Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 572 Don't give you face, can't you?

Kent floated on the spot weakly, and said angrily: "I am the saint of the undead, do you know that I am the saint of the undead? Do you know?"

Negris asked inexplicably, "I know, what's the matter?"

"Do you know why you don't give me some face? Do it without saying hello. Do you take me seriously? I am a majestic saint, and I passed out without being seen clearly. You are too shameless." Kent was angry. .

Negris was stunned, Anthony was stunned, Fei Tiduroken and so on were all stunned, only Ange was not stunned, with the little angel in one hand and Wuga in the other.

The two bastards were able to play together, the little angel asked Wuga to 'summon' the enemy for her, and let her fight, and Bibiao had a meal of holy light shining, and Bada, that was a real illusion, not a summoning technique.

After hesitating for a while, Negris asked, "Don't give you face, can't you?"

"My friend, you're going too far. Keep your head down and see you up. If you don't give me face, even if you don't give face to the Immortal Temple, I won't give you face in the future." Kent said.

Negris was a little stunned: "Did you misunderstand something? Who do you think we are?"

"Hmph, I've called Wuga over here, who do you think? Gust didn't tell you that I'm the most narrow-minded, vengeful and face-saving person? Tell you, if Wuga didn't restrain me, you It's definitely not that easy to catch me." Kent said angrily.

Now everyone understands that Kent has misunderstood.

Negris rolled his eyes, and the bad taste came up, and he quickly called everyone together to whisper.

After understanding what it wanted to do, Anthony rolled his eyes and said, "You guy, you really like and hate fun, I like it."

Everyone walked back and gathered around Kent, with fierce expressions on their faces.

Anthony patted his chest, the holy light flowed from his body, revealing the Pope's crown, and then said 'viciously': "I am the bright Pope, why should I give you face!"

Kent was stunned, the Pope of Light?

Seeing his reaction, Anthony couldn't help asking: "Have you not been in touch with Gust for a long time?"

"You... how do you know? I haven't contacted Gust for more than a year. When did the Church of Light have a pope?" Kent said absently.

It was the little angel's turn. The little angel arched his back and popped out six wings. His two little hands made a forward pounce in front of him, and roared like a big cat: "Wow~"

The cheeks are bulging, very cute.

Negris rolled his eyes, so cute, there is no deterrence at all.

It stretched out its hand to beckon, and a brass book flew up from Ange's body, turned it into a huge book, and smashed it in front of Kent.

"Know... the God of Knowledge!?" Kent said in surprise, his whole body solidified a lot, his eyes wide open.

"Hey, you know me?" Negris was surprised.

"Of course I do. I was your priest when I was alive, and I was transferred to the Immortal Temple after I died. My God, it's incredible. I actually saw you, the omniscient God of Knowledge." Kent couldn't help but flutter He walked over, condensed his hands, reached into the pages of the book, and shook the phantom of the giant dragon holding Negris.

"It turned out to be like this. That was such a coincidence. Why was it transferred later? Can't the undead be my priest?" Negris asked curiously.

Kent said: "That's not true. It's not that God's power is not shown. There are fewer and fewer people who believe in it. Then I lost my job and had to be transferred here. Alas, the Temple of the Undying is not much better. I guess I will soon return to work." going out of work."

The phantom of Negris on the page blushed and faltered, not knowing what to say.

"By the way, God of Knowledge, why did you get mixed up with these lackeys of the Light?" Kent asked puzzled.

"Oh!" The little angel took a step forward angrily, and was about to spread his wings, but Ange picked him up just in time.

Kent looked at Ange in shock, where is the god? To carry the Supreme Holy Spirit like a chick?

"Hehe, I'll tell you who he is later, just now you said that you will soon lose your job again, what's going on?" Negris asked.

"What else could be going on? Of course, the power of the gods is not shown. These years, the god of immortality has not shown a single miracle. It is just some legends passed down by word of mouth. As time goes by, everyone is not very pious, and the undead The torch is getting weaker every year, and the number of people at the torch festival is getting smaller and smaller every year. If this continues, I will lose my job the day the torch of the dead is extinguished." Kent complained.

"Hehe, just right, do you see who he is?" Negris said.

An Ge showed his undead godhead, and the moment his godhead was revealed, the holy fire of the undead rose several feet high at the sacred fire festival venue in the distance.

"No... God of Immortality? Are you the God of Immortality?" Kent was shocked. Although his tone was doubtful, he was certain in his heart, because the moment the godhead was revealed, he seemed to hear the call of the main god.

This is because he has been an undead priest for so many years, and he has developed a keen and clear perception of the belief network.

Why is the immortal god here?

"Aren't you in the God Realm? Why are you here?" Kent asked suspiciously.

Talking about people when you see people, talking nonsense when you see the devil, that set of rhetoric has been discussed long ago.

Negris laughed and said: "The undead god unified the gods and conquered the Church of Light, humans, dwarves, dragons, elves, etc. Now I heard the undead king asking for help, so we are here, look again, this who is it?"

While speaking, he pointed to Fei Ti, and then saw Fei Ti revealing his mourning soul and purple-gold skeleton.

Other things can deceive people, only the soul and bones cannot deceive people.

"Mourning... the Lord of Mourning? Is it Lord Locke?" Kent trembled.

Compared with Ange's God of Immortality, Fei Ti's Soul of Mourning is even scarier. After all, he serves the God of Immortality, and he will not be afraid of his main god, but the Lord of Mourning is really scary.

Fetti said angrily, "Do you know Locke? No, I'm Harvey."

Well, the good student Fei Ti didn't learn anything else, but he did learn the bad habit of using other people's names.

"Oh, I have met Lord Harvey, so you have received His Majesty's request for help, and you have come to help. Are you here to save His Majesty?" Kent asked in surprise and joy.

Negris nodded: "However, we only found out when we came that you guys don't seem to be very loyal to His Majesty the King, and there are quite a few people who engage in petty tricks."

As soon as Negris finished speaking, Kent said angrily: "I knew it, you must be talking about the giant hand Balu, this guy has a reverse spirit, he must be doing tricks, right, take me, I Come with you to teach him a lesson."

Giant hand Baloo? This way of naming is very familiar. Could it be: "The giant hand Balu you mentioned is a lord of mourning?"

Thank you, book friend 20170909073604479, May Stone, for your tip.

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