Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 809 Too complicated, let Anthony do it

Seeing the rebels gathered around, looking curious about the baby, Abyss Dazui knew that these people really didn't know the basics of void.

"It seems that if I don't tell you clearly, I won't be able to gain your trust. In fact, as long as you understand the basic knowledge of void, you will know that any origin will want to kill other origins, because this involves the three laws of void." Abyss said with a big mouth.

"Consciousness cannot be created, cannot be plundered, and cannot be destroyed." The source of darkness answered at the right time.

The king scratched his head in embarrassment: "But I plundered a lot."

The source of darkness and the big mouth of the abyss suddenly became angry: "You don't count, you are lawbreakers."

Abyss cursed a few words indistinctly with his big mouth, and vaguely heard something like 'damn', 'show off', and 'shameless', but he didn't know who he was scolding.

After the breath calmed down a bit, Shen Yuan Dazui said: "According to the three laws of the void, the most valuable thing in the void is consciousness. It cannot be destroyed or created. All life in the void must rely on consciousness. To have consciousness is to own the entire void."

But Anthony asked: "When a person dies, isn't consciousness equal to destruction?"

This question has been explained by Abyss Big Mouth before, but Anthony still asked it repeatedly. This is a questioning technique.

"That is the understanding of your planar creatures. Death is just that the memory has been cleared, and the consciousness has not been destroyed, but has returned to the embrace of the ancient divine light." The source of darkness said a little excitedly.

Anthony glanced at it calmly and said nothing.

On the contrary, the king couldn't help asking: "Do you mean that the ancient divine light is a collection of all the wills of the void? All the destroyed consciousness of the void returns to the ancient divine light? Why is this routine somewhat familiar?"

Abyss Dazui nodded: "Yes, only the ancient divine light can create and destroy consciousness, and it is also the ultimate destination of all consciousness."

"It's so powerful, why did it explode?" the king said disapprovingly.

At the same time, I also remembered why I felt familiar. Isn't this the way of the Guangming Church? What is returning to the embrace of the gods is a routine with this kind of rhetoric.

"Because the ancient Shenguang had its own consciousness, it couldn't maintain the balance of the consciousness aggregate, so it exploded." Abyss Dazui spread his hands.

The king crossed his arms, looked at me and I looked at you with everyone, and finally squeezed out a sentence: "This way of dying... well, it's creative."

"It probably means that the ancient divine light was originally a very pure consciousness collection, but when it gave birth to its own consciousness, it became impure, so it exploded. Isn't this the same as Loroka? The whole Shouting 'I'm not pure, I'm not pure', if it's not pure, wouldn't it be fried too?" Negris said.

"Ah? Is it so serious? Tom is also the same pure water elf. We used to scare him with the urine of Lightning. It won't explode after being poured with urine, right?"

"You guys are so cruel, don't take Lightning's next time, take Dorok's, it urinates a lot and is still yellow."

Unsurprisingly, he went astray as he spoke.

Anthony quickly brought the topic back, and said: "After the ancient divine light exploded, the void was covered with chaotic fog. According to your opinion, these chaotic fog are fragments of consciousness?"

"Yes, the fragments of consciousness, they don't increase or decrease, they can't be created, and they can't be destroyed. The ancient gods conceived from the mist, because of the existence of group will, will be biased towards specific creatures that have already existed in reality." Abyss said with a big mouth.

People on Anger's side with a theological background nodded their heads to express their understanding. Whether it is the gods of light or the gods of dwarves, they are all in human form without exception.

But in fact, it doesn't matter if God is not in human form, but when the believers are mainly humanoid creatures, they will not be shaped into other shapes by the will of the group.

"Well, the situation is like this. This is the basic knowledge of the void. Our chaotic plane or plane, apart from matter, is consciousness. All life must rely on consciousness. Without consciousness, then it is a Dead things, aside from all factors, on the chaotic plane, the highest level of struggle is to fight for consciousness." Abyss Dazui concluded.

Everyone nodded thoughtfully, and Anthony said carefully: "That is to say, the will of the void has been vying for consciousness, and you are actually vying for consciousness. If you can eliminate the will of the void, then you can get There will be more consciousness, if you have the opportunity, you are the first ones who want to kill the will of the void?"

This is like resource competition. There are only so many resources in the void. If one party has more, the other party will have less. The less party must want to kill the more party, which is very reasonable.

Abyss Dazui shook his head: "It's not that simple, we don't dare to compete with the will of the void, we can only cooperate with him to collect all the fragments of consciousness, because if he wants to become a new ancient divine light, he must obtain the absolute power of the ancient divine light." Most of the power, it does not allow others to divide his power."

"Eating alone? No wonder you want him to die." Yin Coin, who had been listening and not speaking, couldn't help but interjected at this moment. As a profiteer, he hated this kind of eating alone the most.

The source of darkness also said bitterly: "He also wants to destroy all ancient gods, all life, and squeeze out all consciousness."

Abyss Dazui said: "In the past, there were not so many ancient gods on the chaotic surface. Apart from us, there are only iron-scale scavengers, honey elves, and the like, all of which grow by relying on tree gods."

Hearing this, the king couldn't help but interrupted: "No, I have plundered the memories of many ancient gods. They all have the memories of the ancient gods before they exploded, and there are quite a lot of them."

Abyss asked with a big mouth: "Then have you discovered that the memories of these guys are actually similar?"

"You mean their memories are artificial?" Anthony asked.

"Yes, it was created by the tree god. The tree god bred a large number of ancient gods in batches, and burned himself, letting his life mix into all the fragments of consciousness. The will of the void can't directly absorb them, otherwise our void will , A new ancient divine light was born long ago, a more powerful ancient divine light that swallowed all the fragments of consciousness."

"Wow!" Someone exclaimed, obviously surprised by the heroism and generosity of the Myriad Realms Sacred Tree.

"It turns out that the purpose of burning life in the Ten Thousand Realms Sacred Tree is for this? I wonder why burning life can prevent the collapse of the void, so that it can prevent the collapse of the void? Doesn't it mean that the collapse of the void is caused by the will of the void? Wouldn't killing it also stop the void from collapsing?" asked the king.

Abyss Big Mouth and Dark Origin both shook their heads and smiled wryly: "The situation is more complicated now. The will of the void is now the main factor to maintain the stability of the void. He has found his place in the limited balance and has become a new stabilizer. , before killing it, it needs to be replaced as the new stabilizer."

"I understand." Duroken gave an example: "When renovating the magic circle, if you remove an old magic pattern, you must engrave a new magic pattern first, otherwise the magic circle will collapse."

"Oh~" Everyone was stunned. All in all, the current void has formed a fragile balance, and the will of the void has become a part of this balance.

Its growth will cause the void to collapse, but its disappearance will also cause the void to collapse, so it cannot be simply destroyed, it needs to be replaced first, and then destroyed.

Hearing this, Ange couldn't help scratching his head. The plan was too complicated, so Anthony had to come.

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