Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 511 I feel that this kind of statement is more terrifying

Well, as long as it involves farming, none of the six gods can bring Ange back.

The six gods can open the gate of the void and let the magma pour out to form the eternal road, but they will definitely not be able to pull Ange back, so it is better to finish it quickly and let him farm with peace of mind.

Knowing that things cannot be changed, Negris took the initiative: "Let's go, let's go to the ruins."

"Let's go, let's go this way." Nevin greeted warmly.

The grandma left the guests and ran away, which made Nevin very distressed. Now that there were other things that could distract Ange, he was of course willing to cooperate and hurried everyone to a ruin.

If you don't say it's a ruin, everyone probably thinks it's an abandoned small square, a circular ground paved with gravel, surrounded by six large stone pillars, one of which is broken.

"It is indeed the ruins of the Titan, the thunder pattern. This is the unique type of magic pattern of the Titans. It is a symbol of their thunder power. Why is there a ruin of the Thunder Titan here? Have you found any information?" Nai asked Gris.

Nei Wen shook his head: "I have dug up some cultural relics, about a thousand or hundreds of years ago, a Titan once lived here, and then I don't know where he went. If you want to know more, maybe Ask Grandma Griffin."

After they chatted for a few words, Duroken had already turned around the ruins, nodded thoughtfully and said: "This is an altar, I don't know what it is used for, it needs to be turned on Know."

Nevin spread his hands and said: "Unfortunately, it's broken, we never shipped it...uh..."

Before Neiwen could finish speaking, he saw Duroken take out some gold rods and point at the half of the broken stone pillar with one hand. The stone pillar seemed to be picked up by an invisible hand and floated to the broken position.

Duroken tapped the gold rod a little, and the broken stone pillars were joined together.

Does this posture mean to fix it on the spot?

"The damage is a bit serious, can it be repaired?" Negris looked at the thick gap at the junction. Because of the damage for too long, the original flat fracture surface has been weathered into a sharp one, and there is only a little bit of connection. Joined, missing a large circle around.

Duroken laughed: "If you can remember these thunder prints, I can rebuild one."

"Oh? Well, let me take a look, well, I will remember." Negris said after reading it carefully.

Duroken rolled his eyes, this little fat dragon never misses an opportunity to show off when he encounters a project he is good at.

I picked up a stone on the ground outside the altar, tapped a gold stick to turn it into powder, mixed it with some other materials, and added water to make a paste.

"Stone powder, quartz? Why add quartz?" Negris asked while watching Duroken adding materials.

Duroken responded casually: "Adding quartz can be sintered, and the strength will increase after melting."

Duroken applied the paste-like material to those gaps, separated it with elements, separated the water inside, and scraped off the excess cracks on the surface after it was completely dry. He turned to An Ge and said, "Master, can you please Help it burn?"

Duroken himself can also make it burn, but it consumes too much mana, and he doesn't know how long it will take to repair the entire altar.

Ange just needs to keep pouring fire elements into the gap until the quartz inside melts, and the gap and the stone pillar are completely integrated.

After repeating this, all the stone pillars and the base of the altar were repaired, and then the thunder prints at the gaps were carefully filled, and the altar was repaired.

"When I repaired it, I found that this altar does not have an energy core, that is to say, its energy does not come from the altar itself, but from the outside world, so it cannot be activated just by repairing it. We also need to know what provides it. Energy." Duroken said.

Everyone discussed for a while, and Neiwen said: "I remember that there was a record in the head's diary. Hundreds of years ago, every time there was lightning and thunder, the altar would make a loud noise, but now this phenomenon is It hasn’t appeared again, could it be that lightning strikes it to activate it?”

"It's possible, does it often rain here?" Duroken asked.

"Only in the rainy season will there be thunderstorms. Usually it rains lightly without thunder. Now the rainy season has just passed, and the rainy season will come again in half a year." Nei Wen said.

It is impossible for them to wait here for half a year, and they need to think about whether there is any way to activate the altar without waiting for the rainy season, such as: "Put a forbidden spell? Who of you knows the forbidden spell of the lightning department? You have the esotericists of the lightning department here ?"

As soon as Negris finished speaking, he saw Ang reach out, took out a bottle of pure water, and opened the lid.

Soon, the pure water in it slowly came out, a small face appeared, and Tom's voice came out of his mouth: "Here we come, what do you want me for?"

Tom is having a great time recently. In the void, Ange has purified as much water as two gods for it, and it is almost dying. Now he soaks in it every day, and occasionally takes care of Ange's soaked hair. It's just a pile of seeds, I don't know how comfortable it is.

Ange is a good boss who can give it more pure water at any time, so it came over as soon as it heard the call.

Ange put his hands in front of him, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—the continuous wind tornado shot into the sky, and slowly rolled into a tornado. At the same time, Ange threw Tom into the tornado, saying To: "Lightning."

"Okay, boss." Thom blended into the thick water vapor rolled up by the tornado with ease.

This is not the first time it has cooperated with Ange, but the last time it was raining, this time it doesn't need water, but lightning?

When the tornado pierces through the sky and reaches the laminar flow of high-altitude water vapor, the change begins. The endless water vapor is sucked by the tornado, sucked to the ground, and then rises, forming a drop in the range of the valley—the rise Circulation, the humidity of the water vapor increases exponentially.

Tom only needs a little trick to make the water vapor turn into clouds and mist. The originally cloudless sky disappeared, and the dark clouds shrouded the valley and gradually spread to the surroundings.

When the rain clouds accumulated to a certain extent, a bright light flashed in the clouds, rumbling——

The farmers who had been busy in the field had been stunned by these visions for a long time. It was not until the muffled thunder sounded that they finally realized that they jumped up and ran home: "It's raining, it's thundering, hurry up and collect your clothes!" !"

Nevin froze there, with only two lips trembling: " this esoteric magic? Isn't this range too big?"

Anthony and Duroken had already seen Anger's methods, and they laid down the tables and chairs early on, and responded after hearing the words: "No, it's just a trick, it's just a first-level magic, don't just stand around Come and sit, have a drink, and wait a while."

Newen was stunned: Level 1 magic? Is such an exaggerated celestial phenomenon caused by a first-level magic? How do you feel that this statement is more terrifying?

PS: If it feels short, it will be split, and there will be another chapter today.

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