Ange has seen the multi-dimensional stacking technology in the Palace of Rest, and only in the Palace of Rest.

Although the undead temple on the resting plain here can also be driven by the undead deity, it does not use multi-dimensional stacking. It may not be necessary, because the plain has a large area.

But it’s different here underground. The Eye of Rest may be just a big pit two kilometers deep into the ground, but the height of this underground space in front of you is two kilometers high. If you don’t use dimension stacking, this underground space must pass through the ground up.

The underground space is more than 2,000 meters high, but the length and width are endless, and it is unknown how many dimensions are stacked, making it as spacious as an underground world.

There is a 'mountain' at the end of the field of vision, or a protruding rock, anyway, it is the highest point in the entire space, and An Ge saw a purple-gold skeleton sitting on it at a glance.

But there is only a skeleton, there is no soul in it, it is empty.

"It turns out that His Majesty put the bones of Balu the Giant Hand here." said the drowned undead who was rescued by them earlier.

"This is Balu the giant hand? I haven't asked your name yet. I am Ancini, the priest of the Temple of the Immortal." Anthony hurried over to say hello and inquire about news.

"Oh, hello, thank you for saving me just now. I am Kliman, the water magister. Nice to meet you."

"Water magister? Didn't you drown?" Anthony was shocked. How could a water magister drown? Are you kidding me?

Kleinman said with a wry smile: "Because I was drowned, I have a strong obsession with water, so I became a magister after practicing. I was just a farmer and didn't know any magic."

"Oh, so you became a water mage after your death? This is a bit powerful." Anthony was surprised.

If a person does not understand any magic, but can become a magician after death, this is a very remarkable thing. Undead creatures only have an advantage when they practice undead magic, so there are many undead magicians.

However, due to the limitations of undead magic, there is no truth mage in the undead law system. What is the truth of undead magic? Master all souls? That is the job of the undead king, do you want to steal the job of the king? court death.

In other words, there is only one truth in the undead system-the undead king.

As for other legal systems, unless you are a magician of this legal system, it is difficult to cultivate into a profound magician from scratch. Generally, great magicians have reached their peak.

The reason is mainly because the dead have no pressure.

There is enough time, so the undead can learn any law system, such as the great sage, he can learn all the law systems to a high level, but none of them have reached the level of esoteric arts.

Another example is Duroken, he has also learned all the legal systems, but only the earth system and alchemy that he knew before he was alive, and the other legal systems are only hovering at the 'average' level.

Another example is Aubenli, who also knows all kinds of magic systems, and many of them have reached the level of esoteric magic in theory, but the only esoteric magic that can be cast is the undead system.

Why are most of the undead creatures stuck at the level of the great magician after learning other magic systems, unable to comprehend the true meaning?

no pressure.

With interest, you can learn other legal systems, but to master the profound meaning, you need a lot of insights, hard work, experience, and practice. thousandth.

With the population of the Undead Empire, there are at most three or five such people.

Kliman is not the kind of very talented mage, mainly because his obsession is too strong, because he drowned, so he addicted to water magic, and finally became a water magician.

"But it took so much effort to become a water magister, I still get scared when I see water, and I still drown when I fall into the water, because when I touch the water, my soul is blank and I can't think of any spells." Liman said with a wry smile.

Anthony expressed deep sympathy and patted him on the shoulder: "If it was someone else, I would let him permanently solidify a magic circle that repels water elements on his body, but you are a water magician, and if you reject water elements, you will There is no way to cast spells, so I suggest you bring some wind magic jewelry, as soon as it touches the water, it will activate and float you, how about it?"

Kleiman's eyes lit up, and he patted his thigh: "Good idea, as long as I don't get flooded, I won't panic, but wind magic jewelry is not easy to buy, it's too popular, my needs are very special, maybe I need to customize it , it will be very difficult to buy.”

Anthony took out a card: "I know a professional businessman, there is nothing he can't get, tell me my name, I can get a 5% discount, by the way, you said that the purple and gold skeleton is the giant hand Baloo, then Who is it? I haven't heard of it."

After helping the silver coins to get some business, Anthony asked the question that everyone was most concerned about.

Kleiman took the card and responded with understanding: "It's normal to have never heard of it. It has been banned by His Majesty for many years. That guy has a very violent temper and often beats people. Once he killed some of His Majesty's subjects. Your Majesty is locked up."

"Is it just locked up? But I can't feel its soul. Did it die because it was locked up for too long?" Anthony asked curiously.

"No, it's just that His Majesty was afraid that it would escape, so he separated and sealed its soul and body. What's left here is only a purple-gold skeleton." Kleeman explained.

While they were chatting, the people brought down by Gust had already begun to search the underground space, trying to find what Anthony said, the magic circle that inspired the wind of rest, or some kind of device.

But unfortunately, that thing does not exist. If it exists, it is Anger himself. The wind of rest was stirred up by Ang. Even Anthony guessed that His Majesty built an additional wind of rest defense device. Gust and others Man gets nothing.

However, Anthony has already found what he needs, and asked in a low voice: "How is it? Do you want to do it?"

However, there was no response to his words. Ange had already attracted his attention by other things. His eyes fell on some stone pillars in the occasionally exposed area, and he suddenly asked, "That is, the enchantment monument."

Duroken looked up, followed Ange's gaze, found some enchantment monuments, and immediately said: "It turns out that your majesty uses enchantment monuments for dimension stacking? I'm still surprised, if there is no corresponding Dimensional space, it cannot stack multiple dimensions."

Those who were familiar with Ange couldn't help but wryly laughed.

Sure enough, after hearing Ange's next sentence, he asked, "Can I plant it?"

"No! There are so many lands out there that are not enough for you to plant, hurry up and go back to plant them." Negris was angry.

At this moment, two powerful soul screams sounded from a distance, and the faces of those who heard these screams changed greatly: "What a strong soul, stronger than witches and great sages, and almost caught up with Fei Ti is you."

"Yes, and there are two more. What is it? A dwarf?"

"By the way, there are so many resting fluids here. If you throw a few corpses into it and soak them for a long time, for example, for hundreds of years, will they breed some powerful undead creatures?" Negris suddenly thought of a question , asked in the soul network.

Thank you Mingjian Three Swords, pamsylemon, for your reward.

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