Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 530 Are you afraid of going bankrupt?

"Your integrity reminds me of a horse, but it's useless for you to hug my thigh, you have to hug the Immortal God." Negris said secretly in his heart.

The owl narrowed its eyes into a triangle, and asked seriously: "Is it really the immortal god?"

"Of course it's true. The long list I just said is true." Negris cocked his hips and cocked his tail, triumphantly.

Silba stood up, looked at Ange, took a deep breath, and flew over.

Ange was already prepared, and put his foot against its face.

Although hugging is not allowed, the body of the dragon can still be given, because they are also looking for a suitable soul. A soul that can drive a 50-meter-long dragon is rare and not easy to come across.

Even a giant dragon reincarnated needs a strong consciousness. It is impossible to use the consciousness of a little fat sheep to drive the dragon. If they could, they would have found a little fat sheep at random, and there is one at the intersection.

"The question now is, what price are you willing to pay for a dragon's body?" Negris asked.

The owl patted on both sides of its body, and a wave of fluff flew up, and said calmly: "Apart from these furs on my body, there is only my soul left. I am willing to serve you, my king."

A fire of soul oath floated up.

This is the most basic, it is impossible to let a behemoth more than 50 meters out of control, and the last thing is to be loyal to the oath, but Negris originally wanted to squeeze out something else, but Silba, who looks like a bachelor, It has also realized that it can't even afford the money of Little Sheep, and it's still sucking a ghost.

Ange received its soul flame.

"Then how do you want to turn? Turn into a dracolich, or turn into a living black dragon?" Negris asked.

"I'm alive. I used to be a dracolich. Why do I want to go back? It's boring. I want to be alive." Silba said excitedly.

Negris said: "But the body of this black dragon is thousands of years old, and it has been sealed for so long. I don't know how many years it can live."

Silba rolled his 'yellow' eyes: "I can wait until I die of old age, and then I can be reincarnated as a lich."

"...You are right. Although the reincarnation of living creatures has a success rate, even if it fails, you probably have a way to reunite the dragon soul. Anyway, you have lived for thousands of years in vain." Negris said depressingly.

Silba nodded the cat's head, with an expression of 'you are right'.

"Then now..." Negris looked at Anthony.

Transferring a consciousness into a living creature is Anthony's technology, and even the Undead Empire can't do it.

Anthony said: "Then we need to find a reincarnation altar now, a large reincarnation altar, if it is too small, it won't be able to hold the dragon corpse, and by the way, Abuk will be reincarnated, do you know where there is a large reincarnation altar?"

The last sentence was asked to Silba, and Silba suddenly showed a bit embarrassed and thankful expression: "I really know where it is, but it must have been abandoned for many years, and I don't know if it can still be used."


"In the Temple of the Undead."

"Which city's undead temple?"

"Of course it's the main hall of the Undead God on the Resting Plain."



"Have you forgotten what we are here for? We are here to test my ability to deny the truth, and now you are telling me to go to the Plain of Rest? What kind of place is there? It is the kingdom of death, are we going to die? ?” Gray was very hard to understand, and started rambling in the car.

"That's right, we're all dead. Sending us there means 'sending us to death'?" Fei Ti scratched his ribs and made a rattling sound, very satisfied with his train of thought.

Gray didn't care that he was the master of mourning, so he gave him an annoyed look and said, "We call this kind of funeral, not death, and we'll bury you later."

Anthony smiled and asked: "You seem to be very resistant to Anxi Plain, are you afraid?"

"Of course I'm afraid, aren't you afraid? You're still the Pope of Light. If you're surrounded by undead creatures, they can smash your bones into pieces, suck the marrow inside, and say, "It smells like holy light." Gray said. Said angrily.

Anthony immediately wrote something on the paper.

"What are you writing?" Negris asked curiously.

"Oh, that's a good joke, I copied it." Anthony joked.

Several heads poked their heads over, and they had no concept of not reading anything written by others. They only saw some words written on the paper, and the latest part said: Resist, and there is no joke he said.

"What is this?" Negris asked puzzled.

"Collect some psychological portraits. After all, we are not from here. Some opinions are easy to be preconceived. They cannot represent the situation of the people here, and it is easy to make misjudgments. Judging from Gray's reaction, she is very resistant to the resting place. Why? What about it? Could it be that there is too much negative information? Or are you afraid because you don’t understand it?” Anthony explained.

Gray blinked and frowned, and after a long while, she said: "It should be that I have heard too much negative information, that's what I heard about the bone marrow-sucking information just now, I clearly know that undead creatures don't eat , but I still can't help but think this way, and take it as a joke to refute you."

She also realized that something was wrong, and after a pause, she asked again: "What is a psychological portrait?"

"You are a magician, so I will use magic to explain it. It is a magical model used to help me analyze other people's psychology, so that I can classify them conveniently." Anthony explained.

"Oh? Then what is my portrait?" Gray asked curiously.

Anthony smiled slightly: "Competitive."

Gray felt like she was sitting on pins and needles. She suddenly had a feeling of being stared at naked. She obviously didn't show a competitive look. When getting along with them, she always looked like a good baby. Why could he see through herself?

Since childhood, more than one person has said this about her, but those are her relatives and friends. They have been with her for many years, and it is normal to see through her, but how long have I known Anthony? Does this person have mind reading skills?

Gray couldn't help but sit back a little.

As soon as she sat down, others cheered and surrounded her. Fetti raised her hand and asked, "What about me? What about me? What is my portrait?"

The little angel also asked, "Oh!"

The little zombie also asked, "Aww!"

The big cat also asked, "Wow!"

After a mess, and after finally appeasing these guys who could see through them without a portrait, Anthony said: "So, some people deliberately fabricated a lot of rumors about undead creatures, and let them spread wantonly to damage the reputation of undead creatures."

Negris frowned: "Warlock Alliance?"

Anthony shook his head: "It's not necessarily that they did it. You must know that intelligent creatures have a strong need to fabricate, destroy, and intimidate others to achieve their own inner satisfaction. Old John under the tree in the village can frighten children. Make up a rumor about skeletons eating people, and then spread it by word of mouth, it will easily spread throughout the plane."

"That's right." Negris understood it instantly, because it has a strong taste of teasing others: "Then what is the real situation in the Anxi Plain? Were we in danger in the past?"

Silba responded: "There is a danger of farts. If we can find something that can move in the past, we will be lucky."

"Half a plane is so big, there may be less than tens of thousands of intelligent undead creatures, and they live in a few important strongholds, and those unintelligent skeleton corpses also gather in a few points. The thicker they are, the less likely they are to be left alone, or they are easily corrupted, so it’s hard to come across an active one.”

Negris said: "That's right, it doesn't matter even if you encounter them, just let Fetti show his head and scare them away."

"Uh, if Fetti shows his head, the entire Undead Empire will be alarmed, and then we will be the ones running away, otherwise we will be watched." Anthony said.

"Fei Ti wears the soul armor and scares them with his soul, hehe." Negris' bad taste came up again.

"Walk around, there are so many undead souls, Rest in Rest Plain should be our home, there is nothing to be afraid of, but you don't need to go, Gray, you can look around here to see if there is anything that can verify the truth and deny it force field," Anthony said.

Gray said unconvinced: "No, I'm going too. I'm going to see the Plain of Rest. Is it as scary as the legends say?"

After she finished speaking, she saw everyone's strange eyes looking over her, and she was immediately startled. Isn't this just aggressive? The nature is exposed unconsciously.


After the dead line, on a road leading to the Plain of Rest, an undead horse dragged a carriage cursingly: "You called me out just to tow the cart? What do you think I am? What do you think I am?"

Anthony, who was leading the horse, smiled apologetically. He was wearing soul armor, and he didn't look like a half-bright pope.

The little zombies, Ange, Abuke, Feiti, etc., all sacrificed their soul armors, and walked beside the carriage in a dark atmosphere. The little angels, Negris, and Silba, who were inconvenient to pretend, sat in the carriage inside.

Walking on the road like this, no one dared to say that they were not undead creatures.

Sure enough, after walking for two or three days after the death line, I haven't encountered any 'live' undead creatures, only the ghost rangers floating in the sky from time to time, but passed by a few human towns.

"Why are there human towns on the side of the dead line?" Negris asked puzzled.

"Because no one collects taxes here, those who can't survive flee here," Silba said.

"Oh, it's the same as Qiaotou Town in Selina, Big Cat, do you still remember your servant?"

"Wow~" The big cat lazily replied.

Human towns are no longer seen after entering the Anxi Plain. From time to time, you can still see wandering skeleton zombies, and the rest soil on the ground also appears sporadically, one piece here and there, like mottled on the ground.

"Didn't you say that it's not easy to meet 'live' people on the road? Didn't you say that low-level skeleton zombies gather in a few places? Why are there so many here?" Negris patted Sirba's head angrily.

Silba had an innocent expression on his face: "I don't know, look, the soil is so thick, when did this place become a gathering place? It wasn't like this six hundred years ago, it was still a grassland six hundred years ago. "

"Cangbada, how many years have you not come back?"

"Uh, I won't run around when I come back, I don't have the energy to run around." Silba wanted to cry.

However, they were all low-level skeleton zombies without wisdom. When they saw Ange and his party coming, they ran away like hell, and everyone arrived at the main hall of the undead god without any danger.

However, there is only a piece of ruined ruins left here. The main hall of the Immortal Temple collapsed ten years ago, but the desertion began hundreds of years ago.

Just when everyone thought that there were no more living things here, the sound of brushing——swiping—swiping sounded.

Behind a collapsed pillar, a silver skeleton turned out. It carried a broom and swept it all the way here. The sound of brushing was made by the broom. When it saw Ange and his party, it tilted its head. .

"Bone priests? No, it's not the breath of bone priests. Why does Your Majesty always like to use skeletons as priests of the temple? Are you not afraid that they will bring down the temple? Uh - it turned out to be down, so it's okay." Negris babbled .

The silver skull tilted its head and looked at Ange and the others for a while, then slowly turned the broom upside down, and the broom formed a machete.

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