As a god, there are people praying to you every moment, begging for your mercy. In addition to dedicating their faith and devotion to you, they will also bring you endless negative emotions.

Some people were bullied and wanted to pray for the blessing of the gods to get revenge. Some family members and friends died, and they were in pain and despair. They wanted to pray for the resurrection of the gods. Some people made one dollar but greedily wanted to earn ten dollars. .

Some people are desperate, some are resentful, some are in pain, some are sad, some are greedy, and every god receives the most negative emotions. These negative emotions are collectively called sin.

And Ange manifested them, that is the legendary spirit of sin.

Anthony is well-informed, but this is the first time even he has seen the spirit of sin. This kind of belief full of negative emotions manifests and can make normal creatures go crazy or change their temperament drastically.

Now, so many negative emotions poured into the relay spirit, after a few minutes, the relay spirit stopped.

The silver coin wanted to connect to the home of the dead for the first time, but found that it couldn't connect: "The home of the dead seems to be broken."

"Ah? Broken?" Anthony was shocked.

This is not okay, if it is broken, the other party will not sell it, even if they sell it, they will keep an eye on it, and when it is repaired, they will easily think of themselves, whether it is to buy the reincarnation The home of the dead was deliberately broken.

Ange shook his head: "It's not broken, wait."

Ten minutes later, the silver coin connected to the home of the dead again, and this time it could be connected, but after going in and turning around, the silver coin came out and said: "The home of the dead has become a little weird, it seems to be A little sluggish."

Why it became dull, no one can figure it out, but there is no doubt that it must have something to do with Ange, but I don't know if it will achieve the effect.

After waiting like this for about six days, Yin Coin suddenly received a message: "People from the Guild of the Dead suddenly came to me to discuss the previous acquisition invitation."

The purchase invitation was sent to the Guild of the Dead very early on in the name of the Silver Chamber of Commerce for silver coins, and was even posted in the Home of the Dead in the form of a reward.

Announcing the invitation to acquire the Home of the Dead at the Home of the Dead caused quite a stir at the time.

The Guild of the Dead conducted a background check on the silver coin and confirmed that it was not a joke, but a large chamber of commerce with the corresponding financial resources and manpower. They sent a letter rejecting the invitation, and there was no further news.

It's not a bad thing for someone to want to buy it, it means that others recognize your value. If it's those guys who are overreaching, the Guild of the Dead will feel offended, but if it's the Silver Chamber of Commerce that has been the most popular recently, it's not an offense.

The Guild of the Dead just refused and was not angry.

The Silver Chamber of Commerce didn't give up just yet, but instead sent out invitations from time to time, gave gifts from time to time, organized social activities from time to time, and gradually got to know each other.

As the silver coin said: It doesn't matter if you don't want to sell, but if you want to sell, you can think of me at the first time, that's all.

Rio Do, the vice president of the Guild of the Dead, was moved by the spirit of the silver coin, and had to tell the truth to the silver coin: "The home of the dead does not belong to us. If you want to buy it, you have to go to the council of the dead. We Just be in charge of managing it."

The silver coin slapped his thigh: "Yes, what we bought is the management right. The adults of the Undead Council cannot have leisure time to manage this network, so, as long as you sell the management right to me, let me go and talk to the adults of the Undead Council. Docking, even if the transaction is completed."

"I can even continue to use the name of the Undead Guild to continue to communicate with adults. In name, I joined the Undead Council and became the candidate for the next vice president. You take the money and abdicate to enjoy life, and the heavy work is handed over to me. Enough."

Hey, this kind of operation is very feasible.

The Guild of the Dead has only three vice presidents. The president is appointed by the Undead Empire and bears the name of Gust, but every time they meet with different undead creatures, sometimes they are undead, sometimes they are liches. A cloaked man, probably a lich.

They don't come often, unless something special happens, they will come to contact with a special mark.

For undead creatures, special events sometimes don't happen once in decades, which has led to the fact that some vice presidents may not be able to meet the people sent by them from succession to retirement.

This has led to the astonishingly large authority of the vice president, who can arbitrarily designate a successor to succeed, even without the approval of the undead council, just report it.

Of course, if the undead parliament does not approve, it can also be removed, but such a thing has never happened.

Therefore, the silver coin proposal is very feasible. As long as it is regarded as one's own successor and the next vice president reports it, the goal of transferring management rights can be achieved.

Riodo's heart skipped a beat. To be honest, he, the president of the Guild of the Dead, couldn't make much money, and the risk was extremely high. He had always been one of the assassination targets of the Church of Light.

On the contrary, the Warlock Union didn't pay much attention to him, because the Warlock Union also needed the platform of the Home of the Dead.

If the price is right, it might not be out of the question to designate the silver coin as the successor.

With the feasibility, Riodo became curious instead: "The House of the Dead can only charge some management fees and handling fees. The annual income is not much. After paying the wages to the big guys, there is not much left. Why do you want to buy it? it?"

Yin Coin almost didn't laugh at that time, but still controlled it, and only said: "Our chamber of commerce needs this platform to better operate our business. If the chairman has this idea, please give us priority."

I really laughed at the silver coin. The Home of the Dead is such a good platform. It was forced to be operated by the Guild of the Dead to live by charging management fees.

The silver coins secretly used the imprint of the highest power to do some small tricks, and they have made a lot of money in the past half a year. If they can be bought, they can do things openly and aboveboard. How much they earn is another matter, and they will definitely be able to control the economic lifeline of the entire plane.

Seeing them wasting such a good platform makes Yincoin heartbroken. Seeing them have good things but not make money, Yincoin feels worse than losing money.

But there is no special situation, Riodo can't make up his mind, and he has to deal with the other two vice-chairmen, but he brought out the two vice-chairmen, so it's easy to deal with, the worst thing is to kill them .

No, a special situation is coming, and the relay has lost its nerve.

Since six days ago, the relay spirits have experienced strange changes one after another, and the consumption of soul crystals has suddenly increased by an order of magnitude.

Originally, they only needed to be fed six or seven hundred soul crystals a day, but now they are hungry after feeding two thousand, and they will go on strike if they are not fed soul crystals.

One relay spirit consumes more than 1,000 more, and 18 relay spirits consume 20,000 more a day, and the Guild of the Dead will be exhausted in a few days.

They reported to the undead council the next day, and the council sent the original cloaked man over to check, but they couldn't find out why, and only said: "The relay spirit seems to be afraid."

I couldn't find the reason, and there were no other special changes, but the consumption of soul crystals was a bit higher. After two days of research by the Undead Council, I just asked Leo to feed more soul crystals. Maybe it will return to normal in a few days. It's not normal, let's wait until His Majesty is out of trouble.

The House of the Dead was built by the Undead King, and only he can deeply repair it.

The word "wait" made Riodo subconsciously think of silver coins, which consume tens of thousands of soul crystals a day, and the Guild of the Dead can actually afford it, but the profits are all gone, and it's a waste of time.

The devil knows when His Majesty will be out of trouble. If he is out of trouble after decades, wouldn't he be working for nothing all his life?

After waiting for a few more days, he found that not only did the relay spirit not return to normal, but instead he ate more and more, Riodo couldn't wait any longer.

He privately tested the other two vice presidents, and found that they had no intention of taking over, but instead avoided it: "President, my mother-in-law is about to give birth, and I have to ask for leave for a while."

It didn't take long for the Guild of the Dead to have a fourth vice president, but this vice president had a lot of tricks:

"There are so many reward trading information released every day, and they are quickly pushed to the back by others. If we charge a little money to keep this information on the front, do you think these merchants are willing to spend this money?"

Riodo's eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded hastily. Why didn't he think of such a good idea? This method can completely double the annual profit of the Guild of the Dead.

He didn't even want to hand over the Guild of the Dead to the silver coins, but when he thought of the soul vows made by the two parties, Riodo put away the thought of going back on his word.

Soon, the viewers of the House of the Dead all discovered a strange thing. There was a buying message hanging in the front row, and everyone could see it immediately after entering: "Buying all kinds of fertilizers, large quantities are preferred." .”

Thank you for the crazy car, Jiejie loves reading, for the reward.

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