Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 588 The most bizarre way of death for undead creatures

"So the breath of death under the pit is so strong? No wonder you can't finish spraying it for so long." Negris said suddenly, and then was shocked: "So much liquid of death breath? How long has it been stored?"

The Abyss of Rest is a plane with a particularly strong smell of death. Even those normally buried corpses will be spawned and run around the ground, and they have to search everywhere when they go to worship every year.

But if the breath of death in the entire Abyss of Rest can be compressed, can this big hole be filled?

I don't know, no one knows for the time being, because I don't know how deep the big pit is. If it is an ordinary water surface, you can see how deep it is by looking through it with your mind, but the current 'lake water' is the liquid of death breath, it cannot be Thought penetration.

Not only could the liquid of death's breath not be penetrated, but the erupting breath of death would also block the vision, causing the people in front to see clearly, and plunged into the lake.

"Gudong... Gudong... Gudong... Help..." An undead was struggling in the ups and downs of the death breath liquid, struggling to get up, his cry for help was also covered by the breath of death, only the nearby Ange saw him.

Everyone is a little confused, what's going on? Are you an undead who fell into the water and called for help? Did you make a mistake? Can't you just float up?

"Could it be because the bubbles are too dense, so they can't float?" Duroken guessed: "I heard that sand poured with a lot of air will turn into quicksand. It's a simple quicksand technique. Will water do the same? into running water?"

"It may also be that the liquid of death's breath is too dense, blocking his perception, so he doesn't know which direction to float, just like in the knight novels, the dragon knight can easily lose the distinction between the sky and the earth in the air, and he falls to the ground. "Fetti also guessed.

Negris was not happy, and yelled through Anger's soul network: "You slander, the dragon knight can't tell, will his dragon not be able to tell? How could it hit the ground!? You slandered our dragon. And , our giant dragons won’t be ridden, knight novels are scribbled.”

"Yes, yes, I have never seen a half-meter-long dragon being ridden, never seen it, have you seen it?"

"No, no, I've never seen one. Who can ride a half-meter-long dragon with its head and tail removed? It's too inhuman."

Negris almost died of anger. If it wasn't for the fact that it could only be projected on Ange, he would have to jump out and scratch people now.

"Uh, you've said so much, don't you need to save him?" A weak voice said, and when everyone looked back, it turned out to be Celis.

This startled Anthony: "How did you keep up?"

Celis said firmly: "You are going to the place where the immortal god sleeps, of course I want to go together."

"Uh..." Anthony scratched his head: "I mean, how can you keep up? Have you ever learned magical skills? Didn't you learn to dance? can you fly."

Seeing Celis standing in the void and walking as naturally as she could, Anthony couldn't speak well.

It is true that divine arts are easy to learn, easy to practice, and easy to get started. As long as the body is strong and the faith is pious, progress can be made quickly, but progress like Celis is too fast, right? A few days ago, she was still paralyzed on the bed, and she had to be served by someone to eat and drink, but now she can fly?

Celis said excitedly: "It's a gift from my Lord. I feel that the Lord is by my side, and he is with me."

Anthony rolled his eyes, he is with you, he is right in front of you.

Ange, the main god, is too accommodating. He is used to exchanging at equal value. He will give back as much as others donate. It is estimated that this Seris has given a lot.

While they were talking, Fei Ti had pulled up the undead who was almost drowned.

"Thank you, ahem, thank you, I almost drowned." The undead sat down on the ground gratefully, and said with lingering fear.

Fei Ti said angrily: "Little friend, you are already dead, and you will not drown again."

The undead said with a wry smile: "I almost drowned. I was drowned in the first place, so I am very afraid of water. I feel suffocated when I touch the water. If it is ordinary water, I suffocate. I will die, but these stagnant waters are different, it smothered my soul, fortunately you rescued me, otherwise I would really die."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then turned their heads to look at Duroken. Among these people, Duroken should be the one who has the most experience in soaking the Death's Breath Liquid. He had soaked in the Death's Breathing Liquid for a long time.

Duroken spread his hands: "Whoever soaks this thing will bury his face in it."

Fetti and Anthony looked at each other, and jumped into the lake of dead breath with a plop.

Anger felt that they were groping in the lake, and touched several dizzy lich undead. Finally, everyone gathered together and said with lingering fear: "Almost drowned in it, my God, is this stagnant water too dangerous? ?”

"Yeah, yeah, I plunged in too deep. The stagnant water blurred my senses. I couldn't tell the up and down. The deeper and deeper I plunged, I almost died. Thank you, everyone in the temple, thank you so much."

"Thank you so much." Anthony and Fetti received a lot of thanks.

As an undead creature, have you ever thought that one day you will be 'drowned' to death? This may be one of the most bizarre ways to die for an undead creature.

Gust leaned over and said with embarrassment: "What should I do now? I don't know how deep this stagnant water is, and it can still block perception. How do I get down?"

I thought that I would be able to find out the answer to the question by going down to the bottom of the Eye of Death's Breath, but who knew that a lake of stagnant water would make everyone at a loss.

The situation below is unknown. If it is a dead lake, you will not see anything if you dive in, and you may be drowned. If there is any restriction, it will be even more troublesome.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a stone was handed to him.

Gust was stunned, looked at An Ge who handed him the stone, and asked inexplicably, "Give it to me?"

The eyes of Anthony and other people who knew the function of the stone brightened: "Yes, there is vacuolite, let me demonstrate it."

Anthony took the phyllolith, and swiped it at the death-breathing liquid on the water.

Physiothermite is actually produced in the light sea plane. Negris was very surprised at the beginning, how strong the wind must be to form this kind of stone, but later found that it has nothing to do with the wind, it is formed from water, and the density of water is higher than that of wind But it's too big.

I saw the vacuolite passing over the resting liquid, and a large vacuole was immediately stimulated behind it.

Gust understood it at a glance, took it and swiped in the water, and then said: "Maintaining a certain speed in the water can stimulate the cavitation?"

Ange nodded, and took out a pile of vacuolites and sent one to each person. However, many undead creatures did not pick them up, so they didn't want to take risks in stagnant water. What if they drowned?

Physiothermite was very valuable in the past, but after Ange took control of the Danhai plane, this kind of thing is just a kind of stone. You can have as many as you want. Duroken even uses it in buildings to reduce the erosion of wind on buildings. perfectly worked.

As long as the perception is not blocked by the liquid of death breath, the survivability of undead creatures is very strong, and the undead creatures that get the vacuolation stone will disappear if they plunge into the lake.

Ange and his party also took a piece of physotherm and plunged into the lake, and kept swimming towards the bottom of the lake. When they went down, they found that the bottom was not flat, but a sharp cone, which became thinner as they went down. Soon everyone entered the lake. Into a narrow cave.

The cave first slanted downwards, and then turned a big bend and slanted upwards. Finally, everyone felt that they had hit a layer of membrane. After squeezing through this layer of membrane, their eyes suddenly opened up.

There is no liquid of death breath here, and it is replaced by a spacious underground space.

Duroken's expression became serious, and he whispered: "Multi-dimensional stacking, the technology of the Dormition Palace, the space below will not be small."

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