Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 510 Where is the fat field?

"Child? Who are you calling a child? How old are you?" Abuk said angrily.

Anthony saw through the ban on the Broken Soul Stone, and then it said 'child', isn't that calling Anthony's child?

Sangbada, Anthony is his master, Anthony is a child, so what is he?

Anthony was stunned for a moment, Nevin was stunned for a moment, and the guy who made the voice was also stunned: "I...Of course I...Of course I'm calling the one next to you."

"Bold! You can insult Lord Anthony at will!? You may not be as old as him, come out and die, rude guy!" Abuk shouted angrily.

Anthony and Nevin stood in front, and the one next to him meant Anthony.

Newen raised his hand weakly: "But, the child Grandma Grandma mentioned is me."

"Impossible, if it was you, she would call your name instead of 'the one next to me'. It is impossible for your grandma to forget your name." Abuk said.

Neiwen had no choice but to turn his head and shout into the cave: "Grandma, have you forgotten my name again?"

The voice in the cave asked weakly: "What's your name? Oh, it's been so many years, you change one every few decades, how can I remember every child."

"Huh? Are you like this too? Change it every few decades?" Abuk was surprised.

He understands this kind of pain too well. His minion is that the priests are changed every few decades, ten years, or even a few years. It is impossible to write down their names.

"You too?" The sympathy for each other greatly increases the goodwill. With this premise, the misunderstanding will naturally be resolved.

Entering the end of the cave, everyone saw the owner here, a dragon's skull...

"This..." Anthony was a little surprised, didn't he mean Griffin, the spirit dragon? Why a keel?

"What is this? I think it's a little wrong. This is obviously my place. Why are you yelling at me? What if I call you a child? No matter how long you live as a human being, it's not good for me. Is it just a child?" At first, he thought that the misunderstanding had been solved, but the more Griffin thought about it, the more angry he became.

"Oh! How old are you?" Before Anthony could answer, Abuk jumped out.

"I am six hundred and sixty years old." Griffin said.

Abuke sneered: "I am eight hundred and ninety years old, and this is my master."

Anthony didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In fact, according to his personality, there was nothing to argue about such imaginary things. Even if he did, he couldn't find any evidence to prove that he was more than three thousand years old.

But he also understands Abuke's psychology: How can you call my master a child?

Sure enough, Griffin asked: "What evidence do you have to prove that you are 890 years old?!"

Abuk asked back: "Then what evidence do you have to prove that you are six hundred years old?"

"My children can attest that they have written me epics, the earliest editions of which are six hundred years old," cried Griffinney.

Abuk also said loudly: "My body can prove that I am already eight hundred and ninety years old."

"Your body? Where is your body? Aren't you a dragon undead? Can you still have a body?" Griffin was surprised.

"Of course, I am more than 8,000 years old, including the life span of my body. You have to call me Grandfather Grandfather." Abuk said.

Griffin was suffocated, because counting the lifespan of her body, she was not more than eight thousand years old. No, she couldn't just admit it like this. What if what he said was false?

"Your body is there, take it out for me to see." Griffin said.

"If you can't take it out, you have to go over with me to see it." Abuk said.

"Go!" A puff of smoke emerged from the dragon's skull, condensing the shape of a human female.

"Let's go." Abuk didn't show any weakness, and walked out first. The two dragon souls just left the cave and flew away, leaving a group of people there looking at each other.

Anthony and Nevin looked at each other, and they smiled wryly at the same time: "What's the matter..."

"Grandma... um... she's more serious about things." Newen was so embarrassed, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only explain to Griffin at his discretion.

Anthony also smiled bitterly: "Well, Abuke is also more serious."

After I finished speaking, I didn't believe it. Both of them were hundreds of years old dragon souls, but they were more serious in terms of age. In order to verify it, they did not hesitate to fly for several hours. They flew for two hours to get here.

"Do you want to catch up?" Neiwen asked.

Anthony didn't know either, so he turned around and asked, "Master Naig, do you want to catch up? Master Naig?"

Negris was projected on Ange, it didn't make a sound, and only Ange knew it was there. After shouting twice, Negris finally came back to his senses, and replied: "No need, run around What to do, they'll be back later."

"Oh, then what were you watching just now?" Negris was obviously distracted just now before he answered.

"I'm looking at this tomb. This should be a tomb built by an ancient human force before it was occupied by you, right?" Negris turned to Nevin and asked.

Nei Wen shook his head: "That's not the case. This dragon head was originally here, and Grandma Grandma was also born from the dragon head. She is the owner of this place. Humans came later and transformed this place into a mausoleum."

Negris was too lazy to delve into it, and said: "Whatever, look at these murals and carvings, giants, lightning, do you think of anything?"

Anthony was shocked: "Thunder Titan?"

Finally, there are clues about the Thunder Titans. These guys secretly sent messages to the dwarves before the Storm of Faith, so they must know about the Storm of Faith and the Starburst Circle.

Finding them will solve many questions in the minds of Negris and others. For example, Duroken really wants to ask them how to use thunder to transmit information between the two worlds.

If they can crack the secret of their message transmission, they will be able to communicate directly with the main plane here, without the trouble of Ange.

Nevin blinked blankly: "Titan? Are you referring to the kind of giant who is seven or eight meters tall and can control thunder?"

Negris and Anthony cheered up: "You know the Titans? Do you have news about them?"

"If you are talking about the kind of giants who master thunder, then I know one thing. There is a ruin of them in the middle of this valley. Every rainy day, there will be a steady stream of lightning falling on the ruins. We usually put Some soil is piled on the ruins, let those lightning strikes, and then sprinkled on the cultivated land to fertilize the fields, and the crops will grow particularly vigorously in the coming year."

Fertile field? exuberant? not good! Negris' heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, An Ge, who had been stretching out his hand to grow vegetables in the space, had stopped at this moment, raised his head and asked, "Fattian, where is it?"

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