Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 350 This is sowing discord

A group of people were bored around the Thunder Javelin, looking up at the sky, waiting for the lightning to strike.

"Thor? Is it the dwarves' Thor? Do the dwarves have a Thor? Isn't there only the God of War and the God of Forging?" Negris asked puzzled.

Duroken replied: "Yes, God of Thunder, God of War, God of Forging, and the three main gods of the dwarves."

Fei Ti interjected and said: "Thor is a titan. I had a fight with him a long time ago. It was a tie, and it was very powerful. So I protected his God of War and God of Forging later."

"What!? You sheltered the god of war and the god of forging of the dwarves?" Negris said in shock.

Fei Ti scratched his head and said: "It's not considered asylum, they were originally with the Illuminati Church, but for some reason, they suddenly became infighting. I don't like this kind of behavior of attacking one's own people behind the scenes. I just blocked them for a while, and then they fought with the two gods of the Illuminati Church."

Negris and Duroken looked at each other. Could it be that what they saw on the God of War chessboard was what happened at that time? It's not the king who protects the god of war and the god of forging, but Feiti?

After talking about what he saw on the God of War chessboard, Fei Ti thought for a while: "Maybe, they really seem to regard me as the king."

"..." Unexpectedly, there are such twists and turns in it. If it was not mentioned by chance, who would have thought that there would be such a thing?

At this moment, a bolt of lightning avoided falling in the sky, and accurately struck the lightning javelin.

"Here it comes, sense it carefully and see if you can sense that 'Thor'." Negris shouted loudly with all the scales on his body standing up.

"No, I didn't sense it." Luther closed his eyes and responded anxiously. He is a human being, and he stood the farthest away. He was afraid that the lightning would strike him. Even if the lightning failed to strike him, the electric light that guided into the ground might hurt him. .

Lightning stood much closer than him. As the son of Lightning, if he hadn't been stopped by someone, Lightning would have licked the javelin with his tongue and stuck to it.

"No, I can't sense it either. I'm the son of Lightning, how can I not sense it? It must be Thor who didn't speak." Lightning said angrily.

The same is true for others, neither Negris, Duroken, nor Fetilamo can feel the consciousness of the self-proclaimed Thor from the electric light.

Only the Purple Skeleton Titans: "I heard it, I heard it, his voice seemed to be ringing in my mind, clearer than before."

"He said that he is Thor, and a new storm has taken shape. He is a descendant of his blood. Be careful to avoid it."

"I heard it too, it's clearer than yesterday."

"Can we hear, do we all have Thor's blood?"

Ziku, Dawu and other Ziku titans yelled.

But the others couldn't hear them, so they could only look at them in bewilderment.

An Ge tilted his head, thinking about it.

The bodies of Negris and Duroken fell to the ground with a slap, as if their consciousness had been sucked away, leaving only Fetti standing there in a daze: "Consciousness space? Entered the consciousness space?"

Others such as little angels, little zombies, Lisa, Oak, Ziku... people with soul connections under his command were all brought into the consciousness space by Angela.

After a while, silver coins came in, and after a while, Anthony also came in. Both of them are serious people, they can't just stay still, they have to find a suitable or safe place.

Of course, Anthony had already thought of an excuse and said that he had gone to listen to the oracle.

When everyone arrived, the dark space of consciousness suddenly flipped.

"God of War chessboard? Are you simulating the God of War chessboard?" Negris saw the clue at a glance.

In front of everyone, a phantom of a ten-meter-tall dwarf slowly appeared, and at the same time, a thunderous voice resounded throughout the space:

"A new storm has formed, a terrible disaster has come again, the gods have fallen, and the stars are dimmed. Bloodlines of Thunder, pay attention to safety and protect yourself. When the red starlight shines again in the void, Thunder will return eventually."

"A new storm..."

The giant dwarf repeated this sentence three times, and then the phantom gradually dissipated.

Negris gasped: "The gods have fallen, the stars have dimmed? Isn't this the gods have fallen, the stars have dimmed, and the red star is shining?"

Anthony held his chin and murmured: "The Thunder will return eventually? Are these Thunder Titans going to come back?"

"Probably not, the Thunder Titans were driven away here, and they dare not come back." Duroken said.

"So a new storm is going to be launched? Is this new storm a storm of faith? The Thunder Titan launched a storm of faith to destroy the gods before daring to come back?" Negris guessed.

Duroken shook his head: "Impossible, if it were the Thunder Titans, the king would have killed them a long time ago, it is impossible for them to launch a storm of faith."

Duroken is very clear about the strength of the Thunder Titans. The Undead King can destroy all the Titans by himself. It is impossible for them to launch the Storm of Faith. Even if they barely launch it once, there is no chance of launching it again.

Anthony murmured: "Maybe it's not just the Thunder Titan? This Thor just uses the resonance of thunder and lightning to inform the creatures with the blood of Thunder. Others can't hear it. My lord, why can you perceive this information?"

Ange pointed to Ziku.

Not only does Ziku have a soul connection with Ange, but Ange's soul also has her exclusive symbol.

"So Thor just wants to inform the existence of the Thunder blood, such as the God of War and the God of Forging. Maybe he doesn't know that these two have fallen." Anthony said.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at each other.

"How about holding a plane security meeting?" Anthony asked tentatively.


At dawn, Di Luni came out of the Star Observation Tower yawning, scratched the sparse hair on his forehead, and got into the carriage.

"You stayed up all night again? Look at your dark circles? It's almost comparable to the Black and White Bear. I don't want to see you die suddenly in the tower someday." Auburn Li, who looks like a little lolita, said old-fashioned .

In the corner of the carriage, Space Upanisher Xi Ludi sat obediently, without looking sideways.

In the academy, Death Star is a giant, Blue Star is a big boss, and Xi Ludi is a good student. She dare not interrupt when the two big bosses are talking.

Di Luni also responded obediently: "It was dawn by accident, and I went to sleep when I went back. Recently, the astrology is getting more and more wrong, and I have some bad premonitions."

"What's wrong?" Astrology is a very complicated subject, and it has nothing to do with magic. Aubenley is not interested, and naturally she doesn't know anything about it.

Tiluni liked it very much. Apart from practicing magic, he had to accept a few commissions and presided over some plane security meetings. He spent the rest of his free time in the Star Observation Tower.

The astrology can only be observed at night, so he basically came out late and returned to the sun, his sleep was unstable, and he got big dark circles unconsciously.

"The stars have dimmed. Since a few years ago, the brightness of the stars has continued to decline. I have continuously recorded with a light display instrument. As of today, the brightness of the stars has dropped by one-third. If this continues, six years later Inside, all the stars will disappear."

While scratching his head, Di Luni said that maybe it was the texture of his hair that distracted him, and changed the subject while talking: "Little Ludi, you said that the Beauty God City is really effective in curing baldness. Should I go for treatment too?"

Xi Ludi cheered up, and quickly said: "Master Lan Xing, of course it is effective, it is too effective, I was almost bald, look now? And senior Jacques, he has long flowing hair now, because it is too The little girl liked it, so his wife shaved his hair off again."

Di Luni suddenly said: "So that's the case. I wonder why he became bald. I thought he was so bald that he should become stronger. It turns out that he is not bald, but shaved?"

"Yeah, Master Lan Xing, if you treat early you will be handsome, and if you treat late you will be disliked. If you treat him early, you will be handsome one day earlier. Report..." Xi Ludi introduced (suddenly) enthusiastically, and was thinking He took out his business card from his arms, who knew Auburn was one step ahead of her.

"Report my name and get a 10% discount." Auburn took out her card while pressing Xiludi's hand.

Xi Ludi was stunned by Auburn Li's shamelessness, and even brought a monster (client) with her? Some were unconvinced and wanted to say something, but Auburn gave her a sideways glance.

Xi Ludi quickly sat down obediently, and swallowed the words that came to her lips: 20% discount for reporting my name——

Di Luni took the business card in surprise: "Can you still get a discount? That's great, it can save you a lot of money. I heard that it's a very expensive package. By the way, I seem to have accepted a task when I offered a reward last time. Jin is also a hair growth package, but it was robbed by you, little Ludi."

Xiludi laughed, put her hands on her knees, kept her obedient, snatched it anyway, and would not return it anyway, pretending not to hear.

Di Luni put away the card and asked, "By the way, who called the meeting this time? What is the topic?"

Auburn frowned and said: "Anthony proposed to hold the meeting. There is no topic. I just said that there is a matter related to the survival of the plane that I want to discuss with everyone."

"Ha, these guys from the Illuminati Church are really big talkers. They always care about the survival of the plane. Even if the Illuminati Church is destroyed tomorrow, it has nothing to do with the survival of the plane." Di Luni sneered.

Auburn and Xi Ludi looked at each other at the same time, and made winks at each other. Aubenli coughed dryly: "Well, little Rooney, the situation is like this. If it doesn't violate the principle, I hope you support it in principle." Anthony."

Di Luni couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at Auburn in disbelief.

Auburn looked at Di Luni with a serious face, indicating that she was not joking.

Di Luni asked hesitantly, "Is he your descendant?"

Wearing Bada, Aubrey actually called him Little Rooney?

Although he was raised by Aubenley since he was a child, Aubenley has never called him "little" Rooney since he became an adult, but now he suddenly found out such an intimate name, Ti Rooney is simply flattered.

Moreover, "if it does not violate the principle, in principle support...", what do you mean? That is, if the principle is violated, then give up the principle to support it.

Anyway, just don't object, otherwise he will be a 'little' Rooney. When Di Rooney was a 'little', he would be beaten if he was disobedient.

If Anthony wasn't Auburn Leigh's great-great-great-great-grandson, why support him like this?

"Anthony is our man." Auburn said with a smile.

Tiroone became serious in an instant. This news shocked him even more than that Anthony was the great-grandson of Aubenley.

who is anthony The Archbishop of the Eastern Diocese, the Acting Pope of the Holy Church, the first genius in history to split the Church of Light into two, is he with them?

"Really?" Di Luni still couldn't believe it.

"Really, if you don't support him, I will print your bed-wetting incident as a child in the "College Memorabilia." Auburn said.

"Oh oh oh, what nonsense are you talking about? Little Ludi is still here. Why don't you support me? Don't worry, I firmly support Lord Anthony." This is worse than being beaten.

Chatting along the way, the carriage arrived at the academy, and when she got off the carriage, Auburn suddenly remembered something and said: "When you said that the stars were dim, I vaguely heard it somewhere, um, it seems to be 'the gods Fall, the stars are dark, the red star is shining.'”

"The gods are falling, the stars are dark, and the red star is shining?" Di Luni frowned: "Where did you hear that?"

Auburn said: "Heard it from the god of knowledge."

"The God of Knowledge? When? Is there any more? Is this the only sentence?" Di Luni was surprised.

"There is another sentence in the back, what is 'put on battle armor, wear a magic robe, and the heroic spirit protects the hometown'." Auburn said.

Back then Negris asked her what these two lines of epic poems meant, how could Aubenley know.

Although she didn't know the meaning, she memorized these two lines of epic. When Di Luni said "the stars are dim" just now, she felt familiar, and it was hard to remember.

The stars are dim, does that correspond to 'Gods Fall' and 'Red Stars Shine'?

Full of doubts, Di Luni walked into the room where the teleportation meeting was held, and Auburn also dragged in Xiludi who wanted to get away.

"Why pull me? I'm not the leader of the academy?" Xi Ludi struggled.

"Participate more, learn first, and I will promote you as a leader if you learn." Auburn said that the college is now, and it is time to start training a new generation of successors.

"I don't want it. I'm afraid of heights. I'll feel dizzy when I stand on the podium." Xi Ludi resisted.

"In case you become the leader, I'll flatten the podium." Aubrey didn't give her a chance to struggle, and dragged her into the meeting room abruptly.

Opening the teleportation array, an independent communication can't wait to issue a request. Di Luni opened it suspiciously, and Guliani's voice came from inside: "Lord Lan Xing, I have something bad to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Tilone asked.

"Anthony doesn't know how to win over Tongtong. With the dwarf king's vote, the plane security meeting will become the place where Anthony issues orders. This is a great offense to your authority."

"Dyson and I will fully support you and maintain the majesty of your speaker." Guliani said seriously.

Di Luni's spirit lifted, this was sowing discord.

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