"Buildings, recovery, skeletons, bones." Ange asked.

Others were stunned for a while, but Negris understood: "You mean, the recovery method of the temple is exactly the same as that of the skeleton. Is it possible that the temple is a body, a body like a skeleton? You This brain hole is too big, how can there be such a powerful soul to..."

Speaking of this, Negris suddenly thought of something, and said in astonishment: "Immortal Godhead?"

If the undead temple is regarded as a body, then the only soul that can drive such a huge body is the undead godhead.

When it said this, Ange had already put the power of the godhead into the sacred fire of the undead. Immediately, the holy flame of the undead was like a magic furnace opened to the maximum firepower, and it jumped two or three times higher.

Anthony was a little confused, what's going on?

But even though he was dumbfounded, his reaction was still very fast, and he immediately trembled: "Woo la la la!!! Immortal and divine!!! God's eyes are on me!! Woo la la la!!!"

That posture, described in professional terms, is madness, but under the reflection of the flame of the undead, which has soared several times, this madness seems particularly reasonable, as if it was Anthony who really attracted the eyes of God, even the two giants The spirit knight also looked at each other hesitantly.

Seeing that the fooling had passed, Anthony looked at Ange's position calmly. There is no need to guess. This kind of large abnormality must have been caused by Ange. Even if others have the heart, they can't do it. big movement.

When he glanced over from the corner of his eyes, he happened to see Ange holding his right hand violently, and Anthony's heart tightened suddenly: Not good. Immediately, he raised his right hand in an exaggerated manner,

The moment he lifted his hand, the ground trembled rumblingly, just like what Anthony had caused by lifting his hand.

Next to the main hall, where the previous recovery has not been affected, countless dilapidated bricks, tiles, wooden beams, sculpture fountains, etc., seem to be grasped by an invisible hand and pieced together one after another.

At the joined place, the black smoke of death spread, and the disconnected place slowly joined together.

In addition to missing a lot of parts, just like the wind of rest can repair the loose bones, but it can't repair the missing hands and feet. If the missing is too severe, the parts that have been pieced together will also be poured out again.

"Oh, where did the top of the garden go? Did someone pick it up and use it as firewood?"

"Who would be willing to burn it? If it is made of wood, it must be picked up and taken home. It would be great to make a coffin or something in a cabinet."

"Oh, why is that statue missing a leg?!"

"Which one? Is it not missing? Oh, you said the one in the middle, silly, is that a statue of a goddess?"

"Oh, it's collapsed. The foundation must have been dug away. They are all high-quality stone bricks."

"What are you running for? Oh, no, no, no, I didn't dig it, I picked it up here, it must have been dug by someone before."

Although there was a lot of damage, it seemed insignificant in the scope of such a large regulation. More people were shocked by this miraculous scene, witnessing a ruin from scratch and standing in front of everyone again.

However, Anthony, who was under the focus of everyone's eyes, did not dare to relax for a moment. He stared desperately at Anger's position from the corner of his eyes, and his eyes almost cramped because he found that the other half of the temple did not move.

After the half of the temple was fully propped up, Ange really held up his left hand again.

Anthony responded immediately, raised his left hand violently, and uttered a huge cry:

"Let thousands of souls witness - the place where the immortal god sleeps - even if endless time passes - the holy fire is still eternal - let thousands of souls cry - the soul is eternal and eternal - the immortal god does not die Immortality - let thousands of souls come..."

As he shouted, the earth rumbled again, and his shout seemed to become the background sound of the revival of the temple, echoing in the wilderness and echoing in the hearts of everyone.

The believers, who were already trembling from the scene, couldn't help following Anthony's voice and shouted in unison.

The movement was too loud, the movement was too loud, the other four giant ghost knights who had already returned the same way came back, not only did they come, but also a bunch of high-ranking undead creatures followed, probably all of them were staying behind the Eye of Death Undead creatures, judging by the number, most of them are probably here.

The two big hairballs immediately noticed that their companion had returned and looked at each other. One of them grunted backwards and rolled out of the ground.

It wasn't until after leaving the crowd that the giant spirit turned into a giant spirit, and walked lightly along the ground to the direction of his companions, and sent a soul message from a distance: Be soft——be quiet—come down——

The four giant spirit knights fell to the ground in a daze, their hands and feet were light and quiet, and the movement became quiet for an instant. Seeing this, the rest of the undead creatures also fell to the ground in a daze.

After the approaching giant ghost knight approached, he made a silent gesture, and then rushed back.

The rest of the people didn't know why, so they had no choice but to keep silent, and followed lightly, just like the audience in the back row of the opera house squinting to go to the toilet.

Jumping and running, the four giant spirit knights in the back also followed their companions. The giant spirit wrapped itself around and turned into a hair ball. In front of the team, five big hair balls were rubbing forward, and the speed was still fast. Very fast, as if the hairball is racing.

Soon everyone quietly merged into the crowd, watched the miracle of restoration of the ruins near the end, and then were dumbfounded.

Most of these high-ranking undead creatures have seen the ruins of the Temple of the Undead. The ruins of the ruins have turned into a magnificent temple at this moment, and the dying flame of the undead is now flourishing like a torch on a lighthouse. What kind of miracle is this? ah?

"Immortal God, Resurrection, Crowd Fanaticism, Awakening of the Saintess..." The two giant ghost knights who came first, repeated what they heard and saw to everyone.

However, the giant ghost knight himself didn't understand what was going on, and the retelling didn't have a context, but he wanted to ask Chu about one thing. These movements were all caused by Kent and his "subordinate" priests and saintesses.

"Oh, Kent? Confused Kent, he did it? That shouldn't be a bad thing."

"Yes, yes, Kent is older than me. Before I lived forever, he was already the chief priest of the temple."

"Awesome, Kent is usually silent, and there is such a big movement when he makes a move. My sleeping children were woken up a lot by fright."

"Oh, have you woken up too? Me too. I fell asleep and felt a huge soul taking shape. I thought His Majesty was back, but I didn't expect it to be Kent."

After confirming that the enemy is not playing tricks, the crisis is naturally resolved. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay: "Then... what should we do now?"

The two hairballs in front turned their heads and said firmly, "Goodbye."

"Oh, bye, shall we go then?"

"You are stupid, I asked you to worship, which means to worship." A bunch of high-ranking undead creatures knelt down and worshiped one after another.

In this way, under the witness of a bunch of high-level undead creatures and thousands of devout believers, the Undead Temple was revived.

Ange and others saw its familiar shape at a glance, and Negris said in shock: "Isn't this the shape of the Palace of Rest? Over there is my brass book tower, and the skull is Locke's palace. Can Bada, if the Undead Godhead can revive the Undead Temple, can it also control the Palace of Rest?"

PS: There was a book that copied the beginning of me before, so just copy it. I have seen many books over the years. Uninformed readers read the copied book first, and then when they see this book, they will say: Why is it so like a certain book.

At this time, there will be a kind of heart block like eating flies.

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