In the red giant ball, a protracted war has lasted for twenty years. Because of the eternal chaos, here, powerful individuals cannot support the form, so they can only shrink in the "king's protection circle" and put it far away. Various attacks.

The little angel is the most aggrieved, with her mouth pouted, carrying her archangel's staff, and adjusting the power of the holy light to the lowest level, leaving it on every now and then. As for her back being naked, The wings of the Archangel had been torn off by Ange, fearing that she would be knocked out and rush out of the protective circle.

In the eternal chaos outside the protection circle, no matter how powerful an individual is, it will be melted forever.

Angle built a protective circle with a time rate of 1,800 times to protect everyone. Within this range, treants, holy spirits, and undead were constantly born, forming a circle of defense lines. Under the leadership of the little zombies, , fighting fiercely with the red giants that kept pouring in from outside the circle.

People kept falling, and people were born. The war lasted for twenty years, and the ancient gods were puzzled: why is he still alive?

The king heard that Ange was using time extension to create a new world, and immediately concluded that the ancient god light was dead, but the problem was that the ancient god light didn't know it. He thought that in the eternal chaos, the ancient dragon of time was just a lamb to be slaughtered, because There is no 'time' in eternal chaos.

However, twenty years have passed, and Ange has nothing to do. The protection circle is full of life, and new tree people, holy spirits, and undead are constantly being thrown into the defense line.

On the contrary, the red giant ball is constantly shrinking. If it continues like this, it is very likely that Eternal Divine Light will be consumed in the end.

"It seems that the most impossible thing has happened. He is rebuilding the 'order', making the chaos orderly, which is the only way to solve the eternal chaos, but rebuilding the 'order' requires...the power of creation...the power of creation Light? Chambada!" Eternal Divine Light couldn't help cursing a curse word he had heard from Xiao Fat Dragon, although it didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, it just wanted to vent its emotions.

If it hadn't been stalemate until now, Eternal Divine Light would never think that someone could use the power of creation to solve its eternal chaos. It is easy to destroy the world, but to create a new world...

"You are rebuilding the sequence, so I'll destroy your sequence, why not? Where are you rebuilding the 'sequence'?" The idea of ​​the ancient divine light flickered, and his eyes kept crossing time, space, dimension, several Months later, it finally cheered up: "I found it."


In fact, as soon as Xiaogu entered the cave, he found the skeleton in the cave, because there was a soul in the skeleton, and the weak soul was bound in the skeleton, because it was buried too deep and couldn't get up, so it could only stay inside'Ow Aww' howled.

This is actually the situation that many undead creatures face when they are first born. Those in the wild or in mass graves are fine, but they get up immediately after reincarnation. Scratch the wall.

It's like Lisa's forty-sixth generation descendant, Grand Duke Meisa. If Ange hadn't rescued her, she would have been locked up in the tomb for decades, or even forever, because of the guy who robbed her of the position of Grand Duke , will not necessarily be buried there again in the future.

It's just that many undead creatures don't have self-awareness. It's fine if they can't get up, and they don't have any emotions, but those souls with self-awareness will be miserable, which is equivalent to being locked up in a small black room for a lifetime.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " the soul in the skeleton may have sensed that someone was coming and howled with all its might.

It's a pity that its soul is too weak to vibrate the air like a small bone to make a sound. Ordinary people can't hear it at all. Those Shenmao cavemen probably only hear this kind of soul fluctuation when they are asleep and dreaming.

After howling a few times, I found that the person who came didn't respond, the soul in the bones was disappointed, and sighed: "I can't hear it again... ouch..."

Xiaogu stepped on the ground hard, and the ground rumbled. The bones in the ground seemed to be held by invisible big hands, squeezed out, and quickly pieced together into a skeleton.

The soul in the skeleton was taken aback by this sudden change, because it found that its body would be completely out of control, and it did not regain control until it was put together, which made it scream for the first time: Aw—— !

Elora sat down on the ground, and kicked her legs to back up: "Live...alive, not a dragon."

She didn't find that Xiaogu used the King's Arrival, maybe she didn't know what the King's Arrival was at all, and only thought that the skeleton crawled up by itself, and this bone with a big head, short hands, long legs, big feet, a long tail, and no wings, Not a dragon at all.

This skeleton was about three meters high. It stood on two feet and had no wings. It was not like a giant dragon, but more like a big bird walking on two legs.

Just when the big biped bird subconsciously wanted to intimidate the two biped beasts in front of him, Xiao Gu let go of the king's arrival, and the big bird's head immediately fell off, and rolled towards Elora with a bony bone.

Elora jumped up, screaming and kicking the big head, and kicking it back.

The soul of the bipedal bird is too weak and can only control the skull, so after the small bone is released from the king, it cannot support the whole skeleton and falls apart.

Now after being kicked back, he was unable to assemble his body, so he could only open and close his upper and lower jaws, wailing at the soul level, and in the eyes of Elora, who couldn't hear the soul fluctuations, he seemed to be complaining silently.

After calming down, Elora checked the whole set of bones, dug the original pit again, and said disappointedly: "So it's not a dragon bone, I thought it was a dragon bone with such a big tooth, I'm sorry to call Master Shi, I don't want the skeleton, I will pay three times the commission as compensation, I hope you can forgive my mistake."

The employer needs to be responsible for the loss caused by the employer's intelligence error. Especially in some very dangerous missions, the intelligence error may bring the risk of team destruction. If the employer does not bear the loss, it is possible to be killed by mercenaries.

Therefore, some large mercenary teams will have their own intelligence collection system, so as not to fall on the unreliable intelligence of the employer, or to prevent the enemy from pretending to be the employer and frame them with false information.

Xiaogu didn't understand anyway, so he nodded when he heard that there was a commission.

Elora breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly made up for it, and then waited a while, seeing that Xiaogu didn't intend to leave, she went back first by herself.

The small bone clasped the nostrils of the big bipedal bird, trying to drag it back, but as soon as it was dragged out of the cave, it thought of something, and dragged its big head back to the cave. Anyway, it can stay anywhere by itself. This cave has a good environment. accounted for.

In the second half of the night, the stunned Shenmao cavemen woke up one after another. After returning to the cave, they found that the skeletons that stunned them had taken up their cave.

These god-haired cavemen shivered and huddled together, chattering and discussing for a while, and one of the older cavemen walked over tremblingly and gnawed a few times vigorously.

Xiaogu looked at it blankly.

The elder caveman saw that Xiaogu didn't respond, so he jumped back happily, and the rest of the caveman hurriedly rushed up, singing and dancing around Xiaogu, praying devoutly, and kept shouting: "God hair! God hair !"

At the climax of this ceremony, a group of red flames burst into flames in front of Xiaogu, and a message that slowed down countless times came from inside: I found—found——

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