An Ge retreated to the main body at the fastest speed, turned around and walked towards the teleportation array, but he stopped within two steps, wondering in his heart: This is...

The end of Eternal Road has completely changed. It should have been a straight line, but now it has become a 'large area'.

A gigantic snake groaned and dragged a large piece of 'flat ground', crawling along the Eternal Road to the end, and when it reached the position, it pushed the 'flat ground' to the edge of a 'large area'. Several necromancers Casting spells there, the 'flat land' is closely connected with the 'large area'.

It's really hard to describe this kind of scene, because they are flat, like large and small 'stone slabs' floating in the void, with Eternal Road as the apex, these 'stone slabs' are spliced ​​together to form a larger stone slab .

Needless to say, these stone slabs must have been removed from the Eternal Road, including those farm barriers. Now, with the purple gold skeleton as the apex, a large number of farm barriers extend out in a fan-shaped large 'flat land', and those lava condensed into The 'roads' combined into a plain that can't be seen at a glance.

The farm enchantment releases air, making the air density on this plain very high, reaching the level that normal people can breathe, so a large number of ordinary people, elves, dwarves, and other creatures are active on the plain.

But more are all kinds of undead creatures, because they can minimize the consumption of various materials.

Various crops are planted in the farm, and the areas that do not belong to the farm are not idle. They are planted with glowing moss and various moss mushrooms, which are obviously the dungeon planting method invented by Ang.

Some small animals that eat moss are jumping and jumping on it, all of them are fat and strong.

An Ge and his party have been racing on Eternal Road for more than two months. All the animals they saw were skinny and skinny, and even a little fleshy. Now these small animals have grown fat?

If you grow fat, you will naturally be eaten. A few chef-like human beings pick and choose, and grab those particularly fat ones into the cage, muttering: "You are so fat, I eat too much, I will eat you at night .”

This change... is too big, right? An Ge froze in place for a moment.

Someone finally found Ange. In the tent not far from the Zijin skeleton, Lisa got out wearing a mask and was about to stretch, but found Ange who was looking around, and she screamed in surprise: "My lord? My lord! Ahh!! My lord, you are finally back, you are finally back."

Lisa rushed over quickly, grabbed Ange's hand tightly and jumped there, too excited to speak.

Hearing her scream, another witch, the Goddess of Redemption, and Auburn Lie emerged from the tent. Each of them had a silk mask on their face, as white as a hanged zombie.

Ange tilted his head in confusion.

Lisa immediately understood. If Xiao Feilong is the translator who can understand Anger best, then Lisa is the second person who understands Anger. Negris relies on knowledge, and Lisa relies on carefulness.

As soon as An Ge tilted her head, she knew what it meant, and quickly explained: "You haven't come back for a long time, I'm too excited, and I have too many things to report to you. If you are not in a hurry, just listen to me."

Ang's head tilted to the other side.

"No, you must listen. If you have something urgent, I will follow you and talk." Lisa insisted.

An Ge sighed, his shoulders collapsed, and he stood still.

Lisa waved her small fist proudly. Not everyone can make Anger compromise, but Lisa is also reluctant. You are a boss who sees no one every day, and can't even find someone to report to work. If you work too much, who will know her hard work if you don't report it?

"First, because of the teleportation array, we can already determine the coordinates here, so the Eternal Road is useless. I have gathered all the farm enchantments on the Eternal Road here to form a plain of 1,000 square kilometers. It has 60,000 mu of usable arable land."

Ange's back straightened up. This kind of topic was fine, and he was interested.

"For those places that cannot be cultivated, I also arranged to plant various moss mushrooms, and then gave priority to breeding some small animals on the eternal road, and now they can support many creatures."

"Because we removed the enchantment of the farm, those creatures who lived on the enchantment also gathered here, and many of them were very fierce. I beat them up, and now they are very obedient."

"However, there are too many production activities, and the water supply is very tight. I can't solve this problem. Relying on the teleportation array will cost a lot of money, so I can't raise too many creatures here for the time being. Those who eat a lot must either be sent away or slaughtered. .”

"...Okay, the report is over." Lisa dragged Anger to report.

An Ge nodded to show that he understood. He glanced at the teleportation array in the distance, and didn't even bother to walk over it. He pulled and pulled his hands, and a teleportation array formed in his palm, and then slapped it on the ground.

A bright light flashed, and Ange teleported away.

"Uh... don't you have anything to say? My lord, really." Lisa said depressingly.

When he reappeared, Ange had already arrived at the transfer station of the world. The leather ring in his hand lit up, and a light curtain appeared. Ange passed through the light film and returned to the Palace of Rest.

Unlike usual, when he reached out and reached in, Ange came back physically this time.

Flying to the top of the main hall at the first time, Ange stood on the platform and sacrificed his immortality. In an instant, Ange felt the entire resting palace, and countless information poured into his soul.

Sure enough, the Immortal Godhead is the soul that drives the palace. When it returns to its place, the entire Dormition Palace seems to have become Ange's body. He can clearly perceive what is missing, broken, or aging.

Ange focused his attention on the damaged and aged places, and saw that the damaged places grew slowly and were blocked after a short while, and the aged places also peeled off layer by layer, and the sludge smelled The dirt is removed together, and after washing off, the whole area looks brand new.

After renovating the entire resting palace, Ange still felt a little empty, as if something was missing in his 'body'. He sensed it carefully, and suddenly stretched out his 'hand' to grab and pull.

Of course, the whole process was imagined out of thin air. After all, the Dormition Palace has no hands, but following the action he imagined, the right side of the Dormition Palace suddenly rumbled, and then a big gap suddenly opened.

Opposite the gap, there is a dead and silent space, with tombstones and graves as far as the eye can see, countless pale phosphorous fires floating in the air, more than a dozen skeleton zombies sat up in the grave closest to the gap, looking at this side blankly .

In this familiar environment, Ange knew where it was - the sleeping place.

The sleeping place that was once separated and lost in the dimensional space was reconnected with the Palace of Rest at this moment.

However, the undead creatures inside have almost been transferred, leaving only a few sporadic ones.

After carefully sensing around, and not finding any missing parts, Ange left the Palace of Rest and teleported to the Danhai plane.

Plunging headfirst into the light sea plane, Ange found an open place, grabbed the leather ring on his wrist and pulled it hard, pulling out a large light film.

This is another usage of the teleportation light film, and Ange didn't finally know its full usage until the moment he sacrificed his immortality.

As soon as the light film appeared, fresh water immediately poured into the light film under the action of gravity, and poured into the resting palace at the other end of the light film. Once the water entered the Palace of Rest, it seemed to be drawn by an invisible pipe and poured into the sleeping place.

In the Land of Sleep, those scattered undead creatures were being attracted by the newly-appeared rift and gathered from all directions. Before they could step out to explore the Palace of Rest, a stream of water poured in.

The skeleton zombies opened and closed their jaws, cursing and trying to run, but they were swept in by the water before they ran far, and drifted away into the distance.

The entire sleeping place was filled with water. Ange drilled out of the fresh sea, found a piece of sand and released the teleportation array, first teleported to the world transfer station, and then passed through the world transfer station to the end of Eternal Road.

The end of Eternal Road is too far away from the main plane, which is hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Ordinary teleportation arrays can't teleport such a long distance, so they can only jump through the world transfer station.

Coming out of the teleportation array, Ange found an open place and called Lisa over.

Before Lisa could speak, Ange opened the light curtain, and a jet of water sprayed out, all spraying on Lisa's body, making her drenched.

Accompanied by the spray of water, there were several skeleton zombies, holding Lisa and screaming non-stop, and Lisa finally threw them all away with one hand.

Ange tilted his head and asked, "Where is it?"

Thank you book friend 20220815090912504, pamsylemon, for your reward.

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