Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 529 Master Ancestor, I am willing

"So you are not His Majesty's enemy, so he sealed you to save your life?" Negris asked in surprise.

"That's right, it's the enemy. It's fine if you kill it. Why seal it? I was blown out of my soul by a necromancer of the Warlock Alliance. The method is rather weird. There is no other way. Your Majesty had to seal me on an owl. , but the body of the owl is too weak, so that I have to shed my hair and be reborn every ten years, and I am so sleepy every day that I can’t even take care of myself.”

Silba babbled that it didn't even delve into the identities of Ange and the others, because Feiti was the best proof that the formation of the undead empire in this world was too short, with a history of less than a thousand years. Enough time to give birth to the Lord of Mourning, so Fei Ti will only be the old subordinate of the king.

"Then... the tree rice, the tree rice was grafted by you?" What else did Negris want to ask, Ange couldn't help poking it on the back, can you ask about other things later, let's talk about the tree rice first Make it clear, there is no priority at all, and the skeleton is dying of anxiety.

"Tree rice? What tree rice? You mean the kind of props that connect trees and rice together to deceive people?" Silba asked, and it also knew that it was a deceptive prop.

"Yes, but what we are interested in is not props, but the technology of grafting trees and rice. How do you make them alive?" Negris asked.

Silba looked at it, then at Ange, and suddenly yawned big, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Ange quickly handed it a handful of Elf Beans.

Silba immediately regained his energy, and after a few clicks, he took all the spirit beans, but he didn't swallow them, but held them in his mouth like a hamster, and said vaguely:

"After I was sealed into this body, I thought of many ways to solve the sleepiness, but none of them worked, unless I gnawed off a little fat sheep. The old man said that if I can find the spirit beans, the energy provided should be able to support me. As expected, his conjecture was correct."

Negris asked, "So you are sleepy when you are hungry, and you will not be sleepy if you are not hungry?"

Silba shook his head: "No, I will still be sleepy, but at least I won't be able to take care of myself like I am now."

After a pause, Silba went on to say: "As for how grafting survives, you don't even know."

"Oh, is there anything I don't understand? Tell me first, if I don't understand, I'll crawl like a lizard!" Negris said confidently, relying on the support of the God of Planting.

"Oh, the stakes are so high? Well, listen carefully." Silba was shocked. It is a dracolich, and naturally it knows that the most taboo thing among the giant dragons is to be compared with lizards, so they want to learn how to crawl like lizards?

"Compared with woody plants, herbaceous plants lack lignin, so as long as they do this, then that, and then this, they can survive. There are several difficulties in this, one is the highly concentrated nutrients, and the other is to make the lignin The environment where Su grows in herbs, guess how I solved it?"

Negris put his hips on his hips and laughed: "I don't need to answer this kind of small question. I can send any player to answer this question." After finishing speaking, Anger let out.

Silba curled his lips and sneered, "I've already seen that he is the king of your group. Who are you?"

Silba looked at An Ge and asked the last sentence.

Negris said: "I solemnly introduce to you, this is the master of the Resting Palace, the successor of the undead godhead, the god of planting, the god of beauty, the god of scales..."

After Negris finished introducing Ang's priesthood name according to the corresponding convention, Silba had already fallen asleep.

After waking it up, it rolled its big eyes: "You are bragging that you came here as a draft, right? It's alright, alright, I got it, you first guess how I did it, or you'll crawl like a lizard. "

Ange pointed to the top of his head and said, "Void."

"Oh? Did you really guess it? Lignin was originally evolved by crops to resist the influence of gravity and wind. In ancient times, ferns were the mainstream, so I tried to graft two crops in a microgravity environment, and sure enough Let them survive." Silba said triumphantly.

After a pause, it went on to say: "But it's meaningless. Grafting can't turn it into a real tree rice, it's just a rice growing on a tree. It still lacks the most critical mutation, but it's too much to mutate. Difficult, without sufficient scale and the blessing of Lady Luck, it is simply impossible."

Lady Luck's blessing? Negris' eyes lit up, this is possible.

Speaking of this, Silba turned to complaining mode: "I found a lot of things to serve as nutrient solution, but the effect was not very good, and the microgravity environment was also difficult to find, and the effect was not good, so I can only make such props. In the end, Maca proposed to come here to cheat some money, but now it seems that this plan should have failed."

Negris said sympathetically: "Yeah, it failed, because the person who organized this event was also ours, and we saw through it at a glance, but in other words, why are you so miserable that you have to live by cheating money?" ?"

Silba asked angrily: "Otherwise? An owl that snoozes and sleeps all day long, an owl that catches a fat sheep and falls asleep in the middle of its flight, how else can it support itself besides cheating money?" ?”

"You can't lie to the question, what about your majesty? Does your majesty ignore you? According to what you said, you should have a good relationship with your majesty. Go back to the undead empire. Is there no one to support you?" Negris asked arrive.

Silba said: "I have been like this for more than 800 years. At the beginning, I was quite comfortable being raised, but after a long time, I feel uncomfortable. You also know the virtue of undead creatures. Just sleep, I slept for decades, I was almost starved to death several times, and then I was fostered to a human ranch, which caused me to raise sheep for many years, but after the death of the old rancher and his great-great-grandson, the ranch It was sold, which is meaningless."

Although Silba spoke lightly, the Negris and the others were already able to organize a super long knight novel in their minds—"About the Ranch Eaten by the Druid's Foster House".

Silba's change of mentality is actually no different from many undead creatures. Immortality is not necessarily a good thing for some people, but a curse. Rogge is prone to depression, and Auburn loves to teach others, so he became a Dean of students.

However, because of energy, Silba likes to mess with it. As long as it doesn’t hurt it, it won’t get angry no matter how you mess with it. It would be even better if it can provide a little fat sheep, and it will try its best to satisfy you. desire.

Of course, your wish can't be too complicated, or it will fall asleep halfway through.

This is the relationship between Maca and it. Maca enshrines it as a god. It meets some simple requirements of Maca, such as blessing a stone, or making a dead tree bloom, or raising a few precious magic plants.

However, these simple things obviously cannot meet their daily needs, so they are as poor as ghosts. They have no choice but to take out the 'rice tree' at the bottom of the box and let Maca use it to deceive people. .

"I ate three little fat sheep for that tree. It took me a day to create a small-scale microgravity space, and then grafted it. It is alive now, but it won't last long, unless I transfer them to the eternal tree. Go in the microgravity space." Silba explained, then stroked his tongue, and swallowed a spirit bean in his mouth, which was the third spirit bean he had eaten.

At this moment, a silver coin guard walked in quietly and whispered something in Yin Coin's ear.

The silver coin turned to Ange and reported: "My lord, I caught a ghostly human being in the parking lot and was checking Lord Sirba's carriage. The guards took him down. He said he was a local butcher and came to find Sirba. Master Erba wants money."

Everyone looked at Silba, and Silba was immediately embarrassed: "Hey, if it's a butcher, it's indeed... to collect money. As I said just now, I ate three little fat sheep, but I haven't paid any money yet."

"...You are not afraid that the butcher will slaughter you and sell you." Negris didn't know what to say.

Silba's eyes lit up: "It's good to kill, it's good to kill, I will be reborn after I die, and I will be more energetic at the beginning of the new life, and it will increase when I get older and sleepy."

"Can it still be like this? Are you an owl or a phoenix?" Negris was surprised.

"I'm a druid, idiot. This is the effect of the ultimate transformation technique. I can transform when I become a soul state. Of course, the process is very complicated, and my life and body need to be burned." Silba said.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Negris said in a flash, saying that the druid didn't feel anything, but when it comes to the ultimate transformation technique, you can know what level it is, which is the level of the archdruid.

"Then why don't you commit suicide every few years before your energy drops, so that you won't be sleepy like a kobold every day."

Silba looked at it up and down, with a look of foolishness on his face: "I don't need to unify the plane, isn't this the same as stabbing myself and making myself speed up to take out the garbage?"

"Uh... your level of stalking people is so high, then go and give the money to Little Sheep and let the butcher come in." Negris said bitterly.

Silba rolled his eyes: "I know who you are, Little Fat Dragon, the god of knowledge, you have to pay for knowledge, and I even taught you how to graft, so you treat me like this?"

Negris also rolled his eyes, the butcher must have been sent away long ago, it just wanted to annoy Sirba, but he didn't expect Sirba to use its identity to attack it, this dead bird is so capable of attacking people.

Now that the key to grafting has been revealed, all that needs to be done is to reproduce it. Ange is ready to start. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Negris asked: "If we say that we can unlock your seal, it happens that there is another With a petrified dragon body, you can transfer your consciousness into it, are you still willing to become a dragon?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Negris felt a tightness in his thigh, and saw the owl pounced over, hugging its thigh tightly, with wide-eyed eyes, and smiled: "My lord ancestor, I am willing."

PS: The physical examination is in good condition, there is no major problem, but I actually have a slight fatty liver, which is really bad, I am such a person who pays attention to fitness

Thank you Muku, Sidu Huaikai, Xiao Sijun, for your reward.

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