Some herbs and small bones on the cliffs of the desert don't even need to use magic. They can easily climb up with hands and feet, and easily earn a commission for a soul crystal.

"Master Skeleton, you are really amazing. When my sister recovers, I will ask her to introduce more tasks to you. My sister is amazing. She is a pharmacist and knows many mercenaries." The little boy said proudly.

I don’t know if the little boy’s sister introduced tasks to Xiaogu, but there are still people who hire Xiaogu. From time to time, people come to invite Xiaogu to house beams, move things, and dive for things.

It's just that soul crystals are still relatively expensive, and only those things that ordinary manpower can't handle, people would think of hiring Xiaogu, but soon everyone encountered the liquidity crisis of soul crystals.

Because there were no undead creatures in Shaxi Town before, soul crystals were basically not used by anyone. Only the old captain held a few of them, the pharmacist Elora had a few, and the townspeople had some in bits and pieces. , it's gone when it's used up.

I don't know if the old captain's first order has a demonstration effect. The commission for hiring Xiaogu starts with a soul crystal, and the equivalent magic crystal is never used, because the skeleton can't absorb the magic crystal.

A few days later, the old captain came to find Xiaogu apologetically: "Little skull, I sent a message to the pier to ask, but no one reported the loss of the skeleton. I have already left a message saying that I have taken in a skeleton. Who can tell me?" Report your appearance characteristics, and I will take you up."

Xiaogu looked blankly at the old captain Marcus.

Marcus was used to it, patted it on the shoulder, and walked away.

Xiaogu tilted his head, and continued to lower his head to fiddle with his things and divide the plants.

Although Shaxi Town is a small town on the edge of the desert, it is still very rich in species. Xiaogu found several low plants that are very suitable for desert cultivation.

The temperature in the desert is high during the day, the evaporation is large, and the wind is strong and cold at night. It is suitable for plants with well-developed root system, short plants and thick leaves.

The crop called seabuckthorn by the locals is very suitable. If there was such a crop in the Forbidden Land of the Gods, it might not take so long to fill the desert.

After a period of research, Xiaogu discovered that seabuckthorn can be propagated by cuttings.

Find a mature seabuckthorn tree, cut off two-year-old branches as thick as your fingers, bundle them into a handful, soak them in a pot for a day, and then bury them in moist sand. After seven days, the roots will grow out, and you can divide them.

After flipping through the operation, Xiaogu got hundreds of small seabuckthorn saplings.

After night fell, it was the most suitable time for transplanting, and Xiaogu carried a large bundle of saplings to the cliffs where the medicine was collected last time.

It is far away from the town, and the Shaxi River cuts and scours, forming a river beach with soft and moist sandy soil, which is suitable for planting seabuckthorn.

After spending several hours planting all the seabuckthorn saplings, Xiaogu walked back slowly.

Because of the habit developed over the years, the small bones are made at sunrise and rested at sunset. The sun has the breath of a king, and it can make its bones stronger when it shines on the body, so its current bones are far stronger than the soul.

Today was one of the rare nights for it to wander outside, and then it discovered some strange places. There was something comfortable in the wind, which was not found in the Forbidden Land of the Gods.

Breath of death? A familiar yet unfamiliar term appeared in Xiaogu's soul. It turned out that this was the breath of death. No wonder there is no forbidden place of the gods. The only living things there are some small animals and insects. The soul level of these creatures is too low to brew out. The breath of death.

Xiaogu took a deep breath with his soul, and the breath of death gathered towards it.

Just like this, while 'breathing', Xiaogu slowly returned to the warehouse. From a distance, he saw that someone was already waiting in the warehouse. When he got closer, he saw that it was a woman.

The woman saw Xiaogu, and hurriedly saluted and said hello: "Hi, pharmacist Elora, come to visit and ask to see Your Excellency the Death Summoner."

Pharmacist Elora? Xiaogu thought of the little boy who asked him to help gather medicine with a soul crystal. Elora is the little boy's sister, and she seems to have recovered at the moment, but what does the death summoner mean? Xiaogu tilted his head in confusion.

"Your Excellency Summoner, can we come out to meet? Elora has something to discuss." Elora raised her voice, and with the volume of her voice, it was obvious that she was not speaking for Xiaogu in front of her.

She dared to think that Xiaogu was summoned, and there was a death summoner behind him.

It's a pity that she shouted for a long time, but no death summoner came out to respond to her, and Xiaogu also looked at her inexplicably.

There was no other way, Elora had no choice but to turn her target to Xiaogu, and asked: "Little Kulou, can you take me to your master? You just went out to find him, right? I have something to discuss with him."

Xiaogu shook his head, does "master" mean king? It also wants to look for it, but it doesn't know where Wang is.

"Ah? Can't you? I have no other intentions. I just want to discuss something with Your Excellency the Summoner." Elora said.

Xiaogu still shook his head.

Elora gave up in disappointment, and asked instead: "The little skull, can I hire you?"

Xiaogu tilted his head.

"I want to refine the dragon potion, and I need some dragon tissues. I know where they can be found. You can go and get them back with me, and I can give you half of them." Elora said.

Xiaogu shook his head and said, "I don't want to fight dragons."

Elora cheered up: "Your Excellency Summoner? Don't fight dragons? Are you saying that you don't attack dragons? Of course, I went crazy to attack dragons. I know where there are dragon bones. The place where it was buried was buried by a group of people. The cavemen occupy it, and I was injured because of these cavemen, as long as Your Excellency Summoner cooperates with me to drive away these cavemen, half of the dragon's bones will be shared with you."

Xiaogu nodded, it felt that the other party seemed to have misunderstood something, but there was no need to fight the dragon, so let's go, the king said that you can't fight the 'dragon'.

No wonder Elora misunderstood it. Ordinary villagers did not know how shocking it is for a gray bone skeleton to move independently. Without the drive of a summoner, the gray bone skeleton can only move by instinct. How could it be competent for moving things? Tasks like house beams.

Now that Xiaogu is talking, she only thinks that the summoner is controlling it, not that it is Xiaogu who is talking. A gray skeleton talking by itself is more terrifying than autonomous activities.

On the way to the troglodytes' lair, Elora repeatedly warned: "The cave where the troglodytes occupy is narrow on the outside and deep on the inside. I will first release the potion that makes their hands and feet weak, but it takes time for the potion to make their hands and feet weak. Yours The task is to stop them in the hole before the potion takes effect, can it be done?"

Arriving outside the troglodyte's lair, Elora held a handful of hay sprinkled with potion, and asked again: "These troglodytes are the strongest race among troglodytes—the god-hair troglodytes, and each of them has hair growing on the top of their heads. They have a bunch of yellow hairs, which are extremely hard, so don’t attack them on the top of their heads, can they be blocked? If not, we still have time...uh."

Before Elora finished speaking, a caveman came out of the lair by chance. Just as he got out, he was hit on the head with a small bone stick. The so-called extremely hard hair had no effect at all. Flip, fainted.

"This..." Elora didn't know what to say, so she quickly lit the hay in her hand and threw it into the nest. The cavemen inside were immediately smoked and ran out, and they were clubbed by Xiaogu one by one at the entrance of the cave. Knocked out.

"I... have I been deceived? What do you say that the forehead is the hardest when the god hair comes?" Elora was shocked by the change of things.

Last time, she was chased by several Shenmao cavemen carrying sticks for more than ten miles, and she was beaten a few times, and she was seriously injured. How did it go so smoothly this time?

Entering the cave, Elora quickly found a huge skeleton buried deep in the cave, but the skeleton was buried a little deep, and only part of it was exposed.

"It's buried too deep, Your Excellency Summoner, is there any way you can dig out the skeleton?" Elora asked.

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