Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 359 Don't even know the record holder?

Surrounded by several god-level powerhouses, the two exterminators were brought back without even making a sound.

After torture, interrogation, and soul searching, everyone found out the situation.

"It's okay, it's okay, the saltwater bugs were bred by them, and they didn't spread." Negris breathed a sigh of relief.

"It can't be unloaded. They can breed saltwater worms. Other insect repellents should be able to do the same. We have to find a way to at least give early warning. Otherwise, the worms will multiply in the sea and come to the shore in one breath. There is no place that can withstand it." Di Luni said worriedly.

A wave of four-eyed flying fish's attack caused the Academy of Stars to sound the highest level of alarm. Although it did not suffer any losses because of Ange, it aroused Di Luni's vigilance.

The Republic of Stars was right by the sea, and it didn't have much strategic depth. If what he said came true, it would be the most dangerous place.

The more I thought about it, the more uneasy I became. Di Luni said, "No, I'll call a plane meeting and report the situation to everyone."

But Aubenli said: "It will be dawn soon, and the Seed Seed Conference is about to start. How can there be time for a meeting? And at this time, don't others need to sleep? Anyway, this wave of bugs has been cleared, and the Seed Seed Conference will be over in three days , it will not be too late to report.”

Di Luni shook his head: "No, these bugs reproduce very quickly. Judging from the situation in the Principality of Montenegro, their number can increase tens of thousands of times overnight. Everyone must be prepared in advance."

"But the Grain Seed Conference is about to start. You go to call the meeting, everyone responds, confirms the theme of the meeting, and then agrees to connect at a time. One day will pass. If anyone is temporarily unavailable, toss until tomorrow, then the Grain Seed Conference What should I do? You are going to sit in the township." Auburn said.

Among the three giants of the stars, Di Luni is in charge of the outside world. If he does not host, this food conference cannot be held.

However, it will take at least four or five days before the safety meeting is held after the grain meeting. Judging from the example of the Principality of Montenegro, the number of bugs can increase tens of thousands of times overnight. Notification is too late.

After arguing for a while, Negris raised his hand with a smile: "I happen to also inform my nephew, why don't you come with me?"

"Grandnephew? Who is your grandnephew?" Di Luni asked.


"Uh, it turned out to be the ancestors of the Dragon Clan. Disrespect and disrespect." Di Luni was in awe.

"But it's not enough to just notify Patriarch Brusk, you have to notify other people." Di Luni said again.

"Don't be afraid, I have their personal contact information." Negris took Angle to the teleportation array, contacted Anthony, Bruce, and Gaillard one by one, and then asked Anthony to pull Dyson and Copper Hammer, a six-party meeting Started in less than half an hour.

Seeing that it was exactly the same as the Plane Security Conference, except that Guliani's lineup was missing, Di Luni was stunned: "The security conference, was it held by your family?"

The Plane Security Conference is a public channel, and it needs a series of procedures and procedures to be convened. Now this kind of meeting is a private connection, without so much trouble, and everyone will chat soon.

Di Luni reported the situation and expressed his worries by the way. When everyone thought of the terrible situation, they couldn't help but become cautious.

The elves have suffered from bugs, so they are very anxious, but the meeting lasted until dawn, and no one could come up with any good ideas.

"I can only pay more attention to everyone, especially Brusk. I hope you can send someone to patrol the ocean. If you find anything unusual, please notify us immediately. Insects can live in water, but insect repellents can't live in water, right? From insect repellents If you buy them, you must not let them grow." Di Luni said.

Anthony interjected: "After a while, Dyson and I will issue a joint announcement to list the exterminators as heretics and ask them to surrender within a time limit, otherwise they will be burned to death if they are caught."

"The elves can assist. If you need anything, you can contact Lord Ang." Gaillard said.

Hearing this sentence, everyone except Anthony was stunned, and Di Luni and Auburn couldn't help but glanced at Ange.

The elves are willing to help, but let them contact Ange? What does this represent?

This means that Ange can make decisions for the elves. For proud elves, it is simply unthinkable for a 'human' to make decisions for them.

The meeting ended and the sky just dawned. Tiroone and Auburn floated away without touching the ground.

The Grain Seed Contest is the finale, and it will start at noon on the third day. The first two and a half days are full of various competitions, gambling, competitions, etc., which are very lively.

However, An Ge was not interested. He retreated to the Palace of Rest and studied the new changes of the two insect gods.

After devouring a large number of bugs, both Hemel and Mathis had a strange change, becoming stronger.

In the past, they would only get fat if they ate nonsense, but this time they ate all meat, not only did they not get fat, but they became stronger.

Hemel turned into a strong 'horse', the lines of his limbs and the muscles of his body were not inferior to even the strongest nightmare.

There is still some metallic luster on the body surface, and when you touch it with your hand, you will find that the surface is not skin, but very fine and dense scales, which are extremely firm.

This caused its defense to be ridiculously high. Luthor almost couldn't cut it with his Arbitration Sword. He managed to cut it barely. Hemel shook himself, the scales on his body stood up, and he couldn't cut it again.

However, the erection of the scales is not to increase the defense, but to release smoke. This smoke is a powerful liquefied insect ash liquid, which not only has the effect of insect ash liquid, but also has the power of 'infection'.

Where the smoke fell, the barren land was quickly soaked and turned into oily fertile soil.

And this change is continuous. After the infection, it becomes more fertile day by day. On the first day, it will produce water, and on the third day, it will produce oil.

"Can it improve the soil continuously? So amazing?" Negris said in shock.

Yes, it was amazing, and Ange quickly yoked it and used it to pull the plow.

It walks ahead, spraying smoke while walking, infecting the soil and plowing the ground at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

"...I knew you would do this, God of Worms, why don't you use it for something else?" Negris was speechless.

Angus shook his head.

On the morning of the third day, Auburn finally found time to come back and found that the place of death behind the Death Star Tower had been overturned.

As a lich, the breath of death is indispensable, but Aubenley dare not build a cemetery behind the house.

I had no choice but to go to the gloomy cemetery from time to time, dig up the dead soil on the ground, and spread it in the open space behind the house, so that I could 'breathe' the fresh breath of death.

Soaked in the breath of death for a long time, the open space behind the house is barren, gray and unsophisticated, similar to the ground of the Abyss of Rest, barren as hell.

After not coming back for two days, Auburn found that the place of death was gone. The soil that had been stacked for hundreds of years had now become black and fat, with green weeds growing wildly on it.

"I'm..." Before Auburn could swear, Negris, who had been prepared for a long time, handed over a bottle of death breath liquid.

Auburn Li opened it and smelled it, and immediately changed her words: "This grassland is so beautiful."

How can it be convenient to take the bare, gray and unsophisticated place of death breath with you, smell it to make you feel refreshed, and smell the liquid of death breath that calms the mind and calms the mind?

As soon as the words were finished, a strong 'horse' dragged the plow and ran over, turned over the green grass, soaked it for two and a half days, and finally it was ready to sow.

The little zombie angel followed behind to sow seeds, and Ange walked at the end, covering the soil and watering.

As Auburn was stunned, the meadow transformed into arable land gorgeously.

Realizing that if she continued to stay, she might be pissed to death, Auburn said: "The seed competition is about to start, you have signed up, get ready." She ran away without looking back.


Ange and his party came to the venue of the Grain Seed Conference. It turned out that they had seen it when they first came. The venue where the magic ball competition was held. At this moment, a huge simulated magic circle had been built on the open space of the venue.

The auditorium was full at the moment, and everyone enthusiastically waved various small props, making loud noises or flashing lights, and it was extremely lively.

The spectators in one of the areas were neatly dressed, with uniform props, and even pulled up a banner that read: Dubinch Victory.

Everyone was dazzled and confused, filled with emotion: "Too enthusiastic, too enthusiastic, these supporters are so enthusiastic."

"Yeah, that old cat-headed Dubinch still has so many enthusiastic supporters? I'm really blind. How can that guy be as good as our adults?" Luther said angrily.

In the Land of Sinking, Ange severely abused Du Binqi and his party. He did not expect that his popularity would be so high in the Grain Seed Competition. No wonder his students dared to speak out and said that they would cancel the title of the "Spring Breeze Cup" .

"We can't let him win the championship. It's not good for the promotion of grain seeds. Ange, continue to abuse him," Negris said with clenched fists.

A voice of gnashing teeth came from not far away: "It turned out to be you! Well, I finally caught you guys."

Looking back, it turned out to be Du Binqi's student who turned into a bear, referred to as student bear.

Ange and his party didn't make any special cover-ups, especially the Brass Dragon. The shape of this embryo is so unique that it can be recognized from a distance.

Just as he was about to say that he would torture them, he immediately delivered them to the door. Negris was so happy, and waved his little paw: "Good day, brat."

Student Xiong exploded with anger, what does this mean? so enthusiastic? Look down on him?

Looking around, he found that no one could beat him. Student Xiong gritted his teeth and scolded: "You are the idiot, and your whole family is an idiot. You wait for me, I will find the teacher, and the place of sinking will let you Slip away, let's see where you go this time!"

"Run? When did you run away? Didn't you guys run first last time?" Negris wondered. It was Dubinch who ran overnight in the Land of Sinking.

It didn't know that Du Binqi and the others killed and came back later, and they had already returned to the holy kingdom of heaven.

But Student Xiong had already run away, apparently to call someone.

The area where they are located is the competition area, and here are all the teams participating in the grain competition. Many people know Du Binqi's students, but they don't know An Ge and his party.

One of the contestants who looked like an old farmer kindly reminded: "How did you offend them? Oh, you are in trouble."

"Oh? Who are they? Why bother Fa?" Negris asked curiously.

"You don't know him? Then you are really in trouble." Another contestant with the appearance of an old farmer said in surprise.

"Is it famous? Why do you need to know them? You don't know me yet." Negris said akimbo unconvinced.

The two contestants who looked like old farmers laughed 'hehe', completely unaware of who they 'hehe'.

One of the veteran farmers said: "That is the current record holder of the Grain Seed Contest, a student of Master Dubinqi, you come to participate in the Grain Seed Contest, don't you even know the record holder? How did you offend him?"

Negris said truthfully: "We won against them in the last competition of growing grain. The losers didn't bother to remember their names, but they hated them unexpectedly."

The two old farmer contestants had simple and honest smiles on their faces, with expressions of "you look so cute bragging", they laughed and dispersed.

"Uh, no one will believe the truth." Negris sighed regretfully, it's a pity that he didn't have the opportunity to pretend...

Not long after, student Xiong led Dubinqi over, and Negris waved his paw to greet them from a distance, but Dubinqi didn't respond, just looked at it gloomyly, turned and left.

bang bang bang! More than a dozen explosive flames rushed into the sky, exploded into a fireball, and made a loud noise, marking the official start of the seed competition.

"Tsk tsk tsk, using explosives as fireworks, it's really flirty." Luther complained.

"As expected of the Stars Academy of Magic, there are many magicians." Negris said.

boom! There was a louder sound, and at the same time, a bright light flashed in the center of the venue, and a loud voice resounded throughout the audience: "There was a loud noise in the sky, the superstar appeared on the stage, your friend, the superstar Thunder, is back! Didn't you miss me?"

The strong light subsided, and a thunder element composed of strong light and electric light appeared in the field.

Lightning instantly raised his horse's head, his eyes widened: "Is this Thunder? That big squirrel?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, dear guests, good afternoon everyone, the biennial grain competition is about to start again, grain is the firewood of life, without grain, there is no way to burn the flame of life, lack of grain, It will cause famine, death, will come to the world."

"This year is a year of disaster, a tragic year, and a sad year. In this tragic disaster, the importance of food has become more and more prominent. If our food production can increase year after year, famine will never be over. occur."

"The Grain Seed Contest is a stage for the masters of farming to show their strength. They bring us more productive grain seeds and provide us with more powerful weapons to eliminate famine. Now we invite our protagonists to come out today. The Grain Seed Contest, Officially begin!"

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