Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 332 The Purest is Nicholas

In the barracks of the dwarf army, in an ordinary tent, Anger's core decision-making team was discussing there.

"This camp is very standard. Horse repelling, traps, magic ground nets, anti-aircraft crossbows, uninterrupted eyes of wizards, defensive towers, and orderly levels. No matter which side you attack from, you will be caught in a three-dimensional fire attack. It is indeed the elite withdrawn from the Sinking Land." Negris praised.

Anthony pouted, a little disapprovingly, but didn't say anything.

Let him arrange it better and more strictly, but the current arrangement can't be said to be bad, it is more than enough to deal with the current situation, after all, they are only stationed temporarily.

This kind of defense, even Anthony, has to admit that it is difficult to break through in a short period of time. If the time is prolonged, the opponent can upgrade the defense, and I am afraid that it will not be able to defeat it without heavy losses.

The other party has built everything that should be built in the temporary camp except for not building a fence. The problem is that this is just a temporary camp. What are they guarding against? dwarves?

It's not like, dwarves are easy to get in and out of their camp, and many dwarves have gone in to find wine.

If it is not to be wary of the dwarves, then it is a matter of habit to build the camp like this. The elite who have withdrawn from the sinking place have maintained the previous style of work and stationing habits, and they are used to building the camp like this.

What is a core elite? This is.

As a front-line force facing the Undead Legion for a long time, although the army in the Sinking Diocese is poor, they are well-trained, well-supported, and have a very high overall quality.

"It's useless to set up the camp. Anyway, we don't plan to attack the camp. When everyone starts marching, we will rush to attack him." Dwarf King Tonghammer said in a rough voice.

Anthony shook his head: "If they maintain this habit, you may not be so easy to approach. They will definitely keep a certain distance from their friendly forces when marching, and they will even be divided into three sections. There would be too much loss."

"Then what should I do? I'll let someone sneak in, and then make a sudden attack?" Tong Hammer said.

Anthony shook his head: "There are fewer people getting in, it won't work, and there are more people, are you willing?"

Not willing, the dwarves have not participated in large-scale wars for many years, and the death of thirty or fifty people is already a very serious matter. If hundreds or thousands of people die, it is not easy for everyone to accept it for a while.

As Anthony had guessed before, if it hadn't involved the God of War and the God of Forging, with the heart of a copper hammer, he might have endured it as if nothing had happened.

The dwarves do not have the ability to independently launch a war against humans. This time, it can actually be regarded as the beginning of his refuge in Anthony.

Anthony is not a running dog of the light, but he has become the archbishop and is now an independent holy church. The cooperation of the copper hammer with him can be regarded as "choosing sides internally", rather than abandoning the covenant between the dwarves and the church of light.

Even those monarchs and kings under the rule of the Illuminati Church still scolded Guliani: What's the use if they can't even fool the stubborn dwarves?

Not only can he avenge the God of War and the God of Forging, but also help Anthony to empty out the Church of Light. The dwarves will also have two more powerful allies, and they will not be under too much pressure, such as the economic blockade some type of.

All necessities can be bought in the eastern parish at the worst. The economy of the eastern parish under Anthony's rule is even more prosperous.

After thinking about it, Copper Hammer made a decision to fully invest in Anthony, and his decision also received the support of all Thunder guards.

These thunder guards who watched the replay of the God of War chessboard were all furious, wishing they could rush to the human territory that day and smash all the heads of those lackeys of light.

But it’s okay to play soy sauce, and it’s okay to suffer heavy losses. The dwarf’s current situation is not very good, and it is no longer the dwarf empire that was able to share the same court with humans.

"We can use an airship to fly up there and smash the magic eggs down."

"No, with preparation, isn't the magic egg just to give them weapons? A wind magician can blow the magic egg away. What if it falls on our heads?"

"Let Master Aisi drive the Forbidden Demon Domain and go down with the devil egg."

"When the devil egg explodes, what will Master Ai Si do? Shall we blow it up together?"

"Let Rogge take over their headquarters?"

"Why don't you let Naili go, and you think of me when you die?"

Everyone was talking about it, after all, it is not true that there is no way to deal with these enemies. If you really want to force it, with two truth mages, a bunch of mysterious night watchmen, a bunch of purple skeleton titans, and a few alive and dead A giant dragon, an archbishop and soul warrior, a false demigod.

Oh, and the name of a fallen saint, Shamala, is more intimidating to the people of the Church of Light, and no one wants to be polluted into a fallen citizen.

With these high-end combat power, the camp can be gnawed down by hard gnawing. Everyone just came here to discuss it because they didn't want to gnaw brainlessly.

Finally, Anthony said: "Actually, Dyson is the core that maintains this force. Many of them have stayed in the Land of Sinking for a long time. They grew up in the Land of Sinking since they were young, and they no longer have a sense of belonging to the main plane. , without Dyson, they would collapse immediately."

"As long as I send someone to preach and promise some conditions, it will be easy to draw more than half of the people to my side. After all, serving the East is also serving the light."

At this point, everyone laughed, and the air was full of joy.

"So, if there is a chance to find his location, let's ask Master Ang to take us there, jump out suddenly and kill him." Anthony said.

"Isn't Dyson in the opposite camp right now? I can go to visit now, and Master Ange can pretend to be my entourage." Copper Hammer said.

Anthony shook his head: "No, the one in the camp is not necessarily Dyson. I have seen three Dysons with different habitual movements in the church. One of them likes to purse his lips. He doesn't purse his lips in front of others, but his lips Old bite marks."

"The second habit is to step forward with the left foot first, and the third habit is to arch the nose. I suspect that he had rhinitis for a long time, but the habitual movements remained after he was cured. I only observed three differences for the time being. Is there a fourth one? I don't know about the fifth."

Everyone is stupid, can you observe so many things? Luther was not convinced, and asked: "Can't it be the same person? These small movements can appear on one person at the same time."

Anthony laughed: "Of course it was observed. Some small movements will appear on the same body, such as buckling feet, Se Mimi's sneak peek at the saint and nun, etc., but as long as one of these three small movements appears, the other two will appear. Absolutely not."

Lisa couldn't help sighing: "No wonder you can be the archbishop, my lord."

"Hehe, just be more careful..." Anthony said modestly, but before he finished speaking, Negris beside him suddenly fell to the ground.

"Is this... disconnected?"

After a while, Negris re-projected onto the body, and said dumbfoundingly: "Didn't you say that it was difficult to find Dyson's real body? Now it's all right, he came to the door by himself, and Ange killed him. "

"What? Didn't your lord go to farm?" Anthony was surprised.

"Yes, Dyson passed by his land, and even used the Holy Word to 'greet' him." Negris said dumbfounded.

He was clearly using the Holy Word technique to intimidate him, but An Ge took it as a greeting.

"Could it be a substitute?" Anthony hesitated.

Impossible, my group of people can't come up with a fart after discussing, my lord is so lucky to kill him quietly?

"Have you ever seen a stand-in who ignites the fire? He also has a skeleton skeleton and more than two dozen golden skeletons with him. Let's go and have a look together."

A group of people flocked to the wilderness dozens of kilometers away, and saw a mess here, with golden bones scattered everywhere. The skulls belonging to these bones, more than 20 golden skulls were picked aside and piled up in a pile.

The fire of souls in these skulls was still burning, and the jaws opened and closed quickly, as if they were cursing something angrily.

Because the skull was picked aside, there were no nearby bones to assemble the body, so they could only be opened and closed in vain.

A skull supported the skull with its lower jaw, rubbing it forward one by one, moving with difficulty.

But before it moved far, the little zombie ran over quickly, picked it up, and threw it into the pile of bones.

After rolling around a few times, the skull that finally hit the ground on the back of its head could not even touch the ground with its mandible, leaving only empty eye sockets looking up at the sky.

A pure white skeleton remained intact, but I don't know if it was frightened or what happened, it just stood there, motionless.

Da Gu took his own arm bone and ran after the little angel: "Help me connect, help me connect."

There was a big hole at the edge of the farmland, and Ange was sorting it out, pushing the soil over, and the big hole had been filled in half.

At the bottom of the pit, Dyson was lying there in despair, his left shoulder was smashed by a small hammer, which was the redemption hammer of the goddess of redemption.

The Dwarf King's Thunder Hammer smashed below his thigh, and the Earth Sacred Hammer pressed heavily on his chest, pressing him firmly in place together with the Divine Fire, unable to move.

Only the descendants of the Duke of Montenegro can lift the Holy Hammer of the Earth. Why is this hammer in the hands of the Holy Spirit Angel?

Why is the Redemption Hammer of the Goddess of Redemption in the hands of the enemy? Why is the Thunder Hammer of the Dwarf King in the hands of the enemy? Why?

He also asked this question just now, and the other party answered him: "Steal it."

After igniting the divine fire and using the power of God, Dyson failed to take down the opponent's three hammers. It shouldn't be like this. He dreamed of igniting the divine fire. Why is he still so weak after being ignited? I am a god.

If Redemption and the God of Libra heard his question, he would surely feel the same way. Even this kind of veteran god is not Ang's opponent, so what is he who has just ignited the fire?

It may be that his muttering was heard by the Holy Hammer of the Earth, and the Holy Hammer of the Earth couldn't help asking: "What kind of divine fire did you light?"

" can talk?"

"I'm a demon, of course I can talk, it's rare and strange, what kind of magic fire did you light?"

"You suppressed the point where I can't speak, I...haven't awakened the divine skill, and haven't...did not define Shenhuo."

"Oh, it turned out to be the Rookie God. Do you know who the guy opposite you is? Forget it, let's not talk about it, hit people, does the Immortal God know?"

In order to hit him, the Earth Hammer, who had just said "don't say it", said Ange's name in a low voice, which made Dyson lose all hope.

The guy I thought was a farmer turned out to be the god of the wanderers in the abyss. How could I be so unlucky? Can you run into each other while walking?

"It's really Mr. Dyson? What's wrong with you? You were trampled by a horse? How did you get hurt like this? Should I call you an ambulance priest? The ambulance fee is very expensive in this wilderness." A gloating voice sounded, Anthony's head popped over the edge of the pit.

Over the years, in order to raise money, the church has developed a lot of business. For example, some noble landlords and rich businessmen are sick, but they don't live in the city, but live in the manor in the countryside.

At this time, priests and priests who have the ability to heal can leave the city and come to the patient's location to provide treatment services. This service is charged according to the distance and the degree of danger.

"Anthony!" Dyson gritted his teeth.

It was useless to grit his teeth again. Dyson's head was chopped off and taken away by Anthony. He didn't know how he was going to fool people.

As for Dyson's magic fire and the equipment on his body, they all belong to Ange, and there are two storage rings.

Ange used the spot removal technique to remove the magic patterns on it and opened the storage space.

In the space of the first ring, there are very conventional items for bishops, such as robes, sacrificial robes, scepters, ceremonial guards, holy seal badges, etc. Even if the space is opened for you to see, this is also the storage of a good and honest bishop space.

The second ring is different. There are all kinds of messy things, and the space is very large. There are all kinds of totem poles, masks, bone vessels, and Horcruxes. If you only look at this ring, you will never think that it is the storage of a bright archbishop. space.

"There are many things that have been around for many years. What is the origin of this Dyson?" Negris looked at the space of the second ring and said strangely.

Lisa responded: "Master Anthony said that he is probably the leader of the Fire Stealers, an organization within the Illuminati Church. Lord Anthony has sneaked into the Fire Stealers in one life and knows many of their secrets."

"Oh, without God, the Church of Light is really full of holes. The leader of a secret organization can climb to the high position of archbishop." Negris sighed.

"Uh, so is Lord Anthony. It seems that among the three archbishops, Nicholas is the purest." Lisa sighed.

As a former saint of light, seeing the church reduced to such a state, I feel a little complicated.

"Eh? This is?" Negris found a purple-gold phalanx among the messy things.

Ange took a look, tilted his head, and pulled out another phalanx from the space. After fighting with this newly obtained phalanx, they fit together perfectly.

This was bought in the hands of Dimensional Beast. Ange thought it was Harvey's finger bone, didn't it?

Looking at the two phalanges suspiciously, Ange vaguely felt that there were some fluctuations emanating from the phalanges, as if to erase something in his mind.

PS: Let me tell you a happy thing. The monthly tickets you voted for can be exchanged for lucky draw opportunities. Last month, your character exploded and you won a Harman Bluetooth speaker. It is the one that I have been reluctant to buy for a long time. Monthly ticket draw Yes, everyone sent me, thank you. Ask for a ticket, and draw again next month.

Thank you, yearning for the night during the day, the fence at dusk, for your tip.

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