"You are the mouth of the god of doom, good and bad spirit." Duroken complained cheerfully, trying to focus the firepower on Negris, so that no one would gossip, why would he be scratched? It's a face.

Negris responded angrily: "This is the greatest possibility I have guessed based on the existing conditions. If it is fulfilled, it means that my guess is right. This is strength, do you understand?"

"Hey, Mouth of Doom can still be explained in this way? Then why are you not allowed to speculate on good things?" Duroken suddenly felt that his mind had been opened.

"Why not? You are not allowed to stand here? You dead lich who even broke the phylactery, if it weren't for me, Ange would have rescued you?" Negris said angrily.

"It makes sense." Duroken pondered, feeling convinced.

The brass dragon rolled his eyes, nudged him with his little elbow, and asked, "Why did those two female teachers tickle you?"

Duroken sighed: "It's embarrassing to say..." If you just tell the brass dragon, it doesn't matter, after all, you have known each other for so many years.

But when he was about to speak, he suddenly felt that the people who were busy with their work almost stopped, and their heads were almost stretched out.

The only ones who were still moving were the three little Anges and the two worm gods, and they were the ones who were really happy here.

A steady stream of mutated worm fish were led onto the beach, one after another pounced on Hemel and Mathis, and then were killed by Ang and piled aside.

After Negris' crow's mouth finished speaking, everyone immediately went to the beach to try it out. As soon as they spit out water, countless black leeches emerged from the sand like crazy.

If you don't look at their ring of fangs, they do look very similar to leeches, but if you throw any piece of meat at it, it will be eaten up in a blink of an eye.

It is conceivable that if tomorrow's celebration is crowded with people, everyone is joking around in bikini beach shorts, sitting on the beach with bare legs, and then being bitten by these bugs that come out...

The scene was too brutal to imagine.

It's a pity that I met Ange. This guy is simply the nemesis of bugs. He fed the two bug gods into 'pigs'. Now, under some temptation, all the bugs under the sand and in the bay have been cleaned up. .

To be on the safe side, Ange also stepped on the halo of quick death, spawning all the bugs in the sand that might not have hatched.

"The bay is connected to the sea outside. It is cleaned up now, and insects and fish may slip in again tomorrow. I will seal the bay first." Auburn said.

I saw Aubenli slowly floating into the air, with surging magic power all over her body, and elements gathered rapidly from all directions, gathering, gathering...

Ten minutes later, Luther yawned boredly: "How long will it take?"

"Sorcerer level magic, it's too early. This level of magic should be released by a group of magicians, otherwise the gathered elements will be difficult to control, and the little girl can cast it by herself. The strength is not bad." Duroken said old-fashioned. Speaking of.

The butler, the undead maid, was also nearby. Hearing this kind of words, my heart skipped a beat: Nine hundred years old and still a little girl? Boy, how old are you?

At this moment, Ange suddenly said, "There is something."

After a while, the surface of the sea boiled, and countless black shadows sprang out of the sea, spread their wings, gliding in the air for a while, and plunged back into the water again.

If you don't look at their four eyes and mutated sharp mouthparts, these are flying fish.

The mutated four-eyed flying fish rushed towards the bay one after another like gliding shells.

Good guy, it's all trivial things in the bay, and now this wave is the big scene.

"Raise the alarm, the highest level!" Auburn yelled loudly.

Negris, Duroken, and Fetti couldn't help but sink their hearts: "I've been preparing for a long time, now I'm in trouble."

"It's trouble, is there anything in the sea at this scale?"

From the beginning of cleaning up the bugs in the bay, everyone actually had a worry in their hearts. Bugs can reproduce in the sea. Are there other living things in the sea?

The ocean is a larger ecosystem than the land, and there are not many natural enemies, at least there are not so many gods and skeletons on the land. If insects can reproduce in the sea, they must live more nourishingly.

In the Danhai plane before, the bugs had already entered the water, but it was manipulated by the exterminator. Ange killed the exorcist, and the bugs naturally couldn't spread.

The ocean on the main plane is salty. Originally, we had hoped that the bugs would not be able to adapt to this environment, but since the bugs appeared in the bay, it meant that this hope was dashed, and this became troublesome.

Thinking of the black bugs in the ocean, Negris felt his scalp tingle: "I need to find those two exterminators, and tell Nightjaven and Brusk to be careful."

As soon as Negris finished speaking, the four-eyed flying fish skimmed to the front of the bay, crossed the breakwater frantically, and rushed into the bay.

In the darkness, a beam of light pierced through the darkness, revealing a clean gap among the flying fish: "Oh!"

No need to look, Negris knew who fired the beam of light, and covered his face angrily.

The power of the holy light is very strong, but it is completely useless in the face of this kind of scene. The clean gap is quickly filled by other flying fish, and it is impossible to see that it has been attacked.

However, the little angel who finished using her big move was very happy, bouncing around, holding up her Archangel's staff and starting to release the Holy Light Missile.

Immediately afterwards, a black beam of light pierced the sky: "Oh!"

Because in the dark night, the shock wave of the little zombie's death breath was not conspicuous, and everyone realized the horror from the sudden lack of a gap in the group of four-eyed flying fish.

But these were all preludes. Suddenly, Ange next to the little angel and the little zombie opened fire, and the fireballs pulled out red lines one after another, pulling out a curtain of fire in the night.

"One, two, three...twenty? Twenty rounds per second? He's speeding up again?" Negris silently calculated and came to a conclusion that shocked him.

Duroken couldn't close his mouth: "Instant four-level magic? Twenty rounds per second? Is he a magic fort?"

Negris pouted: "What level? Can you see more clearly?"

Duroken frowned: "Level 2? No, this power is wrong. This power is at least level 4."

"Don't worry about whether it's right or not, isn't it second-level magic?" Negris suddenly felt a sense of superiority in mastering some kind of secret, and asked arrogantly.

"Judging from the consumption of elements, it is indeed level two, but the power is so great, at least level four. The biggest possible cause of this result is proficiency. How much is his proficiency?" Duroken quickly guessed Asked in surprise why.

"Proficiency?" Negri was surprised: "Can proficiency be quantified? What standard?"

"It's the number of times you cast it. It's a bit of proficiency to cast it once. The magic power of a magic apprentice for a day is probably only enough to cast ten zero-level spells. If you practice the same spell every day, you will have more than 3,600 points of proficiency in a year." It’s almost time to level up.”

"For a normal magician, the proficiency of a spell is about 3,000 to 5,000."

After Duroken finished speaking, he saw Negris counting with his fingers, and asked in doubt, "What are you counting?"

"I'm counting the proficiency. Ange's proficiency is the highest in the rain technique. During the six-month planting season, 3,000 acres of land needs to be watered every day. It takes 5,000 rain spells to cast for almost a thousand years." Well, five thousand a day, how much is six months? How much is one thousand years?"

"Nine...nine million times?" Duroken said in shock.

He knew that Negris did it on purpose, how could a guy who could even calculate the relative displacement of the void of the plane clearly not be able to calculate this simple number, it was just for others to calculate it and pretend it.

But even if he saw through Negris' sinister intentions, Duroken was shocked by this number. The proficiency is close to tens of millions, while ordinary magicians' proficiency is only a few thousand. This is not an order of magnitude.

Duroken's shock satisfies Negris' bad taste very well, and he continued to brag: "The burst fireball is less used, but he used to shoot thirteen shots per second, and he can leave it like this for days and nights. His proficiency should There are more than a hundred thousand."

Whether it is one hundred thousand or millions, this number is far from normal people, and Duroken can no longer use the original standard system to calculate it, so he had to give Negris a blank look: "It's not that you put of."

"I taught." Negris said with his arms akimbo.

Anger's magic fortress shocked the audience. When he opened a curtain of fire, everyone's eyes were on him. As the curtain of fire lasted longer and longer, even Auburn couldn't calm down. up.

"So strong? Can anyone really hold on for so long? How much magic power does he have?"

As long as the four-eyed flying fish was hit, the fireball would explode, killing them and shattering them, and their bodies fell into the bay with a plop.

Hemel and Mathis were so excited. Ange fed them grass and straw every day, and finally they could eat meat. They dived into the water, and the two insect gods gnawed wildly.

It is only natural for the God of Insects to eat insects. Back then, Hemel raised insects for himself to eat. With so many plump four-eyed flying fish, the long-term nutritional imbalance, the God of Insects, who was only fat but not strong, quietly changed.

Auburn had to disperse the elements she had gathered, because she found that Ange had emptied the nearby elements and had a conflict with her. If she didn't disperse, it would be tantamount to dragging Ange back.

"My... second-level magic snatched the elements of my esoteric magic, what is this?" Auburn felt that the magic world had changed, and she, a truth mage, couldn't understand it.

The bay has now become a nest of soup, a nest of soup that is fatal to bugs. As more bugs die, the attraction to the living bugs becomes stronger, so strong that they desperately want to break through the fire blockade , into this pot of 'soup'.

This is really taking care of Ange, just stand still and set off the fireball.

The four-eyed flying fish seem to be many, but because of their relatively large size, there may actually be tens of thousands of them, but in terms of volume, they are already comparable to millions of insects. The sea water in the bay has been stained like ink with blood.

It should have been extremely stenchy, but there are two insect gods in the water, not only is there no smell, even the blood is being absorbed by them. According to this speed, the bay can become clear before dawn.

All eyes were on Ange, a silver 'squirrel' rushed over like lightning, ran to Auburn Li's side, grabbed her skirt and climbed up, and soon squatted on her shoulder up.

Auburn had discovered it a long time ago, so she didn't stop it, and let the squirrel climb on her shoulder before saying, "You're awake."

"Of course I woke up. You sounded the highest level of alarms. I thought something happened. What happened? Where did the humans come from? Such perverts? New stars?" asked the squirrel.

Auburn asked: "Even you think he is human?"

"What do you mean? Not human?" The squirrel asked in surprise.

Auburn did not answer directly, but said: "If you have a chance, you can see for yourself, don't offend him."

The squirrel's tail stood up in an instant, and looked at Auburn in shock. If it was 'don't touch him' or 'don't bully him', it would be normal, but Auburn actually said, 'don't offend him'?

What's the situation? This human Aubenli dare not offend?

Shocked, the squirrel was a little distracted, and quietly stretched out a horse's mouth, biting its big tail.

Both the squirrel and Auburn turned their heads in amazement, and saw Lightning biting the squirrel's tail, chewing and saying, "It's so strange, why does this squirrel's tail smell like lightning?"

The fur hat on Lightning's head opened his eyes, and let out an 'oooh'.

"Squirrel?" The squirrel was stunned for a moment, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes, he turned his head and asked Auburn quietly: "Can this horse be killed?"

Aubrey shook her head first, and then explained: "That human, if you kill him, you will offend him, so you can't kill him."

"Okay." The squirrel responded helplessly, exerting all his strength, and suddenly a loud noise erupted in the sky.

Lightning only felt an irresistible and terrifying thunder, which was released from the squirrel's tail, making the whole lightning 'transparent', as if it became a luminous horse.

The residual electricity is transmitted to the horn, forming a secondary release, and the fur hat on its head is electrified into a ball, and all the hairs are stunned, like a huge 'sea urchin'.

After the thunder passed, Lightning exhaled white smoke, his eyes were blurred, and he staggered on all fours as if drunk, crooked and stumbling around.

The eyes of the fur hat on his head were also rounded, and the tip of the fur was emitting white smoke, as if he had been electrocuted.

The palm-sized squirrel has now turned into a five-meter-tall squirrel with bulging muscles, thick back muscles, and incomparably strong—a big squirrel.

"There was a loud noise in the sky, and the superstar appeared on the stage, the superstar——Thunder! How dare you call me a squirrel?" The big squirrel roared angrily.

Superstar Thunder, one of the existing Big Three in the Republic of Stars.

Lightning's eyes were spinning, and he muttered in a dazed way: "It's...a big...a squirrel..."

Lei Ting was so angry that he wanted to reach out to pick up Lightning and throw it away, but immediately realized something was wrong: "Hey, the magic resistance is a bit high, this is not an ordinary unicorn."

It dared to recognize Lightning's identity long ago, but it still asked if the 'horse' could be killed. But even for a unicorn, Lightning's magic resistance is too high.

"Maybe it's the fur hat on its head, it's a dimensional beast." Auburn said.

"Void... Void species? Dimensional beast?" Lei Ting's eyes widened.

The dead body of the last flying fish also fell into the bay. After Ange finished his work, he happily collected the uneaten insect fish in the bay and burned them to ashes. These are all fertilizers.

On a deserted island more than ten kilometers away from the bay, a sleepy insect repellent rubbed his eyes and got up to pee at night. Halfway through his hush, he couldn't help but shouted: "No, where's our flying fish school?"

His yelling woke up another exterminator. The two stood on the reef, looking at the empty sea, with a dazed look on their faces.

"What about the school of flying fish? Without our command, they won't run around."

"Unless they are summoned by the Insect God, they will not get out of control."

"Where are there insect gods? We have bred insects adapted to salt water, and we are the new insect gods!"

"What should I do? I originally said to take advantage of the celebration to let the children eat a lot, but now it's too late to save up again."

During the debate, they didn't notice at all, several 'people' quietly landed on top of their heads.

PS: Thank you for your monthly tickets, the ranking has jumped to 40 places, and now the monthly ticket list is 166.

Thank you, my little wife, book friend 202108112334756, for your reward. By the way, brother die, you almost made me kneel on the keyboard when you changed this name. Where is your conscience?

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