Tiguli approached Ange and asked cautiously, "Are you really the God of Knowledge?"

Ange didn't move, and Negris reflected on him responded: "Yes, yes, the authentic god of knowledge."

Tiguli's eyes lit up, and he asked adoringly, "If you are the God of Knowledge, then you must know everything, right?"

Negris had already been fooled by this little girl, and said very vigilantly: "You tell me what you want to ask first, and then I will tell you whether I know everything."

Tiguli's little thought was seen through, she was not annoyed, and quickly asked: "That's it, the problem of nesting magic circles, I obviously followed the description in the book, but I couldn't verify it successfully, you Do you know what's going on?"

"Oh, that's the problem. The magical tunneling effect of the magic circle, you just need to add a barrier." Seeing that it was a problem he was good at, Negris immediately became omniscient.

"Wow, so that's the case, what about this? What is the reason for this problem?" Tiguli took out a large notebook excitedly, opened the pages and asked again.

Negris answered one by one, and he was full of joy while answering, Sangbada, finally someone asked it this kind of esoteric 'knowledge', instead of using it as a common sense dragon all day long.

Tiguli was also very excited. These questions were accumulated during her usual study, and even the teachers found it difficult to answer, or the answers were not clear.

The teacher may know how to use it, but he doesn't know why he uses it in this way. When he encounters a guy like Tiguli who is inquisitive, he will often be asked and run away.

After asking seven or eight questions, Tiguli knelt down excitedly: "You are indeed the most knowledgeable wise man and omniscient god. Please let me accompany you and continue to learn the great truth."

Following her words, a thick soul flame floated up.

"Sambada, believers, believers, I have another believer, hurry up, Ange, let me out, let me out." Negris was so excited.

Since Sava was abducted and abandoned her faith, she has become a widowed old dragon again. The bare gods have no divine power. They are bullied by angels and zombies every day, and now they have a cat.

The body of Negris' little yellow dragon was thrown into the pool of life, and it was not its body, so Ange took out a book and went to Soul Flame.

Tiguli looked at the Brass Book suspiciously, and then the soul flame hid aside to prevent the Brass Book from touching it.

"Uh, do you think he is me? This is me, this book is me." Seeing that Flame Soul rejected him, Negris immediately understood what was going on.

This is obviously not controlled by Tiguli, because she can't see the soul flame, but she regards An Ge as the god of knowledge, so the soul flame she dedicates will instinctively repel other things.

"Ah? This is you? Are you a book?" The Brass Book was held in his hand, and Tiguli could finally distinguish where the voice came from, and it really came from the book.

"Do you look down on books? Books are the carrier of knowledge. As the god of knowledge, it's no wonder that I am a book." Negris flew up, turned the pages of the book, and stood on the ground with a bang, turning into a three-dimensional book. Mi Gao's huge book.

In the opened pages, a giant brass dragon's head came closer, as if it was about to stick its head out, and Tiguli fell backwards in fright.

A villain popped out of the page on the left, and a villain popped out of the page on the right. The two villains seemed to have discovered each other at the same time.

"Red Star—Flash!"


Right up.

Negris is so angry, it is at the critical moment of fooling believers, these two heroic spirits came out to make trouble for it, and it was so angry that it kicked and flew into the pages of the book.

In the end, Tiguli had to believe that this brass book was the real God of Knowledge. He glanced at Ange with disappointment and regret. He was handsome and had faith bonuses. Such a handsome man was not the God of Knowledge. ,What a pity.

Tiguli rubbed her face, adjusted her mood, and became pious again: "O omniscient god, please let me accompany you by your side and continue to learn the great truth."

Soul Flame floated into the Brass Book.

Anger tilted his head in surprise. This was the first time he used the Brass Book to receive beliefs after he knew Negris. That was not counted by Sawa. Sawa said that "you don't lose money if you believe in it". Faith is very broad.

But Tiguli is really pious, as can be seen from her soul flame, this is a person who firmly believes in knowledge, and her beliefs are extremely pious.

So Anger felt that the subordinate god of knowledge, God Gri, condensed a symbol, just like his main god Gri, which represented the symbols of Oak, Lisa, Anthony, silver coins and others.

Is this fanaticism from God?

"Wow, your belief in knowledge is very pious?" Negris said in surprise, obviously also found the symbol.

At the same time, it also felt that the wave after wave of information from Tiguli was the knowledge Tiguli had learned. Negris couldn't help but want to cry, and finally he was able to update the knowledge base , or the knowledge of top students like Tiguli.

Tiguli said proudly: "Of course, there is no problem that cannot be solved by knowledge. It cannot be solved because knowledge is not rich enough."

An Ge looked at Tiguli again in surprise, and he felt that there was something strange about the symbol belonging to Tiguli.

Negris was completely silent by Tiguli's words, and the Brass Book closed and flew back to Ange's hand.

Tiguli didn't notice the change in Negris' mood, and was still trying to cheer herself up: "My knowledge is not rich enough, I have to work hard."

Ange's thoughts projected onto Negris, sending a message of doubt.

Negris responded depressedly: "My belief in knowledge is not as pious as hers. I am a failed god of knowledge."

Anger tilted his head in a daze, how could he understand such a profound thing, but he felt that Negris' state was very similar to Rogge, so he turned around and handed the Brass Book to Anthony.

Anthony asked suspiciously before he understood the situation, and couldn't help laughing: "Master Naig, what is knowledge?"

"Knowledge is the summary of the laws of the world and the crystallization of previous experience." Negris responded casually.

"No, no, it is knowledge that is passed on to others. If no one passes it on, it is just the law of the world. The experience of the predecessors cannot become knowledge. Only by passing it on can it become knowledge. You Your zeal to pass on what makes you a god of knowledge is not because you believe in it."

"Ah? Is that so?" Negris lifted his spirits and seemed to make sense.

"Yes, that's it. You are the god of knowledge. If you want to control it, how can you believe in it?" Anthony said solemnly.

Negris is full of energy, no longer depressed, no longer depressed: "It turns out that this is the case. Back then, my thoughts and ideas spread knowledge, which is the true meaning of knowledge. I understand."

After handing the Brass Book back to Ang, Anthony wiped his cold sweat quietly. Fortunately, he passed the flicker. If he couldn't keep flickering, he would not be able to wash the memory of the God of Knowledge.

Duer's side finally packed up the things blocked in front of the passage. In order to crack the level of the ruins, these guys almost moved the library here. They did the math on the spot and experimented, and forcibly solved the astrological deflection. Algorithms, magic circuit functions, multiple stacked equations.

Although they have done all these questions before, but to do a new question again, the amount of calculations can also make people backache. As for the last level - the name of the God of Knowledge, they even found out all the ancient books , the pile is full, and it takes more than ten minutes just to clean it up.

Now that it was finally packed, everyone followed the vacated passage and passed through the slowly opened door. Not long after they walked in, An Ge suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Little angel and little zombie Anthony and the others immediately became vigilant. Except for planting things, Ange generally would not take the initiative to do anything, but when he did something, everyone should be careful, he must have discovered something.

In the distance, bursts of mournful wailing came, like a tsunami, wave after wave, endless.

Negris said, "There are so many wraiths."

When Duer heard it, his expression changed immediately: "No, the tide of wraiths, the tide of wraiths is coming, hurry up, take out our holy light lamp."

Tiguli quickly took out the magic lamp just now.

Anthony has long been curious about this lamp, because it can emit holy light: "Why can it emit holy light? You are obviously not believers in light."

"Use the holy crystal, where is the holy crystal? Is there any holy crystal?" Duer took the magic lamp, opened the bottom and looked, and asked quickly.

Tiguli said anxiously: "There are no more holy crystals. The holy crystals are too expensive. We only bought two, and they were all used up. One holy crystal can only be used for 13 seconds, and the last one has been used just now."

"It's over, the tide of wraiths, we will be eroded by the wraiths and become crazy." Duer just finished speaking, and at the end of the passage, there was a surge of black air, as if countless little things were vying to be the first, Screaming rushed over.

"Hurry up, hurry up, run quickly, the teacher is holding on, tear up the teleportation scroll if you can't run away." Duer kept shouting, but after shouting, he realized that An Ge and others looked at him inexplicably.

Only Grey had a gratified expression on his face: "You are a qualified teacher if you didn't abandon the students and run away."

Duer looked blankly at everyone who was calm: "No... don't you need to run? This is the tide of wraiths, and there are many, many."

Gray smiled slightly, and the magic robe on his body fluttered: "Let me show you the real Ao..."

Before Gray finished speaking, he noticed that the blurred face of the wraith who was about to rush forward showed an expression of extreme horror, and then desperately stopped the charge.

As if seeing something terrifying, the wraith crazily stopped and turned around, screaming in horror and rushing in the direction of the coming and going, the black tide that poured in shrank back at a faster speed.

Duer was shocked, and Tiguli looked at Grey with admiration: "School manager (teacher), you are so powerful, what have you done?"

Gray looked confused: "I... I didn't do anything."

She subconsciously turned her head to look at Ange and the others. She didn't do anything, so it could only be that Ange and the others did something, but she didn't realize what they did.

This is even more frightening, he is a dignified upright man, but he didn't find anything? What the hell did they do?

Ange and the others continued to walk forward as usual, only Anthony nodded and smiled inscrutablely, affirming Grey's guess.

The God of Immortality is here, these wraiths are really crazy if they dare to rush up... Uh, how strange are these words, the wraiths are crazy in the first place, and it is correct to change it to 'they dare not rush up even if they are crazy'.

The wraith retreated, and the passage was unobstructed. Soon everyone walked out of the passage. This passage was inclined and continued downward. When they left the passage, what they saw was like a miracle.

This is a huge underground space with the abyss lying in front of it. Several thick iron chains extend from the dark side and above the abyss above the abyss. A huge petrified dragon hangs, an invisible wave, in the petrified giant. The dragon's body slowly spread.

Negris flew up excitedly: "I...I...this..."

Anger said, "The Halo of Enlightenment."

"Yes, yes, enlightenment halo, oh my god, Your Majesty has hung my enlightenment halo here, stuffed it on Shilong's body, and hung it here." Negris was a little overwhelmed with excitement.

Anthony asked inexplicably, "Why the petrified dragon?"

"Ordinary creatures can't bear my power, but giant dragons can. The answer to the verification question in the channel is my name. Then this petrified giant dragon is likely to be the body left by His Majesty. As long as I control this body, Then I have regained the halo." Negris calmed down and said analytically.

"It makes sense, not only your name, but also the questions of all the levels. For them, it takes a long time to set the table, but for you, it may be a simple question with a glance. Your Majesty doesn't like these complicated things. It was set up for you, and this place is still the Temple of Knowledge, which is obviously a legacy left to you by His Majesty, and he believes that one day, with your wisdom, you will definitely be able to find it here." Anthony said.

Negris blushed, did he find it? No, His Majesty thinks highly of it, and it came here by mixing with Ange.

Forget about it, put your body down first, the group of people searched for a long time, but they couldn't find anything that could unlock the chain, should they cut it? These chains were thicker than a human body, and it would take a day or two to saw through the twisted chains.

It was a bit troublesome, Ange took out the petrified crossbow and gestured at the petrified dragon.

Negris understood: "Do you want to use the petrification crossbow to de-petrify it? Then let me control it to breathe dragon's breath, roast the chain until it softens, and break free?"

Angus nodded.

"Don't, in case I can't control it for a while, if it is lifted from petrification and hangs there, will it suffer from poor blood circulation, ischemic necrosis of the limbs, or just rot, be on the safe side, let's put Duroken first. Call over here and figure out how to put it down," Negris said.

Ange nodded, and was about to put away the petrified crossbow.

"Hmph! The Crossbow of Petrification? Bring it here!" A muffled groan came from the pile of wraiths in the corner, and a huge black figure spread its wings and rushed towards Ange quickly.

Negris was shocked: "The wraith covers up its aura, it's the undead dragon!"

Thank you Jin Qichen for your tip.

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