Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 813: Something Attracts It

In the dimensional space, a hand bone flew around, turning the gravel and mixing it with the velvet.

Gravel is easy to compact, has poor water permeability, and poor agglomeration ability, so it is very unsuitable for planting, but these are minor problems, and it will be fine to improve them.

Ange had at least a hundred ways to improve the soil, and he chose the most convenient ones. First, he planted a batch of velvet, then a batch of tender hemp, and finally a batch of sweet potatoes, and introduced a pair of field worms.

The fertilizer field worms can be used to fertilize the fields as soon as they hear it. They are worms specially bred by the worm god Hemel.

What is pulled out is not poop, but just like the black mist released by Hemel, which can improve the properties of the soil after drying up.

Because they don't use divine power, they just rely on eating to fertilize the fields, which is not very efficient.

But also because of this, their adaptability is very good, they don’t need the dedication of believers, they can fertilize the field if there is something to eat, it doesn’t matter if there is no food, they will shrink into a ball and sleep, sleeping for dozens or hundreds of years is not a problem.

And it can eat any kind of garbage, and it is a good hand at dealing with platycodon, rice husk, weeds and rotten leaves.

With these two bugs here, the things grown by the small bones can be processed with maximum efficiency, and the useless parts can be returned to the land to increase the fertility of the soil.

If the organic matter planted in the future is too much to eat and rot, the fertilizer field bugs that eat the rotten matter will start to multiply until the rate of decay is slower than their gnawing speed.

"With such a simple mechanism, 'eating rot' can control their number and achieve ecological balance. It's that simple?" Negris said dumbfounded after listening to the introduction.

Ange made a 'yes' gesture with his hand bones.

"Good guy, but are you really not going with them? What if they can't defeat the will of the void?" Negris asked.

As soon as he heard that there was a chance to kill the will of the void, the king rushed to go without saying a word: "I will go, I will go, you anchor the position."

If it was before, An Ge would definitely not be willing, but now that there are new things to play, he had no choice but to "reluctantly" agree.

Before leaving, the king stuffed him with a big ball of 'things':

"These are the consciousnesses that I killed those ancient gods to plunder. If consciousness is really as important as Dazui said, then these consciousnesses should be very valuable. You should study it."

Ange nodded, and stuffed it into the brass book.

"That's right, Naig can seal these things. If I knew it, I'd give it to you. It will continue to dissipate in my place. So what do those guys mean by 'indestructible'? After dissipating, they will return to the void?" King Wang Muttering, he ran away with Abyss Big Mouth and Dark Ben Yuan.


Ange's hand bones were briskly mixed with gravel, very rhythmic. From this aspect alone, it can be seen that he is in a good mood, but what he said made Negris jump up angrily: "I, anchor."

"You are anchoring fart, you threw the immortal god there to anchor, in order to plant your land, you can find any excuse, right?"

Seeing that Negris was angry, Ange quickly changed the phrase: "Mist, close, manifest."

Ange's hand bones flew back and forth immediately, pouring a pile of sand on the ground.

Negris let out an annoyed air, gathering the mist was barely a matter of business, but Ange's way of collecting the mist was to find a place to squat, and then cast the abyss secret.

His mind is not on collecting the fog. The only improvement is that he let the little zombies watch outside, and he also manifested a group of ghosts in the fog to watch, so he won't be unable to hear how he shouted like the first time.

Anthony ran back from the desert with his clothes in his arms, and said in shock: "This space is so huge, with a radius of at least 300 kilometers, much larger than the Palace of Rest."

"Pfft... 300 kilometers? Radius? Doesn't the diameter have to be 600 kilometers? It's bigger than Falling Dragon Lake?" Negris was also shocked.

"Yeah, it's unbelievable." Anthony has truly experienced the power of the original ancient god. When the cave worm squeezes, it squeezes out a huge space with a diameter of 600 kilometers. , how much space do you have to squeeze out?

"Space channel, a space channel that can accommodate countless planes, no wonder His Majesty keeps saying that the chaotic plane is not what we see, there must be such independent or semi-independent dimensional worlds everywhere, like a sponge full of holes Same." Negris said absently.

Anthony admired: "Sponge, yes, it's like a sponge, it's really an appropriate description, there are holes everywhere, and there is a worm gnawing there, the more it gnaws, the more it rots."

Just as it is difficult for summer insects to understand what ice and snow are, it is also difficult for planar creatures like Negris and Anthony to understand what the chaotic plane is. What he sees in his eyes is the same as what Ange saw. Different.

In the same void, they could only see a pitch-black void, but Ange could see depressions, protrusions, hollows, distortions, and vortices. Their perceptions of the void were completely different.

Now being compared by Negris, Anthony's mind immediately appeared riddled with sponges. If those sponges were removed and replaced with the Myriad Worlds God Tree, wouldn't it be the true face of Chaos?

"It's so complicated. No wonder everyone says that the ancient god is hard to kill. You don't even know which dimension his body exists in. How can you kill him?" Negris sighed.

Anthony looked up at Anger who was pinching the ball, and nodded sympathetically.

Is Ange's hand the real body? It is the body, but can destroying this hand kill Ange? cannot.

"From this point of view, the moment when the Will of the Void reappears the ancient divine light may really be the only chance to destroy him. I hope His Majesty can succeed." Anthony sighed.

At this moment, the hand bone flying in the air suddenly fell down, grabbed Anthony and pulled it out.

Negris hesitated for a few seconds before realizing what happened, and quickly projected it into the outside body.

What caught everyone's eyes was a large void of nothingness, because Ange used the abyss secret to suck up all the nearby chaotic fog.

This may be the first time since the explosion of the ancient divine light, someone has used the deep meaning of the abyss in the depths of the chaotic plane. Abyss Dazui himself only dared to circle leftovers on the periphery, and never dared to mess around in the depths of the chaotic plane.

So this void is probably the first time it has become so empty since the ancient divine light, revealing a huge coffin.

"Farmerbis? When did he run out?" Anthony asked in surprise.

"It's not Farmerbis. Its imprint is wrong. Didn't Farmerbis say that there are three steles in the void, and besides it, there is one in Dark Origin. Is this the third one?" Negris said.

"Do you know what mark this is?" Anthony asked.

Negris shook his head: "I don't know, but it should be the law of the void, but I don't know which one it is."

Ange suddenly said, "Immortal."

"Oh, the indestructible mark of consciousness, why is it here?" Negris understood it, and asked suspiciously.

Anthony guessed: "It may be lost. The area of ​​​​the Chaos Surface is so large that it is shrouded in fog all year round. Even if it is the origin of the void, it is impossible to search every place. Except for Famobis, the other two voids The law stele is unconscious, so it fell here."

Indeed, the scope of the chaotic plane is too large. Under the shroud of mist, even the original ancient gods, their field of vision will not be too large, just like walking in a dark forest, unless they are lucky and directly bump into it, Otherwise, it would be difficult to find the Stele of the Law of the Void.

"You're lucky." Negris was used to it, and casually complained.

At this moment, the small sapling on Ange's shoulder suddenly popped up, waving its true leaves and pointing at the Void Monument, sending out a warm message: Ya———

The little sapling has been very quiet recently. It seems that it is in a certain stage of evolution, so it has not appeared for a long time. I didn't expect it to suddenly appear now. Is there something on the monument of the law of the void that attracts it?

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