Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 587 The Lake of Dead Breath

"The wind of rest will blow the earth and kill all vitality and soul. If this skeleton has a soul, it will be eroded by the wind of rest until it is broken. If this skeleton is soulless, the wind of rest will Grant it a new soul flame."

"At that time, all living things will hide in the ground to avoid the damage of the wind of rest, and the whole plane will become a dead place, and not a single grass can grow." Kent described in a dignified tone after the wind of rest was activated. It was a terrible scene, but he actually felt a little disapproving in his heart.

Gust and other undead creatures were also disapproving. They looked at each other and said hesitantly: "Isn't this... a good thing? As long as it doesn't get blown by the wind, it's fine? Then we hide in the hole in the house , wait for the wind to stop before coming out, is that okay?"

"That's right, we sleep when the wind blows, we come out when the wind stops, the world becomes a dead place, my people can wander around the world, no need to guard against those annoying warlocks and humans, quite Okay."

"That's right, I've wanted to do this a long time ago. If it wasn't for your majesty, I would have turned the plane into a dead place and a world of the dead. Those warlocks would have died because they couldn't get supplements. It's their turn to ride on our heads and throw the death eggs all day." Some undead said angrily.

Everyone was chattering and talking, and they seemed to be very dissatisfied with the king's policy.

The undead empire has an advantage on the ground. They can launch a natural disaster of the undead at any time and wipe out all living things on the ground. Without the intelligent creatures on the ground, the Warlock Alliance will become passive water. When the existing Warlocks die, the Warlock Alliance will naturally perish.

It's a pity that the king stopped this practice. Not only did they not allow them to kill living creatures at will, but he also asked them to love each other, live in harmony and friendship with living creatures, and live together on this plane.

If it is another force, the order from above is not satisfactory, and the big deal is to obey the order and disobey it. Even if it is the supreme hope order of the Pope of Light, there are many people who violate it.

However, none of the subjects can violate the king's will, even if they are reluctant, they must obey.

Therefore, it is impossible to see undead creatures slaughtering living creatures at all. Even if such things happen occasionally, they are all done by humans in the end.

Not only can't slaughter, but in times of disaster, they have to provide relief within their ability, just like a group of nannies.

If the Wind of Rest was arranged by His Majesty, doesn't it mean that His Majesty is actually prepared to destroy all living things, and will only launch it when the time is right? If so, that's not a bad thing.

"It's not a good thing," Anthony interjected suddenly.

Gust waved his hand: "Okay, okay, I want to talk about the theory of endless life, right? But endless life has nothing to do with laissez-faire. We can keep living things in captivity, and they can live endlessly. "

"Yes, yes, raise them in captivity, raise those living creatures in several valleys, feed pigs every day, force them to have children, and raise hundreds of thousands. Why do you need to give them half of the plane?" Some undead said.

Anthony waited unhurriedly for everyone to finish speaking, and suddenly asked, "Do you know why His Majesty wants to build a temple of the undead?"

A sudden question stunned everyone.

Ange, Duroken, Fetti little zombie, etc. subconsciously took half a step back to make room. Everyone is basically used to it. When Anthony started throwing violent remarks unexpectedly, it meant that he wanted to Kill the Quartet.

The others did not dare to guess the king's will, and looked at Gust after looking at each other.

Gust hesitated for a while, and tentatively said: "In order to accommodate waste like Kent... idlers?"

Before Kent jumped violently, Fetti held him back, and Anthony was ready to go big, so don't bother him at this time.

"As we all know, the soul network and the belief network are two different systems. Your Majesty has a more practical soul network. Why do you need to establish a belief network? Although the Temple of the Immortal has fallen, the inheritance system has not been cut off over the years. Your Majesty Why do you want to maintain this system?" Anthony asked another question without answering.

Everyone couldn't help but think about it, but it was useless to think about it, because they only knew the soul network, not the belief network, and didn't know the difference between the two. Of course, they couldn't figure out why His Majesty maintained another system.

On the contrary, Kent had a thoughtful expression on his face. As the high priest and owning his own people, Kent understood the difference between the two systems, but today was the first time someone raised this question in front of him.

"Why?" Kent asked subconsciously.

"Because, His Majesty is immortal, but he needs to surpass immortality." Anthony said firmly.

"Beyond Immortality?!" Everyone's soul was shocked. Although they didn't understand, they seemed to be very powerful.

Before everyone thought about it, Anthony continued to ask: "Everyone has seen the Starburst Array established by the Warlock Alliance. Since the Starburst Array was recorded, it has been launched three times, one of which bombarded the ground, and the other two were directed towards Launched in the void, do you know where they bombarded?"

"God Realm, what else could it be?" said a ghost.

"So, how much do you know about this God Realm?" Anthony asked.

"I know a lot, according to the heroes of the gods..." Before he finished speaking, Gust suddenly interrupted the undead, turned to Anthony and said, "What do you mean?"

"All our information about the God Realm comes from a biography of the Heroes of the God Realm. Have you ever thought about what if the information about the Heroes of the God Realm is wrong?" Anthony asked another question.

"Impossible, the Legend of the Heroes of the God Realm is His Majesty..." Someone was about to refute, but suddenly realized that His Majesty never said that the Legend of the God Realm Heroes was written by him. It's not denied.

Without waiting for everyone to ponder, Anthony asked the next question: "Whether it is written by His Majesty or not, it is a fact that the starburst circle bombarded the God Realm twice. Do you know what this means? All the gods on this plane carry I couldn’t stop starburst once, but the gods of the God Realm survived it twice, and even sent the Pope of Light and 30 million expeditionary troops..."

"What? 30 million expeditionary troops? Who did you hear that from?" Some undead shouted in shock.

Anthony looked left and right, and asked hesitantly: "Don't you guys still know about the 30 million expeditionary army?"

Everyone looked at Gust, Gust nodded reluctantly: "What he said is true, God Realm sent 30 million expeditionary troops, and now the forward is entrenched in the Broken Star Mountain Range on the edge of the dead line."

"Ah? Thirty million? Living people?" All the undead creatures were shocked by this huge number.

Ordinary humans train and form a formation. One person can consume more than ten skeleton zombies. To consume 30 million trained humans, the undead empire needs to dispatch 300 million skeleton zombies.

However, the 30 million human beings dispatched cannot be all ordinary human beings. There must be a large number of magicians, swordsmen, archers, priests, magicians and so on.

The high-level undead creatures that the Undead Empire can produce are only three to five thousand. That is to say, if it is true that 30 million is against 300 million, the high-end combat power of the God Realm Expeditionary Army is definitely many times greater than that of the Undead Empire.

Someone said hesitantly: "Since this is the case, shouldn't it be more appropriate to activate the wind of rest? Then the God Realm Expeditionary Army will not be able to survive."

"No, no, no." Anthony said: "The Wind of Rest has been activated, what impact will it have on the God Realm Expeditionary Army? It has no effect at all, the worst is to go back, anyway, the Wind of Rest has helped them eliminate the biggest enemy— —The Warlock Alliance, there is no need for them to do anything."

"So, His Majesty should decide whether to activate the Wind of Rest. What we need to do is to ensure that the Wind of Rest can be activated at any time, rather than making decisions on behalf of His Majesty!" Anthony said sharply.

Boom, what a big hat to buckle down, 'Make decisions for His Majesty'? Gust was stunned: "I didn't, I didn't start the Wind of Rest."

"Then why is the breath of death gushing? The gushing of death breath is the prelude to the wind of rest, because only the wind with a lot of breath of death is called the wind of rest, otherwise it is just an ordinary hurricane." Anthony asked.

" do I know, or, let's go down and have a look?"


"Changbada, is that okay? I thought he was going to throw some violent talk, but I didn't expect that he was going to put a big hat on him and force Gust to take us down. I thought it was a prelude, but it turned out to be a big move. " Negris projected on Anger was amazed.

By throwing out explosive questions one after another, influencing everyone's thinking, and achieving the goal quietly, you think he wants to demonstrate the difference between the two systems, but in fact he just wants to cast a dead eye.

Now that the goal has been achieved, under the leadership of Gust, everyone slowly descended along the hanging wall of the Eye of Death.

The breath of death kept gushing out continuously. Logically speaking, after spraying for so long, the breath of death should have been sprayed out long ago. The volume of the breath of death erupted was far larger than the eye of the breath of death.

At this moment, Ange, who was at the front, suddenly stopped. At the same time, Gust and the others fell into the dark lake one by one, which was composed of the liquid of death.

Thank you vbbbnhhhh, pamsylemon. for your tip.

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