Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 502 Your Majesty, Don't Know Dragon Language

"Really...Really? You are the God of Knowledge?" Tiguli asked tremblingly.

The male magician was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "Tiguli, who are you talking to?"

Tiguli stopped him with a wave of his hand, knelt down and said devoutly: "Is it really you, the omniscient God of knowledge? Please give your name, I will always worship you devoutly, and may your glory Endless, shining everywhere..."

Then Tiguli nodded again and again as if he heard something: "Oh oh oh, is it called this? Okay, I will open the channel right away and inherit your inheritance. Thank you for the gift of the God of Knowledge."

Tiguli got up stumblingly, pulled up the male magician and ran towards the passage.

The male magician was still a little confused: "Uh, no, food, what happened?"

Tiguli dragged him forward without saying a word.

Negris said excitedly: "Keep up, whoever casts an invisibility spell."

Just as Anthony was about to make a move, Gray had already said, "I'll do it, Mirror of Light."

I saw a smooth shield covering them, the surface of the shield was extremely smooth, reflecting the surrounding scene, a group of them seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Under the mirror image of light, a group of people followed, and when they entered the passage, they heard the male magician's inquiry: "Tiguli, what happened? What are you muttering for no reason? You don't even want food. We finally cooked it." OK."

Negris laughed softly: "These children are so easy to deceive, so they are fooled, don't they have any vigilance?"

Anthony coughed, hesitantly wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after thinking about it, but Gray was not happy:

"They have never been out of society and are kind-hearted, so they will be fooled by you. In fact, when they graduate, we will have some training courses to teach them how to be vigilant. Don't trust others casually, especially the God of Knowledge. snort."

"La la la la, the God of Knowledge doesn't lie. Didn't I tell her my name? As long as she knows Dragon Language, she can read it." Negris said brazenly.

Grey really wanted to punch Bada in the eye, but it's a pity that Negris is now in a projection state.

How could a human being be able to speak dragon language? Dragon language needs a resonant cavity. Without a chest cavity as big as a giant dragon and a long vocal tract, it is impossible to speak dragon language.

However, Negris’s happiness came to an abrupt end soon. Tiguli, who had almost run to the end of the passage, suddenly shouted: “Everyone, be careful, there is an undead! It whispered in my ear, deceiving me to be the God of Knowledge! "

"Pfft——" Gray laughed, and Anthony couldn't help but Negris was the only one who was injured: "She wasn't fooled? Why did she act so well? I thought she believed it." If Negris was really an undead, he wouldn't Stop coming back, but if she expressed disbelief on the spot, she might not be able to come back.

There are three magicians at the end of the passage, one of them is a great magician. At this moment, they are setting up a table, lighting up magic lamps, taking out a lot of books and digging through them, trying to find clues about the name of the God of Knowledge.

Now when they heard Tiguli's shout, they jumped up immediately, and the great magician among them copied the magic lamp and turned the knob at the bottom hard, as if switching a mode, the holy light was like a beam of light The same light shines into the passage and shines on Tiguli's body.

Tiguli covered his eyes and rushed over against the light, and the male magician also rushed over.

When they hid behind the magic lamp, a beam of light shone into the passage, as if they had touched something, a beam of light reflected and shone on the great magician holding the lamp.

The great magician narrowed his eyes slightly, and said anxiously, "It's the mirror image of light."

As soon as the words were finished, a terrified cry came from the passage: "Ah! It's the holy light, it's the holy light, it's so uncomfortable, it seems like the flames are burning my soul, ah, it's the holy light, it's the holy light, I want to Vaporized, it is the bane of darkness, the death knell of the dead—”

When they first heard the shout, people like Tiguli were still happy, but when they heard the back, everyone's face turned black. How about singing an opera? It's clear that there is nothing wrong with them, and they are teasing them.

The great magician copied the staff and threw it on the ground. A fire dragon rushed into the passage, quickly blocking the passage into a sea of ​​flames.

But right away, they saw their horrified scene. In the passage, the flames were extinguished little by little, spreading out silently, as if something was moving forward, dispelling the flames.

"I...I..." The great magician was speechless, of course he knew how difficult it is to achieve this kind of situation, it is difficult only if there is no sound. , but to deprive...

Depriving him of the control of the fire element will lead to this situation. There is at least one magician who is stronger than him among the people on the opposite side.

He is a great magician, and the only ones who are higher than him are the esotericists and the truth-seekers. Is the esotericist here? It's dead now.

"Hmph, you know you're scared. What level am I? How dare you take such a kid out on an adventure? It doesn't matter if you kill yourself, but it's troublesome if you kill everyone. You are worthy of the parents who raised them, the teachers who taught them, and the hard work." The farmer who planted it!"

A stern voice came over, scolding everyone in a daze, as if they had suddenly ventured back into the classroom from a dark adventure, this tone, this tone, was exactly the same as the teacher in their school, isn't it?

A flame burst suddenly, revealing a group of people inside. The leader covered his face, wore a robe, and held a staff. He walked over step by step. The flame split in two under her feet and gradually extinguished.

People like Tiguli looked at the logo on the opponent's method robe in panic, and subconsciously wanted to cover the logo on their chests, feeling a kind of panic in their hearts when they skipped class and were caught by the dean of students.

Gray slapped the staff fiercely, and a wave of magic power rippled away, extinguishing the last bit of flame, but with the flame extinguishing, there was still light, and the opponent's magic lamp did not know when it was extinguished. The paint is smeared, and the atmosphere is a bit wrong.

Anthony closed and opened his eyes quickly, and the two beams of light shone on the great magician, making everyone else flustered.

"Hmph, you're a teacher, right? What's your name?" Gray snorted and asked sharply.

"Du... Duer, the teacher of the eleven-year flame interest group." The great magician Duer responded obediently. Although the other party covered his face, the surging magic power and tone of his body could not be faked. Dole could tell who it was from the voice.

"Your strength is not considered weak, but you dare to take five children to this kind of adventure by yourself? Who approved this activity for you?!" Gray questioned.

Dull cried and said: "No, no one approves, this is not an event, just curiosity, Tiguli suddenly thought of an interesting idea, so they wanted to verify it, so they found me, we came over, and then we were blocked by a scarecrow , hiding and hiding, I don’t know how to hide here.”

"You think I'm..." Gray slapped his staff angrily, and was about to teach someone, but was interrupted by Negris: "Okay, okay, you think this is a school, just say a few words. "

Gray was a little reconciled, but Negris couldn't help but give them face, so he gave them a vicious look, and stepped aside.

Durti Guli and the others all heaved a sigh of relief, wishing they could hug the owner of the voice and kiss him.

Because according to the rhythm, if even Mr. Doer trains together, it usually takes more than half an hour to train, and then the students are driven away, and Doer is trained for another half an hour.

"By the way, Dull, what an interesting idea?" Negris asked.

But at this time, Tiguli came to his senses and said loudly: "This voice is the undead talking in my ear. It says it is the god of knowledge, let me pray."

Duer and others became vigilant again.

Gray snapped his staff, and said impatiently: "Okay, the Lord God of Knowledge wanted to tease you, but we came out because we were afraid of scaring you. No one lied to you, that is the God of Knowledge." name."

"What name?" Duer and others looked at Tiguli in confusion.

"A piece of dragon language, he said it was the name of the God of Knowledge. Lord Grey, are they really not undead?" Tiguli asked solemnly.

Recognized? Gray took off the face scarf in surprise, and asked, "You know me?"

Hiss—except for Duer and Tiguli who had already recognized her, the remaining three mages couldn't help but gasp.

Because it is connected with cracking the magic circle of nirvana, and also attracted the warlock alliance to airborne the magic star city, it can be said to be a sensation in the whole world. Gray is now more popular than those few duchesses who have extramarital affairs.

It's a pity that no one knows where she went, but there are rumors that she has become disabled after being caught, but looking at it now, she is intact, how does she look disabled?

Tiguli hurriedly saluted: "I am the outstanding student of the year of the Zhenyan Association, of course I know you, President, I have seen you in the meetings of the past two years."

It’s good to have seen it, so that you won’t treat Negris as an undead anymore. Tiguli also explained his idea:

"I read some legends about the scarecrow Wuga and the undead king in a bard's handbook, and found that their relationship seems to be very close. Wuga is like being raised by the undead king. I was there Thinking, if the undead king disappears, will Wuga run to find its king?"

"Hiss—you mean, the scarecrow Wuga came here to find the undead king? Why did it come here to look for it?" Negris was surprised.

Duer explained: "Because in the legend, this temple of knowledge was built by the undead king, so if Wuga came out to find the undead king, he should go to a place he is familiar with. In order to verify this assumption, I brought them here Yes, I originally wanted to declare it as an extracurricular activity, but the current situation..."

Duer didn't go on to say that the situation of the True Research Association is indeed not very good now.

The full name of this so-called "True Seminar" is "Seminar on Why the Truth Is This Way", and its essence is just an extracurricular interest group, or an extracurricular training class.

It is mainly a place to attract students who are interested in magic and those who want to deepen their studies to conduct discussions together and gain some extra achievements.

For example, the fire research group has "Flame Explosion Group", "Flame Cooking Group" and "Using Flame to Burn Butt to Speed ​​Up Group".

The water system also has the "Water Boiling Bubbles Count as Water or Wind Group", "What Temperature is Cleaner to Wash Clothes Group" and "How Many Cups of Water Do You Need to Drink a Day to Be Healthy" group.

Of course, there are more crash groups before the exam, such as "Key Points of Subjects for the Level 4 Exam", "Sprint Class Motivation Course Before the Exam" and the like.

This originally loose organization gradually swelled into a giant because of Grey, especially after she awakened the ability to deny the truth. controlled.

An interest group for extracurricular training has developed into an organization larger than many magic schools, but there are no professionals to change the entire structure, organization and management, making it extremely chaotic.

In the end, Gray was overwhelmed and ran away, and the following series of things happened.

Without Gray's support, many of Zhenyanhui's assets in Magic Star City were acquired at a low price, and the organizational structure became even more chaotic. Dole didn't know how to apply if he wanted to apply.

However, looseness also has its advantages. Several people get together and find an instructor to form an interest group. The only problem is that there is no funding.

But there are no poor magicians, and they can make enough money if they join each other, and even Duer pays for it himself, so they came here.

Tiguli's conjecture was verified as soon as he arrived. The Starburst Canyon was full of undead creatures before, but it has disappeared now, as if he was scared away by something.

Duer and others were overjoyed, and immediately followed in, carefully keeping a distance from Wuga, until they came to the most central position.

The Temple of Knowledge with the largest number of undead creatures is now empty. They entered without any difficulty, and found out the rules of Wuga's wandering. Before Wuga left, they were all safe.

Even if Wuga left, the place would be refilled with undead creatures, and then they would just run away.

I just didn't expect that people like An Ge would come in.

"By the way, Teacher Grey, didn't you meet the scarecrow Wuga when you came in? Did it leave?" Tiguli asked after introducing their situation.

Grey said: "Wooga was arrested by us."

Tiguli and the others stared wide-eyed with ghostly expressions on their faces. The scarecrow Wuga raised by the undead king, a powerful undead creature with a real realm, was actually captured by them? Bragging?

Is truth denial really that powerful?

"Did you think I lied to you? No, it's just that you have little experience, including just now, the Lord God of Knowledge didn't lie to you, that's really its name." Gray still couldn't see what they were thinking, and endured I can't help but get excited.

These guys don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and they have to be taught a profound lesson.

Duer and others looked at Tiguli, and Tiguli said quickly: "It's a piece of dragon language, knowing that we humans can't speak dragon language, but deliberately speaking dragon language, so I suspect it is lying to me."

"Have you remembered? How about we try?" a senior in Tiguli said eagerly.

Tiguli nodded, and then began to rummage through the interspatial bag, and found something like a magic phonograph, and several people gathered around to mess with it.

Dole watched them fiddling, and explained: "After Tiguli said his guess, he also made a detailed activity plan, including this dragon language phonograph, because if the God of Knowledge is really a Dragon, it is very likely that some places need to use dragon language."

"Dragon language gramophone? You invented it?" Negris was amazed. Can the dragon language be simulated by a machine?

"No, they made it themselves and haven't verified it yet, but the idea is very novel and worthy of encouragement." Duer said with some pride.

After fiddling around, some single-byte sounds came out from the phonograph, which really looked like the disassembled dragon language.

Tiguli listened to each word, then selected them one by one, and finally connected them together: "If I remember correctly, it should be this sentence."

After speaking, he tapped the switch, and a deep voice came out from the gramophone: \u0026amp;amp;¥ # * @……

Negris was surprised: "It's really restored? It's amazing, except that there is no magic shock, the voice is exactly the same."

"Really? Wow! We succeeded, we succeeded, the dragon language phonograph has never been used since it was invented, we found it in books, and we don't know if it's the pronunciation, and we couldn't find one. The giant dragon is here to calibrate us." Tiguli jumped up excitedly.

Anthony also had to admire: "This is amazing. I don't know the dragon language, but I can restore the dragon language from the book. The current students, it's incredible."

Tiguli quickly ran to the end of the passage, activated the things on it, and let the phonograph sound: \u0026amp;amp;¥ # * @…

But nothing happened.

"Ah? No response? Isn't it right? Didn't you say that the voices are exactly the same? This is the dragon language. Isn't the name of the God of Knowledge called this?" Tiguli turned around and asked.

Negris is embarrassed now, isn't this temple built for it?

Anthony suddenly stood up and said loudly, "Negris!"

As if something had been activated, the end of the passage was slowly opened.

Anthony smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I don't understand Dragon Language."

Thank you that the sea has become a mulberry field, who will you forget tonight, book friend 20220503161739595.

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