"Oh, yes, the light has returned, poor child, you have suffered." Holy light flooded Anthony's body, and his Pope's crown quickly flowed out, transforming himself into a kind, kind, solemn and holy Pope.

It's a pity that his performance was for a blind man. This woman can only perceive the holy light. Her eyes have turned into hoarfrost, without a trace of black inside. It is a bit similar to the degenerated eyeballs of olms. Severe degradation.

"It's really... the light is back, it's great..." The woman's voice faded, and then...

It cannot be said that she has died, because she did not breathe, nor can it be said that she is dead, because she has no breath of life on her body, let alone that her soul has died, because she has no soul, anyway, she is in a very The weird state was so weird that Anthony didn't know what to do, so he could only look at Ange for help.

Ange pressed her face with one hand, sensed it, and immediately performed the cleansing technique frantically.

The holy rays of light became one, and they were all the light of the facial cleansing technique. Because the speed was too fast, Ange's palm seemed to be holding down a big light bulb.

"What's going on? What's going on? Why hasn't it changed?" After a while, Negris couldn't help asking.

Within a few seconds, hundreds of cleansing techniques were thrown into the woman's body, but the woman's condition did not change at all.

While casting the spell, Ange responded: "She, life connection, those people, disperse the effect."

Negris gasped: "What!? You mean she linked her life to those people?" He pointed at the bodies in the ice as he spoke.

Angus nodded.

"So, instead of treating her, you're treating everyone?" Negris asked.

Angus nodded.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? So, no one in this ice layer is dead?" Negris said in disbelief.

This is unbelievable. It has been frozen for an unknown number of years. It is understandable that one or two survived. Everyone survived. How did this happen?

Anthony frowned and said, "There is one person who can do it, the Goddess of Redemption."

"Redemption? The unlucky guy?" Negris was surprised.

It seems that the image of the unlucky goddess of salvation cannot be removed.

"She only saw that she was unlucky when she met adults, but she is still very powerful in normal times. Her life redemption can connect all the lives together and share the same vitality." Anthony said.

Negris thought for a while, and couldn't help but said: "No wonder I haven't seen her use it, it's too bad."

To share one life force, whose life force to share? People who need her to redeem, probably will not have higher vitality than her, and in the end they will share her vitality. If there is no great spirit of sacrifice, who would do such a thing?

"So, this is another goddess of salvation?" Negris asked.

No one knows, unless she can wake up, but this is not an easy task, everyone shares the vitality, which means treating everyone at the same time, which makes her treatment like a bottomless abyss, constantly Devouring the power of the Holy Light.

Ange could only keep casting spells, keep casting spells, keep casting spells...

Time passed by every minute and every second. During this period, the Shenmu Continent, which continued to drift forward, encountered several large ice cubes. Some of the ice cubes were still frozen with mud, trees, houses, roads, and roads. Shocked.

"This seems to be the remnant of a plane that was smashed. If a plane is destroyed, there will be many deaths." Anthony said sadly.

"It may also be that kind of barren plane. There are not many people in the whole plane." Negris was relieved, although it also knew that it was impossible. There were houses and roads in the ice, which obviously had a good foundation. The facility cannot be a barren plane.

No matter how barren the plane is, it can be as barren as the Abyss of Rest, and there are seventy or eighty thousand living creatures just like that.

Seeing that Ange couldn't stop for a while, Negris had no choice but to greet everyone: "Push all the ice over to rehydrate the Shenmu, Tom, can you break all the ice and take out the human body inside? "

Thom shook his head quickly: "No, no, too much, it will dirty me to death."

Then we can only leave it like this for the time being, other people dare not break the ice, because it has been frozen for too long, and the human body is very fragile. If you are not careful, the human body inside will be torn apart, and you may not be able to save it.

"What's the point of this kind of life sharing? Even if others find them, even if the Church of Light finds them, can they be rescued? Anthony, if Ange doesn't take action, you can call everyone in the church over." , can still use divine power, can you rescue them?" Negris asked.

Anthony shook his head desperately, how could it be possible, given him 10,000 priests, they would not be able to reach Anger's level.

"Then what's the point of doing this? If it's just herself, she should be able to survive in the void. Why bother to save everyone?" Negris couldn't understand.

The chance of success is too slim. Even if the light comes back, if it is not Ange, the light, their hope of being rescued is still equal to zero.

The Church of Light does not have such a powerful ability to save so many people. According to this way of sharing life, if they cannot save everyone, it means that they cannot save everyone.

Anthony sighed: "Maybe these people are too important to her."

More than 20 hours have passed, and at a frequency of 20 shots per second, Ange has released 1.7 million clean face spells. This is a tiring amount, and I feel tired just by watching it.

But Ange didn't think that he had the leisure to put his other hand into the space to plant the land, and Negris was so angry that he wanted to curse.

At this moment, everyone suddenly noticed something. No matter what they were doing, they all turned their heads to look at Ange's position. A powerful breath of life was slowly recovering in the woman's body.

The two trees of life on Ange's shoulders, no matter the old one or the young one, popped out at once.

"What a strong vitality." The old tree said in surprise, it can surprise a 90,000-year-old tree, this kind of vitality is really strong.

Little saplings don't care about so much, and when they wave their true leaves, they send out a warm message: exert force—grow—force—grow——

lamp! A small bud appeared on the branch of the young sapling.

The shape of the sapling has not changed for a long time since it bears a fruit. Unexpectedly, under the action of this powerful vitality, it actually sprouted small buds again.

The woman opened her frosty eyes again. Compared with before, her eyes were no longer dying, but full of spirit. She grasped An Ge's hand and said excitedly: "The light is really back, you Who is it? Which Lord is first?"

Negris said in a low voice: "She seems to be blind from birth. Otherwise, after so many facial cleansing techniques, it is impossible for her to grow badly. Besides, she is not a god, she is a believer? Are you kidding me?"

Thank you 20201130141556094, I love fried rice with eggs, for your tip.

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