Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 808 Knowledge of the Void

The familiar scene reappeared again, the spewing darkness shot out slowly, but small dots appeared one after another in front of Ange. If it was before, it would be holy light missiles or bursting fireballs, but now they are It's a blurry dot.

However, no one dared to look down on these small dots, because it was probably the power that An Ge had just mastered - the dark element.

This familiar power made Iron Belly's face change drastically, and he shouted in shock: "Time-Time-Ben-Source-"

However, at decelerated times, its sound is stretched and sounds indistinct.

God, what's going on? Why is the source of time here? Isn't it dead? Is it the heir?

By the way, there is a yellow booger dragon following, and they really have something to do with the origin of time.

Iron Belly is so upset, why couldn't I think of it just now? It's over, it's over: "Quick - run - ah -"

The iron belly turned around slowly, kicked its hind legs vigorously, and stretched it so long that one could see the bulging tendons underneath through the flesh. Several delicious guys couldn't help but murmur in their hearts: BBQ must be delicious.

Time returned to normal at the moment when Iron Belly kicked to the extreme, and then there was a 'woo' sound, the dark breath of Iron Belly was hit by something, and a series of explosions were released, which canceled each other out and disappeared completely.

The audience was silent, and even the expressionless giant angels were shocked by this scene. The dark breath that could easily destroy a main plane was canceled out by Ange?

At this time, Iron Belly's words "Run!" came to everyone's ears, accompanied by Iron Belly's figure pedaling away at high speed.

Hurrah, all the ancient gods on the side of the iron belly run away. This is a must-have skill for the ancient gods who survived on the chaotic plane. When the wind direction is wrong, they will run away without stopping, because they run slowly. Those are all dead.

There were only ten giant angels left who looked at each other in blank dismay. Like the angels of the holy spirit, they lacked a string in their heads, but they were not stupid. They had high IQs. They immediately shrank in one direction, and they seemed to want to retreat to cover each other.

As mentioned above, if you run slowly, you will die. This kind of giant angel who can't run away, if no one is covering it, it will be extinct long ago.

"Want to run?" The king's body didn't know when he was carrying a sickle, blocking the direction of the giant angel's retreat. He was bluffed by the introduction of the dark breath from Abyss Big Mouth just now, and he lifted the anchor chain. Thinking of Dark Breath being so useless.

Uh, it's not useless, the main reason is that Ange's counterattack is more fierce, time deceleration and dark element stacking, compressing the attack for a period of time into an instant release, it's outrageous.

Are all newborn souls so perverted now? It's so stressful.

The king, who was beginning to feel the pressure, decided to move. He couldn't be too lazy, but before he could cut down all these giant angels, the abyss mouth floated over and shouted: "Wait a minute, wait a moment, I called the source of darkness, Do you want to chat?"

Beside Abyss Big Mouth, a colorless flame of energy rose out of thin air and condensed into a humanoid creature, which was the clone of the dark origin that the king chased and killed before. Didn't it mean that his clone had been chopped off? Is it new?

In fact, on the chaotic plane, at the level of the original body, it is very difficult for each other to destroy each other, because often you can't touch the other party's body, and all you encounter are just clones.

Even if you encounter the main body, like the main body of the abyss mouth and cave worm, who can do anything to them?

Everyone is not surprised by the appearance of the Dark Origin, because it is foolish to want to win a Chaos Origin by relying on Iron Belly, some ancient gods and a few giant angels.

The source of darkness must be hiding somewhere. After the undead lord has used all his hole cards, he will come out and give a fatal blow. The iron belly is equivalent to his tools to lure the enemy.

Unfortunately, because of Ange's sudden appearance, the Undead Master didn't even have a chance to make a move, let alone turn over his cards.

Just as he was about to retreat in frustration, Abyss Big Mouth suddenly approached him and gave him a heart-pounding proposal: "Should we unite with the Law Rebels and destroy the Will of the Void?"

"You are so brave, you dare to take the idea of ​​Lord Void Will! What do you want to do!" Darkness asked insincerely.

Abyss Dazui said angrily, "They are lawbreakers."

It doesn't need to say too much, point out the key, the source of darkness will be understood immediately, and it will be silent.

Abyss Dazui didn't want to give him time to think, and said: "Make a decision quickly, or your giant angel will be finished."

"Listen to you, it's done." The Dark Origin gritted his teeth and said.

Abyss and Big Mouth took a deep look at him. This source of darkness may be due to too much contact with creatures, and the oiliness of many ordinary creatures. At this time, he still emphasizes "listen to you", does he think , Will the Void Will forgive him because he is an 'accomplice'?

Everyone gathered around, and the king couldn't help but seriously looked at this source of darkness. After coming to the surface of chaos, it was this source of darkness that he dealt with the most, but they didn't face each other so closely, not even their clones.

This made the king couldn't help asking: "What did this void will do to make you so eager to kill him when you heard that there was a chance to kill him?"

Theoretically, Abyss Big Mouth, Cave Worm, and Dark Origin are all subordinates of Void Will. Cave Worm only knows how to eat, so it is usually ordered to open a wormhole at most. For it, Void Will may not be as powerful as ancient dragon. easy to use.

However, Abyss Big Mouth and Dark Origin have been working for the will of the void. Abyss Big Mouth sent his clone, the army of chaotic holy spirits, and the ancient god hunter team to hunt down the rebels. captive.

Now that Spark Creation saw it, it didn't even come over to say hello.

And the origin of darkness has been targeting the undead ruler, and has sent people to harass it non-stop before, and many people were killed and suffered heavy losses.

Now, with the help of the chaotic tide, he has summoned all his subordinates. It can be said that he has sacrificed his family and wealth, and devoted himself to doing his best. Wherever he puts it, he looks like a loyal dog.

But as soon as he heard that there was a chance to destroy the Will of the Void, he immediately fell for it. It was hard not to make people doubt its true purpose, wouldn't it be to be an undercover agent?

Abyss Big Mouth and Darkness Origin looked at each other, Darkness Origin was a little surprised, but Abyss Big Mouth was thoughtful:

"Actually, I discovered from the very beginning that you don't understand many mysteries of the void at all. I told you about the relationship between the will of the void and the eternal divine light. But you have the inheritance of the origin of time. Could it be that the origin of time has no Have I told you the basics of the void?"

Knowledge? Negris' eyes lit up, and the instinct of the God of Knowledge began to burn.

Thank you OLDBUDDY, rossby, and Hitoria Yemian for your tip.

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