Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 555 Do you know that you have become a goddess?

Negris thought he was very quiet, but the woman immediately turned to its direction and asked suspiciously: "Who are you? You have the breath of life, but you have the wave of soul. Who are you?"

"Hey, are you so sharp? Well, I am the God of Knowledge, you can call me Negri." Negris was a little surprised, and quickly introduced himself.

The woman frowned: "It's strange, I think what you said is true, but why do you have soul fluctuations, is the God of Knowledge an undead creature?"

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, and Anthony and Negris looked at each other in amazement: "The eye of truth?"

Isn't this ability to perceive the truth and falsehood of others' words the same as Cabrera's Eye of Truth?

However, Cabrera's real eye claims to be able to see through all illusions, but it is more bragging. Now that Anthony is used to it, he can easily fool him, and even make him form a preconceived impression. Now Anthony is talking about himself. It's not the Pope, he doesn't even believe it.

But this woman's perception of truth and falsehood seems to be more sensitive than the eye of truth.

"Of course not, this is just my avatar, and my body is a book." Negris hurriedly said 'honestly'.

"Oh, hello, God of Knowledge, nice to meet you, I am Gonya, the believer in light." I don't know what she felt, the doubt on the woman's face disappeared, and she showed a joyful expression .

Negris turned his head and asked in a low voice: "What is a believer in light?"

Anthony shook his head: "I don't know."

Anthony doesn't even know, which means that the Bright Church on the main plane doesn't have this title. Others can say that the classics are lost, but Anthony can't, because he burned all the classics, and he should have read them all before burning them.

However, their whispers were still heard by Gonya, and she had a disappointed expression on her face: "Has it been so long? Has my name not even been passed down? Or have we been forgotten by the light? "

Anthony quickly relieved: "I haven't forgotten, haven't we come now? It's just because too much time has passed, many imprints have dissipated in the darkness, and you need to reproduce it for us. Oh, I forgot to introduce, I am The spokesperson of the God of Libra in the world, Pope Saint Anthony, may the Holy Light soothe your soul."

While speaking, he cast a holy light and stroked the top of her head.

As expected of a professional magician, he smoothed the disappointment on Gonia's face with a few words, and even a little cheered up: "Your Majesty the Pope? Are you here to guide us back in person? Your holy light is so pure, Who is the adult who treated me just now? His holy light is purer."

Heck, Negris and Anthony looked at each other, and Anthony asked, "Hehe, isn't the holy light you've seen before impure?"

Gonia shook her head: "It's not pure, it's complicated, and some are dirty, you are true saints."

Fundamentalism, yes.

As soon as Anthony rolled his eyes, he knew how to deal with it: "The one who treated you just now is the God of Equality and Libra, the only God under the light."

Gonia's eyes widened sharply, and she looked at Anthony in horror: "The only one?"

"Yes, the only one." Anthony froze for a moment, she didn't know?

Sure enough, Gonia asked, "What happened? What about the other gods? The Goddess of Redemption? The God of Arbitration? The God of Light and Darkness?"

Anthony pondered for a moment before tentatively asking: "Do you know the Warlock League?"

"I know, the Alchemist Alliance. Before I was frozen, I heard that their Sixth Alchemy Academy officially started recruiting students. At that time, some people asked me if going to learn alchemy is a betrayal of the light. I said no, as long as you have a heart Longing, even if you fall into the abyss, it’s not considered turning your back on the light.” Gonia said.

Anthony hurried to Anger's side and whispered, "My lord, I would like to ask you about silver coins. When did the Sixth Alchemy Academy of the Warlock Union start recruiting students?"

An Ge quickly called the silver coin with his soul, and got a reply after asking: "Three thousand years ago."

"Hiss—you have been frozen for more than three thousand years, so do you know about the Starburst Circle?" Anthony asked.

Gonja shook her head.

"Then do you know about the Undead Empire?" Anthony asked again.

Gonja still shook her head.

This is troublesome, if it wasn't the Warlock Alliance, then who destroyed their plane?

Gonia still shook her head: "I don't know what's going on, suddenly there was a sudden shaking, the whole plane shattered, a large amount of seawater flooded into the land, and the people of our entire holy city could only surround Together, I leaned on the protective cover to support it, but I couldn't last for a long time, so I had to use the shackles of life, let everyone pray, connect everyone's lives together, and then sleep."

"Not attacked? Just a natural disaster?" Negris asked, if it was a natural disaster, it would be fine, but if it was man-made, who could easily destroy a plane? The Warlock Alliance can't do it either.

Gonia said blankly: "I don't know either. If it's not a natural disaster, it can only be a divine punishment. We didn't blaspheme any gods."

Anthony couldn't help laughing: "There is no need to blaspheme the gods. Sometimes, your existence is already a kind of blasphemy, but it is difficult for even a god to easily destroy a plane. It should be just a natural disaster."

"Oh, your words have the meaning of blasphemy, but I feel that you are right, so strange." Gonia said depressingly.

A pope said that even God can't do it. Isn't this blasphemy? Even if he knew this was the case, the pope should have insisted on it, and shouted loudly that 'the light is omnipotent'.

Anthony was stunned again: "Fundamentalist? Are you exiled here?"

"Exile? No, it's just that the church needs us to go to the wild world to spread the glory of the gods, so we came to the abyss of the ice sea." Gonia was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained.

Anthony nodded, expressing his understanding: "That's right, spreading the glory of the gods, not exile, I was wrong."

It really is exile. In fact, fundamentalists are hated as much as heretics in the church, maybe even more, because you can’t treat them in the same way as heretics, because they uphold the most primitive creeds, the ones with the purest beliefs. a handful of people.

But at the same time, they also represent stubbornness, old-fashionedness, lack of progress, and no way to adapt to the development of the church. The main reason is that it is not convenient for everyone to make money.

For this kind of old-fashioned elements, the church generally exiles them to wild lands, euphemistically called "spreading glory", for example, those stubborn elements were sent to the land of sinking, or the holy vanguard, or the silver Knights.

After thousands of years of baptism, the diehards have been washed away, and the rest are old cunning.

It's not that the old slickers are bad, but Anthony likes the old slickers more, because they will change their positions for the sake of profit, and Anthony likes dealing with them the most.

Being exiled, he just thinks that he is going to spread the glory of God. Such a simple child, the so-called believer is probably like an ascetic, who is simple and stubborn, and uses his firmness to hold the faith.

Thinking of this, Anthony sighed: "Unfortunately, you have been asleep for more than three thousand years. Many things have happened during this time. The gods have fallen."

Gonia was already mentally prepared and just nodded: "Can you tell me what happened?"

Anthony talked about Starburst, Faith Storm, Warlock Alliance, Undead Empire, etc., with reservations.

Gonia was a little messy, and said sadly: "I can feel that what you said is true. Have the gods really fallen? Now the main plane is actually dominated by undead creatures?"

"Yes, the powerful storm of faith released by the Starburst Array not only wiped out the gods on the main plane, but also provoked the undead kings of the God Realm. We are also the Church of Light from the God Realm. Now, whether it is the God Realm Here again, we are the only light, the god of equality and scales," Anthony said.

Gonia hugged her arm in pain, and buried her face in her arms, not wanting to face the reality. After a long wait, she woke up and faced this kind of change. All beliefs and beliefs disappeared. .

"Don't be sad, at least those people you want to protect are still there. It took a lot of effort from Mr. Libra to save you. By the way, how many people are there?" Anthony said.

As expected of a magic stick, he has a meticulous grasp of people's hearts. Even those who believed in three thousand years ago were still controlled by him to death.

Gonia immediately jumped up when she heard the words, and said excitedly: "Yes, everyone, everyone is still alive, blessed by grace, God of Libra, please help these suffering believers, there are about 200,000 believers , I would like to offer my everything, begging for your mercy."

As she spoke, a holy light ignited on Gonia's body, a very pure kind.

This is not a difficult task, because the most difficult task, Ange, has been done, and now it is only necessary to release those frozen people.

Others have to be careful about this kind of thing, but it is much easier for Tom to go out. Ange only needs to keep purifying it, and it can easily smash all the ice cubes without damaging the human body inside.

The human bodies were transferred out one by one, put away carefully, and then counted.

"About 120,000 people," Anthony said.

"Didn't it say there were 200,000 people? Why is there so much less?" Negris was surprised.

Anthony analyzed: "The plane exploded and fell apart, and the remaining ones may have drifted in other directions."

Gonia immediately said: "I will go to them, and these people ask the Pope to crown you."

Anthony hurriedly stopped her: "You're crazy, this is the void, it's been three thousand years, and you don't know where it's gone, how do you find it, don't get lost in the void by then."

Gonia smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, 120,000 people have been saved, even if they get lost in the void, it's nothing, they trusted me so much back then, I can't give up on them."

Anthony let her go helplessly. Such people are called saints in the church, and they are not afraid of death at all. They are willing to sacrifice everything for a noble goal.

I can't say whether it's good or bad, it's just that Anthony really annoys this kind of person. If there is enough time, Anthony will definitely make her limping.

Gonia crossed her hands in front of her body and saluted Anger: "My lord Libra, please keep us safe."

As the sound of "My Lord" fell, a mark floated up from her body and was thrown into An Ge's body.

An invisible connection was established between her and Ange.

Ange tilted his head curiously, because he saw a faint light on Gonia's body.

"There is light on her body." An Ge said.

"Is there light? What light?" Negris asked in surprise.

Anthony said: "My lord can see it, but we can't. It must be divine light. My lord, what kind of light is it?"

An Ge racked his brains to describe it, and he didn't know if his skeleton had brains.

"Totem? No, no, it should be a witch, a witch who communicates between gods and humans, Gonia, do you know that you have become a goddess?" Anthony asked.

Thank you, twilight, pamsylemon, for your tip.

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