Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 571 Oh, you need to know how to measure

Anthony knew there was trouble, the salt and sugar were too pure, it was not the style of a merchant.

The salt and sugar that Ange brought out were all made by himself. The salt was sun-dried in Zhuilong Lake, and the sugar was squeezed from beetroots, with very few impurities.

Ange put them in God's Domain to inactivate them first, then transferred them to the dimensional space, covered them with soil, and they didn't get damp and agglomerated, so when they were taken out, they were white and loose, very beautiful.

Salt sugar of this quality is not available to those merchants at all. They can only get some inferior ones, mixed with sand, unfiltered, or even lumps of brown sugar and brown sugar, which contain a lot of impurities .

Anthony doesn't understand this? I understand, but it's too late, and it's too late for him to mix the sand, and he didn't expect someone to come to his door so soon, it's just a festival, why would anyone care about the quality of sugar and salt?

But even though he knew it was troublesome, Anthony didn't panic at all. He thought about his words as soon as he rolled his eyes, turned around and smiled and said, "Your Excellency, you are joking, the ladder of the Warlock League is flying around your head every day, what kind of spies do you need?" ?”

"However, these products do come from the Warlock Alliance. Our chamber of commerce has gone bankrupt, and a batch of high-end products that we hoarded cannot be sold, and we don't want to take advantage of those foreigners. Now we offer them a discount to give back to the fellow villagers, and sell them at a low price. Do you want to buy some too?"

The Skeleton Knight froze for a moment: "Is it really from the Warlock Alliance?" Then he leaned over.

Their appearance made Anthony's heart sink.

This is the most troublesome situation. The other party is not sure that this is a product of the Warlock Alliance, but he made up the reason casually, obviously looking for trouble.

Sure enough, the other party glanced at the sugar and salt in the bag, his eyes lit up immediately, and he sternly shouted: "Okay, you guys are so brave, you dare to sell warlock alliance products indiscriminately, who knows if there are any deceptive things in it?" Ingredients, come on, put all these things away."

The two skeleton knights behind rushed up and snatched the bag on the ground.

Fetti was a little annoyed, and glanced at Anthony. Anthony shook his head lightly.

When Anthony was hanging out in the church before, he had to be very familiar with eating Naka, otherwise he would not be able to hang out in the church.

These skeleton knights are obviously contaminated with some secular habits, but it is normal. They are just skeleton knights, not skeletons. They are living people, so they naturally have various needs of living people.

The economy in the dead line is underdeveloped, and they live a miserable life. It can be seen from the whitened sleeves and collars that their economic conditions are very bad.

If it weren't for the free armor and bone horse, they probably wouldn't be able to afford these equipment.

The two bags of salt and sugar were taken back, and the leader of the Skeleton Knight took a look, then looked up at Anthony. Greed flashed in his eyes, and his gaze passed Anthony again, looking at the carriage and stone house behind.

Anthony sighed, why bother? If you want to eat kala, you have to know how to measure it. Insatiable greed will only be in vain, but it is obvious that this skeleton knight is not satisfied with these two bags.

After seeing through the opponent's psychology, Anthony took the initiative and shouted loudly: "Okay, my lord has confiscated all our goods, there is nothing to sell, everyone is scattered."

Anthony's voice woke up the crowd who had been watching the show. There is nothing to sell?

The public will always be numb. Unless they receive corresponding education from an early age, they will have nothing to do with it. Even if some people think this is bad, they will not come out to stop these skeleton knights.

Until Anthony yelled: "What? There's nothing for sale? I haven't made my Spirit Fire Baba yet, no no no, you can't take the candy away."

"The salt can't be taken away either. Our family is waiting for the Holy Fire Festival to make a big purchase. We need to buy enough salt for half a year. You can't take the salt away."

"Yes, yes, only one merchant came over, and if they accepted us, there would be no other one to buy from."

This voice woke up the rest of the people, yes, there is only one peddler, and if it is taken away, there will be nowhere to buy things.

It's not like there are several companies to choose from, and the things are taken away, so how can they celebrate the festival? In particular, these products are of good quality and not expensive, so you will not lose money no matter how you buy them.

"No, no, you can't accept it. If you accept it, we won't be able to celebrate the festival. Let it go." Everyone gathered around.

Anthony's voice easily transformed the conflict between him and the Skeleton Knight into a conflict between the Skeleton Knight and the public. Negris was dumbfounded: "Is this okay?"

Provoking public outrage, the Skeleton Knight didn't care about Anthony, dropped his things and fled in panic.

Negris quickly asked, "What should we do now?"

Anthony smiled and said, "Go back and see if you can lure the big snake out. If you can, let's snatch the torch of the undead. How about it?"

"Aren't you afraid of shocking people?" Negris asked.

"So we have to lure them out and take down the opponent in one round." At this point, Anthony turned to Ange and asked, "My lord, can I ask Wuga to take action? His real illusion is the most effective against undead."

Angus nodded.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Ange summoned the stone house, and everyone led the carriage, walking back and forth.

Only then did Anthony realize that the little boy who had spotted them first was still with them, sitting on the shaft of the car eating candy, and his face was covered in sugar water.

Seeing Anthony looking over, the little boy gave him a cracked smile, revealing a mouth missing two front teeth.

Anthony glanced at him angrily, came over to lift him off, and kicked his ass: "Let's go."

The kick was not heavy, and the little boy was not afraid. He staggered two steps, turned his head and made a grimace, then ran back with a smile on his face.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Ange and his party walked back for a while. On the way, Ange took out Wuga and asked it a while: "Wooga, wooquack—"

Wu Ga kept nodding his head: "Wu Ga."

After getting ready, not long after, there was a sound of horseshoes behind him, and a powerful soul whizzed over: "Spy of the Warlock Alliance! Stop, I am Kent, the Saint of the Undead. As long as you surrender immediately, I can guarantee your death!" safety of life and soul."

Anthony knew what was going on as soon as he heard it, and the skeleton knights ran back. They would definitely not say that they wanted to rob the merchant's goods. They would only say that they had discovered the spies of the Warlock Alliance. Foolishly and foolishly catch up.

This is exactly what Anthony wants. Based on the wrong information, the other party may not be too wary of a caravan and easily bump into it.

Undead creatures are very troublesome. They have a lot of soul connections, and a thought can spread the news, so if the ambush doesn't work instantly, it will be easily exposed.

They came here this time to steal the bones. If there is an accident and Gust is on guard, it will be troublesome.

The others had already hid in the carriage, only Anthony was left outside. Hearing the whistling, he immediately put on a feigned scream, left the carriage, untied the black horse, and galloped away.

That action was so exaggerated that the dark horse couldn't help but sneered: "It's too fake."

Although it was fake, the dark horse still acted in concert, galloping back and forth.

A group of skeleton knights who caught up chased after Anthony, and the remaining few came to the carriage surrounded by an undead.

The undead first glanced at the carriage with his soul, but found no danger, and then asked the skeleton knight to open the door. When the door opened, everyone was dumbfounded.

The carriages were packed to the brim, with dragons, little girls, and scarecrows... scarecrows? Woo ga?

The one on the outermost side of the carriage was Wuga, and Ange's palm behind him was pressed firmly on its shoulder, and Ange didn't release his hand until the moment the carriage door opened.

Without restraint, Wuga jumped out all at once.

A question flashed in Undead Kent's mind: Why can't my soul scan find these people? Oh, Wuga has a real illusion? Crap……

The thought flashed across, and Kent's soul was in turmoil.

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