Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 531 We are now members of the Church of Light

Anger offered his sickle.

The little zombie sacrificed his shield and hammer.

When Anthony saw it, he quickly imitated the example and sacrificed two one-handed knives.

Seeing this, Fei Ti hurriedly imitated the example, and also sacrificed his own sickle.

Abuke looked left and right, and quietly retreated a few positions.

The carriage shook a few times, and Gu Lian jumped forward a few times, as if something was about to rush out. At the same time, there was Negris' anxious voice:

"Don't go out, don't go out, your little girl is too conspicuous in this kind of place, you stay in the car for me, ouch, don't slap your face, Silba, help me hold her."

A dazed voice who obviously didn't sleep sounded: "What?...You called me? What are you doing...?"

But it doesn't matter anymore, the silver skull has turned the machete around again, turning into a broom, sweeping the ground while turning its head to sweep away, slipping away...

"Huh? Can run? Is this a skeleton?" Fei Ti made a dodge and brought the silver skull back.

The Silver Skull was surrounded in the middle, looked left and right, obediently threw away the broom, and knelt down.

Anthony asked hesitantly: "Do you guys feel that this silver skull's intelligence is a bit high?"

"That's right, that's too smart. Is this still a silver skull? Gold skulls aren't so slippery, are they?" Fei Ti said.

Anthony asked, "What's your name?"

The silver skull looked up and looked at Anthony blankly.

Anthony quickly changed the question: "What are you doing here?"

"Purification." The silver skull didn't seem to use the soul to vibrate the air to make a sound, but said it directly with the soul.

"Purification? Does it mean sweeping the floor?" Anthony asked suspiciously, why is this word so "sacred"? I didn’t know but thought it belonged to the Illuminati Church.

Silver Skull shook his head: "Purification."

"Oh, cutting people is also counted, anyway, it is to purify dust, enemies, garbage, etc., things that do not belong to the temple, right?" Anthony asked.

Silver Skull nodded.

No wonder when it saw everyone, it reversed its weapon and wanted to cut people: "Then why are you running again?"

Silver Skull said: "I can't beat it."

Even Negris in the carriage couldn't help laughing, he was such an honest skeleton, if he couldn't beat him, he ran away, isn't that normal?

"You can't run away even if you run, what if you can't run away?" Anthony teased it.

The silver skull looked left and right: "Forgive me..." A fire of soul floated up.


Anger, Anthony, and Fei Ti looked at each other in blank dismay. This silver skull is too 'normal'. If you can't beat it, you can run, and if you can't run, you can shoot. But where is this place? The main hall of the Immortal God is too normal to appear abnormal.

But no matter what, the soul flame is real, and Ange signaled the little zombie to accept it.

"It's a little strange. I don't have low intelligence, but I don't have a soul connection, and I don't understand it when I sweep the floor in such an important place." Negris poked his head out of the carriage and said, but his face was swollen.

Everyone knew who beat it up, and they all pretended not to see it. The person who hit it with such a high defensive power was really strong.

Silba also stretched out his head and said: "It's important ghost, if it's important, this place won't be deserted. I don't care about it after I built it up, and I haven't been here for many years. Maybe no one cares about it in the first place.”

Anthony asked the Silver Skull, "Are there any other souls here?"

Silver Skull nodded.

"Where is it?" Anthony asked.

The silver skull pointed to the ground, then arched its body, and its soul screamed.

Countless pale, gray hand bones pierced the ground, and zombie skeletons propped up their bodies from the soil, looking around blankly.

Anthony quickly said: "I'm not talking about this kind of soul, but a talking soul, a stronger soul."

The silver skull pointed to the center of the ruins.

"A lot? How many?" Anthony asked.

The silver skull snapped its fingers, counted one by one, and finally lifted seven finger bones.

Silba couldn't help sighing: "It's smarter than the silly son of the ranch family I stayed in before, that silly boy can only count up to five, if it exceeds one palm, he can't count. "

"What caused this situation? Did it go to my temple for further study? It was inspired by the aura of enlightenment there?" Negris said puzzled.

"Just go in and have a look. There are still seven souls. Find a few more and ask." Anthony said.

However, Anthony was disappointed. He went into the ruins of the temple, searched around, and found four silver skeletons and three copper-skinned zombies. This is what the silver skeleton said, and the soul is stronger than it.

However, the strange thing is that the intelligence of these silver skeletons and copper-skinned zombies is at a normal level, and they are not as smart as the first silver skeleton.

"Why are you so smart? It's really weird. Let's call you 'Little Bone' from now on, so as not to confuse you with other silver skulls." Negris said strangely.

Everyone searched around, and except for these silver skeletons and copper-skinned zombies, none of the higher-level undead creatures could be seen, which really reflected the meaning of the word waste.

"No one is better, no accidents can be saved, I found the Reincarnation Altar, it is indeed abandoned, but the general parts are still there, it can be repaired without Duroken, give it enough soul energy, and then try to run it. said Anthony.

Everyone came to the altar of reincarnation. It was a two-level platform two or three meters above the ground. It was already extremely colorful and full of soil and dust.

"Fortunately, the soil is thick enough, otherwise weeds will grow and erode it." Anthony said happily.

The buildings of the Undead Empire live longer than other places. The biggest factor is that plant fungi and the like cannot grow here.

Straighten some broken pillars, put together the cracked stones, and then infuse soul energy to try to make the altar work.

Damaged places will be automatically repaired during the operation of the altar.

Of course, some small defects can be repaired automatically, but some large defects can only be repaired manually, but this is not a problem for Anthony and Negris.

Because there is no need to continue automatic repairs in the future, pile up some gravel, use a little gold rod, and it will be repaired quickly. Then Anthony will engrave the energy circuit, and then make corresponding modifications to the reincarnation altar, so that it has reincarnation and immortality. Organisms, and the functions of reincarnated organisms.

Because the shape of the reincarnation altar is too large, the amount of work is very large, and it took a full day to complete it.

Putting in a full 20,000 soul crystals, all the energy circuits of the reincarnation altar burst into a faint soul fire, and the operation was successful.

Anthony said to Anger: "My lord, can you host it? Your exquisite control and mental power can increase the success rate of reincarnation by at least 20%."

Others took it for granted, but Silba and Abuke, who had never seen Ange's performance, were a little hesitant. With Ange's temperament of not caring about everything and just growing vegetables, how subtle is his control?

However, they didn't dare to question it, they just gave way silently: "You come first, you are small in size and fast in reincarnation."

"You come first, you are older and senior."

"No, no, I love the younger generation, you come first."

"No, no, I respect seniors, you come first."

You pushed me to let it go, and you almost didn't start a fight.

In the end, it was Anthony who kicked Abuk up and reincarnated the Black Warrior first. After all, to reincarnate a living thing, you have to take out the dragon corpse first, unpetrorize it, etc., which is very troublesome.

According to Anthony's method, Anger first did this, then that, and finally this and this, and the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and it was done.

Abuk shrinks into a substantial soul ball, and the black air slowly expands and shrinks, just like breathing.

"That's all right?" Negris looked curiously. He searched nearby and found no other creatures, so he didn't have to hide in the carriage.

The reincarnation of the Black Warrior was discussed with Anthony back then, and many key difficulties were overcome under its guidance, but it was the first time to see the reincarnation with my own eyes.

"Okay, adapting to this kind of virtual and physical changes in the soul, it can condense its body and become a black warrior. But it is a dragon soul, and the soul is too strong, and it will take longer to adapt." Anthony said.

Silba couldn't help sighing: "It's amazing. Old Bushi often tells me that he knows a very powerful young man who has the technology to materialize the undead. That young man should be you."

"It should be me. I invented this technology. Thank you Your Majesty for your compliment." Anthony stroked his chest politely.

"It's me, it's me, I can't wait to become a living dragon, and I don't have to be trapped in this weak body anymore." After seeing Ang's manipulation techniques, Silba no longer worried, but became Get anxious.

Ange opened the God's Domain and slowly moved the petrified dragon out. This is not an easy task. The God's Domain has its own special features. When it is opened, it cannot be moved, but the petrified dragon inside can only be removed.

And it was a huge "rock" fifty meters long and tens of thousands of tons. It was not easy to move it, let alone move it "non-destructively". Less legs.

For others, it is estimated that a hundred or so magicians will have to be invited to perform the feather fall technique, and then gently 'lift' it up. When it comes to Ange, he can handle it by himself, but it will take some time. .

It took five minutes to throw thousands of Feather Fall spells on the petrified dragon. Anthony, Fetti, the little zombie and Ange separated the four corners, gently lifted the dragon, and moved it to the reincarnation altar .

"It's almost impossible to fit, it's okay." Anthony looked at the petrified dragon with at least half of his body exposed, and said fortunately.

It is not necessary to put all of them into the altar, as long as the top level can put down the head and the heart, it will be fine.

After setting it up, Ange took out the crossbow of petrification, and was about to de-petrify the petrified dragon, but suddenly looked up at the southern sky.

In the southern sky, a group of undead cavalry was slowly walking through the air, followed by a hearse.

"It can't be such a coincidence, can it? The lich that I met on the prison island? Hurry up, put the dragon away and hide it." Negris said anxiously.

"It's too late, even if the petrified dragon is put away, this brand new reincarnation altar will tell him that someone has been here." Anthony shook his head.

"Then what should we do?" Negris had a headache.

"Hiding aside, wait for them to be attracted by the petrified dragon and land to see the situation. We will push them away and catch them alive. By the way, quickly change identities. We are now members of the Illuminati Church." Anthony finished. , the soul armor on his body receded, and he hurriedly took out a battle bishop's robe and put it on.

Thank you Leisurely Xiaoyu for your reward.

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