutant was shocked: "That Ange that the elves are looking for all over the world?"

"That's right, the last time all the elves were dispatched and we were on level four alert for a month, this is where the elves went," Aimer said.

The adjutant frowned: "That's not right, the elves' posture that time was obviously seeking revenge. I thought they were going to launch a plane war. If the elves' goal was here, why did they apologize to Ange all over the world? No Could it be because the elves lost in this quest for revenge, so they have to apologize?"

When the adjutant said the last sentence, he felt it was ridiculous. Will the elves lose?

Aimer nodded: "Not only an apology, but also compensation. Have you seen the giant war tree in the battle report?"

The adjutant couldn't help opening his mouth, and then he was immediately forced into a mouthful of wind, and quickly closed it and said, "No way, didn't the war giant tree elves rent it out? Maybe they rented it."

"No, only the low-level giant war tree will be rented out. The beautiful god city is a super giant war tree, which is only responsible for guarding the tree of life. According to us humans, it is the Royal Knights, the Capital Guard Corps and the like. said Emer.

It’s okay not to use metaphors, but when he heard these metaphors, the adjutant burst out laughing: “Just those superficial dragon dung eggs?”

Aimer's cheeks twitched in embarrassment, and he also realized that his analogy was inappropriate. No matter which country's Royal Knights, Garrison Corps, etc., they are basically gold-plated places for noble children. They have equipment but no combat power, just like The shiny dragon dung eggs look bright and beautiful, but they are extremely smelly.

"Super giant war trees are not dragon dung eggs. They are the strongest fighting power of elves. They can fight recklessly when encountering giant dragons. The most obvious thing is that the firepower of super giant war trees is ten times stronger than that of low-level giant war trees. Times, you should have seen low-level giant war trees, right? One tree is worth ten."

"Hiss, no wonder you asked all the heavy load team to bring heavy kerosene and flame bombs. It turned out to be to deal with it." The adjutant was stunned, and then said: "It's just a super giant war tree. Even if the firepower is ten times stronger, it won't be enough Make you so cautious?"

"Hehe, because that may be their weakest strength, do you know the fallen saint Shamara? It is reported that Shamara has taken refuge in these abyss wanderers."

"Do you know about silver dragons? Do you know about brass dragons? It is reported that there are at least three young dragons in Beauty God City, one of which is underdeveloped, but at least two of them have superior combat power, and the second is an adult monster." I don’t know what kind of dragon it is, but its size is nearly twenty or thirty meters.”

That's fine with Shamara, but the giant dragon can't help the adjutant to be careless, because their flying dragon is a kind of dragon beast, and the giant dragon has blood pressure on them. Not bad.

And even if the flying dragon is well-trained and has the courage to attack the dragon, it is not the opponent of the dragon.

The adjutant turned his head and glanced at the back, where there was a magic floating carriage. It was a carriage without wheels and could be suspended in the air. The carriage was like a pebble, thick in the middle and thin at both ends, round and smooth.

Pulling the carriage are four griffins, flying at a position slightly higher than most of the flying dragons, smooth and graceful.

"That's why you invited Master Owenson's Profound Truth, his elemental javelin restrained the dragon." The adjutant was stunned.

Aimer nodded: "They also have more than 20 hybrid Titans, who should have the blood of Thunder Titans, and some messy characters."

If Luthor and Lightning knew that they were classified into the messy column, they would definitely be furious.

The adjutant still can't understand, because who are they? Dragon Knights! Aerial Knights ranks fifth in plane combat power.

Those in front of them are not human powers. Even the star mage group with a relatively large number of humans will have creatures and elemental creatures in it, so the dragon knights are also known as the strongest combat power of humans.

Humanity's strongest combat power, can't it cope with the enemy's lineup?

"I just want you to be careful, don't underestimate the enemy, if you really can't handle it, I won't come." Aimer said: "In terms of combat power, it's not what I'm most worried about, what I'm most worried about is the people behind them .”

The adjutant asked curiously: "We are directly under Guliani's crown, is there anyone else who can surpass his crown?"

"Did you know about the Plane Security Conference? Lord Dyson and Your Majesty have mentioned twice that the motion against these abyss wanderers could not be passed, so it is safe to say that they are related to the Dragon Clan, the elves, and even Lord Anthony. According to the performance of the elves, if we can't attack and kill these abyss wanderers in one wave, the elves are likely to send troops to help, and then we may have to face the two-headed chimera knight."

The adjutant said confidently: "No, how could it be impossible to push it away? As long as dozens of giant dragons do not cast dragon power on us and scare the children, the Flying Dragon Knights will definitely be able to settle everything."

"Hahaha, if you are very energetic, that's good, go forward bravely and make everything clear, we are—" Aimer shouted out the last sentence out of fighting spirit.

Those subordinates and adjutants behind him, as long as they heard his voice, they all responded vigorously: "Flying Dragon Knight!"

"we are--"

"Dragon Knight! Invincible! Go forward!"

The land was already visible in front of them, which meant that they had already flown over the Zhuolong Lake, which was hundreds of kilometers wide. There were large and neat rice fields on the shore of the lake, and the golden ears of rice were heavy and bent the stalks.

Some knights with planting knowledge couldn't help exclaiming: "There are so many rice fields? Isn't this a saltwater lake? On the way, I was told not to drink the water in the lake. Why are there so many rice fields?"

The existence of salty rice is not known to everyone.

At this moment, a row of black balls were thrown from a distance, following a straight parabola, and falling towards the formation of dragon knights.

Aimer shouted loudly: "Enemy attack! Spread out! It may be the fruit of the explosion!"

Because there is a giant war tree in Beauty God City, these balls thrown over are likely to be explosive fruits.

Sure enough, the ball flew above the formation of flying dragons, and suddenly exploded in the air, countless small black spots splashed in all directions.

"Ah!" Covered by the small black dots that exploded, many dragon knights screamed miserably.

There were also flying dragon knights who reacted quickly and used their fighting spirit, or raised their shields, and carried these little black spots hard, only to hear a series of jingling impacts, and the little black spots failed to break through their defenses.

Before they could be happy, the flying dragon under him staggered to and fro, howling in pain.

The small black dots that exploded from the explosive fruit pierced through the most fragile wing membrane of the flying dragons, instantly reducing their mobility and even incapacitating them. If you continue to fly, the punctured membrane will continue to tear, and finally break into a large hole, and you can no longer hold the wind.

The flying dragon knights scattered like a poked beehive.

At the other end of the parabola, the other 'hand' of Treant Gore was pulling on the trunk of the tree. Wherever it passed, it grabbed the explosive fruits one by one.

It hangs its 'hands' long to the ground, and then swings the trunk. Gore is a war treant with a height of 100 meters. Its trunk swings, and the swing can reach tens of meters. The twisted arm of the rattan is a torque of more than 100 meters.

With a sharp swing of his arm, the ten explosive fruits in his hand were thrown into the distance like cannonballs.

While shaking, Geer said to Ange and others who rushed over: "There are a lot of flying dragons, everyone, run away, I may not be able to handle them. I have stored two hundred explosive fruits, and if you throw ten of them once, twenty times will kill you." It's gone. I can produce twenty fruits in an hour, and after smashing the stored fruits, it will slowly bear fruit, you guys run, I will stop them."

"Gol, you changed your name? Brave Gol? So brave." Lightning carried Ange up through the air, pouted and said.

Ge Er ignored it, turned to An Ge and said, "Take care of the God of Life."

Talking Gore is certainly not brave, it is just willing to dedicate everything to the God of Life.

Lightning curled his lips, the companion who used to bicker with him suddenly became brave, which made him very uncomfortable.

Ange took out a small sapling, put it on his head, then walked in the air, ran to Goer's body, and stamped his footprints vigorously.

The young sapling waved its leaves at the same time: force - grow - force - grow -

"Hey, what did you do to me? My sap suddenly secreted so fast, and the speed of fruiting also accelerated. What did you do to me?" Gore asked in shock,

Ange ignored it, and took out the worm ash solution, mixed it with water, and then used magic to shake it into mist, and poured it on the leaves of Goer's body—leaf top dressing.

"What kind of water and fertilizer is this? Oh my god, it's so full of vitality, I'm suddenly full of strength." Goer shouted excitedly, the roots of the tree plunged into the ground, and he concentrated on smashing the explosive fruit.

It originally took an hour to produce twenty explosive fruits, but with the multiple assistance of the halo of quick death, the sapling and the worm ash liquid, it directly became twenty in one minute.

If Gore smashes ten fruits at intervals of thirty seconds, then its fruits will continue to flow.

With the continuous explosion of fruit, the Flying Dragon Knights finally got close enough to see the giant tree of war. Aimer immediately ordered: "Reload the Flying Dragon, pull it up, throw heavy kerosene and flame bombs, and burn that tree!" .”

Following Aimer's order, some of the flying dragons in the dragon knights were obviously bigger and lifted up.

There are also individual differences in the size of flying dragons. Just like humans, there are dwarfs and big men, and flying dragons are the same. The larger ones are specially selected to carry heavier weapons and equipment. Among them are fierce fire oil and Flame bombs.

Fly above the city, calculate the landing point and throw it down. The force of the fall alone is enough to penetrate many city defenses, and then the explosive fire oil will turn the entire city into a sea of ​​flames.

This weapon is also very useful for burning trees.

A silver light and a yellow shadow came down from the sky and rushed towards the heavy-loaded dragons, which were Diphtheria and Niairi.

Today's Diphtheria and Neaili have grown into ten-meter-long giant dragons. This size is considered a young dragon among the dragon clan, but compared with the seven-eight-meter-long flying dragon, it is several laps larger, and Possesses natural coercion against flying dragons.

As soon as they saw them pounce, the flying dragons scattered in panic, avoiding the position where they pounced.

The heavy-loaded flying dragon was disturbed and couldn't fly above the giant war tree for a while, and Aimer didn't care. The scattered flying dragon knights continued to press forward, as if they were pressing against the dark clouds in the city of Beauty.

Just in front of the dark cloud, a human riding a snow-white unicorn galloped towards the Dragon Knights, like a white sword stabbing at the dark cloud.

"Hehe, very brave knight, he is mine." Aimer smiled slightly, and was about to stand up from the flying dragon, but found that the flying dragon under him suddenly started to tremble.

Are dragon beasts afraid of Longwei? Looking at the flying dragons in the sky scrambling to avoid Diphtheria and Naiari, An Ge felt a kind of enlightenment in his heart, and his body suddenly turned into layers of scales.

Longwei, the Dragon God, isn't it special?

Thank you Qingshixin, it's Didi, Night Mouse, for your tip.

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