Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 357 Two Ladies, Let’s Do a Magic for You

"Here, can I grow vegetables?" Ange asked, pointing to the colorful and beautiful landscape garden.

Auburn Li had a black line on her forehead, and she was roaring in her heart: Such a beautiful flower garden, you want to grow vegetables on it! ! !

"No." Aubrey said.

After a while, Ange pointed to the green lawn in front again: "Can I grow vegetables there?"

"No." Auburn responded.

Ange pointed to the landscape flower and vine corridor in front: "Can I grow vegetables?"

"No..." Aubrey said weakly.

Anger pointed to the venue for the magic ball competition on the side, where there is a rare large flat ground, and the magicians ride and step on various magic tools, staffs, brooms, etc., chasing the magic ball in the air, and controlling the ball to fly into it. The opponent's goal.

This is a game that pays great attention to elemental control and magic manipulation.

"Growing vegetables?" Ange tilted his head.

"No... don't you have any other hobbies?" Aubrey looked a little crazy.

Ange tilted his head, thought for a while, and pointed to the bustling bikini beach in the distance: "Can you grow food?"

Auburn Liteng's fire came up as soon as it was fired. If you can't grow vegetables, you can grow food, right? Isn't that the same?

Then it was immediately discovered that everyone in Ang's row was looking at her, including the little angel holding the archangel's staff, the little zombie, Lisa, the elemental dead Estoria...

Auburn sucked her anger back, and forced a smile: "No."

"Oh, it's not fun." Ange came to a conclusion, and stretched his hand into the space to plant something.

Auburn held her breath in her chest, and she couldn't get through it for a long time. Although she usually hangs out in Beauty God City, she doesn't have much contact with Ang. She didn't expect this guy to be so annoying.

After taking everyone to her mage tower and arranging for them to stay, Auburn threw everyone some passes and said domineeringly:

"Everyone, eat and have fun, be happy, don't kill people when you are in trouble, don't make things big, it's okay to buy and sell by force, tell me your name when the time comes, I'll take care of it, I'm leaving first, there are still a lot of things to do Be busy, ask the housekeeper if you need anything."

Then she ran away, because she found that Ange was observing the magic flower garden in front of her mage tower again.

Auburn has her own magic tower, which is a six-storey tower above the ground. In the stars, it is actually a bit inconsistent with her status as a death star. Look at the star observation tower of Blue Star, soaring into the clouds, full of hundreds of meters.

But no one knows that there are more than 20 floors underground of the Death Star Tower, and a depth of nearly 70 meters. This is the main body of the Death Star Tower.

But when everyone visited, they found that the main body of the underground was flooded...

Auburn Li's butler is an undead, who looks like a maid in a loli skirt. She is explaining embarrassingly at the moment: "It's too rude, too rude, the Death Star Tower has been built for more than six hundred years, and it has been in disrepair for a long time. It kept seeping water a hundred years ago, and the owner would repair it at first, but after several repairs, she gave up, and now she uses it to raise fish.”

Well, the main body of the underground cannot be visited, and the six floors above the ground will be completed in a while, so everyone simply picked up the pass and scattered away.

Duroken was also in high spirits. He put on his golden suit and tall hat, and led the way leisurely in front.

Fetti, wearing a scarecrow hat, transformed into an ordinary middle-aged human being, following Duroken, looking around.

Fei Ti is in a projection state at this time, but his body is a purple-gold skull with unmatched mental power. Even if he is a projection, no one else can see his true face except Ange and Auburn.

However, he was a bit cautious at the beginning. After all, this might be Feiti's first time shopping since he became conscious. However, he got used to it when he saw an undead warlock leading a dead bone skeleton parading through the city.

"Hey, people here are not afraid of undead creatures." Duroken asked in surprise.

The butler, the undead maid, quickly floated over and explained: "My lord, we are here in the land of stars, and the stars are dazzling and colorful, so we don't reject undead creatures. Those who are rejected have been buried by Lord Death Star."

"Oh~" Everyone suddenly realized.

Ange also looked around curiously. The streets here are the places with the richest species diversity Ange has ever seen, more types than the Lich Dungeon.

The species in Lorraine City are already very rich, tauren, dark elves, dwarves and goblins, but at least they all remain in the category of humanoid creatures, which is different here.

A cloud of wind elements drifted in front, followed by an element summoner, shouting hoarsely: "Let's go, let's go, the element scavenger is here, please throw the garbage in your hands to it, don't come close, Do not touch."

Wherever the wind element passes, the whole street is clean, even the dust is sucked away by it.

There is a juggling circus at the corner, and several skeletons are dancing a costume dance under the leadership of a necromancer.

It's the kind of construction dance that pretends to be a construct, dances upright, and then removes the bones from the body to sing and dance.

Jumping to a wonderful place, the crowd cheered excitedly, and silver coins and copper coins were sprinkled on the stage.

A magician wearing a red hat flew over. During the pause of the dance, he found the necromancer and asked, "Register, do these skeletons have legal sources?"

The Necromancer hurriedly explained: "Yes, yes, this is the registration certificate."

"Okay, the source of the corpse must be known legally. If you find out that you dug someone else's grave and stole the corpse privately, Lord Death Star will chat with you in person, understand?" the red hat magician said.

As soon as he heard the Death Star, the necromancer's forehead began to sweat: "No, no, it's not the first time I come here to perform, these old guys have been with me for more than ten years, and they will definitely not dig graves randomly .”

After the red hat mage checked, he rode a broom and flew away. Passing by Ange and his party, they stopped to salute when they saw the Death Star pass.

When the skeleton dance troupe resumed its performance, the necromancer unexpectedly didn't notice that there was an extra skeleton, and Fetti, who took off his hat, mixed with the skeleton and danced cheerfully for a long time.

When the necromancer happily went to the stage to collect money, he suddenly realized: "Hey, why are my rewards so low?"

Fei Ti picked up a bagful of silver coins and copper coins, ran back slowly, grabbed a handful for Duroken, a handful for the little angel and little zombie, and a handful for Ange.

"Where's mine?!" Negris asked.

Fei Ti scoffed, "Earn it yourself."

The giant dragon's desire to win instantly increased: "Damn it, you think I can't earn it? Just wait!"

Before the Brass Dragon could think of something to make money, Duroken walked up to the two beautiful ladies, picked up the top hat and saluted gracefully.

"Two beautiful ladies, bless you, as beautiful and delicate as a lily." While speaking, while holding the hat, the other hand picked something from the air and threw it into it.

There was a puff of white smoke, and when the white smoke disappeared, two bewitching lilies appeared in the hat.

Duroken took the lilies and gave them to the two beautiful ladies.

However, the two beautiful ladies took the bouquet and looked at him with half-smiles. One of the ladies pulled out a handkerchief, covered the flowers again and again, and got the open handkerchief. Huh, the bouquet is gone?

Another lady reached out and stroked the flowers slowly, only to see that the pure white flowers were covered with a layer of lead gray metallic color, turning into metallic lilies.

After finishing the performance, the two ladies said with half-smiles: "What grade are you in? Space Department or Alchemy Department? Don't you know us? Teacher, do you dare to play?"

Duroken's activation was overdone, and the ten thousand-year-old lich was recognized as a student. Duroken was stunned for a while, and gritted his teeth: "Love, you can be desperate." After speaking, he took out two bottles of limited edition hardcover ten milliliters of essence.

A bottle of one hundred milliliters of essence requires thousands of magic crystals, which is too expensive. At least the teachers of the Stars School of Magic are not willing to buy a bottle at a time.

Lisa was in a hurry, and immediately launched a hardcover version, selling 120 magic crystals for 10ml, and the sales were even hotter. What Duroken brought out was a limited edition.

"Wow! Beauty God Essence? Limited edition? Give it to us?" The eyes of the two female teachers lit up.

"Of course, it is a great honor for it to be applied to the beautiful faces of these two ladies."

"Hehe, you really can talk, but we don't accept gifts from students." The two female teachers reluctantly declined.

"I'm not a student, come on, let me do a magic trick for you."

While chatting with the two teachers, Duroken walked away.

Negris sighed: "Spent two hundred magic crystals just like this? It can't be used after soaking it, this prodigal thing."

Looking back, hey, where are the three Ange?

The three of Ange were squatting on the side of the road, watching other people play tennis.

"Everyone, come and play for a while, the rewards are generous, every time you throw the ball into the sky, use magic to control the net bag when it falls, catch the ball in the net, and reward whatever you catch, one silver coin once, one gold coin Eleven times, one hundred and twenty times for one magic crystal, kid, do you want to come and play?"

The tennis boss shouted at the top of his lungs, and even asked the little angel.

Today's little angel looks like a little girl, who is at the best age to play, and is also the mainstream consumer group of tennis. As long as the children want to play, the adults at home can't hold back.

Sure enough, the little angel nodded desperately, stuffed the handful of coins that Fei Ti grabbed just now into the boss's hand, then took the net bag and handed it to An Ge.

Big customer, looking at the bunch of change in his hand, the boss clicked excitedly, but was startled by the sound of surprise after a while.

Looking up, I saw that Ange controlled the net to move flexibly, and caught all the balls sprayed into the sky without falling.

A few minutes later, the boss cried and returned all the money, gave Ange all the prizes from his family, and then packed up and ran away.

Playing a tennis game in a place like Qunxing Academy must be more difficult. Unless the Master of Truth comes, you will definitely not lose money.

In the mind of the boss, An Ge must be a truth mage in disguise.

On this day, everyone had a great time, and when they returned to the Mage Tower, they saw the murderous Auburn Li.

"What's wrong? Is there an accident? Do you need help?" Negris asked quickly.

"No, no, no." Auburn rubbed her face quickly and said, "I'm used to it. Every year there will be a lot of troubles in festivals. It's fine if people don't die. I just caught two rapists, a dozen murderers, one The exterminator, the six slave traders, I buried them all."

Negris couldn't close his mouth. You just said, "It's fine if you don't die", and you turned around and buried more than 20 people. Are these people buried?

"Unfortunately, I searched for the soul of the exterminator. Besides him, there are two others. These exterminators are sneaky. If I don't find them, I can't rest tonight. I will come back to see you. Just go to duty." Aubrey said.

Negris signaled Ange to take out one of the worm gods: "It's easy to handle, you take Hemel and let him find it for you."

"Hermel? Hermertos? The God of Worms?" Auburn asked in surprise as she looked at the fat four-legged creature in front of her.

At this moment, Auburn's communicator rang, and after picking it up to communicate, Aubenli said with a strange expression:

"There was a fight between a boy and two female teachers from our academy in the tavern. The teacher scratched his face and called him a liar, but was arrested by the patrol team. That boy had my passport..."

Negris looked around, and the only one who didn't come back was Duroken, who just happened to be a teenager now, and he just left with two female teachers...

"Kangbada, what's the matter?!" Negris cursed.

Auburn asked the patrol team to release the man, and without stopping, she took Hemel to search for the remaining two exterminators.

Not long after, Duroken came back in a state of embarrassment with scratches on his face.

Hulala, a bunch of gossip people are all around.

"What's the situation? Why are you fighting? Why are you still tickling?" Negris asked with twinkling eyes. From his eyes, he could see the raging flames burning in his heart. Such flames also burned in the eyes of others. .

Duroken covered his face, turned around and ran away.

Everyone failed to catch up, but Auburn came back again. Hemel led her out for a big circle, then came back, and turned to the underground main water exchange port of the Death Star Tower.

The spout was too small for Hemel to get in, so he spat into the spout.

After a while, a bunch of small black fish rushed out of the mouth of the water crazily, with their sharp teeth, frantically gnawing on Hemel's saliva.

The thing of the insect god has a fatal attraction to these insect fish.

Auburn was furious: "My fish! All my fish have turned into this weird thing!"

"Fertilizer." Ange happily ran over, squeezed Aubrey away, and poured a bottle of insecticide into the water spout.

The strange fish, which had already started to go crazy under the stimulation of Hemel, became even more crazy now, and started to bite each other after a while.

Ange quickly collected the corpses of the strange fish to make room for a larger water outlet, and the worm fish that smelled the smell rushed in desperately, as if opening a pipe made of worm fish.

Seeing Anger clean up so quickly, Auburn, who was a little worried, just breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately hung up because of Negris' words.

"I don't know if there are any in the bay? There are so many people in the ceremony tomorrow, and there is a bikini beach, so don't feed the bug fish."

ps: Huh? No, there are double monthly tickets, hurry up, rob your tickets

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