Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 351 Anthony, do you want to rebel!

Dyson listened to the voice from the teleportation array, and responded obediently: "Yes, yes, yes, my lord, I will follow your orders."

Guliani's tone became a little puzzled: "You have been a little strange these days, what happened?"

Dyson tried to sound as obviously frustrated as possible: "I failed..."

Guliani naturally thought of his actions not long ago, and suppressed his relief: "It's not your responsibility. Who knows when Anthony wins over the dwarf king. This is the dwarf's betrayal of his allies."

Relieved on the lips, Dyson has actually been given a big cross in his heart, but who makes him unavailable for the time being, first appease Dyson, and then deal with him later.

It's too incompetent. Since the collapse of the sinking land, Dyson has not done a single thing successfully, and no amount of excuses can cover up his incompetence.

The position of archbishop is not a position with fixed norms and models step by step. It needs to be constantly changed in response to changes in the times. There are only two criteria for judging whether an archbishop is qualified, belief power and taxation.

Even "obedience" is not the most important thing. It is what the pope should do to make the archbishop obey the orders of the Holy See. Even if he does not obey the orders of the Holy See, as long as the gods approve, no one will question anything.

This is why Anthony became independent from the Holy Church, but did not cause holy war. Anthony can use divine power, which means that he has not betrayed the gods, and the gods have not sent divine punishment, which means that he has not lost the approval of the gods.

So this is just a power struggle with the sanction of the gods.

Excluding this factor, Anthony is undoubtedly extremely outstanding in terms of belief power and taxation. In comparison, Dyson is a piece of shit, which is useless except for being obedient.

If it weren't for the fear that the other party would step on him, Guliani would have wished to hand over the management of the western parish to Anthony.

For such an incompetent person, I had to comfort him against my will, and Guliani felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a big toad.

According to his habit, incompetent people are sent to dig coal. The Holy Light Ball team formed by the Holy See has been defeated repeatedly, and even a small principality like Gangbes can't beat it. , have not been able to come out until today.

Dyson said submissively: "Yes, yes, yes, my lord, I will follow your orders."

After hanging up the communication, Dyson let out a sigh of relief and temporarily fooled it. During this period of time, he made excuses for refusing to go to the Holy Court several times, which had already made Guliani suspicious. If he was not "frustrated", how could he explain it? ?

However, it is impossible to continue like this. He can't see Guliani forever. The next time we meet, the other party only needs to check his magic fire, and he will reveal his secrets.

How to do it? Running away?

As soon as this idea came up, Dyson shook his head vigorously. He hasn't finished enjoying the things left by his predecessor, so he ran away at this time? Not reconciled.

If you don't want to run away and don't want to show your secrets, then there is only one way left, but you must discuss it with Lord Anthony.

He can't do it on his own, just the dark threads that Guliani arranged around him can tie him up to receive the reward.


After breaking off the contact, Guliani dialed another sign with a gloomy face, and after an inquiry, he interrupted the communication in doubt.

Even if Guliani had a few more heads, he would never have thought that Dyson's double would be more real than his real self, because most of the time, what appeared in front of others was just a double.

Even Guliani had seen a double before, and didn't notice any difference at all. I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to tell the difference without a test.


Anthony hung up the communication with Dyson, with a dumbfounding expression on his face: "This is fun. If the Holy See loses all the dioceses and only one city remains, what should it be renamed?"

Just after mumbling, another communication request came from the teleportation array.

"It's the first time I've had such a busy meeting." Anthony smiled and connected the communication.

In the previous plane security meetings, everyone received a notice, agreed on a time, discussed online collectively, and then voted.

Fortunately, the meeting has not yet started, and the private series has not stopped. Anthony has communicated with the elf queen, Brusque and the dwarf king in private. He just hung up on Dyson's communication. Who is calling now?

Only Guliani and Di Luni have not communicated in private. If this communication is from Guliani, it will be fun.

Fortunately, such a fun thing did not happen. After the connection, Di Luni's voice came from the teleportation array: "Uh, Lord Anthony, what is the message you want to call this meeting? Is there anything I need to do?"

"Oh, it turned out to be Master Lan Xing, hello, you are too polite, I am deeply cared for by Ms. Aubenley, everyone is my own..."

After some private connection, the plane security meeting finally started.

Behind Anthony, Ange, Negris, Duroken, and Fetti lined up, intervening in the meeting in this way.

Anthony first talked about the "new storm" situation, which unsurprisingly caused an uproar, including Guliani.

"How did he know about the new storm? Lord Light and Darkness, did you notify him?" Guliani turned around and asked.

Behind Guliani, a middle-aged man stood there. If Ange was present, he would be able to recognize it. Isn't this the body that the mysterious man asked him to resurrect?

The glossy face projected onto the body of God shook his head, and said expressionlessly, "No."

The shadow cast by the God of Light on the ground also cracked his mouth and said, "No."

"Then where did he learn about the new storm? The stars are dim, the red star is shining, and the thunder will return? Which thunder?" Guliani asked.

"Titan Thunder." The God of Light responded.

When they were communicating, there was also a quarrel in the communication meeting. The dwarf Wang Tonghammer said excitedly: "Thunder Titan? Thor? Thor is coming back?"

"The stars are dim? Why is it so similar to what I saw when I watched the stars? According to the data I observed in the Observation Tower, the brightness of the stars has indeed continued to decline over the years. Could it be that the dimness of the stars refers to this thing? said Tiroone.

"What about the red star? If the proverb corresponds to the astrology, what about the red star? Have you seen the red star?" Anthony asked.

"No, I didn't see the red star. What about this new storm? What is it referring to? It can't be a meteor shower, right?" Di Luni asked.

"Next, I'm going to talk about the storm. Please make an oath not to leak the content of today's meeting." Anthony said solemnly.

Guliani's face changed: "You want to talk about the gods? Anthony, no!"

Anthony naturally wouldn't listen to him, and briefly and quickly said things about the gods.

In fact, everyone has expected and guessed. After all, God has not appeared for thousands of years.

But I can't be sure, because nine hundred years ago, the God of Arbitration descended, and the God of Life has always protected the elves.

Everyone can't tell the difference between the God of Life and the gods, so they can only treat them as one.

After listening to Anthony's story, Di Luni concluded: "So, a storm of faith more than a thousand years ago destroyed most of the gods, and now, a new storm of faith is coming?"

"Yes." Anthony replied.

"Does the storm of belief affect ordinary people? For example, a truth mage like me." Di Luni asked.

The Master of Truth is known as the "God" of the Law of Truth. Will the storm affect him?

Gaillard asked eagerly: "Where is the God of Life? Has it affected the God of Life? Has the storm already had an impact? The God of Life has been relatively quiet recently. Could it be the impact of the storm?"

Anthony pouted, and thought to himself: Are you the influence of the storm? That's the god of life in your family running away.

Thinking this way in his heart, he couldn't say it out of his mouth. Anthony said: "No, the storm of faith will only affect those who have godhead and godfire."

Hearing this sentence, Guliani's heart skipped a beat, and he turned around and asked anxiously, "Master Guangmian, will Shenhuo be affected as well?"

Guangmian shook his head blankly...

Guliani just breathed a sigh of relief when Guangmian said, "I don't know."

Guliani almost spat out a mouthful of blood. It turned out that 'shaking his head' meant not knowing.

The dark side emerged from the shadows: "What are you in a hurry for? You don't have a magic fire."

Guliani smiled wryly and sacrificed his divine fire: "It was lit two days ago."

"Impossible, the igniting of the divine fire was very noisy, why no one felt it, which plane did you ignite?" the dark side asked suspiciously.

Ange ignited the divine fire, and the redemption in the big cave deep under the sea in the same plane could be sensed. Basically, as long as they were in the same plane, the movement of lighting the divine fire could be easily sensed by other gods.

Guliani lit the divine fire two days ago, but everyone didn't feel it at all. Obviously, when he lit the divine fire, he was not in this plane, nor in the hidden world where the God of Light and Darkness resides.

"I'm...waiting." Guliani suddenly changed the subject, pointing to the teleportation array, where Di Luni was speaking.

I only heard Di Luni say: "Then the current situation is that the storm of belief a thousand years ago destroyed all the gods and has no effect on ordinary people, so we don't need to worry about it?"

The God of Light and Darkness didn't care about Guliani changing the subject, even Guliani himself couldn't care about anything else, and said anxiously: "No!"

"But I think Di Luni's words are very reasonable." The voice of the copper hammer sounded: "Since the gods have fallen a thousand years ago, why do we need to care about the storm of faith? Shouldn't after the red star shines, Welcome the return of Thor?"

The god of war and the god of forging of the dwarves are gone, so why worry about the storm of faith? Instead, he wants to look forward to the return of thunder after the red star shines.

"I..." Guliani was about to speak, but was blocked by the copper hammer: "What? Do you want to stop Thunder's return? We dwarves swear to fight to the end."

Hey, the meeting is not over yet, are humans and dwarves going to fight each other?

Di Luni frowned, and was about to maintain order, but he heard Anthony say: "Okay, don't think too beautifully, the returned Thunder may not be your Thor, what if it is not? If it is your Thor, why not Notify you directly?"

Tong Hammer was stunned for a moment, he was excited because of Lei Ting's return, how could he think so much, now that he was reminded, it seemed: "It makes sense, but what if it is the real Thor?"

"If it's the real Thor, I promise to let him return safely, but I will stop the person who brought him back, so that he will have to rely on you dwarves again, otherwise he will bring back a bunch of Titans, who do you listen to then? ?You can have faith, but you need to take the initiative." Anthony said.

There were several gasping sounds in the teleportation array, and Di Luni was even more amazed. This is the real way to sow discord, to sow discord between the dwarves and Thor.

Compared with Anthony, Guliani's previous provocation was a bit too deliberate.

This is the most beneficial approach for the dwarves. If it is not Thor, then block it. If it is Thor, then block the person who brought Thor back. Otherwise, why should the dwarves continue to receive Thor's protection?

Apart from being a little disrespectful to God, everyone knows how the copper hammer will choose. Sure enough, there was no sound from the teleportation array. The silence at this time is equivalent to acquiescing.

After appeasing the copper hammer, Anthony continued: "Not all the gods have fallen. As far as I know, the god of arbitration, the god of light and darkness, the god of shadows, the god of planting, the god of beauty, the goddess of redemption, the god of scales , the Harvest Goddess, are still alive."

"What? Really?!"

Guliani looked back at the god of light in shock, and the dark side emerged from the shadows. He asked in surprise, "Salvation and Libra are still alive? Why didn't you say that?"

Guliani said in a daze, "I don't know."

"Then why does Anthony know? Who is the pope? You don't have the same news as him? What kind of pope are you!" the dark side couldn't help but scold.

Gu Li Andong was speechless, and weakly argued: "He may also be talking nonsense."

The God of the Dark Side made a lot of sense. His majestic Pope didn’t even have a bishop’s information. Who is the Pope?

But the problem is that among the three major dioceses, he can only control the western diocese. The sphere of influence is no bigger than that of Anthony, and Dyson is not capable enough. After so long, he has not even been able to manage his own diocese well. It is natural that the news is blocked. of.

Anthony's voice continued to sound: "The most urgent problem now is to deal with this storm of faith and find a way to protect our gods so that they will not be harmed in the storm of faith. For His Majesty Gaillard and Lord Brusque, Thunder Who to return with is the most important question."

"If Lei Ting just returned by himself, there is absolutely no need to launch a storm of faith first. We must integrate everyone's strength to deal with this crisis. But everyone has seen the recent events."

Speaking of this, Anthony's voice suddenly became harsh: "Gurliani is not capable of integrating the power of the church at all. A famine almost starved millions of people to death in the western parish."

"He is incompetent. Now, I formally initiate a vote to the meeting to veto the post of Pope of Gulian Dongguang Church, and I will take over the post of Pope."

Guliani's anger almost rushed out of the teleportation array: "Anthony, do you want to rebel!"

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