Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 331 God's Power? what god

Dyson led a skeleton of a god back and asked as he walked, "Do you have a name?"

God's Skull was in a daze for a while. After Dyson repeated it again, it realized that the other party was talking to it. The soul trembled, and the voice sounded: "Forgot."

"Don't you forget your name? Does this divine power work even after death?" Dyson muttered twice with a bitter face, and said, "Then call you 'God Bone'."

God's Skeleton was at a loss and didn't speak.

"Sacred bones, Lord Locke asked you to cooperate with me to eliminate the lackeys of the God of Hope, but because of my special identity, I am now lurking inside the Church of Light, collecting information for Lord Locke, tipping off the news, and cannot be exposed casually. Yes, so you can only do it yourself, then I will guide you to the goal, by the way, what ability do you have?" Dyson asked.

At a loss.

"It's what skills or combat moves you have." Dyson sighed.

Dyson was already very disappointed in not being able to fool the Lord of Mourning out, and now he has sent him a silly guy who doesn't seem very smart by the looks of it.

Originally, Dyson was very happy to see the god seal on his forehead. The skeleton transformed from the body of god should be very strong, right? But after a few words, he has discovered that a skeleton is just a skeleton after all.

After repeating it several times, Shengu finally made Shengu understand what he meant. Shengu suddenly arched his body and roared silently.

Dyson couldn't hear this silent roar, and was wondering what the god bone was doing. At this moment, the whole earth boiled up, and countless skeletons scrambled to get up, and rushed here at full speed.

"Skeleton summoning? It's useless, isn't it?" Dyson muttered.

As soon as the words fell, a space crack opened beside Shengu, and a golden skeleton jumped out.

"Space call!" Dyson was shocked suddenly.

This is just the beginning, a steady stream of space cracks opened one after another in front of the god bone, and golden skeletons jumped out one after another, there were more than twenty of them.

After these golden skeletons popped out, they looked left and right, and finally their eye sockets focused on Dyson.

In many knight novels, there are descriptions about summoners. Some low-level summoners can summon things through other dimensions to help him fight. This setting is very unreasonable.

The power required to penetrate space is extremely large, and it is impossible for low-level summoners to do it. Only very powerful space magicians, such as esoteric mages like Xi Ludi, can quickly penetrate the same plane.

If you want to travel to other planes, you need precise coordinates and very rigorous calculations, and Xiludi can't do it easily.

So space summoning is definitely not an easy task, otherwise, the world transfer station and the fortress of the kingdom of heaven will be worthless.

However, this godly skeleton easily summoned a bunch of golden skeletons to him, and judging from its posture, it seemed that it was not exhausted, but because there were no golden skeletons left. Could it be that the silver skulls couldn't get into its eyes?

While wondering, Dyson suddenly discovered, why are these golden skeletons surrounding him?

"Don't fight! Your own!" Dyson put a holy shield in front of him, blocking the collision of one of the golden skulls...

Fortunately, the divine bones were stopped quickly, otherwise the twenty or so golden skeletons would have dismantled Dyson, and a heavy stroke would be added to history: Archbishop Dyson called for reinforcements, but was beaten to death by the reinforcements.

Fortunately, such a tragedy did not happen, but seeing the holy shield he released, Shengu stared at him suspiciously.

"Undercover, undercover, I'm currently working as an undercover agent in the Church of Light, and it's normal to learn two techniques of light magic. Alright, let's go, pretend for a while, and I'll take you away."

Dyson dug out some leather armor masks, cloak targets and the like from the storage ring, wrapped the god bones and these golden skulls tightly from head to toe, and then sent them to the main plane.

Find a hidden place first, hide these golden skeletons, and then leave with the bones.

After making some arrangements, two days have passed. He rushed to the north of the Principality of Montenegro with the bones, and joined the army of dwarves. His substitute had already brought his men to join the army of the dwarves, preparing to bypass the Principality of Montenegro. Attack the city of Beauty from the side of the desert.

This time, Dyson's staff can be said to be the best of the best, and the team that was withdrawn from the Sinking Land was all summoned by him this time. These are all cronies, and they are usually not easily transferred.

The Land of Sunken stands in front of Harvey's undead army. After thousands of years of construction, its strength is very deep.

He always thought that the dragon god transformation belonged to the dragon clan. If there was no dragon clan to intervene, Dyson felt that his subordinates were enough to flatten the city of God of Beauty. He called the dwarves to reduce losses.

Guliani also sent an envoy, took out an agreement and warned the giant dragons, forbidding them to intervene in the mainland's battles, hoping that Brusque could listen to it, if he couldn't listen, then...

Thinking of the excitement, the strength in Dyson's body was almost unbearable, but thinking of the divine bone behind him, he quickly pressed it down again.

Going all the way, soon to reach the agreed meeting place, Dyson suddenly saw that someone was farming on the side of the road ahead.

Yes, farming, there are actually people farming in this kind of wilderness?

In order to act stealthily, Dyson deliberately set the meeting place in the north of the Principality of Montenegro, separated from the Principality by a mountain, and there are few people there. Someone is farming here?

When Dyson saw the farmer, the farmer also noticed them, looked up at him, then passed him, and his eyes fell on the god bone behind him.

The land is newly reclaimed, with complete ditches and ridges, horizontal and vertical, and very neat. It can be seen that it was cultivated by experienced farmers. Judging from the scale of the farmland, it cannot be reclaimed in a day or two.

Seeing this, Dyson was relieved, at least not a trap aimed at them, but a real farmer.

Dyson glanced at him and stopped paying attention. It is his honor for the humble farmer and the noble archbishop to look at him more.

But the farmer looked straight at him, not at him, but at the divine bone behind him, which was tightly wrapped from head to toe, and he didn't know what he could see.

Maybe it was wrapped too tightly, which aroused the curiosity of the farmer? Forget it, let's punish him a little: "Awe!"

The simplest single-word holy word technique, as Dyson shouted, a force fell on the farmer.

The expected screams or panic didn't happen, the farmer tilted his head, and finally turned his gaze back to Dyson.

Dyson frowned, and felt a familiar feeling in his heart. Where did he seem to see this look?

At this moment, there was an armored man in the distance, with a hoe in both hands, bent over and retreated, all the way back, and immediately there was a straight ditch beyond the armored man.

Soul armed? Digging?

Dyson's mouth subconsciously opened into a circle, what the hell, armed with souls to reclaim farmland? Do you want to be so extravagant? Hey, this soul weapon is also a bit familiar, where have you seen it before?

Dyson's question was quickly answered, because a holy spirit angel flew over with a bucket in his hand.

The time Ange ambushed Dyson was in the dark night, the two sides didn't face each other, they only remembered each other's breath, but it's hard to feel something like breath clearly before doing it.

However, with skilled eyes, familiar armor, and familiar holy spirit angel, Dyson flashed past the scene that day in an instant, and screamed loudly in fright: "Assassins! It's you!?"

Ange tilted his head in a daze, he was just here to open up wasteland, how did he become an assassin?

When the five major forces in the Plane Security Conference conspired to assassinate Dyson, and the army of dwarves among them was still in charge, Ang, the farming skeleton, didn't really need to do anything, just watch them play.

Ang would waste time watching them fight and play? No way, when I came here, I saw a piece of wasteland, which was very suitable for reclamation and cultivation, so I came here with the little zombie angel.

Halfway through the road, two creatures came on the road, one was human, the other was not human, and the non-human had an unabashedly powerful soul.

This is the third strongest soul Ange has ever seen. The first is Harvey, the second is the Great Sage, and the soul in front of him is the third strongest.

Just wondering, that human suddenly cast a Holy Word at him?

Why 'question mark'? Because An Ge didn't feel hurt, he was wondering if the other party was greeting him, but the aura carried by this holy word is so familiar, where have you seen it before?

Called the little angel and the little zombie, gestured towards Dyson, and soon thought of: "Dyson!"

"It really is you! How did you know that I would pass by here? A traitor has informed you!" Dyson hopped his feet in anger, slapped his chest hard, and shouted at the god bone: "Kill them, they are assassins."

In order to assassinate himself, he put in a lot of effort, cultivated land, raised water and dug ditches, so he was almost cheated.

He was angry that the enemy had arranged so many things calmly, but he never thought that they were really just farming.

When he slapped his chest, it seemed as if he shattered something. A stream of light flowed from his chest, quickly wrapped around his whole body, turned into a majestic bishop's robe, and condensed a scepter.

As soon as the scepter appeared, he saw the armored man, and pushed his position with both hands covered with a hoe, and the breath of death surged from his body.

Dyson felt a warning, and immediately threw the scepter to the ground, the holy light on his body rose, and a black light shone on him—the shock wave of death breath.

The little zombie has learned badly from the little angel. Whenever he encounters a powerful enemy, he will amplify his moves when he gets started.

After the black light passed, Dyson appeared in a state of distress. The majestic robe on his body was tattered and about to collapse. Half of his hair and brows were burnt off, and he was still smoking , sustained damage.

Holy light has additional damage to undead creatures, and death breath has additional damage to light magicians.

Dyson desperately slapped the place where the smoke was coming out to extinguish the death breath, and at the same time shouted to the god bone: "Hurry up, kill them, they are the lackeys of the God of Hope, hurry up."

Shengu tilted his head in a daze. In this situation, it was somewhat beyond its ability to think. Was it the enemy who used the shock wave of death breath?

Forget it, don't think about it, anyway, the king's order is to let me help him, just listen to him.

The god bone bowed up, and the soul roared.

The roar of the soul turned into waves of impact, spreading forward, and the insects on the ground were all blasted out, but they were immediately interrupted by a beam of light.

The little angel spread out her true wings, turned into wings of light, and pushed her four wings forward—the holy light shone.

If someone has been keeping records, they will find that the holy light of the little angel shines more and more powerful every time.

The beam of light shone on Shengu's body, instantly vaporizing all the clothes and armor on him, leaving only a skeleton.

Not only was the bone not burned by the additional damage from the holy light, but it absorbed the remaining power of the holy light, and the bone glowed faintly.

This strange change made Ange tilt his head, and the little angel also tilted his head, looking at Ange in confusion.

Shengu's roar was interrupted, and he was pushed back a few steps by the shining light, but obviously he was not seriously injured, and he bowed and roared again.

Space rifts opened one after another, and golden skeletons jumped out of them.

The golden skeletons who stepped out of the rift in the plane stared at the surging Dyson for the first time.

Dyson yelled angrily: "I am my own person, over there, over there, look over there."

The golden skeletons looked at the direction Dyson pointed blankly. They are golden skeletons, they have awakened a certain amount of wisdom and know how to think. Although their intelligence is not high, they are not so easy to fool. They are clearly annoying The power guy, more like the enemy.

Turning his head, Anger was pulling out a tall golden skull.

Dagu rubbed his eyes, and said in a low voice, "What do you want me to do? I slept soundly."

Ever since he found out that Ange had the liquid of death's breath, Dagu fell in love with taking a bath, and he was treated like Locke Duroken, soaking in the wooden barrel of the liquid of death's breath to sleep.

However, it is too big, there is no suitable wooden barrel for it, so it can only curl up with its knees hugged, like a big guy who snatched a child's bath.

Everyone else ran to ambush Archbishop Dyson, and only the big bone was left in Anger's space, so he had to drag it along.

The little angel stretched out his hand and pointed at the god bone: "Oh!"

Dagu said hesitantly: "Fight? Is it bad? What if you break it?"

The little zombie stretched out his hand and pointed at the god bone: "Aww!"

Big Bone said helplessly, "Okay."

Turning around and facing those golden skulls and divine bones, the big bones bared their teeth and claws, and roared fiercely.

The golden skeletons looked at each other, probably because they felt provoked, and then looked at the big bone, the soul energy in their eye sockets was blazing.

With a scream, more than twenty golden skeletons rushed up.

Da Gu sighed, and reluctantly walked up to him: "Be careful, don't touch it, hey, be careful, be careful."

Shouting to be careful, he slapped the golden skull away.

The big bone is a giant three-meter-high skeleton. Its soul is born a few circles larger than others. It is also a golden skeleton, but it can stand up to dozens of ordinary golden skeletons in a fight.

Looking at the god bone standing there, and then at Ange who was standing there, Dyson sighed: "It's really useless, I have to do it myself in the end."

Things shouldn't be like this, it should have been his stand-in who approached Beauty God City with an army, and he was secretly waiting for the opportunity to release these golden skeletons at the right time, instead of being alone and being blocked here.

"Then, let me show you the power of God." Dyson took a deep breath, and a special power erupted from his body.

God's power? what god An Ge reached out and took out the Redemption Hammer of the Goddess of Redemption. After thinking for a while, he took out the Thunder Hammer of the Dwarf King, one in each hand.

A ring of scales appeared on the back, and the god pattern on the ring was very strange, with some imprints of sickles and rice ears.

PS: I am a little depressed. The former leader, a senior in the industry, passed away yesterday. Alas, he is not a few years older than me. Life is too impermanent. Someone asked me why I keep writing about skeletons? Maybe it’s because he’s afraid of death. I hope there will be a new world of eternal life after death. I wish him peace of mind.

Thank you Zhaimo, Naren, Octopus, Blank, Yuan Yongye, xxsummer, for the rewards.

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