Ange stretched out his spiritual touch and poked the body of the dark origin.

"Is this disconnected?" Negris was surprised.

It is too familiar with this change, and it often drops out. When the isolation barrier exceeds the power of projection, its projection will fail, causing this feeling of being dropped.

Ange nodded, but immediately shook his head again, stretched out his hand to grab it, and immediately a ball of chaotic mist gushed out of his palm, and quickly condensed in his palm, accumulating more and more, and finally burning up.

"Hiss—consciousness can't create it."

"Hiss—the Ghost of the Fog City? Listen to me say a name, and you will learn it?"

"Hiss - Shambada -"

There was a series of gasping voices, and someone even cursed uncontrollably.

This is obviously the soul conceived on the basis of the fog of chaos. Abyss Dazui doesn't know if this counts as creating consciousness.

Ange stuffed the chaotic soul fire into the body of the dark origin, and sang softly at the same time:

Immortal Spirit--

and the Immortal Soul—

Across the river of the past—

The king was shocked: "The undead movement!? No, the witch's singing has no such effect."

Because as Ange sang, two banshees emerged and wailed around the body of the dark origin, like harmony.

Now it was Anthony's turn to gasp: "God illusion?"

Negris was taken aback for a moment: "Isn't this Dolei Domi? What kind of phantom of the gods? Isn't the phantom of the gods made up by your church? Are you using illusion to deceive people?"

Anthony nodded: "The church is a lie. The divine body descends, the sky presents a vision, the road of light, the Holy Spirit leads, as long as the divine power is released, there will be a phantom of the gods. It's all made up."

"But this is not, this is not Dolai Domi, but an illusion manifested by the supernatural power of adults, but it is not illusory. They are offensive, and the definition is the same as the illusion of gods."

Negris was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "Does that mean that the illusion of the gods is not made up, but the gods of light do not have the ability to manifest illusions, so it sounds like it is made up?"

Anthony nodded: "It's possible, maybe the dragon god or the god of life has manifested, so they left a record and were compiled into the holy scriptures by the Church of Light."

Negris said with relief: "This damn child is promising, and there are visions when he moves his hands.

After finishing speaking, I felt something was wrong, and said in a low voice: "The origin of darkness is just disconnected, so it's not good to toss his body like this? What if he projects over and gets angry?"

Anthony shook his head: "Your Excellency will not mess around, you may find something, and if you are angry, you will be angry. It is his honor to torment him."

Negris blinked, feeling strange in his heart, why did this line sound so familiar, a bit like those dog legs in knight novels saying, "The count is worthy of playing with you".

At this moment, the source of darkness suddenly turned over and sat up, with a terrified expression on his face.

Negris covered his eyes, and sure enough, the projection came over. This is troublesome. He won't be angry when he finds that Ange is tossing his body.

However, King Wang and Abyss Dazui found something was wrong. The source of darkness did not seem to be projected, because his aura was much weaker.

The terrified Dark Origin blinked, looked around, seemed to have remembered something, and slowly stood up, but at this stop, he discovered his abnormality, raised his hands to look, and asked suspiciously. To: "What did you do to me?"

Abyss opened his mouth wide, and before he could speak, Anthony rushed ahead of him and asked, "We still want to ask you what happened, why you fainted suddenly, the adults thought you were dead, and are trying to rescue you."

"Dizzy...fainted?" Dark Origin froze for a moment, seemed to remember something, and showed a frightened expression again: "I...I might be dead."

Except for Ange, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay: "Aren't you fine now? How did you die?"

The source of darkness was also very confused about this, and said hesitantly: "I feel that there is an endless light bursting in my body, and then my eyes go black, and now I... I can't feel my body anymore. .”

Negris was even more puzzled: "You can't feel your own body, so how can you talk to us now? Does your clone have an independent soul? Even if it has an independent soul, it won't have an independent memory."

"Yeah, I think so too, did you guys do something to me?" Dark Origin said with a confused face.

Anthony slapped his thigh fiercely, and shouted in a gaffe: "I know, I know, Holy Shroud."

Negris also reacted instantly: "The Lich Phalanx! You are really dead!"

When the king heard this, he looked at the surrounding tents and nodded suddenly.

Seeing that the mouth of the abyss and the source of darkness looked very puzzled, Anthony explained: "This holy shroud has a special ability - to lock the consciousness, and the lich among the undead creatures can pass through the phylactery. Preserve the soul and memory, when the main body dies, the phylactery will be reborn automatically."

"Now, your main body died for unknown reasons, but at this time you happened to be in the holy shroud, and your consciousness was locked, which is equivalent to a reverse phylactery. You recreated a soul to carry your consciousness, and you were reborn."

The source of darkness looked left and right, and finally fell into deep thought.

Abyss Dazui leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Is the shroud so powerful? How much is it? Sell it to me, as you promised before."

"Do you want to buy it? Go out and look for silver coins later. He is in charge of business. He is kind-hearted and won't cheat you." Anthony whispered.

"That's great, I like kind creatures most." Abyss' big mouth twitched, if he hadn't been tricked by goblins in the market, he might have believed it.

After thinking for a long time, the source of darkness raised his head and sighed: "It seems that I am really dead, I got rid of the memory of the 'light' bursting, it seems that the will of the void has already shot at me, he detonated me .”

The king said suspiciously: "You are also one of the origins of the void, is it so easy to kill? Don't you need to fight hundreds of rounds? If the origin of the void can kill you easily, then I have to re-evaluate his strength , is it too late to run now?"

Abyss Dazui interjected and replied: "It's normal, the dark body has been sealed by the will of the void, it's easy to kill, but it's all right, what did he kill you for?"

The source of darkness said in frustration: "What else can I do? Of course it is to reproduce the ancient divine light. From the moment he sealed me, I knew what he wanted to do, but I didn't expect it to come so suddenly."

"At first, you said that there was a chance to eliminate him, and I thought there was hope. I didn't expect him to detonate my body at this time."

It was really a sad thing, like a castrati who was finally reborn as a strip of meat, only to find that he was actually impotent. Negris understood this feeling very well, and stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder sympathetically.

The source of darkness gritted his teeth fiercely, and said: "I was already prepared. He detonated me suddenly like this, maybe it was to prevent me from causing harm to him, but he would never have thought that I would be reborn in this way."

"Everyone, this may be the best chance to destroy him. He detonated my main body, trying to reproduce the ancient divine light, and at the same time will fall into the most defenseless state. You send me back to the main body, as long as I get close to a certain distance , I have a way to detonate the imprint I left on my body, destroying my body and the will of the void together."

"Damn it, you dare to kill me, and I can't make him feel better even if I die!" Dark Origin muttered bitterly.

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