Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 528 This Sleep Quality Is Too Good

Little Sheep? Hair plucking? Negris also poked his head in, wanting to see whose tone was so loud.

But one second, two seconds, three seconds... The owl didn't move again.

"Could it be... asleep? Let's pluck its fur and make a nest." Negris said.

The owl heard that the voice was wrong, so it stood up abruptly, its body still, its head turned 180 degrees, and its eyes stared at Ange: "Who are you!? Where is Maca? Get out!"

A powerful mental wave suddenly erupted and hit An Ge's body.

Angus tilted his head.

The owl's eyes were wide open, and it turned around quickly, with its wings resting in front of it, looking at Ange in horror.

Negris poked his head out from behind, looked at the owl, then at Ange, and asked suspiciously, "Did it hit you with a mental shock just now?"

Angus nodded.

"Then, why didn't you respond?" Negris asked, and it shrank back, feeling the burst of mental fluctuations, which should be very strong.

Anger said, "It doesn't hurt."

"... That's right, it's not good to use anything. It's good to use the mental shock, it can get the beak and peck at you." Negris sighed, and the spiritual shock probably needs a king to move Ange.

"You... who are you guys?" The owl was a little frightened. First, it was frightened by Negris' words, and second, it was frightened by Ange's reaction. It knew how strong its mental shock was. It has the strongest mental power, but it also brings a serious reaction.

As soon as the owl finished speaking, she suddenly rolled her eyes and fell on the bed, motionless.

"Judging from its steady breathing, it should be asleep. What's the situation? It can fall asleep like this. Is it a sleepy god?" Negris was surprised.

Anger said: "Consciousness, strong, body, weak, can't bear it."

"Why is that?" Negris asked.

An Ge took out the Brass Book from his waist and patted it: "Seal."

"Uh, you mean that its consciousness is sealed in the owl's body, because the owl can't bear it, so it gets sleepy? But you can just say it, why shoot me." Negris asked.

An Ge responded: "King, sealed."

"Hiss—" Negris gritted his teeth.

If it's just a seal, it's nothing. There are so many seals all over the street, but if it's sealed by the undead king, the problem is serious. What kind of guy is worth the seal of the undead king himself.

That must be the level of an omniscient god of knowledge like myself?

"Quickly, wake it up and ask what it is." Negris' curiosity suddenly came up.

Yin Coin said outside the carriage: "My lord, do you need to prepare a secret torture room?"

Negris said: "That's right, it's too crowded here, just find a large, quiet room."

Torture is not necessary, but a larger room is very necessary. The carriage is too small, and only Ange can go in, and even it can only stick a head in. Interrogation is more professional for Anthony. How can he not come in? .

Ange carried the owl and walked outside.

Suddenly, the owl with its eyes closed gave a kick, and then flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

i fly... i fly... i fly...

The owl opened its eyes and saw that Ange was motionless, even the hand holding it didn't change. What's even more strange was that the owl flapped its wings, but couldn't stir up a trace of wind. The wind seemed to be dissipated by invisible forces. .

The owl examined it, its wings drooped weakly, and its two claws drooped.

Can't run away, the guy holding it is too scary, its 'cat kick' can kill a little fat sheep immediately, but there is no reaction at all when it kicks on An Ge, let alone the weird disappearing wind means.

After drooping for a while, the owl's breathing became calm again.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this is not going to fall asleep again.

It did fall asleep, but it couldn't resist anyway, so the owl slept very soundly, and it didn't wake up in the big room.

Anthony lifted its head up, then let it go, the head fell down and bounced several times, the elasticity was particularly good, but it just didn't wake up.

Anthony said enviously: "The quality of sleep is too good, so you don't have to worry about insomnia."

Negris asked curiously: "Do you also suffer from insomnia?" If you don't suffer from insomnia, then why is your tone so envious.

Anthony said: "Of course I will. During the famine before, I didn't fall asleep much. I stayed up all night and all night. If I stayed up too much, my hair fell out very badly."

"Is there?" Negris asked suspiciously. During that time, Anthony did not lose his hair, and his spirit was not particularly abnormal, unlike insomnia.

"Of course there is, but it disappears when I meet an adult. When I'm particularly anxious, I call for help, and I have a very practical method." Speaking of this, Anthony stretched out his neck and held it down:

"Use Dou Qi to hold the two sides for about ten seconds, and you will pass out. I used this method to fall asleep in the past hundreds of years."

The understatement made Negris feel horrified, and he couldn't help saying: "Then you should call for help, it will hurt yourself if you faint like this."

"Fortunately, when you wake up and use the Holy Light to treat it, it won't hurt your body very much, but you will have a headache for a while." Anthony said.

While they were chatting, Ange tried several methods, but they couldn't wake up the owl. Finally, he took out an elf bean and put it under the owl's nose.

The owl's entire face moved, and when it realized what the scent was, it snapped its eyes open.

Almost at the speed of lightning, the owl poked the beans into its mouth and swallowed them. After it felt the fullness of the spirit beans, its eyes widened again.

"What is this?" Owl asked excitedly.

"Spirit Beans." Ange said while flipping a handful in his hand.

"This is the fairy bean that the old man said? I haven't tasted it, so give me another one." The owl said excitedly.

"Old man, who is it?" Ange threw a bean to it, and it snatched the bean away before it hit the ground.

"You don't even know me, anyway, he is a big man, the kind of big man you can't even think about." The owl crushed the elf bean with its beak, and leaned back in its mouth before swallowing it, and it shattered The Elf Beans can make it feel the changes more clearly.

Ange tilted his head.

Negris knew that it was time to go out, poked his head out and said, "Hehe, if you mean the undead king, then we should be familiar with each other."

The owl rolled his eyes - or yellow eyes, because the 'whites' of his eyes were yellow.

"You are very familiar with the undead king, then I am the undead king. People nowadays don't even need to blink when they brag..." Before he could finish speaking, Negris flew to Fetti, took off his hat, and put on his cloak. Lift it up, revealing a body of purple gold bones.

The owl raised its feet in shock, showing its disproportionately long legs: "The Lord of Mourning?! Are you from the God Realm? The people of the old immortal?"

"If the old immortal you are talking about is the undead king, then that's right, this is Fetti, Flash Fetti." Negris introduced.

The owl was startled: "I've heard of you, the old man told me this name, it's amazing, you can find this place from the God Realm, I'm the dracolich druid, Silba."

PS: After finishing one examination, there are gallbladder polypoid lesions, and I will do another few kinds tomorrow

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