Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 501 I heard that the God of Knowledge is very poor

Follow the big cat, turn a corner, and see a hole.

There should have been a building at the entrance of the cave, but now it has collapsed, leaving only a pile of ruins and ruins. Judging from the traces, the workmanship of the building seems to be quite exquisite. When it is complete, it must be a magnificent place.

Walking into the cave, I saw a statue as soon as I entered the cave. The arms and wings of the statue were gone, leaving only the head, neck and bare body.

Now Negris knew what the big cat saw was an 'embryonic dragon'. This statue was about the same size as it is now, with a smiling expression on its face, and even it couldn't help being startled when it saw it: "Why is there a statue of me here?"

"Aww~" said the big cat.

"Okay, okay, I know you didn't know when you came here, and I didn't ask you, Anthony, do you know?" Negris asked.

Anthony said with some hesitation: "This place is called Starburst Canyon. You can tell how it came from just hearing the name. This is the place where the storm of faith fell on the day when God died, blasting out a cobweb-like crack here. Valley, extending in all directions."

"Why did the storm of faith choose this place as the landing point? It must be because there is a very powerful god here. According to the historical materials I have collected recently, this place was indeed once a kingdom of powerful gods."

Having said that, Anthony glanced at Ange, because Negris was projected on Ange, so he was looking at Negris: "The Sea of ​​Knowledge."

"Pfft—my temple?" Negris spat out.

Anthony shook his head: "Probably not, it's probably just the same name, because when the day of the god's death happened, His Majesty hadn't come yet, so it's impossible to help you build a temple."

But after a pause, Anthony said hesitantly: "I was sure, but now that I see this statue, I'm not sure. If it's not your temple, why is this statue as lewd as you?"

"What are you talking about, can you speak? I'm just born with small eyes." Negris was angry.

This question cannot be answered. It is impossible for His Majesty to help Naig build a temple before he came here, so it is either just a coincidence that there is also a lecherous embryonic dragon in this world, or His Majesty rebuilt the temple here later, but It's just run down now.

"I think it should be the latter. His Majesty later carved a stone statue for me and put it here. Unfortunately, there is no identification technique that can identify the time of formation. Otherwise, you will know when it was carved. I heard that the Academy of Stars Recently, a new technology is being developed, using the decay of the fourteenth carbon to identify the formation time of the item, I don’t know if they have succeeded.”

Negris said in a daze, the young man is doing things that even the god of knowledge can't understand.

The statue couldn't figure out anything, Ange and the others continued to move forward, Gray snapped his fingers, and a ball of flame burned up, drifting back and forth along Gray's gaze, illuminating the place she saw.

"The torch technique, together with the water condensation technique, is listed as a compulsory magic for magicians. No matter what department the magician is, it is best to practice it. It is necessary to use it in the wild to light a fire, make a fire, boil water and take a bath." Negris introduced .

Ange imitated and snapped his fingers, and a flame burst into flames.

"That's all right, don't just learn random things, you know the holy light technique, and if you simplify it, it's the lighting technique, and you don't need to use a torch." Negris complained.

Anthony quickly said, "My lord, that's it."

After finishing speaking, Anthony closed his eyes first, and then opened them abruptly. His eyes immediately shone brightly, emitting two beams of light into the dark cave.

The people next to him looked as if Anthony's eyes were equipped with searchlights: "My lord, this is the lighthouse on the other side."

"Oh." Ange followed suit, closed his eyes, opened them suddenly, and immediately two more beams of light shone into the cave.

The little angel followed suit, closing and opening his eyes, his eyes sparkling.

The little zombie closed his eyes, opened them, black smoke came out of his eyes, closed his eyes and opened them again, another puff of black smoke came out, it couldn't emit light no matter what, it was so angry that it screamed.

The little angel patted his chest: "Oh."

Negris yelled angrily: "You don't need lighting, what kind of light is it?"

That's right, little zombies and little angels are essentially undead creatures. They have super dark light vision, and they tend to blur their eyes if they are too bright.

But the little angel didn't care, she was going to shine, and she was shining with two beams of light. Among the six beams of light, Ange's and Anthony's were moving steadily, and only hers were dangling.

Behind the broken statue is a corridor of knowledge, why is it called the corridor of knowledge? Because it's written on the wall.

There are stone bookshelves on the walls on both sides, but the books inside have disappeared, and there is no weathered residue on the ground, so they should have been taken away by someone.

Passing through the long corridor of knowledge, everyone entered a circular hall.

"Kangbada, my book tower." As soon as he entered here, Negris couldn't help cursing.

Now that it has nothing to do with it, it doesn't believe it anymore. The shape of this hall is exactly the same as its brass book tower, except that it is a little shorter, unlike the one in the resting palace, which seems to have an infinitely extending height upwards.

And after reaching the height of the third floor, there is a circle of seats around, which should be for students to attend lectures, because each seat is equipped with a table.

Of course, the tables and chairs are also made of stone, so they can be preserved until now.

Anthony said: "Although I don't know how many years it has been abandoned, but it seems that it is definitely not thousands of years, at most three or four hundred years. It seems that His Majesty really built it for you later."

Gray finally couldn't bear it any longer: "Who is the Your Majesty you keep talking about?"

"The Immortal King," Anthony said.


Everyone expected that she would be taken aback, so they didn't care, and started searching around.

"There is a passage here."

"There is also a passage here."

"Aww!" The little angel floated down from the seat on the third floor with a bouquet of flowers.

Negris glanced at it and said in surprise, "Huh? Flowers? Where did you find them?"

The little angel pointed to the seat, the flowers are still very bright, what does it represent? Someone has been here recently.

"There is a small note, take it out and see what is written." Negris said.

Ange picked it up and saw that Negris read the words on the note directly: "God of omniscient knowledge, please bless our expedition to succeed, solve all mysteries, and obtain your inheritance."

Anthony took it over and smelled it: "There is still a little ink smell. It was not long after I wrote it. I guess the person who wrote the note is still here."

"Why is someone here? Turn off, turn off, turn off your headlights and torches." Negris said hastily.

Gray asked puzzledly: "Do we need to be so careful? I think this note is written by a child. You shouldn't be afraid of them, right?"

"Am I afraid? I am worried that I will scare them. Then there will be no more fun. Turn it off quickly."

Everyone turned off the lights one after another, and Anthony spread his hands and said, "Master Nagg enjoys molesting children."

Negris chuckled twice, and returned his attention to the note: "Is this a message from my believers? Bless them for a successful expedition? What does it mean to solve all the puzzles? Get my inheritance? Is it possible that I am still here?" Do you have any inheritance?"

"I'm more curious about how they came in. The scarecrow Wuga has been wandering around here, and it seems that he has been wandering for a long time. Who dares to come in within the range of Wuga's wandering? This scarecrow is the Warlock Alliance and the undead. The council has reminded me to be careful." Anthony said.

Gray's eyes widened, and he asked puzzledly: "Master Anthony, you mean, the Alliance of Warlocks and the Undead Council have 'both' warned you? They..."

Gray especially emphasized the tone of "both", obviously he didn't understand, the two sides are mortal enemies, why did "both" remind Anthony?

"Oh, I know them very well, and you'll get to know them later," Anthony said.

Gray blinked his eyes wide, bewildered.

Negris thought about it and said: "Could it be because of Wuga that they have the opportunity to come in? This kind of place should usually be guarded, or sealed, maybe Wuga, to scare the guards away? "

"It's possible," Anthony said.

At this moment, An Ge suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the passage on the left: "Someone is coming."

"Hurry up, hide, hehe." Negris hurriedly urged, the joy in his voice almost overflowing.

Canbada, after planting the land in the North Wind Desert for so long, the forest has been planted, and finally I have the opportunity to come out to play, and there are some children who believe in the God of Knowledge, so how can I not play well.

Everyone hurriedly hid in high spirits. Gray saw it and couldn't help complaining in his heart: Whose fun is this?

After everyone hid, not long after, a voice came from the passage: "I'm so tired, I have no idea, let's get some food first, it's not convenient to light a fire inside, we'll cook in the Hall of Knowledge."

A female voice said weakly: "Is this okay? Will the God of Knowledge blame you for cooking in the Hall of Knowledge?"

"Oh, how could it be? People who yearn for knowledge also need to eat more, otherwise how can they have the strength to study? The God of Knowledge will not blame you. You usually steal snacks in class, and you have never seen the teacher beat you up. "The first male voice answered.

"Oh, yes, alas, it would be great if the god of knowledge could become one with the god of planting. If you eat what you grow, you can gain knowledge. How wonderful, I don't have to study in the early morning and stay up late every day. I lost my hair." The female voice said in pain.

"Good idea, go and persuade the God of Knowledge, we don't need to learn anymore, just eat directly, the more we eat, the more knowledge we get, and the person with the most knowledge will be the fattest." The male voice clapped his hands and applauded.

The female voice was even more painful: "Oh, no, I don't want to become a big fat man, I'd better stay up late and lose my hair."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing, and Anthony even took a look at Ange: the god of planting and the god of knowledge are really one.

Following these two voices, two sorcerers, a man and a woman, were abducted from the passage. Looking at their green robes, they were all junior magicians, and there was a strange symbol printed on their chests.

Seeing that symbol, everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at Grey. There was also an identical symbol on the chest of Grey's robe.

Gray whispered in surprise: "The logo of the True Research Association, people from our association? What a coincidence."

"I think it's bold, two junior rookies, why do you dare to come here?" Negris complained.

The green primary robes represent that the two mages are at most three levels. Magicians of this level are not even qualified to go out to pick up jobs. The general mercenary regiments do not recruit magicians of this level, so they can only register as magicians by themselves. Free mercenaries, but they dare to come out to explore?

The two magicians staggered and stumbled over the fire to scone pancakes, boiled oil in a pan, and boiled water in a hanging pot. They were unskilled at first glance, unlike the kind of people who often live in the wild, but relying on the torch technique to condense water, They still did it successfully.

While working and chatting, the female magician asked: "Senior, will the God of Knowledge really have an inheritance? I heard that the God of Knowledge is very poor, and the most valuable thing is books."

Fortunately, there was no face projected on Ange, and Negris blushed.

Indeed, it was very poor when it was alive. Unlike ordinary dragons who like shiny things, Negris likes books and has a nest of scrolls in his collection. But before he died, he was almost eaten by insects and ants.

Later, I heard that someone had found its lair, and I cried when I went in to see it. I only found a few books that were not rotten, and I lost the travel expenses for treasure hunting.

"Don't worry, although the God of Knowledge is very poor, I will tell you a secret. This temple was probably built by the undead king."

"How is it possible?" The female magician was shocked.

The male magician said disapprovingly: "How is it impossible? The immortal king is of course the most knowledgeable existence. It is even possible that the king is the god of knowledge."

"But...but the idol is obviously a dragon." The female magician murmured, she couldn't connect the God of Knowledge with the Undead King, and she had never even thought about it in this way.

"That dragon is squinting, it's even more impossible, maybe it's just a mount." The male magician said disapprovingly.

Negris muttered angrily: "Cangbada, you are the mount, and your whole family is the mount."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, do you have a clue about the last question in the passage?" The female magician struggled for a while, but there was no way to confirm it, so she had to change the topic.

"I have no idea, what is the name of the God of Knowledge? Isn't it called the God of Knowledge? Does it have a name?" The male magician said distressedly: "We have solved the astrological deflection algorithm, the magic circuit function, and the multi-stacking method. Equation, I just came to the last hurdle, I didn't expect it to be such a question, who knows what the name of the God of Knowledge is?" the male magician said distressedly.

A voice suddenly sounded in the ear of the female magician Tiguli: "Do you want to know what the name of the God of Knowledge is? Pray, pray to the God of Knowledge. If you have a pious belief, there will be an echo."

Thank you book friend 20210213005914676 for your reward.

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