Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 563 Definitely Listen to the Immortal God

After all, Negris, the blame man, still took the blame. Anyway, it wasn’t the first day Ange remembered it, but the Home of the Dead couldn’t give up. Such a big platform, once it’s in operation, it’s almost impossible to lie there. Can collect money.

When the silver coins first came here, they were poor and poor, relying on the millions of soul crystals and magic crystals given by An Ge, how dare they buy the Home of the Dead now?

Uh, a few million soul crystals and magic crystals, it seems that it is not too little...

Whatever it is, anyway, the value is far inferior to the House of the Dead, so if you can win it, you will definitely make a lot of money.

Ange reluctantly stopped what he was doing and returned to the Starburst Plane, but the most difficult step was completed, and the next step was repetitive work, which the believers who woke up would complete with great care.

It has to be said that these church adherents who have been frozen for more than 3,000 years are very elite. They are not ordinary people, but elites who have been "selected" to develop alien planes. The glory of God is actually the thorn in the church, who was singled out for exile.

But no matter what, surviving in the barren plane is enough to prove their ability.

After waking up now, the food problem that bothered them the most had been solved. Ange threw out a lot of Elf Beans, enough for them to eat and grow little fat worms.

Then they discovered that as long as they prayed sincerely, they could get God's favor.

This is not an easy task, at least most of the people have never listened to the voice of God, and now it is consummated, and for a while, everyone seems extremely fanatical.

With their hard work, it won't take long for the Shenmu Continent to be full of insects and moss.

On the Starburst plane, everyone returns to the underground space of the Temple of Knowledge, where the silver coin and Anthony have prepared the soul base.

"The fire of the dead can be connected to the home of the dead, we can build more fires of the dead, let them connect to the relay spirit day and night, send a lot of information to the relay spirit, and consume the energy of the relay spirit." Anthony introduced arrive.

Negris said: "But we also need soul energy to maintain the undead fire. How much soul energy will be consumed with so many soul bases?"

"I don't know, but it should be less than the relay spirit, because we only need to send, but the relay spirit needs to send and receive." Anthony said.

While they were chatting, Ange had already found an open space, clapped and pulled his hands, and a mark immediately formed between the palms.

He held it with one hand, and continued to condense the magic pattern mark inside with the other hand, just like rubbing the teleportation array with his bare hands, and quickly rubbed out a magic circle with a diameter of three meters.

With a slap on the ground, the whole space is lit up, and a magic circle is clearly printed on the ground.

Those who were chatting were also surprised by Ange's movement, and leaned over to take a look: "The foundation of the undead fire, what are you doing with such a big foundation?"

Anger said, "Small."

"Oh, you still think it's too small? Your whole body is so big, what is it used for? Such a big base can hold relay spirits. You have relays... er, really..." The words were not finished yet , Negris remembered the relay spirit that was in the Land of Sinking back then.

Sure enough, Ange reached in and took out a ball of bright white soul fire. Judging from the breath, it was the original relay spirit.

"When did you hide it?" Negris muttered.

Anger ignored it, but put the relay spirit on the pedestal, and continued to draw out the fire of the soul.

Hey, no, it's not the fire of the soul, but the heart of the soul, but it is a blank soul heart without consciousness.

"Why do you have so many blank soul hearts?" Negris asked strangely.

Soul fire and soul heart are different levels. Undead creatures with soul hearts can already be counted as high-level undead creatures, at least at the level of golden skulls.

Undead creatures at this level already have wisdom, and they cannot be compared with skeleton zombies that can be spawned by just a single soul fire.

It is easy to breed a blank soul'fire', but it is too difficult to breed a blank soul'heart'.

Ange didn't answer, just took out a ball and threw it at it.

"Hey, isn't this a soul ball? Where did you get it?" Duroken leaned over and asked.

Negris looked at it for a while, finally remembered what it was, and turned around to answer: "Your grave."

Duroken rolled his eyes: "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it, what are you doing with my grave."

"Uh, it was really done on your grave. Remember the night watchman who stole Luna's Holy Spirit Heart box and ran away? It exploded from him."

"I guess he stole it from your grave. Is this called a soul ball? Ange picked it up and threw it into the bucket of resting liquid." Negris said.

The soul ball soaked in the resting liquid will breed the soul fire, but this function is not very effective. Ange can also condense the soul fire with his bare hands, and it has its own soul connection, so there is no need for a soul ball.

So just leaving it alone, Negris forgot about it, and if Ange hadn't taken it out, it wouldn't even remember it.

But it forgot, Ange didn't forget, the dead skeleton must have used the contrast method to fully tap the role of the soul ball, thus giving birth to the heart of the soul.

In other words, Ange directly gave birth to a high-level intelligent undead creature.

The number of high-level undead creatures in the Undead Empire is too rare. There are billions of skeleton zombies, and there may only be a few thousand high-level undead creatures with wisdom. Even splitting them in half can't control so many undead creatures.

If the Undead Empire can produce high-level undead creatures in large quantities, how can it be the Warlock Union's turn to show off its might?

Duroken took it over and took a look, and immediately saw his secret pattern, it was indeed stolen from his grave.

"The soul heart can be bred with the soul ball? Why didn't I know?" Duroken said doubtfully.

"Uh, you can't get the heart of the soul? Didn't you invent it? What you invented is not as good as Angor's?" Negris sneered.

Duroken curled his lips: "Your main body is not used well by adults, so what's so strange."

Negris held his breath in his heart and couldn't vomit it out, because he was right, the Book of Brass was not used as well as Anger's.

In Ang's hands, the Book of Brass is an artifact that seals everything. In it, it is at most a sanctuary for heroic spirits, a container for a blank godhead.

Negris, who was internally hurt by Duroken's words, deeply missed the days when there was no lightning, and why did everyone learn lightning, so he was so good at people.

While they were fighting back and forth, Ange had already placed the soul heart on the soul pedestal, and dozens of small pedestals formed a circle.

Anthony and Silver Coins also surrounded them. Although they had prepared these things, Ange obviously didn't want to follow their orders. They would definitely listen to the Immortal God about such things.

After getting everything ready, Ange stood upright, raised his hands flat, and held out the Holy Cross of Equality and the Ring of Libra.

I saw one after another of desperate, painful, fierce, and famine thoughts rushing out of the ring of scales, turning into white resentful spirits, and throwing them at the relay spirit.

Anthony was shocked, and shouted: "Spirit of sin?!"

Thank you for your reward

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